The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Demi-Fiend focused on Vegetto’s hand movements to determine which move he will play. 

“One… two… three…!”

After the final pump, Demi-Fiend’s eyes narrowed, seeing Vegetto’s two fingers extended to make scissors. Smirking like a lunatic, Demi-Fiend forms his hand into a fist, going for rock to achieved victory; he increased his speed of his hand considering that he determined Vegetto’s move. “I CHOSE ROCK!” He shouted at the top of his lungs. 

“….. Did that kid shouted what he’s going to use?” Spina raised a brow in confusion.

Demi-Fiend’s face was brimming in confidence. “Guess you lose, Shonen! You just can’t catch a break huh…” He looks down towards Vegetto’s hand; his eyes suddenly widened.


"The trials." Voice said to Cross. "Someone gotta straighten them out... Plus, we need to showcase your abilities."
Cross says "I was expecting Cuki and/or Bernkastel would play leader for this group of random seeming "heroes"." Cross thinks "The voice dos have a point I expected one of those two end doing that at this point." Cross says "that and this game may take a bit."
"I think you'll easily win that one, Raune." Cuki chuckled. "Very well then, time to play! ...Yeeeeah."

Cuki, shocking enough, was unaware of how to play the game. Being oblivious to the outside world and primarily focused on her meditation, she had no idea how to play the simple game. She turned to Demi-Fiend and Vegetto to examine their game. Not knowing they were bending the rules (or flat out cheating), she copied them, nonetheless. 


Cuki held out her hand to show that she picked paper. For being as smart as she was, she sucked at games.
"You say that like it's easy," Bernkastel said to the Voice in a deadpanned voice. "But I'm not interested in playing babysitter. Ask me again when I'm not the Trial Master and I'll reconsider. However, I get the feeling that even Cross showing his abilities wouldn't get certain people to fall in line anyway."

Lambdadelta stifled a chuckle before turning away from Bern to watch everyone play. "O~hohoho! Looks like the tattooed kid lost! That's too bad." She had a sly, knowing grin on her face having noticed what Vegetto did.

"... you picked paper." Bernkastel said, hearing Cuki incorrectly shout her decision.
Vegetto's confident, sarcastic smirk remained the same at the result, allowing his hand to stay out in front of him for a few more seconds. His eyebrows perked at the sight of Demi-Fiend's shock, his dual voice mocking him in his traditional arrogant attitude.

"Well, would you look at that? I guess I don't need Ultra Instinct to beat you after all."

He lowered his arm down to his side, nodding to where Bernkastel's entourage stood and pointed toward it with his left thumb.

"Go stand over there. You're sitting this one out, loser."


Kassava turned her head back down slightly, her eyes lifted a bit and studying the group. She kept quiet despite the group already splitting off into pairs, her eyes soon turning down.
Brachi and Majin Bara waited as they observed this all going on. The Majin was nervous as she had never played this game before, prompting Brachi to take her to the side to teach her at least the basic rules of the game, while waiting her turn.
Raune looked at his hand, dread going down his back.



It had to be rock, didn't it? All the speed mind in the world, moving faster than light.

And he chose rock.

Raune gracefully bowed his head, face covered in a blush, and then took one step before breaking into a super run, trying to outrun his emberassment. That wasn't going to work.
"Yo!" Gotenks called out to the group as he walked up to them. "Why do I keep getting lost here. I swear I'm gone for a few minutes but then it feels like a couple weeks."

The fusion stared at the group observing them as they played.

"Roshambo? Look guys not to brag or anything but I'm kind of a big deal when it comes to this game."

Gotenks held up his hand with a confident smirk.

"Who's up?"
Demi-Fiend stood there in utter silence; gazing at his fist-shaped hand for a brief moment before slowly opening it. He thought he had this on the bag by reacting to the fingers Vegetto put out, but the last minute change was something Demi-Fiend did not factor into account. 

Vegetto’s comment broke Demi-Fiend out of his trance of staring at his hand, slowly turning his head to face the fused warrior. The cocky attitude emitting from the dual-voiced man made the demonic child closes his fist immediately.

A sinister aura exploded out of his body; just the sheer pressure from the explosion left chills on their bones. Demi-Fiend’s expression remains stoic, flat, but a scenery implies a different kind of feeling. 

“Oh boy… here we go.” Spina sweated a bit. 

He went up to Vegetto’s face; his eyes narrowed as he raised his arm. Suddenly, he grabbed onto Vegetto’s hand and starting to shake it. 

“Well, you sure got me good there.” Demi-Fiend said as the aura around him disappears. “I didn’t think that you would change it at the last second… damn these games.” He let go of Vegetto’s hand and went towards to where Bernkastel stood. “Guess I’m sitting this one out.” He left no damage on the fused warrior; not even cracking his hand.


The detective wiped the sweat off his head. “That kid is truly something, but Vegetto managed to outwit him… that takes some talent.” 
“Demi-Fiend and Raune are out, so I guess I have to do my part.” Spina looks around, seeing Bara. “You. Bubble-gum girl. Let’s do this.” 


“That is true, but still, you’re in this group too!” Voice said to Cross. “We don’t’ know how strong this waldo guy is… especially since Demi-Fiend and Raune are out of the picture…” He turns to Gotenks. “You keep disappearing and popping up everywhere. People are doing rock-paper-scissor to see who can and cannot fight Waldo. Find someone to beat to determine your place.”
Vegetto's narrowed eyes followed Demi-Fiend, having instinctively tensed up at his initial reaction. He stared him down with a strong glare of his own, waiting for him to strike. However, his right eyebrow raised in confusion as his hand was shook, watching Demi-Fiend walk off with a perplexed stare for a few seconds before shaking his head with a small grunt.


Whis smiled down, watching Demi-Fiend join the group and following up after Lambda's comment.

"Well, I'm not sure we should consider it a true loss since Vegetto did cheat after all."

"I did not!"

Vegetto's scowl turned to Whis, crossing his arms over his bare chest with a scoff.

"There's nothing that says you can't change your move right before the final pump. Isn't that right Kass?"

Kassava perked her head up, nodding once in response. Her lack of reassurance prompted Vegetto to narrow his eyes, frowning slightly.

"C'mon taught me that move. Back me up on this."

Kassava raised her head again, her frown and heavily demoralized stare barely changing.

"It isn't cheating...sorry."

Whis' eyebrows perked slightly, narrowing a bit and studying Kassava closely while Vegetto turned back to the group with a confident smirk.

"Ha...see? Not cheating!"

The taller angel sighed lightly, shaking his head for a moment in annoyance not at Vegetto's boasting, but at Kassava's demeanor. He broke away from the group in a small stride, soon approaching Detective Vegeta. A small smile returned, one hand gripping onto his scepter and the other pointing slightly off to the distance.

"Detective, may I have a word with you? In private?"
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