The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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"An orb, huh?... but didn't we see Doom destroy one right before us? It wasn't that particular orb was it?" Bernkastel asked, her brows furrowed from trying to recall.

"No, there was another one. Waldo said before he and the Detective found it in that strange room we all walked into after defeating Doom's goons." Lambda turned towards Waldo. "Right?"

"Yes, but I guess it serves a purpose far different than what I might have guessed at. Then again, holding it gave me the heebie-jeebies."

Waldo rummaged around in his hiking bag before pulling out the strange spherical device they recovered earlier. "I really hope it's this one. Is this your orb, blob creature?" He gingerly held it in his palm but didn't want to hold it for too long because of the odd sensation he felt the first time. "I still haven't a clue as to why there are more than one."
“The were two… the first one was the tools. It was used to locked away from achieving full powers, and Doom reverse-engineered it to absorb the energy onto his body as you saw. The tools is probably somewhere around here… perhaps on this very rock.” The voice let out a mouthful saying all of that. “That orb… will absorbed all the energy around us within it. Bring it to me… it’ll restore my powers.”

“And that’ll get us out of here? And you will gain your full power?” Spina asked.

“Not my full strength… the tools, I still need, but it’ll restore my powers to what you see me as… but yeah… I can fix this mess essentially…” The voice was barely able to keep his eyes opened.

“Hm, give the orb to him then.” Spina turned to Waldo. “He’s on the verge of death I guess, so we can at least get out of here.”
As the group spoke of orbs and other things she was unaware of, Byakko-Cuki mindlessly traveled within the new Space they were in. Every once in a while, she would sniff a few of her friends, almost as if she's trying to remember who they are. Despite Doom being gone, her wounds were not healing and her form not reverting, most likely the consequences of being in this new realm. Finally, Cuki stumbled upon the shield protecting her master.

She gently pawed at it, took an occasional sniff before pressing her forehead against it. Byakko-Cuki dug her canine teeth into the shield but Lambdadelta's barrier was too strong for her to bite through, especially in her state. Cuki appeared to get more agitated with the unknown state of her master. Low growls came from her throat as she started to claw at the barrier until a soft voice came muffled from the other side. Her ears twitched and Cuki shivered in the stress she was in, silently gazing at her Master who shifted slightly under the shield. 

Zenta, in no condition to fight, stirred up from Cuki's stress. He lifted his face, not healed in the slightest, to gaze at Cuki. He smiled at his student and muffled some words from behind the barrier. Byakko-Cuki's body instantly froze upon seeing her Master's missing face. There was an eerie silence that came from Cuki, almost as if the noise around her was muted on purpose. All Cuki saw was Zenta shaking his head, not understanding what he is trying to tell her.
Vegetto narrowed his eyes a bit at Cuki's sniffing, watching her silently for a brief moment before turning his attention to the discussion about the orbs. He glanced around for a moment, his dual voice ringing out a bit louder than usual.

"If the tools still exist, then maybe we can rebuild our universes and go home."
Barachi perked up as she heard this from Vegetto, interested in the prospect of returning home and seeing her friends again, which was her whole goal to begin with. For now she still needed to rest up a bit to recover some stamina for now.

Gervene on the other hand was a bit confused. She too desired to return home to see Vocat again, but she also felt that Jize was at least still around too, so seeing her fine and dandy also held a high priority. She hoped that they could resolve things here soon, but what was confusing to her was that she was still around even after Doom had destroyed the universes, something nobody else seemed to have addressed so far. She has kept that to herself so far to not let Doom get wise to this, but it would be something that would stand out regardless.
Cross keeps helping the group find the "tools" the voice was going on about. Cross thinks "I doubt any us are any risk of dying but I rather not spend the next eternity in-between realities."
"May as well fork it over. It would be troublesome if we don't restore balance to regain our bearings properly," Bernkastel said, narrowing her eyes as she crossed her arms and stared out at their surroundings.

Lambda didn't move watching Cuki sniff about before trailing off to paw at the bubble keeping Zenta inside. She watched her and felt pity but said nothing. She had no words of comfort to offer and it wasn't like Cuki was able to listen in her current state of mind.

"If we do find the tool-orb..." Bernkastel pondered, "Are you sure we can trust the Voice with it?"

"Is now a good time to ponder that?" Lambda asked. "Besides, we saved his blobby butt from being Doom's power plant! He's basically indebted to us. Besides, he got himself in that position because he was probably trying to sneak some intel back to us before the worst could have happened."

"I suppose that's a valid point." Bern shrugged lazily. "I'm used to questioning everything. I don't believe everything I see at face-value. That just isn't how I operate. But more importantly, is it possible for us to restore the universes that were destroyed? We can't exactly undo the erasure of the others or the original Reality Vortex, can we?"

"I'm still wondering about what the point of that even was. Wordplay confirmed we wouldn't be erased if our universes would be erased back when I asked. Course, he intended to keep us as little trophies, but still." Lambda pondered. "We're still here despite Doom destroying our home worlds. It's very puzzling."

Waldo placed the orb down within Voice's reach despite the discussion going on. "Whatever happens, I'd rather be at full power than no power at all."
The possibility of the tools rebuilding their universes caused Spina to raise his brows. The realization of restoring his destroyed universes and, with waiting for thousands of years, returning to his universe left him with a half-smile. “Finding those tools…” Spina turned to the voice. “Can you find them once your power is restored? The witches are right... the universes vanished but we stood and had to get killed one by one.”

“Yeah… I think. Once everything is back to normal, the tools should be easy to find… though that new world… the tools, I need that.” Voice coughed as pink substances landed on the ground, saving enough strength to answer for the second half of Witches' question.

Spina’s eyes widened that he’s one more step closer to going home. He turns to the others one by one, but then he saw Cuki standing before Zenta. Of course, Zenta seems damaged, but once the Voice reabsorbed the energy that preventing them from healing. Yet, the way Cuki is acting, she seemingly not herself. Spina also heard some statement prior to the battle that Cuki didn’t want them to win nor stop Doom—if it means she would lose her friends in the process. Despite this cruel journey, at least, in his mind, he come to like everyone—including Demi-Fiend to a certain extent. The thrill of battle, the excitement adventures, and the different personalities colliding, despite the time, he considered them as friends.

The voice finally had enough strength to mustered another answer. "I don't know who this Wordplay is... but it might be possible that he was fooling you... erasure of universes won't mean a thing, unless someone is connected to someone, like a life-bond. Chances are, Doom, while he did destroyed universes, all the souls were transported to this new world..." The voice coughed. "Essentially, an universe filled to the brim from everyone across the cosmos and other realities. I can only just imagine the kind of chaos Doom had brought in." Voice looks up. "Perhaps I was wrong... we're still in Reality Vortex... but we're outside of its world... I can see the barrier from looking up." A reference to quintillions of lights that stream across the empty space towards the new world earlier after Lambdadelta asked about the erasure process. “But… I do have a way to reverse this. Something only I can do….”

The old Saiyan turned to the others wit sympathized looks in his eyes. Everyone gets to return home, but Cuki doesn’t have a luxury of happiness—she has no memories of that home, other than here. As Waldo approached the Voice with the orb, Spina step aside and headed towards Cuki to ensure that she’s calm and relax.

“Hey, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but calm down. He isn’t dead… and he just hurt. As soon as Voice returned to his self, we can heal him back in no time.” Spina thought that perhaps the realization of them returning home and reversing the damage Doom have done is putting a hold on Cuki’s mind. “We might return to our homes, but I’m sure we can still get a hold of each other… I think their Angels can travel to multiverses… perhaps we can do something like that? You may have no memories of your world, but you always have memories of this place. I mean, we can’t stay in this new world… since it wouldn’t be right… Hmm…” Spina was trying to find words, so it made sense for the young Saiyan.

“This battle… along with the other battles… taught me something. The fact that I lose an arm just to save you and others… I think that shows that you lots grown on me.” Spina stared at his missing arm. “Friendship… as you said… Friends.” He turned to the others. “Right guys?” Spina patted Cuki on the back to give her some assurance.

Voice narrowed his eyes when the orb was near his hand. He felt the energy going into his body. Then he felt a strangeness around it. The voice’s eyes widened. “…Wait…Oh! Every-“

A straight line of white energy, although, slightly faded, struck through Waldo in the head. The orb went flying in the air and landed on the ground away from them. Erasing him on the spot. Another one went straight through Lambdadelta from behind, coming out of her chest as she breaks down into particles towards nothingness. All before Voice can finished his sentence.

The moment Spina heard the voice uttered “Every-“, he narrowed his eyes as he turned around towards Voice and the group. A beam of white energy crashed down onto Zenta, completely turning Cuki’s mentor into specks of nothingness right before Cuki’s eyes.

There were no signs, nor any physical appearance of the white light coming at any direction. No indication of sensing where it is coming from, another beam of light appeared, instantly smashing through the side of Kassava’s head; disappearing from the headfirst, then to the bottom in front of Vegetto as particles of white smear across his face.

Finally, two more lights zapped instantly towards Gervene and Barachi. No warning or defense, it clean through Gervene in half instantly, as the other beam slammed onto Barachi’s chest. Due to the nature of the fusion, it forced out Brachi out of the fusion, but left Bara herself in a state of erasure instead.

All within less than a fraction of a second after Voice attempted to warn the others.

Spina turned around, seeing bodies fading into particles. He looked around to see where it was coming from, but no energy, no voices, no taunts, anything. He put up his guard to make sure he isn’t next on the chomping block, but his feelings were boiling up. After saying all of that, especially his attempt to encourage Cuki to look at the bright side, he stared at her seeing that her master was in the process of erasure—and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it.

(Merry Christmas everyone! :kat: )
Brachi yelped as she was forced out of the fusion, and Gervene's eyes had widened with horror at the sudden unexpected move, but Brachi's eyes went wide with horror as she watched Bara being erased, too shocked to let even an outcry... The shock was just too much for her on that, even watching as Gervene vanished.
Cross asks evading any beam aimed at him "What is going on Voice."
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