The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Raune checked on Cuki without hesitation, moving so quickly to examine her that he was leaving after images behind of what he was doing. Checking her pulse, her breathing, and where she had been hit, he picked her up in his arms and gently moved her out of the way of the fight, laying her back on the ground and returning to where he had been standing. All of the after images caught up with him after a moment, leaving him appearing normal, temporarily.

"No time for a heroic speech. It's time for you to die." The one that had just looked after Cuki stated.

The two copies of Raune drew their respective Stormrulers, eyeing down Zenta. Blade blades covered in storm mist. Red eyes filled with blue lightning. And a deeply personal anger at the Faunus Traitor martial artist in the way. They shot off towards Zenta from behind Vegetto, splitting off and converging on his two sides, lightning covering their black blades. The black and blue blurs were more out of focus than usual. Something about their speed was off, while their swords glowed with lightning.

Whatever they were doing, they were following Vegetto's lead.

- - - - -

The Raune currently holding Detective Vegeta up looked at the Saiyan.

"I don't think you want to uh, get into this, do you?" He asked.
Lady Blackrock asks Cross knowing his response "your going let this farce with this Zenta happen?"

Cross says as a response to her "Yes." Cross seems to know more bust is not saying it.
"Of course we have to play by his rules if it means he can buy himself more time to plot away in his little hidey-hole." Bernkastel muttered. She and Lambdadelta stepped back from the others in order to join Whis. "If we try anything, I don't doubt there will be some form of retaliation."

"Whatever it is they're gonna do, they better pull it off the first time." Lambda said with a grimace. "Whether they keep a level head or not."

"The main leverage anyone can have is probably the element of surprise, so they have that going to an extent." Waldo took this opportunity to rest himself leaning on his cane and pulled out a thermos full of coffee from his backpack. "Well, provided the opponent can't read your attacks so easily. I'd offer something from my bag to help out your legless buddy over there, but that probably counts as some form of intervention."
“I don’t think I’m capable nor fitted to battle as of now.” Detective Vegeta looked down towards his missing leg—it didn’t regenerate not in the slightest. No amount of magic, healing or anything can bring something that have been erased—even in the realms of Reality Vortex. “Whatever Doom did, I’m going to be one-legged for now on out.” His ears catch Waldo’s suggestion, catching him off guard. “Y-you’re here? Weren’t you fighting against us a few moments ago? What’s with the sudden change?”

“He dropped Cuki like it was nothing…” Spina stared at Cuki before returning his attention back at Zenta. “He can block the flow of Ki throughout your body, huh?” Spina saw everyone that rushed into the attack and decided to stay back a bit, just to see what would Zenta do to counter them. “If Doom relied on this, whatever this thing is, then he’s no pushover.” He did however, fire multiple ki blasts towards the ceiling, causing it to rain down on Zenta to determine his actual speed in comparison to Raune.
The timer immediately started the second Vegetto made his first move, each second meticulously counting down. Zenta smiled at Vegetto's explanation about his technique on Cuki before perking an eyebrow at the incoming fighters. Raune's worried composure and sudden rage over his student amused him. He held back an innocent chuckle.

"Your adoration over my student is a wonderful sight to see. Unfortunately, it appears to be the source of your arrogance."

Zenta shifted on his feet as he studied Raune. He pulled his foot back and gently tapped it against the ground behind him. There was a small pause before the ground underneath Raune's feet started to change. Small slabs jutted out from the ground but only a few inches, just enough for the speedster to trip by how jagged and misplaced the ground was. As the ground rose, so did the dirt. Dust and dirt flew from the impact, being directly in front of Raune's face and line of sight.

"You are certainly quick on your feet, Mr. Raune, rather impressive, however, your world changes as fast as you can run, Mr. Raune. Can you see those minuscule changes or will your speed overpower your senses?"

He quickly turned his attention to the incoming Vegetto and smirked. The same foot he used to break the ground around him, flung forward as he used his knee to block the barrage of punches. Each time Vegetto's fists hit against Zenta's blocking knee, the energy coating his hands would show signs of cracks and fading while the Saiyan felt his fists ache from hitting a dense solid object. 

"You are quite observant, Mr. Vegetto. You are familiar with the Tiger Palm technique I taught Cuki, however," Zenta vanished from view and suddenly, Vegetto felt something slam against the center of his back, the same dense force his fists felt. The attack lifted Vegetto in the air. "You are a fool to assume I only know one technique."

The energy surrounding Vegetto's back disappeared for only half a second before the Saiyan felt a gentle poke on the center of his spine. As quickly as Vegetto felt the pain, he was kicked upwards, directly into the raining energy blasts of Spina. Normally, Vegetto's energy shield would protect him effortlessly from the blast, but, almost as if on cue, the energy barrier flickered away, making Vegetto vulnerable. 

"I admire your control over ki, you are quite skilled in it, but I'm afraid you know nothing. Your barrier was rather weak, like wet paper. You judge things on first sight and very quick to assume, yet, you remain blind when things are right in front of you."

Zenta turned to Bara and Brachi as he took a single step back to his original spot. He tilted his head and did nothing to stop them.

"You are hesitant and rely heavily on your friends. Are you scared? Why not rush like Mr. Vegetto and Mr. Raune?" Zenta smiled innocently. "Strategies only work if you impose a risk. Simply watching and waiting will get your friends killed. Even if you find a plan to defeat me, will you take action or lack motive?"
Cross says to Bernkastel "Trust me this odds are going good for the Saiyan's." Him and his forces joined the others requested not to fight.
Both Raunes jumped the moment they saw the ground start to change shape and form, barreling in the air and avoiding the cracking ground, jumping quite high relative to the ceiling.

"People are dying."

As they barreled through the air they kept their coordination, maintaining the proper fighting stance. One launched a series of surges of blue electricity at Zenta's position, coming from his sword. The other did not fire.

"Reality is erasing."

The two Remnants both slammed back onto the ground, about 3 yards away from Zenta individually, sword impaling into the ground with themselves in a bent position, which was followed by a cone of fire spreading out from their landing points and aimed at roasting the martial artist.

"And you're here taking orders from Doom."

Now closer to the martial artist and with their opening attack set up, they suddenly diverged. The one to Zenta's left took a standing upright position, drawing some sort of energy from the sword still left in the ground and firing off beams of lightning from his finger tips towards Zenta, each beam of lightning chilling the air with a sort of energy propellant imbued. (Same attack Raune used all the way back in Whis VS Raune.)

"And you're so blind under that visor you think I'm mad about Cuki instead of the innocents you're letting Doom kill."

The other Raune took his running position and pulled his sword out of the ground, sheathing it. He took his running position, standing perfectly still and staring at Zenta. Then, his entire body began to blur as he started vibrating intensely, using the Speedforce to phase into intangibility after seeing what happened with Cuki. But he was in a prime position, just close enough to Zenta to take advantage of any momentary weakness.

"You're just as guilty, traitor."
Vegetto quickly threw up his arms, having hacked a bit after being punted towards the raining debris above. He threw up his arms, having reverted back to his normal state entirely and grunting through the rock tearing through his body. The impact of the falling debris knocked him back down to the floor, crashing onto the surface shortly after. Kassava quickly dashed forward away from Brachi and Bara, running up to the groaning fusion in the crater.


She hoisted him up a bit, watching him grimace in frustration as he sat upright. He was mostly unharmed aside from the scratches, but grunted again and grit his teeth.

"Damnit...he shouldn't have been able to break my barrier. I can't feel anything."

Both Saiyans braced at the spiraling lightning shooting out, watching on as Raune charged his attack.


Whis perked his eyebrows slightly, his smile remaining and turning his eyes slightly to Cross.

"I certainly think the potential is there, but what do you see in the situation that tells you they have an advantage? This fighter seems strong enough to break through most of their defenses. It would seem they have quite a bit of ground to cover from what I see."
Waldo looked over at Detective Vegeta and tilted his head, frowning slightly for a moment while rubbing his chin. "Hm. Well, I guess part of the reason is because the strange overwhelming sense of hostility that drew me to you guys in the first place is no longer there. Unfortunately, my mug was probably erased in the attack so there's absolutely no way I'll get it back." Then his usual smile returned. "But the only reason I chose to follow you all was by necessary circumstance. Not much choice to have when you see the entire field literally disappear before you. And regardless of whether or not I'm still an enemy, you can't get around anywhere hopping on one leg. I'd be happy to carve you a peg leg from some spare firewood, but I'm afraid that's entirely dependent on what happens during the next 15 minutes."


"And he's keeping up without even breaking a sweat!" Lambdadelta chimed in, her lips curved into a pout. "But there has to be some way they can win..."

"I myself am curious as to how you reached such a conclusion." Bernkastel quirked an eyebrow while gesturing to the battle going on. "It feels like we'll be at this for a while... then again, we only have two people engaging him." Her gaze shifted to the non-combatants, internally hoping they were planning something together.
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