The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Cross says as response to Bernkastel what she asked "A fairly powerful Knock Spell might be able open the way forward."
Brachi then took the initiative and proceeded to smack Zenta in the face with the Super God Fist, although she was not using any transformation at the time, having seen Zenta knock Vegetto aside, before she went in with a Dynamite Kick to kick Zenta in the chest. 

Majin Bara on the other hand used her Body Manipulation to form herself into a large fist, intending to grab Zenta in order smack her hard on the ground and then tossing her away, after which she went to form herself back to normal, giving Brachi time to fire a powerful energy wave at Zenta. 

It showed that Brachi and Majin Bara were working in tandem together; whenever one was attacking, the other would be preparing a move of their own in order to keep the pressure on and preventing their opponent from focusing on either one of them.
Spina was left surprised at the level of skill Zenta had displayed in that moment. “He managed to kick him out of his transformation just like that. I need to think things carefully before bone-rushing in… but my anger isn't going away.” His veins is still noticeably apparent throughout his body; Doom’s trickery was still causing him to lose it. His energy is spiraling and boiling within in out of control, something he never felt before.

“Raune, Brachi and Bara are taking their turns to see if they can crack it…” Spina continued to be observed of what’s happening rather than acting to study more of his moves.  "His reaction speed is insane! How the hell he managed to react to Raune's insane speeds... just how?!"


“I see… well, until the bitter end, I suppose.” The detective looked at his leg. “That would be a better option than hoping around. I’m sure that this isn’t against the rules, since I’m not in this fight anyways, even if you gave me a peg leg. I would have to get use to it… assuming if we don’t get erased before that time comes.” He turns to Raune, Brachi and Bara. “They’re acting accordance based on what that guy did to Vegetto… I never seen such a profound technique that disturb the flow of Ki. To the point that it knocks out our ability to transform.”
Kassava kept her frown, watching the battle continue for a moment before turning her head to Vegetto.

"Can you move?"

Vegetto nodded, shifting around on the floor and sitting back with a small grimace.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

He turned his head to the side, raising an eyebrow.

" good are you at your time manipulating powers now?"

Kassava blinked.

"Uh...not really at all?"

Vegetto narrowed his eyes a bit, his dual voice flat.

"Can you reverse it at all? My ki is blocked...but if you can focus your magic on my pressure point there and reverse the damage...I can get back in this fight."

Kassava swallowed hard, narrowing her eyes a bit and inhaling a deep, tense breath.

"Ok...ok, I'll give it a shot."

She intently raised both hands up to Vegetto's back, her palms hovering closely over the small dent in his blue gi. A small ring of red and gold energy soon spiralled around her wrist, her hands tilting as if she were spinning an imaginary dial counter clockwise. Vegetto's eyebrows perked, his nose twitching a bit and releasing a deep exhale as if he had been holding in a heavy breath. His eyes lit up a bit as he suddenly shot up to his feet, clenching his fists together with a grin.


Throwing his fists down to his waist, Vegetto let out a small roar as the familiar blue energy of the gods erupted up from underneath his boots, rapidly encasing him once again in its firey shine. He turned his head to the side, nodding at Kassava who stood back a few feet.

"Stay back and help the others if they get blocked. I'll help them stay on the offensive."

Vegetto bolted up a bit into the air, floating off to the left and quietly observing from above to see where he could launch into another attack from the front.
Zenta tossed the key up and down in his open palm, focusing on Raune first as the Speedster's rage grew more and more. 

"I understand what Doom is doing, but I certainly do not agree with his motives, nor do I act on them." the man chuckled. "He simply told me that my Student is with a group known as the 'Breakers.'"

The blue lightning shot out of the sword of the first Raune hit Zenta and ricochet off his body effortlessly. The flames that came afterward did nothing to him and looked as if they were being repelled by the natural sheer amount of energy Zenta was emitting on his own. His tails twitched eagerly as his calm demeanor slowly walked towards the Speedforce Raune, nearly intimidating by how nonchalant he strode. Suddenly, Zenta appeared behind Speedforce Raune, fingertips coated in white energy. He turned around and leaned forward by Raune's ear, whispering.

"You're too slow."

Raune would feel hundreds of precise and powerful jabs all over his body until his legs immediately went numb and pain surge throughout his body. But the pain wasn't any ordinary pain, it was similar to electricity coursing throughout the body, almost as if Zenta was taunting him with his own element. No matter how much Raune wanted, he simply could not move his legs. Even being intangible wasn't enough to save Raune because the faster he moved, the more intense the pain. His StormRuler previously sheathed, was now missing.

Zenta eyed the attack made by the other Raune, immediately jumping in the way of the lightning strikes. Each bolt would split into two and miss Zenta entirely as they rushed past him. In Zenta's hand was the missing Stormruler that elegantly sliced each blot of lightning in half. He threw Stormruler towards Raune, or rather, the other Stormruler. Both blades collided, the one Raune was gathering his lightning from, breaking in half. 

Zenta's ears perked and turned to see Brachi hit him right on the face. He didn't move from his spot as she kicked him in the chest as well. Brachi would have felt as if she was punching and kicking a wall harder than that of steel. He took each attack Brachi had, almost entirely unphased by her strength. As Bara grabbed him and tossed him away to give Brachi an opening, Zenta's tails dug into the ground, slowing him down to a halt. He smiled at the energy blast Brachi fired at him.

Zenta easily kicked Brachi's energy blast up towards the ceiling and caused a large explosion. The lights illuminating the area flickered before quickly turning off, engulfing the arena in darkness. The only light that was seen was the ticking numbers from the timer by the door. The Raune that was attacked was entirely invisible to Kassava, both energy-wise and sight-wise. Every one would be entirely blind.

"What will you all do when you can't see?"

His footsteps echoed through the large arena, making hard to pinpoint his exact location. Each person would feel as if Zenta was walking right next to them or feel a gentle gust of wind pass by their side. Zenta's reflective visor shined next to Kassava before he was mere inches from her face, the eerie red light of the timer reflected on his visor for her to see. 

"After all, you have been fighting a blind man all this time."

(I hope you guys like this morning post!)
Kassava gasped a bit, quickly bolting backwards in a dash and landing gently a few feet away. She panted heavily, having lost sight of Zenta in the process and glanced around for a few moments.

Damnit...maybe if I power up, I can just-

"Yoohoo!! Kass!!"

Kassava blinked with wide eyes, caught offguard by the upbeat voice of Whis ringing out in the distance.

"This is great practice!! Remember to feel the flow of the battle: do not think before you move! Just move."

She blinked again, but quickly shook her head. Spacing her legs a bit, she raised her arms up into a defensive stance before shutting her eyes tightly.

Clear my mind...clear my mind...clear my mind.


Vegetto kept a stern stare, the lights having gone out but his blue aura brightly illuminating the area around his body. He grunted in annoyance, breaking out into a small smirk again while clenching his fists.

"Ha! It takes more than eyesight and a strong arm to be a warrior. But only a coward tries to hide in the shadows."

He pulled his arms out, the blue energy swirling.

"Let's turn the lights back on."

Letting out a thunderous roar, Vegetto threw down his arms as the blue aura rapidly spiraled outward in a illuminating light. With the room fully lit up once more, he kept a small smirk until he suddenly heard Kassava's enraged voice break the small bit of momentary silence. Vegetto blinked, turning his head down to see his wife angrily wagging her fist up at him.

"Hey asshole!! Some of us are trying to train here!! Turn the damn lights off!!"

Vegetto stared down with an incredulous stare, pausing for a moment before shaking his head.

"We're in the middle of a fight! What the hell are you going on about?!"

Kassava snorted, her eyebrow twitching even more in frustration.

"I'm trying to use my instincts, but you're messing up my concentration!! Turn them off you ass!"

Vegetto's stare finally broke a bit, turning to annoyance in refusing to let go of his side of the squabble.

"No!! We're trying to win, not give you a powerup!"

"Oh so that's what this is about?! It's ok that we drop everything to help you get Ultra Instinct, but when it's my turn, suddenly it's too much of a risk?!"

Vegetto rolled his eyes, glaring back down at Kassava.

"That's not what I-"

"Is it only worth it when you're the one getting stronger?! Are all of us just an inconvenience to you?!"

Vegetto's glare intensified, raising his right hand up and angrily pointing down at Kassava, completely losing focus on Zenta and the fight to defend himself in the squabble.

"No!! You always do this, trying to spin it around on me as if I'm the bad guy! You know damn well this is not the time for you to train. You had plenty of chances to get it back home, but you were too busy slacking off!"

"I'm sorry?! I don't get to just sit around and fight all the time with my boyfriend like you do! Some of us actually have an entire timeline to run and-"

The two continued their back and forth shouting match in the middle of the battle, completely oblivious to everyone else while the room remain illuminated from Vegetto's energy. Whis let out a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand and holding onto his scepter while he slightly turned to the group only watching the battle.

"I apologize for their behavior. I'm sure the detective can attest to how terrible of a teacher I've been in training the Saiyans to fight together efficiently; this just being the latest example."
Just before the darkness engulfed the area, Spina studied Zenta’s movements, including any noticeable patterns or something that might seems off. He does not believe for a second that Zenta is faster than Raune in terms of speed—his incredibly insane speed the masked warrior had already achieved. His reaction speed is amazing, and his defense isn’t no joke either, considering he was able to dish head-on against Brachi and Bara’s assault. 

As the darkness descended for a moment, right before Vegetto light up the area, Spina heard that the beast man is nothing more than a blind man, unable to detect any form of sight. How is he able to see their movements if this man, if speaking the truth, is blind as a bat? He pondered, in amidst of the two lovely couple arguing with one another in front of them, he decided he wasn’t going to wait for them to start anything—it’s his turn to finally shine.


The Detective blushed a bit. “Oh, this reminds me the time of the constant bickering with my wife back in my world. Don’t worry about the minor details. This is the trial that no training can fix, they have to respect each other as equals, rivals, rather than simply a steppingstone for them to reach higher heights.” Vegeta turns to the bickering. “Kassava is a gifted warrior, but she cannot progress if her stairways to the top is safeguarded by Vegetto who refused to let her ascended unless it’s on his own terms; to ensure that it might satisfied his lust for battle of a worthy opponent.


“If you’re going to argue, then get out the dam way!!” Spina sped past them in blistering speeds, heading towards Zenta himself. He stopped in front of the beast, then sped around him multiple times until after-images form. All of them lifted their arms and sending multiple blasts in his direction as Spina jumped in the air. His eyes narrowed, an anger expression is apparent as redness color is shown and his muscles becoming increasingly redefined. He placed both of his arms in the air so energy can form within the palm of his hands and launched it downwards to Zenta. After launching the blast, he flew back towards the ground, smashing his hand on the dirt and toss a huge chunks of it towards Zenta in his direction—his reasoning for doing this is unknown; whatever Raune has in store... it'll confirmed his suspicions.
What the Hell!? How did he bypass all of my defenses! I'm fucking inta-

Raune let out an ear piercing scream as the pain of vibrating his body at such high intensity caught up to him, made even louder and more high pitch by said vibrations. Both of the other Raunes cringed and nearly fell to the floor in pain, causing the one that Zenta just shattered the sword of to shoot a bolt of lightning right at his face, shutting him up. The immobilized Raune quit screaming, and glared at the other one who responded with a glare of his own. The two stared at each other for a moment, able to see in the dark as a result of their father's Faunus heritage. And then, they nodded.

- - - - -

What the Hell? How did he bypass intangibility!?

Raune caught the pieces of his shattered Stormruler alongside his Remnant's Stormruler easily right after Zenta shattered it, watching as Brachi and Bara attacked the martial artist to no avail. He quickly ran away from the confrontation in fear, taking refuge by a wall. And then, the lights went out. He cringed in pain and nearly fell to the floor as a result of his Remnant's screams, which prompted a lightning bolt right to his other's face. He would be fine, after all Aura still was in effect. The two glared, and then shared an understanding. The Raune tossed the broken pieces of Stormruler back to the Remnant, who seemed to deflate slightly without the full sword. Raune then looked to see Zenta approaching Kavassa.

He really is blind under that visor? How's he been able to see? Wait... I know this. Damn, no choice.

Raune phased out of his suit, it dropping to the floor along with Stormruler. He seemed to lose some energy from leaving the weapon behind, but maintained a focused expression in the dark. He walked forward, very cautiously and quietly to avoid making noise, and without his suit's footing, his footsteps were a lot quieter. In this way, he approached Zenta, attempting to circumvent his omni-directional invincibility. Meanwhile, the immobilized Raune acted on his half of the plan, and started to attempt to get through to the martial artist.

"Wait, Zenta. Hold on a moment! If you're aware of what Doom's doing, and you're not acting on his motives, why are we fighting!? People are dying Zenta. Whatever your importance is with Cuki being apart of this group, it can't be more important than stopping Doom's genocide. Please, just give us the key! If you want to test us, test us when innocents aren't dying. Stop this nonsense and let us save this reality. I'm begging you!" The immobilized Raune pleaded.

When the lights came back on, Raune was stalking towards Zenta in his underwear, the cat ears and tail he normally kept low to reduce drag from his running completely visible. Raune was also walking in the path of Spina's energy blasts and terrain throws, and he didn't even so much as acknowledge the Saiyan as he stalked forwards. Blasts and rocks grazed or flat out hit him and he didn't even react, muscles staying in perfect coordination. Each attack that hit him did no damage, being adsorbed by the Aura shield around his body, but that could only last so long. He did not give a fuck about the fact everyone could see him in only his underwear. He did not give a fuck, did not even acknowledge he was in a rain of destruction. He only cared about his goal, getting closer to Zenta.

- - - - -

"What the Hell? What the fuck just happened? What the flying fuck just occurred in front of my very eyes!?" The Raune sitting on the side lines, and still holding up Detective Vegeta, asked. After this his complains became inaudible to everyone except the other two Raunes, prompting a response.

Bulma says to Detective Vegeta "you sound wiser than the Vegeta I know form my time line or the one Master Cross killed."
"My my, I believe I should let them sort it out." Zenta chuckled looking up towards the fighting couple. "I certainly wish they can come to an agreement soon. I would discourage powering up, for their sake."

Hmm, when did Mr. Vegetto get his energy back? How odd. 

Zenta quickly turned his head to face Spina, letting the man circle him and fire energy blasts. Similar to before, he deflected each one away from him with little effort. He continued to gaze towards Spina tilting his head as he kept his arms placed casually behind his back. His ears twitched slightly as he listened to Raune's plea. He frowned, being aware of what Doom has been doing. He sighed.

"I agree with your strong sense of justice, Mr. Raune. Truthfully, I admire it, however, I'm afraid I cannot stop now. I have my hands currently tied by Dr. Doom. Fear not, it will all be over once the timer runs out. If I were you, I recommend you let the timer run out. In your current state, I did you a favor. I apologize for my harsh words, but I cannot reveal anything beyond what Doom has granted me."

While Zenta was distracted with Raune, the beast didn't seem to have any reaction towards the rushing rocks and terrain. Zenta's head shot to the side when a rock slammed against his face and another off his chest. He was finally caught off guard. Apparently, he told the truth when he said he was blind. The man immediately jumped back and turning his attention to where the attack came from, rocks continuing to pelt him. The fur on his tail stood on ends, sensing the small vibrations in the air as he took a stance before the rubble and directed his full attention to the attack. Zenta began to deflect the rocks and debris from hitting him any further, but it was obvious the man was not invincible. 

Throughout his concentration, he failed to notice the nearly naked Raune sneaking up on him.
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