The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Cross cast regen stamina on every living fighting waldo. Cross thinks "I gest the kid for got about the zombie." 

Zombie Goku stands there waiting for orders.
Raune flinched from the lightning blast and sheer force expelled by Waldo's stretching, fear rising for a moment as the speedster's eyes widened and breathing quickened. He however told himself he wasn't in danger as he wasn't part of the fight, and worked to calm himself. While regaining control of his breathing, he spotted the Voice in a cheer leader outfit and had his shoulders shrink in disgust.

The Breakers much be must more ridiculous than I realized if that's our mascot. I guess we look goofy, even if right now we're fighting some sort of bizarre, demonic foe wrapped in a candy cane colored package.

He looked away from the source of his disgust and focused on the fight and each individual's movements, hands resting in his pockets. He wasn't too enthused about this situation.
"I don't know what you mean. It's simply a matter of me getting lucky." Bernkastel said coyly. "But I've never been a fan of stories that get too hasty to get to the ending. What's a couple more obstacles in the way going to do for them, anyhow? A good lot of them have a thing for adding more notches to their victory belt, so why not test them at what really makes them tick. A little bit of risk is all it takes to make things interesting."


Waldo looked around his immediate surroundings with the same plastic smile on his face. "Hm? What's this? It feels like the strange sensation I get when I enter a new realm... pressure? No..."  once he felt Cuki launch her flurry of moves, he began to laugh uncontrollably, evem without moving his mouth.

"Ohoho! Stop it, that tickles! Such precision!" He managed to control his giggling by clamping a hand over his mouth. "Are you a chiropractor by chance? Because it seems like you're trying to do the opposite of relaxing my muscles." Even with her precise strikes, his body felt like a block of lead. Kassava was slowing his movement, but he noticed how fast Cuki was moving relative to himself. 

"I see now! You want me to slow down...? Very well. But now it's my turn." Slowly, but for a mere instant, his face warped from the jolly look to a menacing smirk and glare. "Come forth, Odlaw!" 

Suddenly, a heavy force struck Cuki first on her head, then proceeding to target her wrists with a mere one-two hard strike; it felt and sounded like being hit by Waldo's cane, but he had never moved his arms. To anyone watching from afar, he simply stood there taking their hits; but somewhere in the red aura he was encased in, there was a brief glimpse of yellow beside him before fading in with the air. Even so, the unseen force proceeded to do the same to Kassava, although its reach only extended so far; with one broad sweep, it made a single swift strike on her forehead before squarely aiming for a hit to her sternum.
Majin Bara noticed this, and initially blinked at the speed of Waldo's movement, but she wasn't going to let up, instead moving to a more discreet tactic and see if she could offer some distraction by detatching pieces of herself discreetly onto the ground, unseen by anyone, which then spread about, using the cracks, uprooted rocks and nearby debris as a cover, mentally commanding each piece of her to move in the way she had planned to do so, while also keeping an eye on the others to see if they could provide cover for her.
Whis eyed the bucket presented to him with a concerned stare, looking over the pieces of popcorn neatly stacked on top closely. His right hand reached forward, his pointer and thumb finger delicately selecting a single piece and carefully placing it into his mouth. He awkwardly chewed it for a moment in figuring out how to eat the food before smiling warmly.

"Oh my!~ It has the softness of silk but the crunch of a refined cracker!"

He reached out and took a small handful of the food, happily munching on the snack as he turned back to watch the battle.


Kassava yelped from the sudden force smacking her head, shrinking closer to the floor before blasting backwards and tumbling across the ground from the square hit to her chest. She quickly slid to a halt, flipping back up on both feet and shaking her head.

"What the?"

Her red and golden eyes turned to the side, staring up at Vegetto hovering high above the ground with both arms behind his back. The bright glow illuminated the storm sky, his eyes flaring open with a thunderous roar.


Throwing both arms forward, Vegetto launched a massive stream of bright blue energy down from his palms. The sound of his roar was drowned out from the volatile whir of the energy, the ground below shaking from the force behind the attack as it rapidly descended down directly towards Waldo.
Doctor Doom let out a small chuckle at Bernkastel’s explanation. “Yes—a little bit of risk doesn’t hurt anyone.” He stood up from his throne, still hovering due to his metallic boots keeping him afloat. “Risks is what makes this game very interesting.” He observed the battle more closely, checking out each of their movements, skills and strength. "I'm currently satisfied with this." Doom uttered. 


“What’s just happened?” Spina said. “He just standing there.”

“It’s hard to described it; even my eyes can’t keep up with this…” Detective Vegeta felt concerned after seeing Waldo strike down both Kassava and Cuki in blistering speeds. “It feels like he’s manipulation spacetime… but I can’t quite put my finger on it.”

“I don’t get it… but it seems similar to what Raune did when using his top speed.” Spina turned his sights to Demi-Fiend. “Hey kid, what do you think of this?” He asked, but it seems that the teen “vanished” from his spot. “Hmm…? Where did that kid run off too? Bathroom break?” He couldn’t sense his demonic energy anymore, it felt as if he disappeared completely… but he felt a sense of dread forthcoming. 

“I think Vegetto’s movement might be a mistake, he’s clearly doing something, but I can’t put my finger on it! Be on your guard, Kassava! Use your time abilities to slow things down! It’s clear that he’s affected by it, even if it isn’t much!” Detective shout out.
Cuki felt that her precise attacks were not having any effect towards Waldo, in fact, it felt like she was doing more harm to herself due to how rough his body was. Before she had a chance to pull herself back, Waldo had already attacked her. With the force on her head, Cuki nearly fell backward from the intense blow, it actually stunning her and leaving her slightly dazed by how unexpected it was. Cuki didn't even notice when Waldo hit her wrists as she fell backward, stunned from Waldo's attack.

W-What happened..? Everything happened so fast... W-Where am I..?

Cuki came back to reality after hitting the floor and immediately jumping out of the way of any future attacks, particularly Vegetto's attack. She managed to get out of the way, however, the blow to her head left her slightly more damaged than she initially thought. She tripped over her own feet, eyes wide with bewilderment and confusion.

This Waldo guy is no joke, I... I don't even know what happened to me. Just barely...

Cuki stood up with a wobble and took a deep breath, allowing herself to calm down and regain her senses. While she cleaned the sweat on her forehead, she realized that her left wrist had been broken thanks to Waldo's cane. She didn't want to run to Lich for any healing, wishing to tough it out and leave the healing for the others. Her eyes narrowed at Waldo's cane as she turned to the Zombie-Goku and yelled out to him, as well as the others.

"The cane!"

Without hesitation, Cuki prepared an energy blast in her right hand, aiming it directly towards Waldo's cane in hopes to knock it out of his hand while Vegetto launched his attack.
Cross thinks "Cute and know the childen I casted the spell on they forgotten the fact I did cast a mass regen spell on them" the regeneration Cross cast kick in in to those that taken damage.

Zombie Goku goes after the Cane as Cuki order.
"Could he be moving so fast as to attack without moving? A speed mirage?" Raune replied to Spina, barely hearing the Saiyan's words over Vegetto's energy wave. "I've no idea what is happening. You'll have a better chance of figuring this out then I could." The anxiety that caused the speedster was still there, ears flattening in response to how loud the battle was. Though under control, Raune couldn't help but reach inside his pocket for his suit's mask, which had been altered like the rest of his suit, now able to hide his cat ears.
Snow was watching waldo, while making preparations for something big. He could see Waldo's movements, as he used his time powers to slow what he was seeing down and noticed what seemed to be a second Waldo. He decided to keep it to himself though as he needed to focus on his preparations.
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