The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Vegetto's glare intensified at the jest, staring up in silence. He turned his head, however, at the sound of Detective Vegeta's voice, and quickly tugged on Kassava's waist.

"C'mon Kass, we gotta-"


Vegetto furrowed his silver eyebrows at the sudden screech, Kassava gripping onto his arm with one hand and slamming her fist into his chest harmlessly with the other. His eyes shot to the side, watching Vegeta explain the situation a bit before quickly turning his head down to Kassava.

"We don't have time for this, Kass. We have to-"


Vegetto snarled in response, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"You're blasted, stubborn woman."

He leaned his head down in a rapid instant, suddenly pressing his lips into hers. Kassava blinked hard, gasping lightly behind the sudden kiss and swinging her arms up to push herself off Vegetto's chest. She grimaced a bit, pulling back and looking back up at Vegetto with a bewildered, enraged glare while still in his grasp.

"What the hell was that?!"

Vegetto flashed a small little smirk.

"Just a little something so you're not too mad when you wake up."

Kassava blinked, her eyebrow still raised.

"When I wake up after wh-"

Her eyes lost their color a second later, Vegetto's free hand chopping down into the side of neck. Vegetto kept a stern stare, watching Kassava revert back into her normal state and collapse limp into his arms, now unconscious from the small blow. Vegetto grunted lightly as he hoisted her over his shoulder, rapidly bolting off his foot after turning heel and launching towards the group. He threw our his arms, the silver fire surging around him as he gripped onto everyone while Kassava dangled off his shoulder. Using his left, he pulled two fingers up to his forehead and grunted, disappearing into thin air with the group in tow across the open distance to the furthest point high in the air away from the Librarian.

Vegetto panted lightly, releasing his grip on everyone and clutching onto Kassava's limp body hanging over his shoulder.

"Did...did we win yet?"
Snow felt himself teleported and said "Not yet, but there is one thing i haven't tried also. Though, Vegetto I might need your help with it." He reverted to his human form, now wearing a silver set of knight style armor, as he pulled the blue and gold handled sword from the scabbard on his hip. Amaterasu said "Oh, so he is finally pulling that out. Huh, took him long enough." She felt a sense of joy that he was taking out the one thing that helped him many times before, the sword of promised victory.
“Guess we’re changing positions now.” Demi-Fiend looked around, noticing that everyone is here, including Brachi and Bara. “Ah, I forgot about you two! What happened? You look like you are about to split apart! Talk about having taking a break.” The child had a smug smile on his face, seemingly proud of the joke.

He taps his fingers on his chin. “The detective did mentioned something about a sound device…” He started rubbing his right ear intensively, pulling out various things such as words, centipedes and a glowing crystallized object. “Hmm, is this the thing you’re talking about?” He shown it to Cuki, remembering her question before Raune sped both of them out of the Librarian’s location.


“Negative, my boy.” Detective Vegeta said. “We’re now in the end game; the device was the only way.” He was waiting for the sound device to go off any second now, but his attention shifted a bit when Snow transforms, for the nth time, drawn out his sword. He was confused, but he grabbed the sword. “Put that blasted sword away! Have the fur in your ears tuned out everything I said? There’s a sound device that will disabled the Librarian’s hearing; once it activates, we can—”

The sound device activated in front of the Librarian’s face. It unleashes a sound so brash, that despite the distance, it still reaches the detective and the others. It can rings the ears, causing enough damage to the drums to have temporary deafness.
The Librarian bolted upward to the air, with her hands covering her ears in attempt to tune it out, but it resolves nothing. She screams loudly, her eyes ready to pop out of her skull, her ears bled and her teeth shattered from the pressure of grinding it too much. She fell onto the floor, flailing around like a snake getting a heatstroke as foam formed out of her mouth.

Demi-Fiend’s ears starting to bleed, but it does not seem to affect him that much. “Hey, you guys hear that?”
Cuki seemed happy for once that Demi-Fiend did something to benefit them in a way. She quickly swiped the fragment from Demi-Fiend and gazed inside it. Along with the two she found, they had found a total of three shards needed to find Waldo. She placed the clues in her pocket to protect them from any harm before glancing at Vegetto and the group he brought with him. 

"Alright, the gang is all here! Now you guys can tell me all about that Librari--"

Cuki immediately pressed her hands against her ears, the noise reaching out to where they were located. Her sensitive ears caught the full force of the deafening noise and suffered the consequences. Her ears bled and it forced her to drop to her knees, squirming and pulling her hair. She screamed in pain and shut her eyes as tight as she could, her tail wiggled out of control and her back arched. The way her ears bled, there was no doubt Cuki was temporarily deaf. 

"Shut it off! Shut that thing off!"
Brachi and Majin Bara however had been moving to get out of the Librarians' den, trying to recompose themselves to they can spring back into the battle.

Gervene on the other hand had her four hands pressed against her ears.
"It's that I hope this will help against the Librarian, or else I would have destroyed it!" She said, snarling.
The sound went out from the device. The attack worked, but Raune didn't know that. What he did know is that he failed. He ran, the only thing he was good at, and he kept running, but he couldn't finish it. His eyes went wide in shock, he could feel his body becoming unstable. The sound still got him. It would get Cuki. She'd be hurt, she'd be damaged, she'd be in pain. Taking one step forward towards the Saiyan took nearly everything he could. Taking another towards her required him to steady his body. Placing his hands on her ears, he looked to her eyes and mouthed "it'll be okay."

There was a key difference between how Raune was experiencing this, and how everyone else was. Everyone else was losing their hearing because their ears were being damaged, sparing them from most of the pain. But Raune's aura protected him from the damage, leaving him especially open to the pain. He did the one thing he could do, and that was share in the pain of the person he cared most for nearby.
Vegetto's eyes twitched heavily, his free arm lifting up and gripping onto the side of his head and grunting lightly at the sudden pain from the sound device. He raised voice way too high, unable to hear himself speak much while clutching tightly onto Kassava's unconscious body.

"What did you say?!"
"Well this is unfortunate." Bern watched almost all of them suffer the pain of the device. "Looks like Demi-Fiend is the only one able to finish this despite the massive damage the soundwaves are causing to the eardrums. If they were normal humans, this noise would make them permanently deaf. Can't say the same for the ones with such good hearing."

"Perhaps his ears are so full of junk he just can't hear normally at all?" She joked about the child. "Let's see who goes for the kill first."
“In the matter of minutes, the warrior obtained a special form, and yet, he didn't do anything interesting. In what instance where it supposed to leave an impression on Doom?” Doom, slightly turning his head, questioned Whis. “Don’t tell me that this is what every one of you is placing your bets on, right? Well, perhaps, the Lich had other things in mind.”

“It was Demi-Fiend and Kassava! Whenever those two are on the field, Vegetto can’t properly maintain that state in the fullest extent you know! Maybe that why he didn't do anything interesting yet!.” The voice tried to weigh in.

“Please, let the angel explain the situation to Doom; he’s clearly capable of making embarrassingly justifications of why this Ultra Instinct failed to deliver on his own.” Doom shut down the Voice’s statement.

“C-cross, back me up!” the voice pleaded for Cross’ assistance.


Detective Vegeta covered his ears by plugging them with his fingers. “It was a dangerous move,” the detective thought. “However, it was the only way to deter her since the headphones got wasted. While our defenses are weakened since our hearing is gone for the moment, we can rely our other senses.” He looks up towards the sky. “And when the Librarian’s ability is suppressed or cancelled…” 

The ringing sound from the device went away after screeching for five minutes as the Librarian sunk into the words. A flicker of light of a fragment, the same ones Cuki collected, appeared on her head as the words swallowed her.
Suddenly, pieces of the sky fell, revealing that the reality that the Librarian had put up is starting to fall apart rapidly. Her focus that maintains the realm is now gone due to sound device. 

“Marvelous.” Vegeta thought to himself. “Just need to get Vegetto and used his ability to teleport to the nearest energy; hopefully we can find an opening to escape.” Suddenly, Demi-Fiend taps on his shoulders.

“Hmm? I can’t hear you, so…” 

Demi-Fiend pointed his finger to the ground, the words is receding to a center point to where the location of the Librarian. Vegeta sweated as he took several steps back.
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