The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Despite the powering up the curse Cross has on Doom is still effecting Doom.

Cross is completely unaffected by doom and says "The big question is did you survive doom."
Gervene narrowed her eyes, for now still protected by her Goddess of Destruction aura, while both Brachi and Bara had put their guards up and were preparing to counter attack.

"In the words of a dictator from another realm, you are nothing!" She said, clearly having had enough as she was charging up an attack using one finger of her own. 

Brachi noticed Gervene charging her attack, having seen it once before, making her blink at this as this was Gervene's Obliteration technique, an attack reminiscent of a particle beam weapon which Gervene normally uses to destroy dead or dying planets.

"Funny, it's one of the few times I wish Lord Zen-Oh was here..." Gervene said.

"What makes you say that, Lady Gervene?" Brachi asked, wondering why now of all times Gervene was indulging in some casual danger dialogue.

"Because no matter how strong this Doom guy is, Lord Zen-Oh could erase him in an instant whenever he wanted. Even his so-called immortality would not save him." The Goddess of Destruction replied, making Brachi blink at this sudden information. 

"Are you serious?!" She asked.

"Lord Zen-Oh has the power to erase anything whenever he pleases. From a single individual to the entire multiverse if provoked enough. Not even I am safe as he could do away with me just as easy as he can do away with you, or anyone else here if he so wishes. Even beings who are immortal can so easily be gone within seconds if he wants to. This is why practically every God of Destruction fears him and tries to stay on his good side as best as we can, this includes yours truly." Gervene stated, ready to fire her attack, when she noticed the bulging veins on Doom's body were pulsing, as if they were about to burst from the stress put on to them, coupled with the damage which Doom has sustained over the course of the whole battle.

The first Remnant moved over to where the second one was standing, putting his hand on the second's shoulder.

"I think, it's time I served my purpose." He stated, his voice cracking a little. The second Remnant looked to him.

"What, now? We still need you!"

"I came back in time, I was made, to sacrifice my life to save the rest of reality. Even, as we say Goodbye to these Worlds, that is my purpose. It's been an honor to fight with you all. Especially Bern, and Cuki. Me, take care. Grab Stormruler, stop him. I'll handle the blast." He ordered before tilting his head in a way that suggested a smile, pulling out Whitestorm before running away. The second Remnant raced after him, blue lightning chasing white lightning. With a thundering boom and white aura burst, the first Remnant launched himself upwards, before starting to run up the giant Doom's body, heading towards the giant orb hanging above the Breakers.

The second Remnant meanwhile just ran up Doom, moving much slower, and with a leap upwards grabbed onto Stormruler in the impale doctor's stomach. Holding onto the blade, the second Remnant steadied himself, and once again focused, this time trying with greater clarity of mind. Rather than try to remove the energy that was responsible for Doom's immortality, he instead coursed lightning through the Doctor's stomach, but this lightning wasn't just lightning born from Raune's semblance. This was a combination of Raune's innate ability to generate lightning, the Speedforce's energy, and Stormruler's supply of energy within the blade, all mingled together and coursing into the Doctor's body, trying to excite the energy from the Voice within him and hopefully cause the unstable nature of that power to lose stability, and maybe explode.

Meanwhile, the first Remnant stood above Doom's hand, watching the energy course into the massive attack intended to wipe out the Breakers once and for all. He raised Whitestorm into the air and stabbed the sword into Doom's hand, trying to disrupt the attack by attacking Doom himself, even if the result could be disastrous for himself.
Byakko-Cuki stared at the large ball of energy and her face showed nothing but pure rage. She had no idea of the devastation or disaster it could fold for the Breakers, so she readied herself on all fours. After a short pause, the Ki-Tiger ran directly towards the ball of energy. Cuki jumped high into the air and landed on the surface of the ball, her claws gripping it as hard as she could. She pulled her head back and it was apparent that the ki covering her mouth was ripping itself apart, exposing canine-like fangs while Cuki, as well as the Ki-Tiger, bit down on the ball of energy at the same time. Both Cuki and the Ki-Tiger attempted to rip the ball apart using physical force and absorb the energy. As Byakko-Cuki attempted to rip the ball to shreds, she started to attempt to absorb the energy that came from it in order to give the others a window of opportunity. However, something was wrong.

As Byakko-Cuki absorbed the energy, the ball was completely unaffected and none of the energy was negated thanks to Doom absorbing Voice's power. All across Cuki's body, red cracks started to form, almost as if all the energy she had was about to burst from her body. The Ki-Tiger began to swell up until pieces of it disappeared into particles, leaving only Cuki hanging on to the sphere of energy from her mouth. Unable to control herself, Cuki continued to rip and shred at the energy with her teeth and claws, each time getting slower and slower until finally falling from the massive ball of energy. Her entire body was covered in cracks and it gave the impression that if she hit the ground, she would shatter. 

Luckily, she did not shatter upon slamming against the floor. Cuki's body did not move for a few seconds until the wave of pain finally began to settle in. The cracks started to emit light, almost as if something was trying to escape her tiny body. Her body was fidgeting and convulsing, appearing as if the girl was having a seizure. She would be fine, however, the side effects of her move left her drastically weakened.

"What's going on..? Everything is cold..." Cuki said internally.

"You absorbed energy beyond your capabilities. Naughty Naughty, Cuki..." Byakko said. "Trying to absorb foreign energy is never any good. Now, even I'm not sure what will happen to you."

"W-What?! Don't you have control over my body or something?!"

"Yes, but I think it'll be more fun to see what will happen to you. I'll be fine in the end. As for you..." Byakko tapped his chin before shrugging his shoulders, followed by a chuckle. "You might just disappear. Poof! Gone like the wind and just as easily forgotten."

"No..! The others would never forget about me..! T-They are all working hard... in order to stop Doom!"

"This whole time they've been fighting Doom in order to save their universe. A selfish goal. After Doom is defeated, they will leave you to go to their worlds, never to return. Their memories of you will vanish, replaced by better ones. What makes you think they are fighting with you in the same manner you fight for them?"

"But... Spina..! He said... he lost his arm for me."

"Have you forgotten the realm you reside in, Cuki? Losing an arm is about as important as a fire is underwater. These little sacrifices are meant to toy you, Cuki. See through your friends and their lies..." Byakko smirked, watching Cuki's expression shift from determination to disbelief. He got Cuki where he wanted her. "I can make it all go away."

"No... even if Spina, Kassava, Brachi, or even Raune are all lying, I know there is one who won't ever lie to me..."

"Oh? Who may that be?" Byakko said as he caressed Cuki's cheek, the demented look in his eye giving Cuki a chill up her spine.

"Master Zenta..."

Byakko growled under his breath before backing away from Cuki.

"My, my, even when your memory has been wiped out, I see some of his wisdom never faded. Hmph, I'm surprised you still remember him at all, not after I--" Byakko cut himself off mid-sentence, his sadistic smirk returning across his lips. "No, I think it will be much more entertaining to see your reaction..."

"Reaction to what..?!"

'Oh, you'll see...~"
The silver hair adorning both of the Saiyan couple's heads whipped around violently from the display of energy in Doom's attack. The initial shock of Spina's survival subsiding, Vegetto quickly turned his head up, having stood silently at the development. Kassava's narrowed eyes had followed Spina closely, the stern stare unfazed despite the confusing plan however, before she stepped forward.

Turning her head towards Cuki, Kassava strode a bit to the side, soon coming to a halt in front of the writhing Saiyan girl to block the pathway to Doom. Kassava tensed her arm muscles, preparing to power up in seeing the Raunes make their move.

"This is it. If we don't stop this attack, it's over."

"Then let's make sure we have enough power to end this."

Kassava's silver eyes turned towards Vegetto, her expression unchanged in seeing the Potara fusion break out into a small smirk. Vegetto slightly turned his head to the side, his tone warm.

"I know you still got a lot left in the tank, but I'm pushing on my limit here. If we just throw two beams at it, I don't think we can hold it back even with the others' help."

Kassava perked her right eyebrow, the first deviation from the stern stare in facing slightly towards Vegetto.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Vegetto kept his smirk, his free gloved hand reaching up to his left ear.

"Something that'll give us the edge we need."

The small Potara earring on his ear unhooked from his lobe with ease, and Vegetto lightly tossed the small earring to Kassava with a quick flick of his wrist. Kassava blinked, catching the earring in her palm as Vegetto turned his head up towards the blast.

"Combined, our powers will be much higher than where we are at now. Put that earring on your left ear, and let's take him down together."

Kassava turned her head back to the blast, forming a small little smirk across her face of her own as she quickly clipped the earring on. As soon as it was set in place, a bright gleam of light radiated strongly from both earrings. Pulses of light flew outwards, the strong glow illuminating the ground entirely underneath the ominous show of force from Doo above. Kassava and Vegetto abruptly shot through the small gap of space between them, colliding with each other head on, chest to chest. A brilliant gleam of energy erupted even further as the two seemingly smushed together like pure blasts of energy fusing into one spherical object, tornadic winds blasting outwards in the spiraling energy whirling up in strands of blue and red glows.

Once the energy and winds had died down, a lone figure stood in place of where Vegetto and Kassava had been mere seconds ago, their head tilting upwards. The silver fire licking at the ground seared the very ground from all it touched, the radiation of heat magnified beyond the level of power even Whis had displayed earlier. The warrior's spiked hair bundle resembled Vegetto's for the most part, but a large set of bangs similar to Kassava's side mullet hung over to the right side of the fusion's eyes. The facial structure held a similar appearance to Vegetto's, yet the sharp eyes and eyebrows bore a clear resemblance to Kassava as the silver pupils locked onto Doom's attack high above.

The fusion kept a cocky smile more vibrant than either of its fusees, chuckling to itself.

"Wow...I didn't think this fusion would work. And with this insane power...I know it won't last for long."

The fusion clenched its fists together.

"So I better end this fast!"

The roar of the blast above continued to swirl, yet the fusion suddenly straightened itself out again and frowned, furrowing its brows and rubbing its chin.

"But still...having a name would definitely make us sound much cooler."

The fusion peered its head up, a look of bewilderment taking over from the staggering cockiness displayed earlier.

"Vegsava? Kassetto? Hmm..."
"Vessava sounds far more fashionable, wouldn't you think?" Lambdadelta quipped, gritting her teeth in irritation at the turn of events. "Well, I guess this really is it. Do or die!"

"Not a lot we can do, can we?" Bernkastel glared at her having grown weary from being worn down so much in such a short amount of time. "Maybe instead of joking around, we think of something."

"Normally I'd agree, but I think we'll have to copy their idea if we want to increase our chances of being the last ones standing. There's no way he'd miss his shot with a blast that big. But-" Lambda smirked. "He's made a pretty big oopsie turning himself into one big target for us."

"I don't know any way we can do what those two just did. Unless..." Bern trailed off as they locked eyes. "You're crazy."

"Not as crazy as the one who just forced a whale to arm wrestle with the risk of crushing us all with it." Lambdadelta sassed, getting into a stance as she began amassing magical energy between her palms as a ball. "I saw this in a cartoon once! Stay with me and start punching the hell out of this."

Bern looked down as both of them were lifting off due to a giant sugar cookie forming from under their feet. She looked at Lambdadelta nervously. "A kid's show!? What exactly are you trying to do?" She exclaimed, complying anyway by throwing her fists at the magic sphere-- they were nowhere near refined or graceful as they should have been, but just her motions of jabbing her clawed fingers at it was enough to directly power it with her own energy rather than that of the objects she'd summon.

Lambdadelta's grin got bigger watching the energy harden into a comet-shaped ball radiating volatile colors. "Raune's busy with Doom's hand, so let's help out and see if we can interrupt the flow of energy coming out of it. I don't think we have enough raw power like the lovebirds do... not after everything anyway. We'll just have to do our job and increase their chances of hitting him dead center significantly."

Bernkastel had finished, now holding the sphere with Lambda to help her contain it. "... I guess so. I'd rather give it one more go with my dearest friend anyway. We can at least go out with the adrenaline rush instead of boredom's poison." Both of them standing on the cookie like a surfboard, they fired off from below and began their comet-like ascent for the other arm to help Raune and the others. Holding the energy ball together, both of them shouted in unison before launching it at Doom's arm in the form of a laser beam. Riding the star-shaped cookie, they blasted the volatile energy at his arm while circling their way up it round and round.

"Surrender to our will!" They shouted.

"What an interesting concept. Never thought I'd see this in the Reality Vortex." Waldo remarked, stepping behind the new fusion with his Stand Odlaw visibly hovering over him. "I will remain here and support you. There isn't anything for me to accomplish all the way up there-- my instinct dictates I ought to stay until the time comes for us to use the orb. Whatever your next move is, make it pack a whallop!"
Having seen what Vegetto and Kassava have done, Brachi then got an idea herself.

"Bara, I want you to fuse with me. If we too combine our powers, perhaps we can also help to push ourselves further beyond." Brachi then said to her Majin bestie.

Bara on her turn blinked at that.

"Are you sure?" Bara asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. We have not much time left before that Doom guy launches his attack." Brachi said.

"Alright, but I'll let you be in control." Bara said, before she liquefied herself and engulfed Brachi in mere seconds.

Directly after this happened, clouds of pink and blue began to envelop the sudden pink blob, which made Gervene blink as she had not seen such an action from Bara before. The clouds began to increase in density, making it impossible to see through like the clouds of steam Buu emanated from the holes out of his body to impair the vision of Vegetto during their battle on Earth many years ago, but this lasted for only a few seconds as from within the clouds, a faint shadow of a figure was seen. When the clouds began to dissipate, there was only one figure in the place of where Brachi and Bara were. This figure had Brachi's Super Saiyan Blue Evolved hairstyle, still glowing in their royal blue coloring, but her skin had taken on a pink coloring from Bara's skin, coupled with the Majin's pants and boots, while Brachi's top was on her chest and arms. But the most surprising thing was on her eyes. While the eye style was evidently similar to Brachi, only the right eye had white sclera and a Royal Blue iris from the Super Saiyan Blue Evolved form, while the left eye also had the royal blue iris, but instead, its sclera was black, similar to Majin Bara!

"Majin Barachi... a fitting name for this fusion..." The new fusion spoke, grinning as she then locked onto Doom and his attack, proceeding to charge an attack off her own, being similar to the Final Flash... but the left sphere of energy she was charging for it began to take a coloring reminiscent of the Super Vanishing Ball, being a volatile magenta and black, a stark contrast to the yellow and white energy from her right hand, as if she was intending not to mess around and try her best to counter Doom's assault.
GMod’s Note: So, there seems to be some confusion here. Doom’s large hands were destroyed; he just using his regular hands (one hand is pouring energy into the attack). If that’s not the intention, then ignored this little post; if not, you might want to correct it. 

Doom broke into a wide grin as he started to scream at them, after Cuki attempted to absorb the blast and failing at the result. “Your last-ditch effort of using fusion won’t help you now! Not even your pathetic God will do anything as he submit to the will of Doom!” He acknowledged the fusion between Vegetto and Kassava and called out Gervene’s taunt regarding her superior.

Pouring everything into the Supreme Doom, the mad doctor no longer became concerned of the curse that invaded his body. Once he throws the attack—everything will be completely obliterated into absolute nothingness; existence itself will end across, except for Doom and his newly created world.

“Crumble as your legacy become nothing but a passing memory!” Doom narrowed his eyes, feeling a blade driving down his right hand. Looking up, Doom stared at the first remnant of Raune attempting to stop his attack. “You fool….!” Using his free hand, he pointed at the first Remnant and blast him away into nothing using White beam. As the smoke smear from his fingertips, he move it towards the true Raune after feeling a slight jolt in his body from the impaled blade. His eyes glow red as he gritted his teeth to keep his composure and keeping his damaged hand in place.

“You’re going to crash and burn just like that girl! Begon—” Doom was hit by a combination of Bernkastel and Lambdadelta’s attacks, preventing the white beam from firing again. His eyes widened as the surge of energy rapidly went throughout his body. The opened wound from the first Remnant caused a strange occurrence—instead of Doom pouring out energy towards his attack, it did the opposite—it absorbed it within his body. All attacks fired towards him, due to true Raune’s influence, were slowly being forced into Doom’s body.

“Whatever you did, you failed, miserable fool!” Doom raised his damaged hand and launched it with all his might. “Your efforts have failed!”
But nothing happened.

The supreme doom was absorbed into his body as well. Instantly, Doom blew up like a balloon due to that consequence. Becoming massively huge, pushing Raune a few feet away, Doom could not understand what just happened. Veins bulging out, every movement he attempts to make felt like it would lead to a total meltdown. Doom attempted to speak, but energy fired out randomly out of his control. “!!!??” Doom covered his mouth, having no control of his energy. 

Spina smiled as he went over to Cuki. “Just like Voice-Bara… this is even more great than I anticipated in that plan. This is your chance to strike; give him everything you got. I'll tend to Zenta and Cuki.”
Without needing to be told that twice, both Majin Barachi and Gervene launched their attacks towards Doom.

"Your dream is dead, Doom! It is YOU who will be nothing more than history... and we reject your presence!" Barachi snarled as she launched her attack, being a massive yellow energy wave with a swirl of magenta and black energy surrounding it as if to shield it from being interrupted.

"Now you will understand why I am a Goddess of Destruction, and you are nothing more than a pretender, Doom." Gervene on her turn said, firing her Obliteration attack from her upper right arm, while charging and firing an energy wave with her lower arms, her upper left arm charging a Hakai sphere for good measure, showing that she was very much adept at using her four arms for combat efficiently.

Barachi and Gervene's attacks both struck Doom head on, while leaving room for the others to join in and end this once and for all.
The fusion let out a confident, boisterous half chuckle at Lambdadelta's choice in name.

"Ha! I like it...Vessava it is!"

Vessava's silver eyes immediately narrowed, the silver flames swirling around the fusion's body more aggressively at the sight of Doom above. The fusion's smirk widened, tensing every muscle in the body, the dual voice addressing Waldo's comment.

"Oh don't worry about that, I've been saving this one. Kass couldn't do this next technique alone...but with our combined power and Whis' guidance...we can finally do this."

Vessava slowly raised their right arm, the pointer and middle fingers extended. Tapping their forehead, Vessava turned their steel eyed gaze up to Doom, barring their white teeth in the smirk.

"Thank you Whis...for everything. This one's for you!!"

Vessava's firey aura swirled upward, a tornadic fury of fire and wind bolting up into the sky as the fusion's body completely atomized. The only semblance of motion was the silver fire itself barreling forward at blinding speeds, the billions upon billions of supercharged atoms now hurtling towards Doom while flying around the other incoming attacks fired by Barachi and Gervene. Each atom struck into Doom with extensive power and speed, blasting him with a force more than ten times stronger than Whis' original variation.
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