The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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"Lambda, now!" Bernkastel threw out her hands to send the now-giant crystal formations into the cracks made on the door in order to force them to make even wider fractures and weaken its resistance. One more was left and she held it up.

"Pum-Pum Pumpkin Blast!" Lambdadelta chucked the massive jack-o-lantern straight for the door with Bern's last crystal trailing behind it to accompany the others' attacks, covering the pumpkin with a thick crystalline layer while still housing the explosive candy inside. "Let's hope this works, Bern..."


"Fore!" The true Waldo held up his cane like a golfing club surrounded by his mysterious yellow aura before slamming it into one of the boulders of the uprooted terrain with all the strength his musculature could afford him, sending it hurling toward the door as one of the last in line. Once that was accomplished, he merely ran through one portal and exited out the other to close the distance from himself and the front of the castle at a distance safe enough for him to be without getting in harm's way.
Raune watched all of the attacks colliding, heading for the same point, massive beams of energy all homing in on a simple barrier. Yet he himself did nothing despite standing next to Vegetto, other than glance to himself holding up Detective Vegeta who was firing off a rising blast.

"Hmph." Was all his response. His cat ears then perked up, and a smile stretched across his face underneath his mask.

A bolt of lightning rocketed past the group, accelerating past all of the combined energy attacks, even faster than Vegetto's Kamehameha. Raune was standing beside Raune, one arm tense with exhaustion and heavy breathing. The first Raune chuckled in response. The lightning bolt collided with the door, hitting the door with massive force in the direction of it swinging inwards. How much force? The force of a sword thrown at the speed of light slamming into a simple door, packed to the brim with lightning for extra weight.

The very definition of overkill.
The combined power from everyone slammed onto the door to completely and utterly annihilated the fragile door into pieces. Debris flung everywhere in all directions, then slowly disappearing into nothingness from the sheer heat accumulated from the attacks—whether Spina’s basic attack to Raune’s over-destructive move, a cloud of smokes burst out and engulfed the front entrance as a result as the fiery fireworks shot up in the skies. Wasting no time to avoid the falling beams of death, Spina rushed inside the castle. It was a dark, open space with very little lighting. There were no chairs, very little furniture or equipment inside; it just nothing more than a wide, open area with one direction in the front.

“That rotten bastard…!!!” Spina clenches his fist to the point that it bled. “He made a joke out of all of us while he was waiting for his opportunity!” He thought to himself. “I don’t like to be made a fool of!” Spina’s aura exploded and blasts off from the ground to go straightforward, only to slammed onto yet another door. He bounced backwards and slammed on the floor.

“What!?” Spina quickly recovered as he look up at the door, this time, bigger and bad-der than before. His eyes suddenly shift to the right when he sense an enormous amount of energy near it.
Cuki darted inside the dark room, eyes wide with anticipation and her nerves jittery with all the nonsense that had been going on. She prepares her palms for anything, catching smaller pieces of debris as they fell. She was close to following after Spina, her anger about the entire situation getting the best of her. Before she managed to make a move, she noticed Spina fly past her and land on the floor. Her eyes trailed into the darkness to see what mysterious force attacked Spina.

From within the darkness, the smoke cleared up and the lights shined brighter to illuminate the entire area around them. It was empty, but had an odd sense of harmony and tranquility. In front of the group, in the distance, was another door, this one made entirely out of some new material and appeared indestructible. The floor was soft due to the grass inside and everything seemed very peaceful, despite the carnage outside. Near the base of the door was a figure and a tree providing him shade.

The mysterious figure was sitting down and drinking tea from a small cup. Next to him was a digital clock that marked an unknown time for now. Whatever attacked Spina was no doubt this thing. It sipped tea placidly and sat on top of what looked to be two large white tails. It was covered in patches of light fur and had skin of a lighter brown. It had two ear similar to that of a fox and a mysterious reflective visor covered its eyes. The mysterious creature slowly lowered its cup of tea and lifted its head to face the Breakers. The silence was broken when the figure spoke with a very familiar voice, one only Cuki would know.

“Hello there, Breakers. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Vegetto and Kassava followed after the two into the castle, glancing around in silence. Vegetto turned his eyes at the sound of the strange voice, perking his blue right eyebrow up at the figure.

"And what are you supposed to be?"


Whis floated into the castle, glancing around with a flat expression. He stood back a bit from the front group, silently watching on as they came into contact with the new figure.
Raune stepped forward, alongside himself, to the side of Vegetto. One of him picked up Stormruler on the way in, and put it back inside his sheath. The copies of the Speedster both eyed down the new appearance. Yet another animal human person.

"We don't have time for this. If you've been waiting to stop us from getting to Doom, we'll blow you away like we did the door."

Meanwhile, the Raune holding Detective Vegeta continued inwards, but was a bit more cautious than the other two copies.
Cross says slight amused "was expecting to see Doom bots so this unit of Lightstep's Knights and unit of zombies would have fought."
"Please, call me Zenta," The being spoke calmly. "Dr. Doom has tasked me to stop you from entering any further. I am afraid your adventure stops here, Breakers."

Zenta took one final sip from his tea before rising to his feet. He didn't wear a shirt and his pants were similar to the martial arts status quota, baggy and loose fitting. His tails were much larger than what was initially assumed, swaying hypnotically behind him. He smiled towards the group and actually seemed like a nice person, especially in the peaceful environment he was located in. He tilted his head towards Cuki and allowed a soft chuckle to escape from his lips.

"It's nice to see you again, Cuki."

"What? Again?" Cuki said with a scowl. "I've never met you before."

"Perhaps not in this life, but a previous one."

"Ugh, enough! If you get in our way, we will be forced to beat you to a pulp!"

"You are letting your rage consume you---"

Before Zenta could finish his sentence, Cuki powered up, a small shockwave flattening the grass before them and winds billowing from her tiny frame. Zenta smiled as he watched Cuki dash towards him through the air, her palms coated in energy. It was obvious that Cuki wasn't thinking, her inner Saiyan blood seemingly taking over her line of thought. The surprise Doom cast on them clearly set her over the edge. As Cuki narrowed the gap between her and Zenta, she launched her fist directly towards his face. The animal humanoid casually dipped his head back to avoid her fist, watching her fly past him. Cuki quickly planted her feet on the door behind Zenta and used it to push herself off and rush towards Zenta once again from behind. Zenta leaned down to wipe some dirt from his shoe, avoiding Cuki's attack entirely as the small Saiyan girl skidded to a stop a few feet away from Zenta.

Cuki took a sharp breath and eyed the mysterious Zenta while he straightened himself to face her. The girl spread her feet apart and took her Tiger Palm stance, her body glowing slightly with the amount of energy surging through. Zenta's ears perked slightly as he remained silent, observing Cuki's stance. Her breathing evened out, her muscles relaxed, and her palms ready for action. In less than a second, Cuki rushed towards Zenta, her arms becoming a complete blur by how fast she moved, however, Zenta moved just as fast dodging her attacks, arms still held behind his back. Suddenly, Cuki's onslaught was stopped by Zenta slamming a knee to her abdomen. She stumbled back, placing a hand over her mouth, holding back the urge to throw up.

"You lack focus, Cuki. Your rage is blinding you. The storm in your mind clouds reality. You forget your openings." 

Zenta watched Cuki take a few steps away from him, baffled. The man then parted his feet into an identical stance, the Tiger Stance. Cuki's eyes widen seeing as she is the only one who knows this technique. Before she could muster a word, she lost her breath thanks to a finger jab Zenta applied on her stomach, this one hurting far worse than the knee she received earlier. Zenta then pulled his hand back and stepped away from Cuki. There were five shockwaves that came from the two, each one felt by the Breakers. Zenta turned his back to Cuki and there was a small delay between the two before Cuki was sent flying back towards the group from seemingly, an invisible force. 

"I did not teach you the Tiger Palm for you to use so recklessly. Learn to control your urges, my student."

Cuki landed right in front of the Breakers, her eyes white and her mouth open. She was unconscious from the unseen attacks made by Zenta. Her energy levels were gone and it was as if Cuki's ki paths were entirely blocked. On her unconscious body were five dots, one on each shoulder, one on each leg, and one directly on her forehead, no doubt being the fingermarks Zenta left on her. Zenta had knocked her unconscious in the middle of her line of thought, Cuki literally never saw it happen and her body failed to even register it.

"Dr. Doom has given me a key to this door. If you Breakers can manage to take the key away from me, you are free to pass through to the next room." Zenta turned his back to the group as he walked back to his original spot, waving a small key in his hand. He used the key to point at the large timer next to the door. "When the timer runs out, everything will be over." The timer lit up to show 15 minutes. "The timer will count down the second any one of you attack. It would be wise to think this battle carefully. Only the Breakers are allowed in this fight, so I am afraid Lady Bernkastel and Lady Lambdadelta, as well as Sir Whis, Sir Cross, Mr. Waldo, and Lady Gervene cannot intervene. I certainly hope you all enjoy watching the match."

Zenta arrived at his spot and stood patiently, awaiting the Breakers to make a move while his tails swayed harmoniously behind him.

"And don't worry about my young Cuki, she will regain consciousness when the battle is nearly over."
Brachi growled at this, while Majin Bara also was ready.

'We don't have time for this mess... That Doom guy's mouth is going to be best friends with either my fist or my foot once I see him again, as I'll be kicking his sorry ass, no matter how much he claims he's the greatest.' Brachi thought inwardly, agitated by the sudden show of force.

Majin Bara was focused, having recalled the pieces she had detached before while being on the run to the door with the others, now she was ready to take on the new challenge, this time with Brachi at her side.
Kassava kept her eyes narrowed, opting to move forward and instinctively tensing in preparation of a fight. However, she stopped from the white gloves hand holding her back, Vegetto nodding towards the unconscious Cuki.

“Hold on. Look at the marks.”

Kassava stopped, looking at Cuki for a minute while Vegetto broke out into a small smirk.

“Tiger Palm, huh? You must be a martial artist.”

He glanced to the others, keeping his smirk.

“He’s a ki blocker: he’ll try to hit your weak points and block the flow of your energy. You can tell from the specific marks on her body: her energy is depleted entirely from the blocked pathways.”

In an instant, Vegetto’s blue aura rapidly spiraled up from his boots. The energy slowly shrunk around his form, encasing his body in a few inches of energy that covered his entire body from head to toe. His smirk remained, crouching down.

“Don’t worry, this will be over quickly.”

Launching forward, Vegetto bolted up to Zenta in an instant, hurling his encased arms forward in a rapidly flurry to begin his assault.


Whis kept a small smile, watching Vegetto holy forward.

“Well, at least he did put a good amount of thought forward this time.”
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