Whoa... That's Waldo? This might be tougher than I thought. Heh, I like a good challenge tho'! We must subdue Waldo, according to Kettles, but something tells me that it won't be an easy job... Thanks to Mr. Lich's regeneration spell he cast, Waldo will have a hard time taking us down as well. Let's just hope it lasts longer than Waldo does.
"Thanks, Mr. Lich, I'll use this one wisely," Cuki whispered before looking over to Zombie Goku. Her gaze then turned back to Waldo and from the look in her eyes, she had already determined the course of action she will take.
Before Cuki made any sudden actions, she watched Waldo carefully, taking in as much information as she could about every inch of his body. She narrowed her eyes and began to calculate any and all sort of angle to approach Waldo once Kassava made her move. Her hands trembled slightly, showing that she was slightly nervous, however, her eyes showed nothing but determination.
I have to be at the top of my game, everyone is counting on me! I can't let them down. Our universes are at stake here, I just.. I can't make a single mistake!