The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Cross ordered zombie Goku "Evade the blast." Zombie Goku obeyed.

Doom starts to feel weaker and very ill. Cross says in a very dismissive tone "its cute you think that trinket makes you intimating doom. All that trinket can do is grant one person the power actually kill others." Cross evades the blast with ease.
Cuki was about to make her move on Waldo when she turned her head to the sky above her and noticed the shower of energy raining down on them. Her first instinct was to blast it away but she gasped at the surge falling down and the sheer amount of power behind it. She quickly dashed out of the way, carefully avoiding any other blasts coming down. Cuki turned her gaze to the source of the energy and noticed Doom's castle.

Did Doom leave the group? When was this? Cuki growled under her breath. He played us for fools and we fell right for his trap! I've had enough!

Cuki didn't hesitate to follow the source and follow right after Vegetto towards Doom's castle. Her eyes showed both rage and determination while she dodged the blasts falling down.
After watching each fake Waldo disappear one by one, Bernkastel's expression twisted into a deep scowl with narrowed eyes upon realizing what was happening. After phasing in and out of sight to evade one of the oncoming attacks, she barked her next order. "Forget completing this Trial! The new objective is to tear down that door if it's the last thing you do!"

If there's one thing I won't stand for, it's being taken for a fool! She lifted herself into the air and sailed behind Vegetto and the others. Turning her head to look behind her, she yelled once more. "Lambda, hurry up!"

"I'm trying! I'm not as nimble as you!" Lambdadelta kept herself close to Whis, attempting at first to throw pink-tinged blasts of magic at the ones aimed for them but even her own magic was useless. As she ran, she held her hands close together and began to gather a large amount of energy together that formed into a large jack-o-lantern filled with candy with clear intent to throw it. "If you guys want any chance of surviving this to be above 20%, you better be certain about destroying that entrance! We'll have to give it everything we've got at the same time!"

"Let's hope we can actually cast a miracle now that the both of us are here." Bern immediately clasped her hands together, chanting under her breath in an unintelligible language as she continued weaving in and out of harm's way with crystal shards surrounding her form. The urgency made her sweat from the nerves. "Please let this work..."
Brachi and Majin Bara followed Vegetto and Kassava, intending to assist them while also avoiding the blasts. Gervene also dodged the blasts while also activating her Energy of Destruction aura, its energy evaporating whatever came close to her.
Spina continue to dodge at the best of his ability, and saw Vegetto, Kassava and Cuki heading towards the door. “Right! If we combine our strength… we can tear through the door!” He followed the others towards the castle’s front doors. “Rising Blast!” Spina shouted as he timed his attack to launched to avoid being intercepted by the raining blasts towards the door. Once again, it remain strong, but it did have some affect—it left a smallest of crack on the side.

Detective Vegeta narrowed his eyes at the destruction, before turning to the others, seeing how they are reacting to this devastating, noticing that they’re heading towards the only place that’s not affected by this. He took one more look at the library that he loved before flying off and dodging the raining bombs of death along the way. However, he was struck by the leg, losing it in the process. Vegeta narrowed his eyes as he screamed in agony. “I’m hit!” He shouted for anyone that near him. He fell towards the ground, hard.
Raune. I wanted you to know, I was proud of you.

Raune pulled the mask over his face, hiding his cat ears and features as blue lightning starting to course from the ground up and cover his body, the Speedforce beginning to ignite. The Speedster drew his blade, Stormruler, and held it out. Storm clouds converged overhead and lightning crashed down, charging Raune's aura with power.

"I am the Flash!" He shouted to himself, before starting to run, surpassing all the other Breakers on the way to the door. Vegetto, Cuki, Kass, he simply flew by them.

And then, in a moment, as he was flying past the Saiyans, Raune stopped and picked up Detective Vegeta off the ground, carrying him along, watching a blue streak pass on it's way to the door.

"Not getting erased today, not if I can help it!" He said to the detective, keeping him with him.

Raune suddenly appeared right by Vegetto and Kass, notably missing a certain Vegeta, looking at the energy being built up in their palms, the monstrous mask hiding his identity. Yet standing by the door was also Raune, holding out Stormruler.

"Concentrating our energies all at once should allow us to tear down this door." The Raune at Vegetto's side stated. "All at once!" The Raune at the door suddenly ran away from it, lightning coursing from the ground onto the blade, it beginning to glow a bright blue.
Cuki gritted her teeth while she charged directly towards the door, dodging every blast while her energy concentrating around her palms as she came to a sudden stop before the door. She took a sharp breath as she took a familiar stand and slowly pulled her hands behind her, keeping her breathing nice and steady and eyes closed. She lowered herself so that her feet touched the floor and she was at the base of the door. The ki on her hands began to surge wildly as Cuki's eyes darted open. She launched both palms towards the door. It looked as if she merely touched or scraped it but within a matter of seconds, the door would show hundreds of cracks and chippings, weakening while it shattered in some places. 

"The door should be weak now! Bust it down!" Cuki shouted.
“All this for a god damn door!?” Spina pressed his feet onto the ground once he launched near the entrance and began to power up. His aura exploded around him as he charged his on his left hand. “Full Power! Rising Blast!” Spina shouted as veins appeared throughout his head as he fires an explosive amount of energy towards the door after Cuki’s successful strike and waiting to time with Raune’s supposed attack. 

The detective landed on the ground near the group. “The speedy one managed to save me. P--fft…” He spat out dirt that gathered into his mouth from the fall and feeling ditzy from the sudden rush. He looked up, seeing the others gearing up for an attack, overhearing Bernkastel’s strange chant. “I need to do my part…!” He put up his palm as energy gathered at the center. “BIG BANG….ATTACK!” He shouted.

The rain of destructive energy continued to fall down on the area; more things are flat out disappearing.
Zombie Goku obeyed Cuki.

Cross says in to a light blue crystal "I am annoyed with an iteration of Victor Doom." Portals opened and a group came out of it
A Vampire, Lady Lightstep, and A woman with blue short hair waring a Saiyan combat uniform(bulma).

Bulma says "Sir all important resources are in your pocket planes way is this Doom's actions upsetting." 

The Vampire says back "Its more Victor only annoyed our master Bulma I can tell our master has cast a death mark." As a group of undead follow her the portal a ready to fight any underlings doom has.

Lady Lightstep says "Come on Lady Blackrock its the first time she even seen Master Cross even close to upset." Group of knights are ready to fight any underlings has as well.

Lady Blackrock says "True and odds are this may be just a show to his latest living pets that he far scarier than a healer."

Cross cast a spell to weaken the door and those he did cast regen on that we living were casted regen on.

Cross says "Bulma I hope you don mind if able taking robots as your first units."

Bulma says "Not at all Sir."
Wasting little time, Vegetto simply landed with both feet firmly planted with the group after arriving. Throwing his arms forward, he shot out a massive torrent of blue energy in tandem with the other fighters.


Kassava landed to his side next, hurling her right arm forward and firing off a powerful red energy dragon after Vegetto's attack.

"Dragon's Fire!!"

Catching up to the other blasts of energy, the two massive waves fired forward and headed directly for the all powerful and mighty door that protect Doom's castle from simple elements of nature.
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