The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Vegetto's eyes widened, seeing his attack have little effect and pulled back desperately once the cats were upon him. He feinted and swayed, trying to avoid the incoming hits and taking a few before turning his head up, noticing Bernkastel floating high above.

Whis' narrowed eyes grew in intensity, watching on as Vegetto crashed onto the floor with the vipers restraining. He writhed in pain, the blue flames evaporating again as his hair returned to its normal shade and length. His eyes fluttered a bit, having taken in more damage than he could've imagined, but kept his glare trained on Bernkastel high above. He shook with anger, deciding that in his final moment, he would unleash his most devastating attack.

Inhaling a large breath through his nose, Vegetto suddenly explused a massive torrent of wind from his nostrils, hocking a massive and bloody snot ball forward that fired through the sky like a bullet and struck the bridge of Bernkastel's nose high above. Vegetto's chest fell, his back crashing onto the floor as he glared up in the restrained position, but still defiant.
Bernkastel winced upon feeling the sensation of something slimey and disgusting on her nose, realizing what it was. She pulled out a handkerchief from her sleeve and wiped the offending substance off her face. From where everyone stood, the expression on her face was completely obscured in the shadow of her bangs. All that could be seen was the whites of her eyes. Pointing at Vegetto, she hissed something unintelligible. It caused the snakes to let go of Vegetto's body, morphing into her cat familiars from before.

"Do it." 

Upon her command, all of them crowded around him and simultaneously began to cough and make choking noises. In mere seconds, they all coughed up hairballs covered in mucus and whatever else they had eaten earlier in the day. There was enough to practically cover him head to toe from the army she had summoned.

"Ohoho! Good grief... that girl hasn't changed one bit!" 

A high-pitched female's voice came from behind the group watching the fight peter out as she approached them.

"I figured I would find her soon enough."​
In thorough disgust, Raune placed a hand on Stormruler and walked over to Vegetto, looking over him and letting out a heavy sigh.

"I can attempt to clean you off, or you can try to do it yourself." He stated, obviously aggravated by the tone of his voice. "Perhaps next time if you have the tenacity to literally damage your own face to try and humiliate an opponent, you won't lose sight of what's important due to infighting. Unless, of course, you want all your friends and family to get erased by Doom. Whatever kind of, protector you were in your reality, doesn't seem to work out well here. Unless you tended to break all the wrong things there." He summarized his disappointment, and then turned around and walked way, his back to Vegetto to face the new arrival.

"Greetings!" He said in a somber but happier voice, giving a small wave. "My name is Raune. Formerly King Xaio Long. You're a friend of Bern's, I assume?"
Vegetto blinked, his eyes wide as he glanced around. He attempted to shield himself, tightly shutting his eyes and curling up as he was pelted with the slimy mucus and hair that followed, disappearing into the mountain of spit wads that formed.

Kassava glanced down, still frowning heavily. She moved closer to the mound and stared at it solemnly for a moment, before turning her head up to Whis once he had moved up to the sight as well.


Whis perked his eyebrows, turning his head to Kassava.


Kassava only stared back with her heavy frown, and after a few seconds, Whis let out a small sigh and shook his head.

"Nothing has changed, Kassava. You have made some very poor choices, but that does not stop you from improving your attitude now. It won't do you any good to dwell on it-"

His eyes sharpened a bit.

"You've done enough of that even before we came here."

A sudden surge of heat radiated from the spitwad next to Whis, prompting his attention as the muscus suddenly exploded out in every direction. Shielding himself, Whis watched on with Kassava next to him as Vegetto now stood upright in place of the mucus mountain he was contained in. His legs trembled, a large blade of pure yellow energy radiating around his right forearm that soon disappeared once he dropped down to one knee. Steam billowed up off his body, the little energy he had left incinerating the mucus that covered his body while he suddenly grasped onto the gi on his chest. Tearing it off in one swipe, Vegetto tossed the heavy rags onto the ground, the floor cracking a bit under the weighted clothing while Vegetto panted heavily through his nose, now shirtless.

Whis lifted his lips into a small smile, glancing down.

"Got it all out of your system?"

Vegetto glared back in response, his eyes shifting a bit to Raune after his comments, but soon turned back down in an annoyed glare.

Whis turned his head up a bit to nod at Bernkastel, soon bowing slightly as Raune addressed Lambda.

"He is finished fighting, my dear. Please have mercy on him."
Cross thinks seeing Bern's necromancy "cute and amusing."  Cross is unaffected by the newcomer.
Gervene merely scoffed.

"Are you lot done set-trippin' here?" She merely asked, especially with Brachi and Majin Bara both getting a bit agitated themselves, yet holding themselves back as to not make the situation any worse than it already was.
Snow, having control now, noticed Lambdadelta "So, we have Bernkastel and Lambdadelta now? I hope Beato is next. I have some unfinished business with her, but it can wait. Lady Lambdadelta, it is an honor to see you again."
The feud between Vegetto and Bernkastel came to its conclusion, leaving the detective in awe of how swiftly the Witch dispatched the fused warrior. “That woman… she bested the fusion as if he was a mere child… her strength is in the similar wavelength of that demonic kid…” His eyes shifted to Spina; the latter did the same and simply shrugged at what inspired.

Returning his eyes back to the group, the Detective could not think of anything relevant to say; in his mind, in his own thoughts, his appearance and interaction with the group was nothing more than a forced meeting cooked up by the Witch of Miracles. “This is some sort of game for them… and if I understand this correctly, their fate of the universes is at risk?”

He wanted to say something, but he knew, by instinct, that they would shot him down. The force summoned, against his will, to have a faithful meeting with the group by the Witch, explains where they and stand on the totem pole; he was nowhere near the top and its best to keep his mouth shut.

“I knew that these guys are strong, the Witch is even stronger than I could imagined… but a collection of them in one place… even I find this a tad bit ridiculous.” Vegeta rubbed his chin. “I need my tea to calm my nerves…” His ears picked up a new voice in the crowd. “Another one!? That woman has a similar feeling to this Witch…”

“That was quite a ruckus, but ultimately disappointing. I expected some explosions; not a hair extension.” Demi-Fiend turns to the newcomer in the group, seeing that Raune and few others already introduced themselves to them. 


“Oh great… first Vegetto runs off the mouth and now we have a newcomer?” The voice was being titled that things are blowing up. “What’s your grand plan, Bernkastel!?”

Doom remained quiet of this affairs, but he was general amused of what transpired in the confronting between Bernkastel and Vegetto. “Another newcomer…” He eyed on the young woman.
Cuki watched the fight between Vegetto and Bernkastel ensue. To a degree, she Bernkastel would win, but not to the extent that she did. It made her thoughts race until she heard the ungodly loogie from Vegetto and the barfing of Bernkastel's kitties. The sight, smell, and noise of it all made her gag and heave. She annoyingly placed a hand over her face and pushed it around to rid herself of the thoughts of slime. Her tail fur was all spiked up by how disgusted she was.

Ugh, how repulsive... I can't even focus on the battle. Cuki thought to herself. At least the worst is over, or so I had hoped. Can these people do anything else other than fight like a pack of animals?! What is wrong with everyone?! Our universes are at stake and they still cause destruction if someone simply pricks at their ego! Ridiculous! I can't stand it anymore!

Cuki turned her head to look at the newcomer, nose picking up slightly on her scent and energy. Instinctively, she took a step back.

"Looks like this one is a Witch as well... She's on par with Bernkastel, it's hard to tell who is stronger." The girl said to herself. "Perhaps things will change with the new Witch..."

Cuki took a few steps to the Pink Witch and bowed her head respectfully.

"Hello, nice to meet you, ma'am. You can call me Cuki."

Maggie, during the whole fight, clung to Bernkastel's shoulder for dear life. Upon witnessing the hundreds of cats barf on Vegetto, her squeaky little laugh was heard.

"Oh man, that's great! Hmph! Serves the chimp right! How dare he soil Kitty's precious face! He's lucky Lady Bernkastel didn't do much worse! You should keep his stupid mouth as a trophy, but then again, it might never shut up."

Maggie turned to the new Witch and morphed herself as one of Bernkastel's black cats, sitting idly on her shoulder. What made Maggie stand apart was a white patch of fur shaped like a heart on her chest. Maggie-Cat licked her paw.

"Is this Witch a friend of yours? She sounds... like trouble."
Cross thinks "I gest Snow home universe is more meta alien than I first thought. It would explain way he handled seeing the forth wall so well." Cross thinks looking more at the new comer "she may make things slightly more interesting especially with Bernkastel."
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