The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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“What is she doing? Is she trying to piss that guy off even more?” Spina narrowed his eyes.

“That’s the plan.” Detective Vegeta addressed. “Cuki wants to bait this Waldo out of here, so we can have a proper battle against him, but simply calling his name won’t do anything good. Hence why she refers to Kassava as the one doing the bait—which is smart. Once Waldo realized who’s the person insulting him and holding his precious item, he’ll come running down like madman. From there, Kassava should have this in the bag, if things go accordingly.”

“Hmph. You put a lot of confidence for someone you just met.” 

“No confidence; even you are aware of the potential of Saiyan’s strength.” Vegeta turned to Spina with a smirk. He tips his hat before turning to Kassava. “I don’t know what had happened before all of this, but she’s emitting a different aura now, like she’s free to be her own person, rather than stuck in someone’s shadows. Now let us see the fruits of that freedom can lead her. The others have the potential to backed her up… with Cuki, Vegettto, Bara and Lich on her side, this should be a cakewalk.”

Demi-Fiend stared at Kassava. “Hey, do we know what kind of abilities Waldo have anyways?”

“…. We didn’t actually have much information about that, do we?” Spina places his finger on his chin. 

“Yeah, what if Waldo can bypass time-manipulation?” Demi-Fiend asked.

Detective Vegeta raised his fingers. "Ah, but that the good part. Based on what I saw from Cuki's demeanor... we might see something fruitful in this. This is where not only Kassava shows off her skills, Cuki will also demonstrates her ability to think on her feet."
"H-Hey! Don't you think you're being too hasty, Granny?!" Maggie-Mug's voice trembled. "We got no idea how Waldo will act! I break easily y'know! You better not drop me!"

Cuki took a deep breath and took a moment to gather her thoughts.

Okay, it's now or never.

Simply remain focused and think of all possible outcomes. Her master's voice echoed within her head. Every variable has infinite possibilities. 

Cuki nodded and followed Kassava with the others in tow. All she can hope for is for everything to run as smoothly as possible. Her eyes glanced at Vegetto and Bara and she nodded.

"Okay, on my signal, you two will come at Waldo with all you got. From there, it's all up to your fighting skills and potential. Think on your feet. Show me what you guys got."

The youngster then turned to Lich and smiled nervously. 

"I'll stick by your side, Mr. Lich. Maybe we can use your zombies as a meat shield. They aren't technically fighting, so it's not breaking Kettle's rule. Alright, hope you're ready."

Regardless if the others were ready or not, she took her position not too far from Kassava, keeping a close eye on Vegetto and Bara. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her cheek as she anxiously waited for Waldo to make his grand appearance. The tips of her fingers were glowing with her Ki, ready to attack Waldo the moment Kassava has him by surprise.
Cross casts mass regeneration on every one that alive that is fighting waldo and says "you get there are not all Zombies are mealy meat shields." Cross casts mass regeneration on all living people fighting waldo.

Cross Summons a Zombie of Goku he thinks "This may be more amusing than I think." Cross says "This Zombie shooed be fully able to keep up with the other front line fighters." Cross says to zombie Goku "till I order other wise obey any command that given to by Chki." Zombie Goku is clearly a powerful Zombie in its own right.

Cross says to Chki "This one shoed be on par with living forms of Goku."
Snow nodded "Yea, but one thing I didn't let Vegetto know about as he walked away, is that it isn't powered by regular energy, it is made as a combined effort of the scales of my dragon form and their inner beings, or rather, their souls, so in a sense it is them, the last i get to see of them. The gem that holds their souls are in the armor itself as a jewel, and if removed, then the gem fades away. I could have brought them back, but i'm not very good at making full physical bodies, plus having two of the same people around is very very confusing." He then got up and took his Daughter far away in the realm, as he needed to train her in the powers she had acquired. Her dragon powers and her magic powers were connected and so were best taught at the same time, and away from people as they were very destructive.
"Let's hope this doesn't end too quickly..." Lambdadelta snickered under her breath. She took to sitting on the back of Bern's armchair and let a bucket of popcorn materialise in her hands. "Time for a snack break!"

"Do you ever go five minutes without eating junk?" Bern said while propping her head up with her elbow on the armrest. 

"Do YOU ever go a day without drinking alcohol? Didn't think so!"


There was a long silence that stayed after Kassava goaded Waldo into coming out. For several moments, the area stayed dead quiet and no movement was seen. As the chatter lingered, all manner of voice was cut off by sharp gales of wind that blew in a cyclone around the area, effectively forming a wind tunnel that closed off the fighters to anyone beyond the clearing.


"So you are one of the signatures I sensed when the Librarian lost all manner of control..." A great voice boomed loudly over everyone else, echoing all around the wind tunnel. The sky darkened with black clouds that overcast the area in shadow, with a lone lightning bolt striking the ground before Kassava. When the smoke and debris cleared, out stepped a tall figure wearing striped clothing and a stiff smile on his spectacled features.

"I lost my favorite mug that kept anything in it piping-hot the way I like it... a self-stirring cup at that." His mouth did not move as he spoke in his booming voice, meaning he was using telepathy to communicate instead. He stared Kassava down with the smile plastered menacingly on his face, not moving a muscle until his eyes lowered to the object in her hands. For the time being, it appeared he wasn't aware of the others within the vicinity... or perhaps he just didn't care. Then his eyes narrowed. "But something tells me you are not here to return it to me. Much less a fake, eh, tiny destroyer?"



Powers: Unknown. He wields a mysterious hiker's backpack alongside his cane: contents are unknown. ​
Personality: Unknown. His smile unnerves you for some reason...​
Objective: Attack this mysterious enemy until he either stands down or becomes incapacitated.​

Rules of the Battle:
  • Autowounding and single-player chain combos are not allowed: there is one turn per character. Chains of attacks/action can be carried out between different players.
  • The only characters who can attack Waldo are the ones who won rock-paper-scissors. Benched characters can only be called in one at a time to make their attack for a duration of 10 posts among all players (5 minutes in-universe) before returning to the bench for the rest of the battle.
  • Interference from a benched character beyond a summons by one of the active fighters will result in failing the Trial.
  • Lambdadelta and Bernkastel cannot be called in to battle.
Whis perked his eyebrows, inhaling the warm scent of the popcorn loudly in both nostrils, leaning over Lambda's shoulder.

"Oh my...what is the name of your snack, my dear? It smells absolutely wonderful."


Kassava stepped back at the sudden lightning bolt, instinctively tensing. Her eyes widened, following Waldo as he appeared before her. She swallowed hard, spacing her legs.

"You're taller than I thought you'd be."

Her eyes followed Waldo's, noticing him picking up on the fact that the mug was a fake. Kassava stood still at his final question, her response coming in the form of her tossing Maggie to the side in complete disregard to her plea from earlier and clenching her fists together. A blast of red and golden energy erupted from underneath her boots, enveloping her in a fiery inferno as she transformed.

The flame of her aura flicked in the darkness like a small candle about to be blown out, struggling to stay alight. However, Kassava simply shifted her arms into her husband's signature combat stance, her hands glowing with a red energy that matched her golden and red bundles of spiky hair.


Vegetto knelt down, his glare trained strongly on the two in preparation for the fight.

"I can't sense anything from him. This may get ugly."
Snow shifted to a meditative stance but looked at detective Vegeta, wondering if the Detective knew that Snow was hidden under a glamour the entire time.
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