The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Snow decided to just watch, but went over to Brachi "After these trials, I need to talk to you, Vegetto and Bara, ok? Amaterasu is going to have a similar talk with Whis, Gervene and Kassava."
Spina widened his eyes upon that Bara, someone who does not understand the concept of the game, managed to outplay him. “Damn…” said the old Saiyan. “This is my lost then; I was looking forward of getting in this match to show off my skills for once. Next time.” Spina turned around, placing his hand on Cuki’s shoulders.

“Good luck, you’ll need it.” Spina’s words seem sympathetic, considering her potential teammates. “Try to have a cool head.” He headed towards where Bernkastel and the others to standby. 


Demi-Fiend’s eyebrows twitches. “You’re an annoying little rag, aren’t you? Next time I get my hands on you, I’m going to turn you into a nice blanket; then I’ll burn it.” 


Detective Vegeta nodded in agreement. “I was planning on sitting on the sidelines anyways since I do not know the level of skills between myself and the others. Power differences aside, analyzing their fighting experience will serve wonders for me in the long-run; so, no arguments or disagreements there, Mr. Whis.” 

The detective eyed Kassava, still in a sulking mood; he felt a bit sympathetic towards her current attitude and felt some sort of a connection. The feeling of having superiority over others in terms of status, power and respect, yet, in here, none of that are even acknowledged. A long time ago, Vegeta was like this; always thought he was the strongest in the universe and constant denial that no one else can ever topple in power; yet, he hated himself that he had to coward in fear against Freeza or that a Saiyan of a lower rank drew blood on him. It took him decades to get out and truly enjoy the fruits of fighting, rather then seeking it for the sole purpose of being better.

He turns to Whis again and nodded once again. “I’ll do it, but I won’t make it seem like I’m taking a dive. Considering of what you said, Mr. Whis, she’s truly capable of something more. She just needs to shed off that ego and seek for positive competitiveness.” The detective tips his hat and went towards Kassava. “Rest assure, a slight boost to her confidence will be a start of her connecting with her teammates.” 

The man appeared in front of the goddess of time, tipping his hat once more. “Good day, milady. I wish to issued a challenge. I won’t take no for an answer, so be a good chap and accept it.” A spark of white aura appeared around him. 


“So, Spina is out, and Bara is in.” Voice sweated a bit. “Isn’t she a bit useless? Her potential isn’t even that high when I took over her body. She’ll be a drag! Cross! Go down there and challenge Gervene! Make sure you win too.” 

Doctor Doom eyes at the mysterious white area that appeared around the detective. “Curious…”
Brachi heard what Voice said.

"You obviously don't know her enough to make any proper judgment on that, Voice. I've seen her more than enough in action personally and she can carry herself very well in combat. Never judge a book by its cover." She said.

Majin Bara, assured by Brachi's words, nodded as she got ready.
Cross thinks seeing the man "so about time another time god appeared. I was concerned I scared to many people off." Cross says "I actual would want to see this promises my self Voice." Cross rights some thing on a peace of paper. Cross thinks "It may be amusing."
Vegetto kept his eyes narrowed, studying Bernkastel and Lambdadelta's argument in annoyance. He then perked his eyebrows, mostly at Lambda's claim that she will defeat Bernkastel. He quickly wagged his right fist angrily at Lamda, jumping into the finished discussion on a point that was no longer relevant.

"Hey!! No one's beating that stupid witch but me! You lay a hand on her, I'll wallop you too!!"


Whis kept a warm smile throughout Detective Vegeta's comments, perking his eyebrows.

"An experienced teacher is all anyone needs sometimes, I leave her in your care then. Good luck, detective, I look forward to seeing your results."

Once the two parted ways, Whis soon rejoined the group with a happy smile. Within a few seconds, he suddenly clasped his hands together and excitedly swayed from side to side.

"Ohoho~! I'm so proud of him!!"


Kassava's eyes had been down the entire time, still stuck on the floor as Detective Vegeta's boots came into view. The small wind from the surge in Vegeta's white aura blew her hair back a bit, her eyes slowly lifting at his words. She kept a frown, still avoiding his eyes and her voice still light.


She slowly raised up her hands, one palm facing up while she placed her fist on it. In three pumps without a word, Kassava threw down paper as her choice without any tricks or jukes.
Snow nodded then glared at the voice "You do realize that is the second time you insulted my friends right? Anymore and I'll just say forget the trials and aim to find a way to destroy you myself." Amaterasu signed at her husband's antics
Cuki lowered her shoulders upon hearing Spina wish her luck. Deep down, she knew she needed every bit she can get.

"Yeah yeah... I'll try." Cuki lowered her head and groaned. "Why me..?"

The girl then took a deep breath and shook the bad thoughts from her head, trying to think positive for once.

Well, at least Kassava isn't here. I wouldn't want a repeat of what happened... I doubt Mr. Detective would lose that easily.

Cuki smiled to herself, watching the game between Kass and the Detective. 

Maggie-Cat rolled her eyes at Demi-Fiend's threat, keeping herself behind Bernkastel, this time being quiet as she gently hopped on her shoulder. She didn't do much other than clean her fur, occasionally purring every once in a while. 

"Hmph, jerk..."
Lambdadelta grit her teeth and tried to contain a grunt of annoyance. "You little small fry, I'll turn you into a pincushion when I get my hands on you and sever your vocal chords so you never speak again!" She seemed to not like Maggie as much as Demi-Fiend did. Then, looked over at Vegetto with no change in her pouty expression, placing her hands on her hips as she floated. 

"Who are you again? I don't plan to share Bern with anybody! Do you have a schoolgirl crush on her too?!" She said. "Well, I declare with certainty that the only person who can defeat Bern will be me! And only me!" Lambda jerked a thumb to herself with a toothy smirk. "Why waste time with a beefcake like you when she can play all she wants with me, the ultimate *cute* and *pop* Super Paper!? Ooohohohoho!~"

Bernkastel uncomfortably watched them bicker among each other. "Are they actually fighting over me? This really does sound like a terrible romantic comedy subplot..." she muttered. "You seem to be in high spirits," Bern said to Whis as she held one side of her head in her hands. "Wasn't expecting the Detective to participate... Lambda will be happy nobody will force her into playing even if this was her idea to begin with, though."
Raune walked up to the gathered group of Voice, Doom, Whis, Cross, Vegetto, Bern, Lambada, Maggie, Demi-Fiend, and whoever else was there. He walked with the gait of someone who had been cheated, his hands tensed, muscles more apparent with his gloves missing. He stopped infront of Voice and Doom, his eyes looking over to Lambada. His animal ears were pointed completely upwards, and tail was raised in agitation. Keeping his red eyes focused on the bubblegum colored witch, he posed a question to Voice and Doom.

"Guide, trial keeper," he said respectively, "I didn't realize that the new Witch's little game of Rock Paper Scissors was an elimination method, and not just a casual way to solve a dispute between two people's ideologies." He then turned his head to face Doom and Voice. "It was the extra pair of ears. So then... What'll stop me from joining in on fighting Waldo if I've been so called, what was it, 'sidelined?'" He asked, a particular body language of uncaring bravado to communicate his point.
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