The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Doctor Doom rampage across the icy field as the explosion erupted at each step he took, but the icy terrain soon disappeared into mist from Vegetto’s sudden monstrous explosion as he smashed through walls of ice in his path. Thanks to Bernkastel’s effort, the rapid-fire attacks from Vegetto slammed against his body left and right, but Doom remains firmed in his position. Smirking as bits of flesh tore away from his body from the flames searing off, he’d fired back in a counterattack. Dark energy foamed across his arm as he dished back—he went straight for the jaw, shattering the platform behind Vegetto into bits of rubble. Keeping the pace to at least dodge every other attack, seeing that a simple punch won’t staggered the angered warrior, Doctor Doom exchanges blows. Each time their fists collided; the debris were reduced to embers in a fiery dust. Doom cocked his right hand back, surrounding with dark energy and launched forward towards Vegetto’s fist—their collision caused a surge of reality to erupt around them, causing a friction of outward space to shatter and the nearby surviving universes were blown away. Doom locked onto Vegetto’s hand, forcing him to remain in a punching position. “Seething, aren’t we?” 

The doctor noticed that his feet was trapped, and a rain of ice slammed against him from the back, causing him to staggered. This alert Spina to jumped in as an assistance. He dashed forward on the left side of Vegetto, punching him against his ribcage, just lightly above where his kidney was located. Doom was tossed backwards as the floating debris they stood on split in half.

“Vegetto, let’s go.” Spina transformed his primal state and his tone of voice left nothing but anger and no authority. He didn’t tell any plan he had—he knows that they will follow. Spina dashed off towards Doom, tumbling backwards, hurling towards a gigantic wall, on all fours, readying to strike him against his chest. He left enough space open for others such as Bernkastel to fire off energy attacks towards him.


“If they kept this up, everything is going to be destroyed...!” The voice said to Cross, seeing the Brachi crashing onto Raune, and due to the pressure of the winds, the debris with the orb got flown away even further.
Cross sends to the busters " Let our best fighter keep Doom busy every one else needs to contrate on getting that the orb to the voice." 

Cross says to the Voice as he keeps pulling the orb toads the Voice "I already contacted them about what they need to do. I hope they are in the frame of mind to understand what is needed form them."
Vegetto's head whipped up from the first strike to his jawline, yet his body still shot forward. His arms and legs still swung in a heavy tirade, the damage from each of Doom's connected strikes merely phasing him for only a brief moment in pain before his furious assault resumed in tandem. He came to a halt in Doom's grasp, his glare trained on Doom without a word to answer his question.

He barely paused, and as Spina spoke in approach, only his silver hair and silver fire moved in recognition of the other Saiyan due to the force of wind left in the dash. Despite the lack of any form of communication or look towards Spina, Vegetto bolted with the other Saiyan warrior forward towards Doom. He flew through the air with his right fist cocked back, and once Spina would strike into Doom's chest, Vegetto would launch his fist slightly above the other Saiyan charging into Doom, aiming to slam his fist into Doom's head.
As Raune kept spinning in the air, he noticed Brachi being thrown towards him as a projectile.

Typical. Doom's still up to his old tricks.

The Speedster spread his arms open in his spin, letting Brachi crash into him. The moment she made contact, he wrapped both of his arms around her, holding on as they spun down closer to the ground. As they approached the ground, Raune started to fire off bullets from his weapons, utilizing Air Dust to specifically generate enough lift to slow down, eventually counter, and then soften himself landing on the ground. After a few moments of that, Raune and Brachi would land on the ground, Brachi on the bottom. Raune quickly crawled off of her and checked over her, doing what he could for her wounds.

"Sorry about the landing strategy, didn't have much of an idea other than what Aunt Ruby used once."
Bernkastel watched the two land fairly safely from her periphery, focusing back onto the two Saiyans pinning Doom to a wall. She took aim towards Doom's open side and dragged her scythe's blade through the ground, sparks flying off it as crescent-shaped waves of black flame came flying out in a quick succession.

"The orb... but if we don't maintain pressure on him in the meantime, we'll be vulnerable." Bern said, looking over her shoulder towards Raune and Brachi. "Brachi can take my place since she may be better equipped to intercept. Just think quickly."
Doom crashed against the mountain as flames ride along him. Body imprinted deep within the wall of rock as flesh ripped away from his bones as the black flames burnt it, this gave Spina and Vegetto enough time to deliver their devastating blows. Striking at the same time against his torso and face, Doom spat out saliva, dripping along side of his mouth. His head spun around multiple times until it came to a stop. Doom slowly returned his head to its normal position, until received a large fractured on the top of his skull, to face Spina and Vegetto, narrowing his eyes, seeing Cross attempting to pull the orb closed to him. “Don’t think I’ll let you off that easy.”

Doom’s eyes flicker a crimson red glare as he shouted at the two Saiyans. He’d tightened his hands as bone fractures chipped off, delivered a multitude of blows against the two Saiyans. Punches so hard, it felt like their bones were on the verge of a boiling time before being squatted away as he boosted himself, using the mountain as a base, hurling himself towards Cross.

“Good! Let’s get that thing before any permanent damage happens!” The voice said. The pink blob looked up, seeing Doom coming and crashing near them. The voice himself went flying upward, being caught in the wind draft erupted by the collisions throughout the battle.

Doctor Doom, without hesitating, delivered two punches against Cross—one in ribcage and another against his chest, pushing the death mage back towards Bernkastel and Byakko.

Spina narrowed his eyes, hearing what Cross intended to do and seeing what was transpiring there. “Toss me towards him!” Spina’s eyes became bloodshot, jumping in front of the fused warrior. “Twenty-Four Orbs! Max!” The old Saiyan’s eyes locked onto Vegetto—he didn’t explain to him, but he’s giving him the que to follow up with an attack in case he fails against Doom in that instance.
"Why do they scream all the time? Does it help? It seems a bit much to me..." 

Byakko-Mist eyed Doom rushing towards Cross and felt skin tingle. As Cross rushed towards him, he would phase through him, but was caught by a collection of mist that formed a hand. It gently set the Spellcaster on the ground. Byakko-Mist turned to Doom and a sparkle appeared on his eye; despite what he said earlier, he was having a thrill fighting Doom. His smirk rose to a sadistic grin as he gathered almost all the mist around him to follow Doom.

"Yes, the vigor, the tenacity of this fight! It's wonderful!"

He flicked his wrist and hundreds of metallic spears flew out of the mist and began to chase after Doom. The spears would be harmless to the Breakers, but as the attack followed Doom, the mist started to recede and the area becoming clearer.
Brachi grunted as she was hit, as well as the sudden landing onto Raune, thanking Raune as he helped her back up.

"That bastard is not going to get away with this." She said, while her limbs, stomach and head were aching, she was still battle-hardened and hungry for revenge, and seeing Doom headed for Cross and attacking him, she first launched herself towards him and delivered a fierce knee strike in Doom's back, before blasting him quickly with a Big Bang Attack, before launching herself upward and delivering a fierce stomp onto Doom's head.

"I can do that s**t too, sucker. You are nothing!" She said, using her hit and run strategy to keep Doom busy while distracting him for the others to charge in with their attacks or whatever they needed to do to retrieve the orbs, while at the same time charging and firing a Galick Gun.
Cross still pulling the orb toads the voice and stopped him self before crashing in to Bernkastel or Byakko. 

Cross despite being sent a far way and odds are ribs/chest have minor factures Cross is unaffected by them. Cross sends "If we need more than one to keep doom busy then don't let him make the orb get farther way."
Vegetto dropped his arms a bit as Spina lept towards him, both gloved hands catching onto the other Saiyan's boot. In a powerful underhand toss, Vegetto hurled Spina towards Doom and the others, his silver eyes never once leaving Doom even during the staggering damage left in the wake of Doom's last attack.

The silver fire exploded outwards as Vegetto crouched down, and within an instant, the fusion rocketed forward in a blinding blitz. Vegetto shot forward even faster than the speed he hurled Spina at, blasting past and closing the gap to Doom within less than 20 meters. Vegetto whirled around, his right arm cocked back for only a split second before launching forward. The whirr and gleam of silver energy was deafening, a massive silver sword of pure energy shooting forth from Vegetto's arm. Aimed at Doctor Doom's torso, Vegetto's Spirit Sword would lock the man in place to leave him vulnerable to the others' attacks if it connected.
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