The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Snow was just falling. He looked around and noticed that he was in a black void, before seeing a platform that had a picture of him, with thirteen symbols floating around it. He realized where he was, he was inside his heart, his body in control of his sayian mind. He knew what he needed to do to get out, but the question is, could he do it, or would he be trapped in there forever. The sayian controlled Snow had a black cloak on and hood over his face so that no one would see it. He stepped out from behind Amaterasu's seat and listened to the group's trouble with the clue, or more of just the clue itself.
Whis chuckled, covering his mouth slightly and nodding to Detective Vegeta.

"I could say the same of you, prince Vegeta. I don't believe I am from your timeline, as I'm not sure any form of reason or logic could explain your behavior here. In any case, it is a wonderful pleasure to see you in this gracious state and I am throughly enjoying my time here..."

He suddenly winked with his right eye, offering a small thumbs up with his left hand and dispersing his scepter.

"Jolly good show!"

Whis then pulled back immediately, balling his hands into half closed fists and wiggling them both together excitedly underneath his chin while his giddy tone rung out with a bright smile.

"Simply marvelous!~"


Kassava rubbed her head gently, a dazed expression plastered all over her face as she struggled to regain her composure.

" head hurts..."

Vegetto tilted his head back up, his eyes turning down to Spina as well during his philosophical questioning and started to speak at the same time as Demi-Fiend.

"Don't be absur-"

He stopped midway, noticing that he and Demi-Fiend were echoing the same response, and in the annoyance of thinking even remotely similarly to the other, Vegetto glared slightly at Demi-Fiend and stood silently for a moment. His attention turned to Bernkastel, briefly glancing at Raune for a moment during his comments, and his perplexed stare only grew in intensity at the current discussion. He raised his right hand up, slightly tilting his head to the side while his narrowed eyed stare turned to Bernkastel with a sarcastic tone in his dual voice.

"You know, it might be helpful if you actually explained something that's happening here. The detective pointed out the fragements and how to beat the Librarian, the girl was the one who actually retrieved them-"

He narrowed his eyes into slits, glaring down at her and prompting Whis to frown in his momentary delight.

"-and you only talk about it as if you had anything to do with our success. Getting tired of listening to you spout off nonsense and taking credit for our hard work."
Bernkastel returned the gaze by staring up at Vegetto with a sneer, quirking an eyebrow. 

"Our?"  She scoffed. 

"I certainly wouldn't take credit for what I didn't do, but it seems you are upset for having to think for once instead of swinging your fist at anything that moves." Her eyes narrowed as her tail began to swish back and forth, the low tone of her voice slowly sounding saccharine in her condescension. "Do you know why you had to search for multiple fragments? This was originally one solid clue. But I knew things would easily become messy. It was already bad when you lot alerted the Librarian with incessant noises, but Kassava's attempt to destroy the entire dimension not only backfired, it completely collapsed the library's structure. I simply made it so that the clue could split into pieces for easier finding when the entire place was flooded with words."

"Kassava is a Time Goddess, isn't she? Then why didn't she just simply rewind time in the library back to before and try a different approach from there? I would not have penalized it." The more Bernkastel spoke, the more her shadow cast on the ground began to writhe in inky tendrils, radiating a sinister aura from her glare. "Unable to set her pride aside for a moment, Demi-Fiend reduced her to a sobbing mess and made her effectively useless while the rest of your group had to finish cleaning up a mess you two helped create. And we must address her as a god? What a joke." Her smirk became haughtier. "I had no hand in Cuki securing the fragments either; she did that of her own accord with assistance and managed to pull off some teamwork in the end where it counted the most. You may be one of the stronger ones in the group, but it looks like the underdog has you beat in terms of being a leader. I take no credit in what the others have done."

Bernkastel gestured towards Vegeta. "I never said I would explicitly help out, but last night, I created a miracle that would summon Detective Vegeta to the library today; not because I intended for this to become so messy, but he is the perfect middleman to helping you understand my clues while also being a Saiyan like yourself. So I can certainly take credit for allowing him to simply be of assistance."

She leaned in mere inches from Vegetto's face as her eyes began to glow an iridescent purple. "But so much effort wouldn't have been needed if you just knew when to keep that big mouth of yours shut, and maybe this clue wouldn't have been corrupted. Better yet, why don't we get rid of it? Maybe then you can learn to be more humble instead of putting yourself before your teammates!" Not allowing Vegetto to retort, she immediately placed her hand over his mouth, sharp nails digging into his cheekbones as the hand glowed; pushing him back right after, Bernkastel released him to reveal he no longer had a mouth. "Would anyone else like to waste my time with their bruised egos?" she asked.
An air of silence fell on the group after Vegetto’s outburst. The detective could not appreciate Whis’ comments because of it and did not uttered the response to avoid breaking the mood.

After Bernkastel removed the fused warrior’s mouth, Spina did not have anything to say in the matter; the distraught man is fully aware of the capabilities this witch has in her stocks and avoids crossing paths with her. He had hoped Vegetto would chose his own battles, but it seems that Vegetto still desires to challenge her.

Even if he agreed with Vegetto, Spina knows he had been a non-factor of this first part of the trial—like always, he hardly did anything. It angered him, saddened him that despite his knowledge of the realm after being here for hundreds of years, he lack the skills as noted by both Whis and Voice in terms of experience and finally, his realization that his attitude is nothing more than a burden. Perhaps Cuki’s approach on the matter is beneficial. Regardless, Spina speaking out on either side would result his thoughts instantly thrown out on the account of him being useless for the most part.

Demi-Fiend, on the other hand, is enjoying this little charade. He covered his mouth in attempt to hold back his laughter after seeing Vegetto’s own mouth removed by the Witch. "This going be good."  He thought in his head. "Anyways, I have nothing to say in the matter; I thought everything went smoothly, even if there were a couple of boneheads that made everything a huge mess! Goddess of Time? Blegh. More like, Goddess of Wasting Time."


Voice narrows his eyes at Vegetto and Bernkastel; he flew over to then duo in attempt to break up this dispute. “What the heck are you doing? We are in the middle of a trial! Knock off with that—”

“Doom desires the culmination that comes out of this quarrel.” Doom interrupted the Voice’s intention by grabbing onto him, surprising the latter. His eyes fixed on Bernkastel and Vegetto. “Let them sort this out among themselves.”
"What's wrong Vegetto, cat got your tongue~?" Maggie snickered, watching the whole scene unfold from the safety of Bernkastel's shoulder. "I hope you learn how to properly talk to Lady Bernkastel. You're lucky all she took was your annoying mouth, Kitty could've done a lot worse."

Cuki covered her mouth upon seeing Bernkastel's performance. She knew the Witch was strong, but her strength was more than Cuki originally thought.

Kettles is really someone I wouldn't mess with... Cuki thought to herself. But I never knew she was capable of even more things, I guess the Witch of Miracles isn't a pushover. If that's just a small taste of Kettle's power, I can't imagine her full strength. Doom, Demi-Fiend, Whis, and Kettles... what power do they hold? How overwhelming is it and how did they get stuck in a place like this? So many mysteries...

The little Saiyan girl kept a closer eye on the clue, trying her best to decipher it. The look on her face showed slight frustration, knowing the clue will only be more difficult than before. She knew they would have to keep the clue at hand for reference, and if Bernkastel destroyed it, the whole trials could be compromised. 

"Errm... Kettles?" Cuki said softly, trying hard not to fuel her wrath. "Uhhh, I kindly ask that you not destroy this clue, pretty please? You can keep Vegetto's mouth, just please don't destroy the clue."

Cuki closed her eyes, expecting Bernkastel to lash out at her.
Cross says "Destroying it would fall in to interfering Cuki." Cross thinks "I trust Bernkastel is smarter and craftier than that." Cross is not even remotely afraid of Bernkastel.
Kassava heavily frowned at the mocking of her actions in the battle, lowering her head slightly and gripping onto the bicep of her left arm with her right hand in shame. She kept her head down throughout the exchange until Vegetto stumbled backwards a few feet in front of her. Blinking, she looked up, the sight of Vegetto's reaction instinctively warning her to step back and brace.

Whis' eyes widened a bit as well, inhaling deeply and exhaling with an uneasy stare.

"Oh dear, and he was doing so much better..."


Nearly stumbling onto his ass, Vegetto grimaced with a shocked stare and stumbled onto the floor, catching his fall with his left hand on the floor before rapidly shooting back up to his feet. His eyes turned down, lifting his right hand up and gently touching the skin where his mouth had been moments ago. His wide, shocked eyes only narrowed slightly in immense fury, the veins on his forehead rapidly bulging out as he suddenly threw down his clenched fists in a muffled scream.

The intense wind suddenly blasted out from every direction as the ground underneath his boots splintered and shattered into large boulders that blasted out in every direction. Kassava tumbled backwards instantly, soon gripping onto the floor and stabilizing herself. Whis' robes shot back in the intense wind, the taller angel himself sliding across the floor. However, his demeanor remained unchanged while he slid a few feet, promptly shooting the end of his scepter into the ground and using it like a pike to stop his movement while he stared on with narrowed, stern eyes.

Floating off the ground from the boulders that shot out in every direction, Vegetto blasted forward in a quick, intense blue flame. His hair had grew out to the small of his back, having fully transformed into Super Saiyan Blue 3. His eyes bulged with intense veins, Bernkastel's distortion of his face having completely sent him into an enraged frenzy as he hurled his fists forward at the smaller witch in a rapid, wind-crackling barrage.
Before Bernkastel could answer Cuki, her attention was forced to remain on the person in front of her. "Oh my... It seems I've struck a nerve," she said with a smirk. Her hair erratically blew in all directions behind her from the wind, but she maintained her position after skidding backward on her feet for about a yard. In spite of this, she seemed without any concern. As quickly as Vegetto closed in on her, Bernkastel extended her palms and began to block each fist swung at her with two fingers. "Now..."

"Give me paw." She caught the last extended fist with her hand to stop his momentum. 

Lifting a free hand, Bernkastel held out a single finger in front of Vegetto's sternum, flicking it once with her thumb and index finger to send him flying into the side of the nearest building. This released a violent explosion of wind on its own as the ground behind Vegetto caved in even further. Her face had mostly returned to its usual composure, but she had a small smile. "Well, at least I killed my boredom with that."
Vegetto's eyes widened upon the impact of Bernkastel's flick, the blue flame disappating entirely as he shot backwards in the torrent of wind that followed. Kassava blinked hard, bracing at the impact of his crash into the building across the way. Whis' stern expression remained unchanged, his head dipping a bit once the force of the impact subsided.


The dust cloud billowed out only for a few seconds, Vegetto emerging from the rubble and struggling to stand on his feet. His eyes fluttered, his chest rising and falling heavily while blood dripped a bit from his nose. Exhaling and inhaling rapidly through his nose, his dazed stare began to rapidly distory and change, the rage slowly reigniting his will to fight as he blasted forward once more.


Whis' perked his eyes a bit, noticing the surge of blue flames once again and the smoke clearing.

"Oh my, he can still stand after that."

Vegetto blasted forward once more, reeling his left fist back. A muffled roar vibrated from his throat, but just as he reached Bernkastel again, he vanished into thin air. Reappearing instantly behind her back, Vegetto shot the reeled fist down towards her right shoulder blade, lightning spiralling and crackling outward around his forearm.
Bernkastel slightly turned her head to look behind her but took the hit fully on her shoulder, lurching forward. However, no noise came out of her mouth, as her form exploded into a shadowy amalgamation of cats. All of them yowled at Vegetto and merged together to form large paws and maws that swiped at him repeatedly. Other small shadowy felines scattered into other shadows and faded out of sight.

The real Bern reappeared high above Vegetto, her dress billowing in the wind as she glared down at him annoyed. "Just like a cockroach, you're annoyingly stubborn!" She held out her hand as eight giant snakes appeared from a large and intricate magic circle that formed behind her. Made solidly of a bright blue magic, the vipers all swiftly struck at him from the air, some intending to slam him into the ground and hold him there, others with their maws wide open. "You worthless illusion of fiction! I'll deconstruct you beyond recognition!"
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