The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Kassava smiled a bit at Spina's question, her head turning a bit towards Vegetto.

"Yeah, I think so. Right, hun?"

Vegetto's expression softened, a small smirk beginning to form in meeting Kassava's eyes. However, in the brief moment of vulnerability, the expression rapidly morphed into panic at the sight of Kassava's head exploding outward. His eyes widened as the white particles splattered across his face. Kassava's one remaining eye glanced around as if trying to see the damage, but to no avail. Her mouth hung open, attempting to breathe, but the only result was her pupil trembling a bit in staring into Vegetto's eyes before slow dissipating away. Her body fell forward once her head was gone, crashing onto the floor with a heavy thud.

Vegetto quickly knelt down, rushing up and his gloved hands reaching out in blind confusion and desperation to help.

"Kass!! Kass!!"

The body faded away in his arms and Vegetto's eyes remained widened in horror while he sat on his knees in a shocked stupor.
Raune watched in horror as the friends he made around himself were quickly dying and fading, and there was nothing in the world to be done. So the fastest man in the world, just kept on his knees on the ground, waiting.
Waldo's hat fell to the ground as the beam struck him through the skull, right as he opened his mouth in agreement with everyone else's sentiments. His hand was still outstretched like he hadn't dropped the orb. His face, still frozen in his usual smile, began to break apart into particles. Collapsing onto his knees, his entire body disintegrated.

"What... killed me?..." were his last words.

Bernkastel saw Lambdadelta stumble forward and caught her with her arms, unsure as to why because Lambda was in her peripheral vision. Slowly, her emotionless expression changed to total shock. Her eyes widened in panic as a strangled noise escaped her mouth.

"Ha... haha... Bern..." Lambdadelta strained to speak as Bern caught sight of the gaping hole in her chest where a different beam had gotten her.

"I don't feel so good." Her eyes stared dead ahead until turning her head towards Bernkastel, eyes watering as she gave one smile before her body disintegrated just like the others.

She left Bern with empty arms, who continued to make strangled noises like she was choking back the urge to scream because she knew she wouldn't stop if she did. Bernkastel's face was contorted, twisted up between horror and despair. She was rendered speechless before snapping her head up and looking around for the source of the sudden attack with an inhuman look of murderous rage.
Cuki heard the words of encouragement from Spina and her ears started to lower until they flatten on top of her head. She was finally calming down and no longer as fidgety despite seeing her Master in his current state. 

"Ah, thank you, Mr. Spina. Cuki appears to be much calmer than--"

His head turned up to face the beam but showed no struggle, or even an attempt, to avoid it. His body disappeared into white particles that swayed past Cuki. The last thing captured in Cuki's mind was the smile her master always had on his face, even as he disappeared. There was no reaction from Cuki, no words, not even a twitch upon seeing her master get erased. Her body was completely stone-like. The only thing that moved on her body were the cracks. The cracks splintered and crawled all over Cuki's frozen body, progressively getting worse until the light shining through each crack was on the verge of bursting through.

Cuki watched the large scroll from the inside of Byakko's chambers, watching as one by one, her friends disappear into thin air. Similar to how she acted on the outside, Cuki barely moved upon watching her friends get erased. Her eyes were wide with disbelief as she barely felt Byakko's arm wrap around her shoulders. Cuki fell on to her knees with her arms holding her up. They quivered with the amount of shock Cuki was witnessing. Byakko eyed Cuki before turning his attention to the image projected on the scroll.

"Oh, it looks like even that old mutt Zenta hit the dust. Such a tragedy, honestly," Byakko said sarcastically. 

Cuki's body jumped slightly before immediately going still. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she witnessed her master being erased. In a sudden rush, Cuki gripped her hair and started to pull on it, her cries starting off soft then getting louder and louder until her voice cracked and she was out of breath. Byakko watched Cuki silently, carefully watching her meltdown. A smirk rose across his lips as he slowly circled Cuki and stopped behind her, not saying a word. Cuki turned her head to look directly at Byakko and her eyes were full with nothing but rage and she went on the attack. All her palms missed Byakko, only hitting his after images.

"Why?! You're supposed to be a God! You're supposed to help me! If I never listened to you, Master would still be alive!" Cuki said attacking Byakko blindly from behind her tears. "I hate you! I hate you so much! You coward! You brute! You pig! You--"

"I think that's enough Cuki," Byakko stopped Cuki's palm by using only his index finger. "You're not the only one stressed out. I want to play too, you know."


Byakko slowly lifted his finger from Cuki's palm to her forehead. A powerful shockwave pulsed from behind Cuki's head and her body immediately fell to the floor, unconscious. The shockwave blew out all the lights from the room, leaving the scroll as the only figure to emit light. The God lifted his vessel tenderly in his arms and gently placed her to rest on top of his throne, removing his kimono and placing it over her body. All the black markings on his body were glowing, indicating his excitement. His eyes shined brightly against the darkness within the room.

"Baiyu, keep an eye on our little Cuki," Byakko said to his tiger as he gently strolled to the doors to his chamber. "I believe I should get to know the cast, what little remains, don't you think? My, my... what an interesting little toy I managed to snag myself."

Byakko chuckled to himself as he took one last glance at Cuki before opening the chamber doors and disappearing into a white mist.

Spina attempted to find the words to say, but after seeing bodies falling and disappearing on the spot—no words came out. Completely speechless towards a devastating blow, He attempted to reach over to Cuki, but felt a strange presence around her… no... around everyone. He stop his outreach for her as his mind was overwhelm with information.

Sadness, rage, malicious killing intense flooded the area—these are the raw emotions the old Saiyan can sense from them. Spina didn’t understand what went wrong. Doom was defeated. They mostly prevented the destruction of the universe combining into one. They even saved the Voice and released him from the prison Doom trapped in him. Tears formed around his eyes as he collapsed on his knees. For the first time, he felt the utter state of useless—not the feeling not overcoming his opponent, but the feeling not being able to save his friends that he acknowledge. He poured his heart and even seen that Cuki was beginning to cheer up, only for that to disappear instantly after Zenta straight up vanished before her eyes. Is this the consequences of opening his heart and accepting friends? They were so close, so close towards finally fixing everything in their cruel journey, and it became soured when their celebration just began. 

The voice only got an exceedingly small fraction of his power back, so he’s slightly less gray and more in a pink hue. “I… I don’t know…” For the first time, Voice had no answer. “We need that orb back, otherwise we are—” He sees the orb being flung away as Waldo was slowly erased on the spot; with no direction, the orb landed somewhere far away from the group. ".....sitting ducks."

Spina raised his fists in the air and slammed it against the ground multiple times, making bigger craters beneath him each time. “No, this is got to be a joke…!” He stares at Cuki and attempted to grab to her once again. “Cuki, listen to me. This is just a delay! A step-back! We just need to get the tools and that orb and return things to normal! Right guys!? He turned away from Cuki for a second but felt the storm of emotions everywhere. “… Guys?" Spina eyes narrowed, on the verge of a mental breakdown and the blistering rage boiling inside him. 

"....Sextuplet kill"  a unknown voice said, which echoed feebly around them, with no indication of where it came from.
Vegetto's pupils trembled within his wide eyes, still bent over and staring down at the empty floor. He shook violently, the tears streaming down the sides of his eyes.

"No!! Kass!!"

He could only muster the intelligence to repeat his denial, sobbing to himself in the pain of loss. Yet as the flurry of emotions in anger and sadness began to overwhelm Vegetto's mind, a familar voice rung out strongly within his mind.


Vegetto trembled fiercely, his head leaning down even more forward than before, breaking out into hyperventilation in response. He tightly shut his eyes, the familiar angelic voice ringing out with more urgency this time within his head.

"Don't try to diminish the emotion. Use it...master it. Let it flow: let it empower you."

Vegetto's eyebrows twitched violently, his eyes still shut as he exhaled deeply through his nose. A blast of wind scorched the ground in front of him, cracks forming that radiated a bright orange and red from the sheer intensity of the heat behind it.

"Don't just let it explode: channel it. Let it be your power, harness it."

The silver fire slowly ignited around Vegetto's body, soon engulfing him in a devastating heat that radiated in the void the Breakers found themselves in. His eyes opened slowly, a bright, silver gleam filling his pupils once more with the energy spilling outwards. He pulled his left leg from underneath him, his boot cracking the floor in steadying himself, preparing to rise to his feet as the voice continued in his mind.

"Let that anger ignite the flame, to burn down your shell. Once the flame burns, let that fuel. Give yourself...give it all to the flame."

The silver metal shine engulfed Vegetto's eyebrows and hair next, a strong energy radiating around his body once more. The stern stare of Ultra Instinct returned, yet despite the intensity, Vegetto's expression clearly had morphed from the effects of the sheer hatred that began to mount.

"Find your target...and make them pay."
Cuki let out an ear-piercing scream at the sight of her master disappearing. It grew louder and louder until there was a sickening crack that came from her body, specifically her neck. Despite Spina trying to talk her out of it, Cuki's body limped in his arms, lifeless with eyes wide and mouth caught in the middle of yelling. The light coming from her body shined violently before creating more cracks across the girl's body as visible white mist escaped the shell of Cuki's body. Finally, Cuki's body exploded under the immense pressure the boiling energy inside of her was going through.

The explosion unleashed a thick white mist across the entire area while the stronger energy concentrated where Cuki once stood. It formed a being made purely out of raw energy, appearing like a wisp or phantom by how transparent it was. It was primarily white but harbored a mix of many other colors such as light blue and black. The mist-like energy was shaped like a man with long flowing hair and ears identical to Cuki. Its lower half was a mystery, mostly because it appeared as if the being was covered by a kimono-like design. The energy was slightly taller than Cuki and constantly surrounded by mist and steam. It was no doubt Byakko by design, but those around would not know or be unaware thanks to the situation at hand. Cuki's body was nowhere to be found.

The mist-being moved with slow elegance, fluffing its hair and gazing around at the wild emotions of the others with its icy blue cat-like eyes, these being the only features that almost appear to be solid.

"Now then, I do not like waiting," The white mist said, an expression finally appearing on its face. "So please do your best to make this noteworthy."
"N... no.... Lady Gervene....... Bara......" Brachi stammered, tears flowing from her eyes as she watched the two vanish into nothingness, while she regained her footing, the shock being quite massive to her system. 

Then her eye twitched... and twitched again, but then she heard that line 'sextuple kill'..., at which her expression turned from shock to anger... no... fury.... no... worse than fury.... it turned to rage.... pure, undiluted rage!

Grabbing her head, as if in a last ditch attempt to control herself, Brachi grunted at first, her voice at first being hoarse as the initial termination of the fusion had forced her back to her base form, but a blue outline began to get visible around her body while tears flowed from her eyes. 

"H.... how dare you...." 

Memories of her and Bara spending time together, being with her other friends from her universe, sparring with Gervene and Vocat and much more flowed through her mind, playing back all the way up until this very moment of their apparent demise in this situation. She gritted her teeth at being helpless to let this happen, just when she thought they had finally gotten the upper hand on their enemy... and now this 'set-back' as Spina called it... this was more she was going to take... she was going to end it right here, right now!


With a mighty roar, Brachi exploded with raw power as the royal blue energy returned around her, blazing forth in a torrent of blue fire which shot up into the sky around them and creating a shockwave which would throw anyone else whom was nearby right off of their feet. This torrent of energy lasted for several seconds before it dissipated, at least condensing until it only remained visible around Brachi's form. If anyone would be able to look now at Brachi's direction, they would see that she had powered up from her base form directly into Super Saiyan Blue Evolved, but the stark difference was that her irises and pupils were gone and veins in her forehead were now clearly visible and she had also gained a slight bit more muscle than she appeared to have previously... and with the way she looked now, she looked more than ready to find the one who did this, and tear him apart, limb by limb, making them suffer deeply for what they have done!
Raune slowly pulled himself up off the ground, tail kept low to the ground and ears flattened, eyes dead on the inside and body in discord. As he stood up, he drew both Stormruler and Whitestorm, wielding the weapons with both hands for once. He looked around, knowing whatever took out the rest of his team wouldn't probably care about super speed reactions.

"All my life, I've watched the people around me die. And I've been unable to stop it. Frankly, I'm sick of running forward. It's time I stopped moving on from my failures! I'm either stopping this senseless slaughter, and saving this new universe by sacrifice myself, or I'm dying trying!" He announced. No aura left, but the Speed Force was still coursing through his body, the power of his weapons still filled into his soul.
Bernkastel covered her face with her hands, shoulders hunched over as her thoughts raced endlessly. She was far too entrenched trying comprehend what kind of emotions had been bubbling up inside her, feelings she hadn't been suffocated by in hundreds of years. It was clouding her thinking far too much. It made her think of Lambdadelta and how she took delight in bringing out her wrath. 

Yes... she would have loved to see me writhe in furious anger. If only you could see how much love I'm about to show you, Lambda.

Taking a deep breath that sounded like a stifled laugh, she peeked through her fingers, shrunken irises darting around to reassess the situation. Silently she listened to everyone. In her moment of blind rage, she forgot about the orb. 

Bern held one hand out, to call upon her scythe once more-- but once she took the handle, it changed from its pristine blue-silver glow to a dead black... or was it the color of congealed blood? Bernkastel's magical energy was running low from the exertion, but whatever she had left was being fueled and corrupted by the volatility of despair, bloodlust, hatred. She ran her other hand along the cold blade while studying the change, face blank but the eyes a clear display of her current emotions. Like a lit match, the dark purple of her eyes now housed glowing crimson for pupils.

"We will finish what we began. Find the orb and tools," She said with a low, flat voice that contrasted those who let out banshee cries of righteous fury. Bern took her scythe into both her hands as she began to levitate from her spot, ready to search for the orb against their unseen enemy. 

"Then we'll tear out the guts, and snuff out these ashes for good."
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