The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Raune looked at the two Stormrulers in hand, and blinked, thinking about what he'll need to do later. The blades were crackling with massive amounts of lighting arcing along themselves, and storm clouds had formed around the weapons. They were filled with energy, more filled than ever before, the actual blades were unable to be seen. And in doing so, Raune's strength was now on par with Super Saiyan Blue Vegetto's, physically speaking, from holding the two of them. The Speedster looked up and saw the shards coming down from the sky and started to run off, trying to find a way out of the dimension, lest his newfound ticket to power be revoked.
Vegetto kept his silver eyes narrowed, standing still throughout the final push to retrieve the shard. He visibly relaxed as the Librarian collapsed onto the floor, yet turned his head up. Upon discovering an opening within the shattering realm, Vegetto let out a small grunt as he fired off another small pellet sized blast into the air. The ball rapidly shot out through the cracked dimension, disappearing from sight.

Turning back to the others, Vegetto lightly waved for them to gather near him with his free hand. Without waiting for a reply, he lifted his hand up, two fingers pressing onto his forehead.
Cuki narrowed her eyes and noticed the several cracks within the dimension and realized that Vegetto was able to teleport people around. She tugged at Vegetto's shirt and pressed her fingers to her forehead, mimicking how Vegetto used his ability. She pointed at a large hole in the sky she wanted him to teleport to and nodded, assuring him that she was positive on her intuition. 

"Raune! Come here!" She yelled. "Grab Vegetto!"

Cuki turned to Brachi and her gang. She pondered about their situation and how they would escape and snapped her fingers. Since two of them were unable to move, she would need another way.

"Gervene! Blast a hole through the floor! Fall through, trust me!"

She then turned to Demi-Fiend and Detective Vegeta and bit her lip. She knew Demi-Fiend wouldn't come running to Vegetto so she tilted her head and shrugged.

"Demi-Fiend! Punch a hole in the wall and go through it!"

Cuki turned to Vegetto and placed a hand on his shoulder and held her other hand out to the ceiling. She began to charge up a small sphere of energy before launching it off. It slammed on the ceiling and created a large explosion for such a little ball of energy. The explosion cracked the already breaking dimension into thousands of shards that would ultimately destroy the group if they touched them. She was planning to have the Librarian fall under her own power.

If this works... then that Librarian will not be able to come back!

Cuki's grip tightens on Vegetto's shoulder as she only waited for the others to do their part.
Gervene didn't need to be told this twice and did as Cuki had told her, using her lower arms to grab both Brachi and Majin Bara, shaking them out of their shock as this startled them, before she blasted a hole through the floor and fell through, waiting to see where they would end up...
Raune stopped his dodging by Cuki, grabbing onto Vegetto's shoulder with one free hand. The energy that was being carried by his swords currently caused him to keep as much distance from Cuki and Vegetto as possible, just incase. Blue lighting coursed over his body.
"It took a lot of effort, but they managed to pull it off in the end. Granted, the library will have to be closed for a while to do renovations on the place, so it looks like I will need to find a new reading spot for the time being..." Bernkastel said, grabbing Maggie and lifting herself up from her armchair, which disappeared in a cascade of glowing particles. "They sure know how to leave a mess behind. Well, I needn't see any more, so I will meet the group outside." She turned away from the lingering destruction and phased out of the library, seemingly teleporting back outside of the Librarian's dimension into the true library.

"I'll be sure to restore their hearing when they come out if they need it. I hate repeating myself twice."
In an instant, Vegetto disappeared with the group into thin air. Shortly after, reappearing out on solid ground, Vegetto lowered his arm down to his side and clutched tightly onto Kassava's back.

He glanced around for a moment, trying to get a feel for the new reality they found themselves in.
Doctor Doom narrowed his eyes. “If this is the extent of Migatte no Goku’i….” He pressed a button on his hover chair, phasing out of the library since the battle is now over.

“Guess we have to leave then.” The voice wipes the sweat off his head. “Let’s get going.” He turns to Cross before departing.

Vegetto successfully managed to leave the realm, along with Raune, Kassava and Cuki just in time, thanks to the effort done by the action of the latter of providing a way out. Following suit, Gervene, Brachi and Bara jumped in the hole and escaped, appearing in the now stabilized library, with no influence from the Librarian’s actions; reverting the deconstruction damage done to Brachi and Bara to their normal states.

Demi-Fiend looks around to find a perfect spot to punch. “This one feels good.” As Detective Vegeta step back a little, Demi-Fiend slams his fist onto the ground so hard, the entire foundation of the reality instantly shattered, warping everything in sight.

“…. This kid can do that?” Detective Vegeta raised a brow nervously. 

“Well… let’s go.” Demi-Fiend walked out, Vegeta following closely behind. 

The shards fell on top of the Librarian, and because of the effects of the shards, completely reverted her back to whatever state she was originally. Within moments after everyone’s escape, the new reality vanished into nothingness.

The Destroyed Library

“Looks like we are in the library again,” Demi-Fiend looks around, putting his fingers on his chin. “I actually want to go back to that new reality again.” 

The library is such a mess; although everything returned to normal, because of their actions, all the books are on the floor; book shelves no longer in positions and overall junk everywhere.

“How about no….” Detective Vegeta took a big deep breath, before going to Vegetto, Raune and Cuki. “It was sloppy at first, but you guys pulled through! Thanks you lots, the effects of Librarian’s ability are no longer active!” He points to all books that have “residents” trapped, reappearing out of it, much of their surprise. “You chaps are pretty damn interesting!” He grabbed each of their faces, kissing them on the cheek. “You have my gratitude!”
Both Brachi and Majin Bara were still trying to pull themselves together mentally now that their physical forms had been restored. While Brachi eventually shook herself out of her stupor, Majin Bara was still shaken up, although she did calm down and got herself out of her stupor when Brachi gave her a hug.

"What in the name of the twenty-nine hells of Dai Zan has happened?!" Brachi asked.
Approaching Raune, Detective Vegeta nearly got zapped by the lightning coursing over the speedster's body to the point of surrounding it completely. Flinching from the kiss because of how close Vegeta nearly got zapped, Raune backed away from the group by ten meters with a small burst of speed.

"I wouldn't get too close to me right now. I'm a battery for a large amount of energy I'm going to need to dispose of soon before someone gets hurt. Normally it's contained but, there's simply so much of it that I can't be certain it won't overload." He stated. Though his physical body was fine, speedster lighting was arcing over it constantly even without him using his powers, would be a blinding lightshow if he did. In addition, the twin Stormrulers he was carrying both were covered in storm clouds and lighting engulfing the blades completely, but there was a blue sheen of pure lightning glowing from the hidden metals. Raune looked over to Cuki, and realizing he couldn't talk to her, looked to Vegeta again.

"I'm going to go find a way to use this energy, while I'm gone Cuki needs to solve those fragments. I should be back by the time you figure out the puzzle. I'm not sure what'll happen, but we'll have a weapon we can use against Doom in some form." He explained in a cryptic tone before dashing off, blinding blue lighting showing as a blur of where he had been.

- - -

Standing in the middle of the Reality Vortex, Raune was watching every second go by as a minute, the world at an almost complete standstill for the Speedster. Filled with phenomenal power, he looked up at the sky, knowing he was on the verge of a new horizon in his adventures. Starting to run across the Vortex, through streets and sidewalks, on the sides of buildings when things were too crowded for him to get through, thinking, leaving behind a flashing blue blur.

My aura was my first source of strength. Protecting me, giving the ability to run faster via lightning, and making my body into that of a super human, I thought that this would be all I need to be a Huntsman.

Running on the side of a building, reaction speed fast enough to only step on the concrete and not on the glass windows, he just kept moving.

Stormruler was the second. Once a powerful sword forged of meteoric iron, it was a blade without equal, without siblings. With it I was the best dueler in the land, the king.

Moving in a street, he moved an entire lane of people out of the way of an incoming truck and onto the side walk, removed the truck driver from the vehicle and brought it to a halt by simply working against it's speed.

The Speed Force was the most powerful of all. With it, I was faster, stronger, quicker thinking. My fights from before were nothing. I could run forwards or backwards in time. I became so good I teamed up with two even faster runners in the Speedforce, my adopted aunt and my adopted mother. It even enhanced Stormruler, running through the multiverse, granting it mystical abilities that made me stronger than I ever could want to be.

In the span of a minute, three hundred miles away from the destroyed library, Raune was covered in lightning, bonding with the Speedforce itself, before grabbing onto the two Stormrulers, and using one to shatter the other. The sword broken, the energy released in the form of a bright ball before being adsorbed by Raune's lightning. Merging with the lighting, merging with Raune himself, the Speedster began to glow a bright blue, lightning shocks leaving behind every step of his. Using one hand to grab onto the other Stormruler, the energy from that one infusing itself into a blue protective field over Raune, the field growing stronger in strength. He was glowing as bright as a star.

To defeat Doom I need to push past what I thought were the limits on my Aura, on my body. Stormruler and my Speedforce abilities are fast enough, but now, I'll be even stronger than I could ever imagine.
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