Cuki held her breath through Vegetto's Instant Transmission and when they landed on the floor, she never felt more relieved. When Detective Vegeta kissed her cheeks, she couldn't help but blush from embarrassment.
"Oh my..." Cuki mumbled, cheeks red. "Uhm, thank you. Quite a way to show your appreciation, Vegeta."
She backed away slowly to reassure that they were in the proper realm and took a deep breath. A cute smile formed on her face and she seemed very proud of herself and the group. She pulled the drawing of Spina from her pocket and placed it on the floor, assuming that he will return to normal now that they escaped the Library. Cuki also pulled out the four shard fragments they managed to find.
Now that we're out, Kettles will have to show her face soon. Let's just hope that she only had 4 clues to find or else we're gonna get an angry kitty...
She realized she was still partially deaf, only regaining little of her hearing. Cuki shrugged, knowing she didn't need to rely so much on one sense. As Raune left, she looked confused, barely able to understand what he said or even what happened to him.
"It's time to grace these guys with your presence, Kitty." Maggie said nervously. "W-When all this is over, I'll be sure to find you a new place to read..."
"Oh my..." Cuki mumbled, cheeks red. "Uhm, thank you. Quite a way to show your appreciation, Vegeta."
She backed away slowly to reassure that they were in the proper realm and took a deep breath. A cute smile formed on her face and she seemed very proud of herself and the group. She pulled the drawing of Spina from her pocket and placed it on the floor, assuming that he will return to normal now that they escaped the Library. Cuki also pulled out the four shard fragments they managed to find.
Now that we're out, Kettles will have to show her face soon. Let's just hope that she only had 4 clues to find or else we're gonna get an angry kitty...
She realized she was still partially deaf, only regaining little of her hearing. Cuki shrugged, knowing she didn't need to rely so much on one sense. As Raune left, she looked confused, barely able to understand what he said or even what happened to him.
"It's time to grace these guys with your presence, Kitty." Maggie said nervously. "W-When all this is over, I'll be sure to find you a new place to read..."