The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Cuki held her breath through Vegetto's Instant Transmission and when they landed on the floor, she never felt more relieved. When Detective Vegeta kissed her cheeks, she couldn't help but blush from embarrassment.

"Oh my..." Cuki mumbled, cheeks red. "Uhm, thank you. Quite a way to show your appreciation, Vegeta." 

She backed away slowly to reassure that they were in the proper realm and took a deep breath. A cute smile formed on her face and she seemed very proud of herself and the group. She pulled the drawing of Spina from her pocket and placed it on the floor, assuming that he will return to normal now that they escaped the Library. Cuki also pulled out the four shard fragments they managed to find. 

Now that we're out, Kettles will have to show her face soon. Let's just hope that she only had 4 clues to find or else we're gonna get an angry kitty...

She realized she was still partially deaf, only regaining little of her hearing. Cuki shrugged, knowing she didn't need to rely so much on one sense. As Raune left, she looked confused, barely able to understand what he said or even what happened to him.

"It's time to grace these guys with your presence, Kitty." Maggie said nervously. "W-When all this is over, I'll be sure to find you a new place to read..."
"I see you've made it out in one piece after all." Bernkastel lowered herself onto the ground after reappearing in the destroyed library. "What a mess you people make... oh well, at least that bothersome librarian is out of everyone's hair for a while." She perched Maggie on her shoulder before addressing the group. "I take it you've recovered all of the fragments? It was supposed to be just one big clue piece, but since you insist on doing things the hard way, I allowed the pieces to have the ability to break as a contingency plan."

She clasped her hands together, which sent out a cascading wave of energy to restore the group's impaired hearing. "I don't like to repeat myself." Bernkastel held out her hand expectantly for the shards. It was hard to tell whether she was satisfied or not at the moment, but her tone sounded at least somewhat content with things for now. "The next portion of your trial will take place outside in Reality City."
After arriving back into the current reality, Vegetto lowered his arm down from his head at the sensation of solid ground underneath his boots. The silver hair, eyes, and fire alike all dissipated as his arm dropped down to his side, as if the deep breath he exhaled blew out the immense heat and pressure that came from the form. Standing in his normal base form, he barely registered the congratulations of Detective Vegeta until he felt the hands gripping onto his head and pulling him into the kiss.

Vegetto instantly pulled back, yelping and shaking his head with a disgusted stare.


He threw up his one free hand, rubbing the spot and holding out the palm in front of his face. Glancing down with wide eyes, Vegetto repeatedly looked up and down towards Detective Vegeta with a perplexed stare.

"What the hell happened to you Vegeta?"

Vegetto stopped midway, however, turning his attention to Bernkastel once she arrived. His eyes narrowed into a small glare, studying her reaction and movements while she extended her hand out for the shards. The wave of magic prompted a small russling from Kassava, who groaned lightly ontop of Vegetto's shoulder.

Vegetto's stern stare broke instantly, quickly turning his attention to Kassava and helping her off his shoulder to her feet.

"Hey hey...easy Kass. It's over...take it easy."


Whis floated up to Bernkastel's right, smiling and slightly contrasting the witch's lack of enthusiasm with a contained, yet warm tone after waiting politely for Bernkastel to finish.

"Well done everyone! I'm excited to see your upcoming performance!"
“Man that was a show! I thought you knuckleheads would’ve stray off from what you were doing and just completely blew it… thankfully, Cross had so much faith in you.” the voice chuckled. “I didn’t.” He looks around. "What happened to the fast one?"

Doctor Doom continues to remained quiet.


Detective Vegeta tips his hat. “Do not be so embarrassed about it; it’s something I decided to pick up during my time during this realm. You’d be surprised of everything you can learn when you have nothing but time in your hands.” His ears ringed off to the familiar voice, turning his head to the direction of Bernkastel and Whis.

“Whis…?” He immediately recognized. “Out of all the people, I never expected you to get transported to this realm; it definitely been ages since I last seen you… but I assumed you’re not from my world.” The detective noticed that he was hanging around with Bernkastel, Cross, Voice and Doctor Doom. “The group did mentioned about doing a trial and something about the fragments… Mind filling me what was this about?”


After Cuki places the drawing of Spina onto the floor, as the effects of the Librarian ended, he reverted to his normal appearance. He bolted upwards, hastily looking around, seeing everyone together again. “What the hell happened…?” He places his hand on his face, sweating profoundly. “I… I felt like nothing is real… as if we are nothing more than an imagination of someone… as if that none of these matters as soon that imagination falters…” Spina turns to the group. “Are we even real… or just a figment of someone’s creative minds?”

“What the hell are you talking about? You must’ve hit your head when you got turned into that drawing.” Demi-Fiend shifts his attention to Bernkastel and the others. “We’re doing a trial in order to determine our ability to fight Doctor Doom here… so we had to find a clue… but Grandma screwed the pouch for everyone.” He answered Vegeta’s question.
Cuki's hearing returned, and she was happier than ever. She made sure by clapping once and glad to hear the noise that came from it. Her eyes then turned to Spina, listening to his deep thoughts on how they come to existence. A similar view rose into her head, but she paid no mind to it.

Heh, Spina must still be shaken up by this... What an interesting thought on how we all came to be.

"Hey, didn't you hear Kitty?" Maggie spat. "She doesn't like to say things twice, so don't keep her waiting. Hurry up and give her the fragments you guys were supposed to collect!"

Cuki scoffed at Maggie and dug in her pocket, pulling out the four fragments the group managed to collect. In the back of her head, she worried what Bernkastel would do if they didn't manage to find all the clues. The best thing she could hope for is mercy as she walked to the Witch and placed the fragments in her hand.
"You simpletons can worry about your existentialism another time." Bernkastel said while examining the fragments in her hand. "As far as you need to know, Detective, you are a piece that will help carry on the first two Trials for this group. Mostly because I summoned you here rather than your own free will, but I digress. I need somebody knowledgeable in solving mysteries without my direct intervention. Oh, and if they fail the trials at any point, we all are at risk of being erased," she concluded casually. Bern kept her eyes on the fragments and was able to easily put them together into one solid crystal, but something caused her to frown. "Hmm... well, let's see what your new clue is. Feel free to recap Raune, but I will allow you to keep this clue with you for easy reference."

Bern lifted the fragment into the air for all to see, displaying their new clue.

Whose cane is that? I think I know.
Its owner is quite happy though.
Finding him in this abandoned meadow,
I watch him laugh. I say hello.

A voyager, he is unseen,
Drifting through endless realities,
He plays a game with those he meets,
But this is the only place he cannot leave.

This man is finicky, immortal like me,
But he has promises to keep,
A̪͓̯̺̘͔͇f͈̗͍̯ṯ̟̘̮e̯̙̺͕͖̱͖r͕ ̫̺͇c̻̰̫̤̺̦ak̗͓̹̺e̦̳̣͉ a͈̺ͅn͇͕̭͕͓͕d͇̠̜͉̬̝ͅ ͖̠̠͓͙lo̗̙̪̰̜t̫̬͖̺̰̠s͎̰͔̬̳ ̠͈̬̯̩̬o̯f̮̭͕ ̣̳͙̼͔̼s͓̟͖͖ͅͅl̜͚ḙ̟̩e̩̻̲̥̮͈̮p͍͙ͅ.̼̙

̰̖͙̮̟͖̤Șw̝̜̭e͙et̰̫͎̹͖͇̹ ̥̯͖͉͓̺ͅd̥̯̰̲͖̼r͉̱̝̯̱̟̭e̩̟̠̼a̖̪̟̭̱̮ͅms̝̘͕̩̩ ̥c̳ome t̗͍̯o̞ ̖u̹̦̩̠̤ͅs̰͕̠ͅ cẖe͓a̰̯͓̤̪͕p̖.̞͔̺

Our meeting was by sleight of hand.
S͎o̺m͔̟̘et͚̞̦͓̮͙̖h͓̩̬i̭̤̠̫n̤͚g͙̰̪̦̱ ̜͎̫̼̱e̺̭̺ͅḻ͇s̰̬e͙̯̖̤ ͙͙̻t͈͕̯̖͔̳h̼̻r̗̣̜͕̩̺e̹̪̦̗̙w͓ ̠͚̟̖m̜͓̰̫̜e̝͔̙ ͙͚̠̦i͚̙͕̬n̳t̬̺͔o͇̟ͅ ̱͕̮͚̘̱̺thḭ̘s̱̤̜͚ ̦͖̬̪f̗̝o̲͉r͖͙̻̝g̦̙̖̺̥o̪͙t̲̱̺̙̼t̤̝̙ͅe̖n̯̪̥̱ ̩̳̰̞ͅḷ͔a͙̣͉̰n̻̫̬̝d̼̲̪̟̞.̖̩

̦͖͕I ̼̦̠̝h͚̙̹͚̫͉̗e͚̝̗̻a͖̮̖͖̗̩̣r̙̟̺̻͔̥͎ ̯͖͉̱͍ṭ͚̬̩͙̼h͕e̮ ͉̪p͔̫̪͚͙ͅi̤͍̹̜t̯t͕̻ḙ̟̳̝̺̩r͇͖̬̦̝-p̼̖̟̜̼̯ͅa͓t͈̼̣̥͚͙̣t͉̲̳͇e̱̥r͓̪̝̝ ̯o̬f a̜̲̦̻̙̖ c͙͉a̟̗̜͙̠͕͕t̜̥̻̭̼̫̥.͍̤̭
I wonder, how much more will my boredom here last?

Parts of the clue seemed to phase in and out of an unreadable state of incomprehensible symbols before shifting back into a readable form. In spite of this, the clue was legitimate due to the color of the text. This vexed Bernkastel greatly, but she seemed to have an idea as to why. 

"It looks like some fragments became corrupted when Kassava let out such a chaotic wave of energy and aggravated the Librarian. This is not the original clue. At least, not entirely. Whatever happens for the duration of this first trial may very well be out of my hands now..." Her tail twitched around at the newfound uncertainty this event brought on.
All I need is a second lightning strike.

- - - -

Two hundred and twenty years ago.
Raune was running alongside an older man who looked similar to him in appearance and regal clothing, and shared affinity for black and blue. Their race was in the rain, on a paved road in a grassy field, futuristic buildings behind them.

“Come on nephew! Use your semblance! Go even faster!” He shouted in mania. Raune grunted, pulling electricity down from the air and onto the ground in an earth shattering boom. The two disappeared, leaving behind nothing but muddy footprints behind them. A flurry of rose petals suddenly arrived on the scene, unfolding a large scythe as a woman in red materialized. Looking at the end of the tracks, she became confused and looked upwards at the storm clouds.

- - - -

Gritting his teeth, the stolen energy moving through the Speed Force into the lightning covering Raune’s body, and moving through the lightning into Raune, and the same energy moving from Stormruler into the mystical bond the sword had with Raune’s aura, and from the bond moving into the aura. Glancing up, surrounded by fields on the outside of Reality City, Raune willed Stormruler to call down the lightning. Electricity arced in the air, jumping from empty air to empty air, gathering strength, until it came down in a sudden moment, striking Raune. Thunder roared, blowing the foil-age in the vicinity back with sonic force, and the lightning merging into the Speed Force around Raune. Suddenly moving through the Speed Force itself, Raune could feel years begin to pass by him as he ran, the energy merging moving into overtime by the effect of the Speed Force. His body adsorbed the energy from the destroyed copy Stormruler, his body hardening and strengthening in response, becoming far stronger, ascending to a new level of strength. Beyond super-human, further past it, even further past it. A level, of Superhuman++. The energy from the real Stormruler merged with his aura, and the passage of time affected his soul. He could feel his aura’s strength increasing, alongside how much of his soul’s strength he could manifest. Before he had been able to tank blows from other Huntsmen with it, and becoming a Speedster increased it somewhat, providing him protection against other Speedsters. But now, it was triple what it was before. Enough it could survive hits without complete destruction, like it had before.

Leaving the Speed Force just a few moments after entering it, Raune stopped in the fields and looked around. Looking over his changed body, he couldn’t help but smirk. Turning around, he began to run again, opposite of where he had been heading, going where he came from.

- - - -

With a gust of wind, Raune appeared at the group’s side outside the destroyed library once more, idly leaning to the side in a relaxed pose, a hand casually resting on Stormruler’s pommel. Looking over the completed fragment, Raune raised an eyebrow in response to the completed clue.

“While I missed whatever we were discussing, I was actually just in the wilderness outside Reality City. Quite strange, guess I need to run back, again.” He stated casually, though forming a smirk at a little wiggle at the top of his head from pride. Raune’s body was radically changed, but still looked similar. The same lanky build, though his muscle mass was more compact. The same calm red eyes, but instead of the black corrupted lightning, instead it was a neon blue. Formerly short raven hair was now shoulder length and more regal looking. A once clean-shaven face had a full beard and mustache, the same color as the hair. The most significant aspect was the newfound addition of a pair of black house cat ears ontop of his head, and a matching tail on his back.
Cross says to Bernkastal "to be truthful they are handling seeing the fourth wall for the first time better than I thought they will." Cross thinks "Its amusing to see Bernkastal worried."
Gervene merely listened on, her four arms crossed, while Brachi shook the stars out of her head.

"What happened?!" She asked, having regained her focus, while at the same time tending to Majin Bara, who was now taking deep breaths to calm down.
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