The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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"Ohoho!" Lambdadelta giggled at Whis with a flourish of her hand. "Reminds me of an old married couple. But this really isn't a good time to argue... unless it's just a feint. It's a convincing performance either way." The pink witch took note of Bernkastel's silence, normally expecting her to have a snarky comment or two at the ready. "Bern?"

Bernkastel had her hands clamped over her ears, her face contorted into one of visible pain and annoyance. "... He nearly busted my eardrums."

Lambdadelta looked confused before realizing what Raune did. "Oh! Poor Bern, you're probably the only other one here who could hear that. Don't worry, Super Paper is to the rescue!" She whispered while taking off her pink beret and placing it on Bern's head to cover her ears. "Better?"

"Thanks..." Bern muttered as she was able to regain focus on the now well-lit room. Even though things seem to be taking an unexpected turn, she was still visibly apprehensive. Do it now, before you lose your only opening to--

"Hey Bern..." Lambda's voice again, right into her ear. "This is definitely an outcome neither of us can make certain. It's been up to them this whole match. Do you like how it feels to be on the other end of the deal, anxiously waiting for someone to make that miracle which might not occur? Really makes your adrenaline pump, doesn't it?" She had a wide smile plastered on her face.

Bern narrowed her eyes at her. "You really shouldn't speak like that to me right now, Lambda. I'm in a very foul mood right now."

"So serious~ I'm just teasing you." Lambdadelta smiled innocently, almost maliciously, and patted her on the back. "Just wait n' see, okay? I'm sure Mr. Cross is right. All else fails, you have me, the wonderful Super Paper!"

Waldo watched them while having taken out some firewood and whittling away at it, visibly sweating. Those two are really creepy. He thought to himself.
Lady Blackrock was about to say some thing but was stop by Cross.

Cross says "I good but thanks for the concerned but I fine."
"Every moment we delay, more people die Zenta." The immobilized Raune replied. "What's so important about this timer? Why should we delay to run it down? Please, if you can, tell us!" He shouted out from where he was.

- - - - -

The weak die, the strong survive. Those are the rules.

Raune looked at his bare hand, straightening it into almost a blade shape, and staring at it as distant memories came into focus. He closed his eyes for a moment, before sighing.

A hand reached out and grabbed onto Zenta's out of nowhere, covering the hand holding the key that was the objective of this fight. Raune had moved to get to Zenta's front after Zenta retreated from Spina's ranged attacks, now holding onto the martial artist to try and keep him still. He held onto Zenta's hand tight, trying to keep Zenta still, but without Stormruler his strength was weakened, and so he would be at even more of a disadvantage than before. So, he moved his body to be right in front of Zenta, using himself as a barrier to shield Zenta from Spina's ranged attacks in an effort to reduce his instincts to move. Raune's Aura blocked the ranged attacks from Spina hitting his naked back. He stared at the beast's visor, red eyes open and full of fear, rather than anger.

"Here I am, Zenta. Right in front of you." He stated. "Please. Give me the key. Or finish me off right here. This fight needs to end." He pleaded, extremely afraid for his life. The cat ears on his head folded down, and his tail was shaking in anxiety.

"What the Hell are you doing!? Kill him before he retaliates!" The Raune on the sidelines shouted at the Remnant's apparent surrender.
“R-ight…” Detective Vegeta sweated a bit. “I appreciate the comments, ho-erm, Bulma.” He had to remind himself that this one isn’t the same one he knows back on his world. Cross’ appearance and overall aura gives him anxiety and a nervous feeling in his spine. “I’m sure if other versions of me managed to be sent into a world where they cannot cope, wisdom will come to them sooner or later.” He turns to the battle. “Speaking of wisdom… Spina managed to do something… Zenta was repelling everyone’s moves and flat out tanking him… which speaks wonderous about his defenses… but his speed is rather odd.” 

After seeing that Spina threw the rocks, the Detective speaks to even more as he held onto Raune to make sure he doesn’t fall down. “Zenta moves accordingly based on energy… either he’s not actually blind or there’s something that allows him to see people’s energies and react to them in a reasonable fashion. Hence Raune’s first attempt didn’t work… he was feeding to Zenta’s field of vision.  Yet, a bunch of rocks and debris, he didn’t even react to it, but as soon he knows what’s going on, he backed off."


Spina bare a smile. “Heh, either you are overselling your blindness or there’s something funky going on here.” He was confused about Raune’s ability, since time is something far more complex, especially in the world where time is always, but at the same time, nothing. A paradox existence, but he grew angry once Raune flat out hesitated once he grab Zenta's hand that was holding the key. “What the hell are you doing!? Did the timey-whamey mumbo jumbo messed up your brain!?” After shouting, he rushes in to grab Raune and pull him off before Zenta retaliates, by delivering an powerful kick to his stomach.
Vegetto and Kassava yelped, being knocked off balance from the sudden dash from Spina. Both turned and watched on while Spina and Raune continued their assault on Zenta, hanging back in silence to study the opponent.
Once he finished deflecting the rocks thrown at him, He lowered his stance to a more casual one. He felt Raune grab his hand and immediately yanked his hand back, purely out of instinct if anything. He took one step back, placed his arms behind his back, and silently listened to Raune's words, refusing to attack the man. He clenched his fist tightly over the key and shook his head at Raune's proposal. He sighed to himself before placing the key in his pocket. 

"I am afraid my hands are tied, Mr. Raune. I cannot give you the key willingly, as much as I really want to. You need not worry about your life, I do not attack those who surrender." Zenta pointed in the direction of the larger timer ticking down. "The only correct choice you Breakers can make is if you allow the timer to reach the end of its countdown. Please, open your eyes to see the bigger enemy."

Zenta's ears flicked as he heard Spina approach Raune and pull him away, not moving from his spot. As the rocks flew towards Zenta, he was hit once again across the face but reacted much quicker to the incoming few that Spina threw, catching each one in both his hands and crushing them to dust. He lifted his head to face Spina and took a step in his direction and stomped the floor. Large jagged rocks shot out of the ground, rushing towards Spina. Each piece of earth (or castle, in this case) would jut out of the ground, progressively getting bigger as they approached Spina.

The beast turned his back to the man, casually strolling back to the same spot where he drank his tea. Another sigh left his mouth as he ran a finger over his visor, feeling a crack on its surface from the rocks thrown at him.

"Oh my, not again..."
Spina narrowed his eyes upon seeing blades of earth jutted out of the ground and slammed into him. He could not get out of the way in time since he miscalculated the situation and didn’t expect Zenta to not do anything on Raune—as the result of misreading the atmosphere, he was sent fly backwards, crashed on the ground multiple times, before landing near Kassava and Vegetto, knocked out.
Brachi on the other hand had recovered, using her senses to locate Zenta, while Majin Bara had once more released parts of herself, taking precautions.

"I'm sorry, Zenta; but we're not going to let everyone we care about perish by letting the time run out. They are far too precious for us. Whatever Doom wants, he can shove it. So please, make a wise decision on YOUR end and just give us the key. It will save a lot more pointless stalling, you know." Brachi said, trying to reason with Zenta on her turn. 

Evidently Brachi realized that a blind man could rely on other senses to discover the position of the others, so she was staying still, not making a move herself, while at the same time, mentally directing Bara to make her moves discreetly.
Whis kept his smile, in following up after Detective Vegeta's comment.

"It would appear he is capable of detecting energy, even godly ki such as Vegetto's. Perhaps he had focused a little too intently on it the first portion of this battle, but no doubt, his senses are also extensively stronger due to his blindness. Whether Raune's interesting plan threw him off or not, I would think it's safe to assume this blind master is able to flow with his environment using his other senses much more effectively than the Breakers. Spina never stood a chance relying on the deception of the environment."

He rubbed his chin.

"It will be interesting to see if they are able to overcome the challenge in fifteen minutes. What an exciting development this is!"


Vegetto held a stern stare, watching Spina crash near him and Kassava. He turned his eyes to Kassava, who knelt down to inspect the unconscious Saiyan as she powered down to his base form.

"Can you get him back up?"

Kassava kept her frown.

"He's knocked out...not blocked."

Vegetto raised an eyebrow.

"Then just use the time powers to reverse the damage. We need these guys back on their feet."

Kassava grunted.

"It's not that simple. If it's just a little thing like a small point in your body, I can do it. But not when I need to reverse the entire body! That's even harder than rewinding ten seconds of time!"

Vegetto grunted, shaking his head and turning back to see Zenta sipping on his tea casually. He grit his teeth, clenching his fists together after glancing around.

"No one's going to do anything?"

His glare intensified, crouching down a bit.

"Fine...then let's do this!"

His blue aura suddenly spiralled upwards a bit, Vegetto's expression visibly contorting into a heavy strain as he erupted into a thunderous roar. The sound abbreviated off the walls, dust blasting outwards in every direction as Kassava knelt down, bracing to protect Spina from the overbearing winds that soon followed. Blue, mystical lightning crackled outwards fro the source of the energy, Vegetto visibly strained with the veins on his forehead bulging and his eyes wide mid screen.


Whis blinked a bit as his robes were blasted backwards from the sudden force. He glanced around momentarily, perking his eyes and noticing the castle walls themselves began to shake. Dark dust from the ceiling cascaded down onto the group watching, Whis showing concern while maintaining a positive tone while cupping his hands, trying to shout over the winds.

"Do you have to do this inside?!"


The massive aura of blue energy only increased as Vegetto's eyebrow's burnt away. His eyes visibly bulged, throwing down his arms in a final, ground shattering scream in a blinding flash of light. The storm force winds receded almost instantly once the light died down entirely, the blue aura violently surging like a flame around its host. The spiky bundles of blue hair had now grown in number, his hair behind his back long enough to reach his waist as it gently flowed in the small breeze emitting from his body. His sharp glare remained entirely trained on Zenta, the flare of his energy signature massively higher than before. As Vegetto floated forward with his arms relaxed at his sides, the ground underneath his boots cracked and tore. The trail only grew longer as he kicked up rocks and debris in his wake, Vegetto suddenly bolting forward in a quick dash and tensing his muscles entirely to engage Zenta once more in his Super Saiyan Blue 3 transformation.

Reeling his right fist back, Vegetto instantly closed the gap to Zenta. However, instead of throwing his fist forward, Vegetto suddenly bolted to the left. The movement sent a surging blast of wind to the left that would knock an unguarded person off balance, and where Vegetto had been seconds before was an image left behind of exact appearance. Frozen in place, the image hung in front of Zenta as four more copies suddenly appeared in the same fashion in a large circle around Zenta all depicting the Super Saiyan Blue 3 fighter frozen in some form of movement.

Whis narrowed his eyes a bit, frowning slightly in confusion at the display.

"The Afterimage Technique? The opponent is blind...what would you accomplish wasting time on that move?"

His eyebrows perked back up however, at the sight of all five frozen afterimage copies suddenly straightening themselves out. The lines of the incorporeal Vegetto's all radiated a bright hue of blue, each one suddenly coming to life on its own as they lunged forward, all five immediately swinging out at Zenta with punches and kicks. Each copy radiated with pure godly ki, power rivaling Vegetto's normal Super Saiyan Blue state but weaker than their perceived image.

Whis' smile returned, letting out a satisfied muse in figuring out the display.

"Ah...I see. Using those distortions of light as shells, Vegetto is empowering them with his raw godly ki to fight. With those afterimages all being entirely comprised of pure energy...the Tiger Palm strike would be useless because there are no pathways to block. They're all attacking with unique movesets too...meaning that he has to be controlling them somewhere..."

His eyes turned to the left, staring down the shadows in the opposite corner of the room for a moment, then turning to the right in search of the source. He then turned his gaze upwards towards the high ceiling.

"Very clever."

Floating high above the entourage attacking Zenta below, Vegetto floated with his back and elongated blue hair pressed against the ceiling with his arms outstretched. His muscles visibly tensed and bulged, the transformed fusion gritting his teeth heavily together in outputting the energy necessary to make the clones operate below.
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