The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Cross says "You have a point but this may be a chance for the problematic ones to realize the truth."
Cuki stared at her hand then at Raune before he dashed away. The look on her face turned to disappointment because she knew who she would have to be working with when it comes to fighting Waldo. She slowly peered over to Vegetto and lowered her shoulders, groaning in irritation knowing what may come in the future battle. 

Not like Demi-Fiend was any better, so I guess it's not all bad... Ugh, but I personally didn't want to fight this Waldo dude. Fair is fair, I guess...

Cuki slowly trailed over to Vegetto, not very excited about her situation. Regardless of how she thought, she tried to take the words of wisdom that spoke in her head. Her tail fidgeted with hairs pointed out, no doubt whatever was worrying her was present by her tail. 

"Uhhh, so yeah. I guess we are going to fight this Waldo character huh." Cuki laughed nervously. "Any ideas?"

Maggie-Cat shook its head while watching the people play the silly game. She looked as bored as Bernkastel before hopping off her shoulder and to the floor. The cat purred as she pressed the side of her head against Bernkastel's leg, rubbing her body lovingly on the Witch as a cat would.

"So Kitty, how do you know that Pink Witch? Sounds like you have a love-hate relationship with her. She looks strong, but I doubt she's better than you."
With a woosh, Raune reappeared around the group, holding a milkshake in hand, sucking it down, an empty, large box of fast food in his hand. The Speedster's mask was missing, seemingly stowed away somewhere, along with his gloves. Rest of his black, monstrous suit remained though. His ears laid flat as he took a look around, letting go of the straw in his mouth to ask a question.

"Guess you're all still deciding huh. Maybe I should've run a bit more... Wonder how the winners of this little contest will decide how we approach Waldo." He said, leg shifting, making sure Stormruler was still stowed away. "At least I have my back up..." He said quietly.
Both Brachi and Majin Bara were still waiting, while Gervene was watching Whis, when Spina addressed the Majin.

"Me?" Bara asked.

"Just remember what I told you, Bara." Brachi said with a smile on her face. 

Majin Bara nodded, moving to Spina as she got ready.
“Alright, let’s get this over with.” Spina held out his hand. “From what I understand, judging from earlier exhibition match against the Voice, this can shapeshift her body on the whim. So I need to outmaneuver her…” Spina thought to himself as he held right arm back before pumping twice.

“One three…” Spina decided the best course of action was using Vegetto’s tactic; on the final pump, it looked like he was going for rock, to bait out Bara, but at the last possible second, he switch his hand to scissors. 

 “I wonder if I have to get on this… perhaps I’m not needed in this battle right now.” The detective wondered as he watches Spina and Bara’s match. “Besides, I only got a gist of their abilities; this will be a learning curve for me.” He turns to Whis, surprised that he approached him. “Certainly, lead the way, Whis.” 


“Oh, you’re still here?” Demi-Fiend noticed Maggie. “I totally forgot that you still exist! Thought you ran off somewhere after the trouble you cause.” He grabbed Maggie, pulling her by the ears. “Why are you a cat? Trying to mimic Bernkastel you stupid doll?”
“How long will this little game continue?” Doctor Doom crosses his legs and starting tapping on the handle of his seat. “Doom is becoming dissatisfied with the ways things are dragging out.”  

“Just a little longer, Doom.” The voice sweated a bit. “We have too many people here at once, so it’s reasonable to cut things down so everyone has a fair shot. Besides, let me remind you, you did say that Bernkastel can do whatever she wants…!” Voice smirked, but as soon Doom turns his head towards him, with an angered glare, it causes the voice to hide behind Cross.

Doom turned back to see all the members. “Perhaps you’re right. There are too many people here for my comfort.” He rubbed his metal chin. “That gives Doom an idea…”
Vegetto turned his eyes to the side once Cuki moved up closer to him, unfolding his arms and lightly sighing.

"There's nothing we can come up with right now until we know what this Waldo even looks like. Just try to stay loose and rest up as best you can until we have to fight."


Whis bowed his head slightly, turning on his heel and leading Detective Vegeta out of earshot of the others. The taller angel perked his head a bit, glancing back at the group to double check his efforts. Once he was satisfied the two wouldn't be overheard, Whis turned his eyes back down to the detective with a small smile.

"I must say, your new personality is splendid, but we unfortunately don't have time to have a conversation about that."

His eyes turned back to the group, nodding towards Kassava.

"I assume, by now, you've made some deductions about our team members that need a bit of work, specifically the case of Vegetto's troublesome wife."

Whis cleared his throat quickly, covering his mouth with his hand for a moment before continuing.

"I won't lie to you, detective: her power is quite considerable when fully unleashed. Given the proper advantage, she has not only defeated Vegetto's Ultra Instinct, but has given me quite the handful in outmaneuvering her in combat."

He perked his eyebrows, his smiling rising.

"Now of course, I know this is moot with our present company, but as you have undoubtedly noticed, her pride and self-confidence are very unstable based on exterior results. Recent events have clearly demoralized her, and while she deserves such results, I believe a small correction in this downward's spiral must occur to avoid the upcoming disaster. Having Kassava sulk on the sidelines with Demi-Fiend free to attack her does no one any good and further pushes her away from establishing positive connections to these teammates."

Whis raised his free hand, pointer finger extended to the sky.

"You, on the other hand, could learn quite a bit from sitting out this battle with Waldo. The witch made a wonderful decision in recruiting you here: you may be just the piece we need to turn our two most troublesome teammates into valuable allies. However, unless you have the freedom to stand back and observe them outside the heat of battle, you will be at a disadvantage in learning their true strengths and weaknesses."

He dropped his arm, his smile returning.

"That is why I'd like you to challenge Kassava to rock, paper, scissors and then intentionally lose to her. This would be for everyone's benefit."
"Once you see what Waldo looks like, you can't miss him." Lambdadelta said; she was hovering over Vegetto and Cuki and floating around them in circles out of boredom. "And you have me, so since I'm not Bern, your chances of finding him quickly are almost certain!"

"I don't really mind. It's easier to relate to cats than to people at any rate," Bernkastel said. Her face was her usual bored look as she looked at Maggie to answer her question. "It's a long story that would take 5 novels, a boxed DVD set, and three original video animations to explain. Long story short, we played a game together to see who would win... I merely won an endurance contest." Then her frown became more deep-set. "Don't be fooled by her pink frills and candy smiles. That girl has the ability to kill a person without fail; you could say she can do it with absolute certainty. Even though nothing has a chance of absolute zero, she can make bring it down to virtually nothing and achieve virtually absolute certainty. I wouldn't want to face such a terrifying ability ever again."

"You show too much humility, Bern! I used to be the most powerful witch in the universe, but then I lost to you, so now I'm not! Which means I'm gonna snatch that title back from you one way or another! Some day, your Miracles won't be able to let you escape from me, and that's absolute!" Lambda jabbed an accusatory finger towards Bernkastel before sticking her tongue out at her childishly. "So you better be ready! Any enemy of yours is my ally!"

"I hope that doesn't mean you'll team up with Dr. Doom. Because if we lose, he said we'd be completely erased. I think that includes you."

"Waah!? But if we're both gone, I won't be able to be your rival or play any more games with you!" Lambdadelta shook her head. "I can't have that!... Grrr, fine! I guess I'll have to stay and help your little friend with this game for now... b-but don't think I won't change my mind if they don't keep things interesting," she grumbled. "And that includes you, you... COPYCAT!" She pointed at Maggie-cat.
Cross thinks "I gest this all is very amusing." Cross is unaffected by doom and lets the Voice hide behind him.
"R-Right..." Cuki frowned. "Not exactly what I would've done, but let's try your way..."

She let out a sigh, deciding to not fight against it and leaving it alone. Instead, she sat quietly on the floor, grooming her tail as they waited for the others to finish their games. 

I guess resting isn't such a bad idea, besides, we need to keep a close eye on Waldo when he attacks... I just wish I didn't have to fight. At least Kass isn't gonna cause more trouble, so that's good. 


"H-Hey! Don't touch me you dirty jackass!" Maggie-Cat hissed and clawed at Demi-Fiend, scratching him right on the face so he would let her go. "You're gonna give me fleas!"

Regardless if he released her or not, she morphed into a puff of smoke to slip away from Demi-Fiend then back to the Servant-like kitties Bernkastel own. Maggie-Cat kept herself behind Bernkastel and arched her back, hissing and pawing at Demi-Fiend. 

"Hmph!! Uneducated savage! I think I gotta wash my rags, who knows what kind of plague he transmitted to me..." She licked her paw, trying to clean herself. Maggie turned to Lambdadelta and stuck her tongue out. "I'm the Great Maggie! I'm the best Copycat around! It's alright if you're a bit jealous!"

She mimicked Lambda's voice to boost her ego.

"And Maggie is the cutest little dolly too! It's the best reward Kitty deserves after being known as the most powerful Witch! I can't even compare!"
Majin Bara wasn't sure what to make of it, but agreed as she went on three, playing it safe and held her fist initially closed, choosing rock for this, even though she showed some level of nervosity, blinking at watching Spina go for the scissors.

"D... Did I ... win?!" She asked, scratching her head at this.
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