The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Snow suddenly was surrounded by a pillar of light as he returned to his true form. Once gone the last revealed a giant wolf where Snow was. The wolf smirked and said "Ah. It feels good to be back." Snow had become what most would call,  as a joke usually, the big bad wolf, but since amaterasu was the only one who knew of Snow's true origins they never knew how right they were.  He was the child of the north wind and a female wolf, the literal big bad wolf.
"Librarian? That Librarian? The Librarian?" The Speedster asked rather confused, rather out of it. Seems he didn't notice the battle, probably on account of having tuned everything out till he bumped his head. Looking up to see the same battle as Cuki, including the impressive displays of power. Body tensing, he got prepared mentally. "Alright, we gotta do something about that. The other Saiyans are seemingly really good with the acrobatics and flying slash moving. The fact we're on liquid words right now however neutralizes my speed. Is there a way you could grab me and bounce me up or down through this sea?" He asked turning to the only person he could say was his partner considering Demi-Fiend rejected his marriage proposal denied his friendship. "I don't know where the others are, but it's possible we might be able to locate them better together. I... We gotta think of some way to find them, quickly."
An intense shockwave erupted violently when Kassava’s celestial punch connects on Demi-Fiend’s left cheek. There was no movement—his head did not even flinched. A brief moment of silent passes by, only for the young child’s smirk turned into a baleful grin.

Demi-Fiend removed Kassava’s fist on his face with a simple gesture, before promptly grabbing onto the goddess face with a hard, powerful clutch. He lifted the goddess from the surface of words, as his fingers dig into her skull as he continues with his hard grip. “Hey, if you’re going to get so worked up over some truths, make sure your punches always intend to kill, God.” His dead eyes stared back at hers—Demi-Fiend did not need to say any more at this moment; the sheer difference between the realms of not strength, but pure divinity, speaks for themselves.
As their eyes locked to one another, for the brief second, Kassava seen the destruction and chaos that triumph her own; an recently goddess of time, thought to be the top of the world, only to found out that this realm contains beings that are beyond the concept of strength.

Demi-Fiend’s gripe continues to harden, piercing her skin. “Ego, pride, lust, envy, all these emotions tied into the calamity of mortals; something that I don’t feel, a mere mortal; something that gods cannot understand, and yet…” He smiles as his narrowed his eyes. “It perfectly describes you, aye, God?” 

He turns to the confused Librarian. “Ever hear of the legend of Icarus and how he sprouted his wings? Let’s see if you can an sprout them if you’re truly a God!?” Demi-Fiend did not give her time to reply, instantly tossing her in the direction of the Librarian. 


The Librarian covered her ears as her rugged nails dig into her skin. Detective Vegeta’s plans were a strategic move—create as much sound as possible to diminish her focus on multiple targets. She became a nervous mess, flailing her claws around wildly to any source of sounds she picks up, but they were missing. 

“Hmph, Vegetto my boy, your plan is perfect… far more engaging that I imagined.” Detective Vegeta praised the fusion. “If he’s thinking what I’m assuming he using those Ki blasts for… then once I released this device, that’s our ticket.” The detective lifted his hands up in the air and send off more energy bullets towards her general area, creating more sounds. “Just need to drive her mad to she will make a foolish mistake.” He grabbed hold onto the sound-piercing device. “Just need to wait for the right moment… Let’s hope Ultra instinct doesn’t crapped out!”

The Librarian screeched loudly at the more erupted sounds around her, constantly looking around to where she would strike next. She stops for a second, seeing Vegetto coming straight at her; this tips her over the edge. The claws on her back receded to her right arm, forming a giant drill.

“I will rip the identity out of you! YOU! ALL OF YOU! ARE BANNED! FROM THE LIBRARY!” As she prepares to launched herself towards the fusion, she was instantly hit by Kassava, thrown by Demi-Fiend earlier.  Their collision spun the Librarian around in a cartoony fashion, leaving her completely opened for Vegetto’s attacks.


“Hey!” Demi-Fiend shouted long after the collision of Kassava and the Librarian. “Heads up!”. He warned way after the fact.


"Who is this kid? He's screwing your team, Bernkastel." Doom asked the witch. "And yet, he's oddly charming, in his own way. An curiosity of Doom..." Doom rubbed his chin.

"What the hell is he doing!?" Voice said.
Kassava's piercing screech soon followed after Demi-Fiend's fingers pressed into her skull, her arms and legs wildly flinging out in nearly any attempt to strike back. Her eyes widened a bit, locking with Demi-Fiend's and the flames of her own aura beginning to die down. The piercing of her skin brought her back from the brink again, however, Kassava writhing in pain as the blood streamed down the side of her face with her golden and red flames erratically surging out in her desperate attempt to break free.

She barely had time to register Demi-Fiend's taunt as she was flung down to the battle, spiralling with her limbs flying out.


Vegetto's smirk only widened, the beam behind his back growing larger.


He blasted forward in a silver dash, preparing to throw his arms forward


His silver eyes instantly widened, the pupils flashing a bright silver glow that spilled off the corners as he gasped at the sight of Kassava crashing into the Librarian.


Vegetto promptly flung his arms down, dispelling the energy he had gathered in an instant. His eyes remained locked on Kassava, lunging towards her and completely ignoring the Librarian. Catching her in both arms, the two Saiyans spiralled down to the floor like a meteor crashing to the surface. Vegetto coughed loudly, pushing himself up quickly to his feet in the smoke and helping Kassava up by her arms.

"Kass...are you ok? What happened?"


Vegetto blinked, staring down in confusion as Kassava quickly buried her face into his chest. He could only see the red and golden bundles of spiked hair below, but frowned instinctively at the sensation of water along his chest. He instinctively reached up, pulling Kassava close in a tight hug as she swung the backs of her fist down onto his chest harmlessly, the distance being too small to do any actual damage.


Vegetto kept his frown, the enraged voice ringing out on his chest breaking heavily under the sobbing that soon followed, his dual voice dropping lower.

"I got you's over. It's ok, it's ok..."

Vegetto turned his head up slightly, in the midst of the chaos raging around them, his narrowed glare soon finding Demi-Fiend high above.


Whis sighed heavily, shaking his head from side to side.

"Oh dear, how unfortunate. Vegetto is out of play: it'll be up to the others to capitalize on the Librarian's confusion."
Cuki stared silently between the battle and Raune until Kassava's body was flung into view. Her eyes widen and realized that this was their chance to find the others. Without waiting for Raune to react, she took a hold of him and placed him on her back. From where Kassava was thrown, Cuki dashed in that direction, nimbly hopping from letter to letter in order to not fly.

That was Kass who flew by... So that means that the group can be over there. Cuki thought as she picked up her pace, holding Raune in place. Hopefully, I will find one person. I just hope that everyone is okay...

The little Saiyan continued to jump and skip passed the ocean of words until her ears twitched, overhearing Demi-Fiend's voice. She was closer than she expected and it wasn't long until she jumped over the last hill of words and saw Demi-Fiend and the paper/drawing that was Spina. Cuki landed on the floor near Demi-Fiend and gently placed Raune on his feet. She picked up the Paper-Spina and stared at it, confused.

"Uhh... Hey Demi-Fiend, what happened to Spina?" Cuki asked. "And where is everyone else?"


"Okay! Okay!" Maggie squirmed in fear. "I-I got it, Kitty! You're the boss! You're totally the boss! Don't send me down there! That nasty Librarian will rip my threads out! You're very smart and wise! Y-You're working Doom right in the palm of your hand!"

Maggie sat on Bernkastel's lap, quivering with fear, her mix of voices all seeing the terror of Bernkastel's ways. 

"Yes, yes, very wise! Beautiful too! Doom has no chance! Kitty is too smart!"
Raune was caught off guard by Cuki grabbing and pulling him upwards to the rest of the group. Rapidly moving while being on the back of someone else compared to running on his own feet was a new experience for the speedster. Even when he was a Huntsman King instead of a Speedster, rarely was it someone else carried him. Being placed down gently like a docile new puppy, he looked to the drawing of Spina, Cuki holding the drawing, and then Demi-Fiend's bloody fingers. Highly concerned, the Speedster pulled off his mask and ran to Spina.

"Buddy, what the Hell happened to you?" He asked standing behind Cuki, staring in horror. Barely noticing his clone's dead body, Stormruler still through his own stomach.
Gervene took her chance and in an instant fired her Blazing Fury energy wave from her upper left hand at the confused Librarian, while her lower right hand fired a purple energy sphere alongside it to put extra pressure onto it.
“Hey! You miss!” Demi-Fiend waved at Vegetto, criticizing the fused warrior for not attacking the Librarian. “Guess we still have to fight this thing.” He scratches the back of his head, about to make a move until Cuki and Raune shown up.

“Oh, there you are. Where the hell you two been all this time?” He looked towards to Spina before returning his eyes to Cuki. “The Librarian has the ability to deconstruct, at least, according to Widow Peak’s explanation, anyone, meaning, reverting them back to their original state. In Spina’s case, he was originally a drawing.” He rubbed his chin. “Strange, isn’t it?”

Spina’s eyes darted back and forth, in a panic, when Raune approached him. He witnessed to the whole thing, including Demi-Fiend’s attack on Kassava, but could not do anything about it.


The Librarian crashed onto the sea of words, completely staggered from Demi-Fiend sudden throw. As the side of her skull fractured, revealing a hole where words poured out, she stood up. Raising her arm, she started at Vegetto hugging his wife and sought an opportunity, but Gervene’s sudden interference prevents any chance of that; she had no defense, nothing more pure power, speed and a deadly ability. The Librarian was unable to stop the attack due to staggering; the blast flung her away from everyone.

“I thought the kid screwed everything up, but it actually managed to help out the situation in the way… have to do this quickly before she recovers.” Detective Vegeta flew towards the others, noting that most of them are around.

“Vegetto! I know it’s not a good time right now, but I need you to teleport all of us away from this area towards your furthest Ki blast you send earlier.” Detective Vegeta pull out a sound device. “So you guys won’t get confused, this device is a back-up plan that I didn’t think I need; essentially it’s a sound disabling device that will strike the Librarian’s greatest trait, but at a cost. It will most likely damage your ears and sense of hearing for a good while, but at this rate, punching it won’t do any good.” He toss it towards the direction of the Librarian. “Hence why we should get away from this spot; the damage will still be there but at least we get some distance.”
"I can ask you the same question, Demi-Fiend." Cuki said. "Deconstruction..? What a weird power. I guess the only way to bring Spina back is to beat that Librarian. Oh man, poor Spina..."

Cuki sighed before gently folding the drawing of Spina in half and placed it in her pocket. Her eyes widen when she remembered the fragments she collected. She yanked them out of her pocket and held them out for everyone to see, the fragments gently floating on top of her palm. 

"Guys, look at these!" Cuki ordered. "I think this is what Kettles wants us to find! They make a weird sound and have some sort of clue floating inside... I have no idea how many there are, but I'm positive that this is how we find that Waldo guy. I just... don't know how to use them. I was only able to find them because I have super sensitive hearing, and even then, it was tough in the sea of words..."

Cuki shook her head before turning to Demi-Fiend and Raune.

"Anyways, have you guys seen any of these crystal fragments floating around? These lil' shards will take us one step closer to finishing this trial. ...Please tell me you guys found one."
Raune looked away from Spina and Cuki to better hear Detective Vegeta shouting at Vegetto about a plan. Hearing enough to know that trouble was coming, he looked to Cuki, and then to Demi-Fiend. Glancing to the fragments, he pulled his mask back on and shook his head.

"Forget that. We need to move, now, unless you have some magical protection abilities." Was all he said before he grabbed Cuki and ran, running almost as fast as he could, running away from the Librarian and Detective Vegeta. Placing her down on the far end of the shattered reality of the library, without a word he shot off in the opposite direction. Arriving back where he previously was, he looked at Demi-fiend, and then at his own corpse on the ground. Grabbing Demi-fiend before either could even get a word in, he ran again and placed Demi-fiend down by Cuki. Taking a step back he began to pant.

"Vegeta is going to detonate a sound bomb I needed to get you two out of there to avoid hurting you. I didn't have much time to explain and, I'm sorry. We wait thirty seconds and then we go and attack the Librarian again."
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