The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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“Okay…” Detective Vegeta turns to the aloof man. “Listen, this situation looks dire, but we still have a way to revert this, somewhat. We need to find your friends before the Librarian gets to them.” He turns around to see the sea of words slowly rising. “And we need to act fast…” 

Demi-Fiend did not listen to the word the detective said, focusing his attention on the flying objects. He grabbed one of them, the snorkeling mask. “

“Hmm…?” Detective Vegeta turned around to face the man, seeing the floating objects. “It doesn’t seems to belong to the Librarian; others from other parts of the library most likely got trapped in this predicament. Though, I’m curious why they’re suddenly floating about… they have some a strange aura around it... something different.” The detective paused for a second. “This might be a bit late, but what were you guys doing here in the first place? You guys, based on appearances, do not look like the type to wander around in the library.”

“We’re on a trial right now. We are supposed to find a clue regarding the information about Waldo and well, as you can see, we are not exactly on the right path on that yet. Whatever the Witch is doing, she’s definitely thoroughly enjoying this right now.”

“You are in alliance with the Witch of Miracles?!” Detective Vegeta was surprised about this. “I heard rumors about her antics. Therefore, this whole set up is mostly behind her schemes. If we find whatever that clue is, then everything should revert.”

“Probably, she might’ve upped the scale for the sake of it.” Demi-Fiend’s ears picked up three distinct sounds from the ocean. One particular sound belonged to Cuki, swimming to towards another one source of the sound. The last sound is something moving fast within the ocean of words. “What was that?”

“The Librarian is on the move. We have to hurry and find your friends, fast.” The detective warned.

“Oh?” Demi-Fiend tosses the mask to Vegeta. “Let’s go save them.” He jumped into the ocean of words, following the path of where the Librarian was heading. 

The detective nodded and did not second-guess anything. After putting on the mask, he jumped right after Demi-Fiend. “What’s with this child?”


Spina attempted to swim through the words, but the pressure was too much. “Damn, I bet Cuki is probably doing her best if she were to pick up that faint noise. I just need to push a bit harder…” Before he continued, he felt something touched his leg—it was not words, but an actual hand. “Great, it’s better not be Raune’s lifeless body…” He turns around to face it, only to see the Librarian’s sinister smile. 

“You…. EVERYTHING’S BROKEN!” The Librarian shouted and instantly dragged Spina across the ocean to go after her next victim—Vegetto and Kassava. Spina gritted his teeth and tried to blast her, but it bounced off her body, causing small explosions here and there. 

“Shit!” Spina thought in his head as he noticed that his body is being reanimated—it began to lose its color, becoming more “sketch-like”. “W-what!?”

Demi-Fiend and the Detective were closing in behind the Librarian’s trail. “What’s going on? Spina is turning into a sketch on a drawing paper.” Demi-Fiend noticed the strange situation. 

“That’s the Librarian’s ability… she’s going to turn anyone she touches into sketches and place them in a book and be trapped forever. A lot of people fall victim to her abilities.” The detective explained.
“So the characters in the books?” 

“All of them used to be regulars or newcomers of RV before they awakened the wrath of the Librarian.” 

“Huh… I wonder once this is over, I can use that Umineko book for the future.” Demi-Fiend thought to himself. 

Librarian spotted Vegetto and Kassava and went towards them at full speed.


“S-sorry! You got all this delicious foods, I just couldn’t help myself.” The voice said, drooling over the smell.

“Looks like this beginning to end.” Doctor Doom said. He turns to the otherside, noticing that the young Saiyan girl was moving towards something. “That girl has some potential within her. Let’s see what she does.”
Vegetto continued to grip onto the new ocean floor, grimacing under the sheer impact of every letter and word that slammed into his body. He peeked his eyebrows slightly, however, at the softer fingers digging into his shoulders after a few minutes. He glanced over his shoulder, barely able to make out the image of Kassava holding onto him for dear life.

“Kass!!! Make...a...barrier!”

Kassava only responded with a heavy roar, sending forth red and golden flames out in every direction. Creating a rather large dome of energy, Vegetto collapsed onto the floor after relaxing without the letters to slam into him anymore. Kassava stood with her arms outstretched, maintaining the new dome of fire that either incinerated or blocked every word or letter that collided with it. Her arms visibly strained, indicating her immense effort as she spoke through gritted teeth.


Vegetto panted lightly, pushing up off the ground and up to his feet.

“I don’t know...we have to find Vegeta. He’s been here longer and might know what to do.”

Vegetto narrowed his eyes, however, turning towards the sound of the Librarian closing in on them. His aura flared violently, tensing his arms.

“We got incoming Kass!”
Cross says as a plate of what he eating on appears in front of the voice "I not mad that you taken some, I more annoyed that you did not ask." Cross
dos keeps watching the battle. Cross thinks "its getting there but I wonder if extra endings will happen." 
Where..? Where is this noise coming from? I hear it, louder and louder, but I don't see anything..!

Cuki began to feel the weight and pressure of the words and numbers on top of her, yet, she refused to resurface and reunite with the others until she found a possible source. The energy around her hands would seemingly grow slightly the more she struggled against the push and pressure of the words. The strong currents pushed Cuki down the floor she clung to desperately, leaving claw marks in her wake. The noise drove her insane by how determined she was to find it, the constant twitching of her ears proved it. 

The pressure continued to build on her body the lower she crawled on the floor.

Damnit... I'm so close! I.. I can't give up now! Where is this noise coming from?!

Cuki frantically tried to search for a hint as to where the noise came from and no matter where she looked, all she saw were words, letters, and numbers flowing by her. She stared blankly at the words before her and crept closer to a group of fragmented words that appear to be part of a sentence. The noise grew louder and louder the closer Cuki got until she pressed an ear at the fragment of words.


Maggie watched as the others were consumed by the wave of words and began to laugh cutely on Bernkastel's lap. She pointed at Spina as he was being turned to a sketch, following the Librarian towards Vegetto and Kassava.

"Woweeee~! That Librarian sure is knocking these dummies around, ain't she?" Maggie chuckled. "But that short one seems to be clinging to the bottom of the ocean! Do you have anything planned there, Kitty? Or is it just a trap? I can't wait to see what you got in store! You better hurry too looks like the shorty can't take the pressure much longer! Hahahaa~!"
Both Brachi and Majin Bara were still hiding within the Majin's Goo shield, with Bara using her magic to control where they were going, gradually moving towards the bottom of the ocean of whatever it was they were in.
Snow, feeling the energy Kassava and Vegetto were putting off, flew through the sea of words to them. He had a plan, but needed to get to them for it to work. He sent a telepathic message to them "Hey Vegetto, Kassava, I have a plan and I'm on my way to you. It will seem crazy at first, but it will make sense." He sensed Bara and Brachi's ki, nd shot  Chain of heaven down to them for them to grab. The chain of heaven was a gift from a friend in the Fate universes he went to and helped out in.
Raune was floating near the top of the ceiling, eyes closed, having given up on anything after the letters hit him. Endlessly cursing himself and his inability to save the day, he simply rested and drifted in his mental tirade.
"If they don't regroup in time, the librarian will turn them into mincemeat. That's no good." Bernkastel's tail flicked at the tip indicative of her waiting for something more exciting to happen. "Whatever Cuki is doing down there, is nothing of my work." She narrowed her eyes. "Hmm..."


No audible sound came from the crystalline shards other than the low hum of the ringing noise. On closer inspection however, it was possible to peer into the pieces and make out fragments of sentences; it was like looking through a magnifying glass to look at small print. The words glowed purple in accordance to Bernkastel's clue, but for some reason, they didn't make sense because the pieces were scattered. There had to be more pieces to make the entire collection of fragments tangible. There was also an occasional static sound that would seem to 'glitch' out the words and obscure them into some unrecognizeable language.
Spina gritted his teeth, the words repeatedly hitting him as the Librarian is dragging him deeper in the sea, as she is making her way to attack Vegetto and Kassava. In attempt to do something, even if it delays her for just a moment, he raises his right arm and gathered energy around his palm. 

“Never have your back turned against an opponent; Rising Blast!” Spina shouted, but nothing happened. Spina narrowed his eyes and tried again, but the Librarian continues to press on. He took a glimpse of his hand, to see what is causing his this, only to see literal colors on his hand fade away. Spina freaked out, shaking his hand back and forth to see if he was imaging things—it was no trick, everything on his body started to fade away. “W-what is happening to me?”

Devoid of all colors, Spina’s body renders as a mere rough black and white sketch, his movements came to a sudden halt, and lost his ability to speak; the only thing remaining that he can freely move is his eyes, darting back and forth in a panic of what’s going on.


The Librarian was not slowing down, using the momentum to smash through the barrier that Kassava created. In that instant, the Librarian took advantage of the erratic, chaotic scene and toss Spina straight at Kassava as a distraction; she went right after Vegetto and stabbed him in the heart.
Similar case to Spina, his colors vanished; cracks formed across his body, causing the foundations that hold him together to fall apart—but did not separate, as there is none for him to split into. His movements became slow, but still able to move, and words flooded his body with vague phrases and names, such as Time Patrol, Zamasu, Towa, etc. 


At the same time, Demi-Fiend and Detective Vegeta arrived, witnessing the incident with Vegetto. “What’s the fuck is happening? Spina looks like someone tried to replicate a style, but failed to capture the charm. Vegetto looks like he’d about to explode.” 

“The Librarian’s ability: Deconstruction.” Detective Vegeta answered. “Due to her sensitive ears, she traps anyone in this strange realm and attempts to trap them in the books for her collection. Deconstruction breaks down someone’s physical form completely, rendering him or her of what makes anyone unique. Their personality, their colors, their backgrounds, everything that makes them what they are, gets broken down and tore part; rendering them as nothing more than shells—empty versions of their former selves. Depending on the person, it instant or it'll take some time.” The detective had an annoyed vibe in his tone. “That’s why I was trying to tell them before that girl went off and blasted everything; this is easily an avoidable thing!” 

“That’s sounds pretty damn awesome.” Demi-Fiend was impressed. “Well, Sherlock, what’s the big plan? I was planning on punching it in the face; follow by a stomp in the neck, then maybe ripping her organs out too.” 

“I have a much more humane way to stop this, Demon Spawn.” Detective Vegeta pulled out a small device. “I did have a back-up plan in case something like this happened; I wanted to avoid using it, but it clear we have no choice in the matter. All we have to do is lure her to the surface; the density of the words should soften the ear-piercing wave once I used it since she has extremely sensitive ear, to the point that it can even pick up any noise, no matter how quiet.” 

“Any sounds, right? Even things like telepathy?” Demi-Fiend asked.

“Huh? I mean, sure, but I’m sure none of you guys are espers of any kind.” 

 “Guess you haven’t met Snow yet.” 



The Librarian arrived before Snow sends them a psychic message, causing her to explode in anger. “You think you can keep those noises without moving your wretched mouths!” She screeched. Several limbs, with a sharp edge at the end, grew out of her back and seemingly able to stretch itself at long distances; few of them launched itself forward, causing Demi-Fiend and the Detective to get out of the way as it travel to find the source of the telepathic message. The ocean of words did not slow down its movements, reaching its destination quickly.

One of them limbs immediately intercepted the chains Snow deployed, reflecting right back to Snow, binding him in place. The other limbs pierce through the gooey shield, striking both Bara and Brachi on the side of their torso. 

For Bara, her body became to break down bit-by-bit, reverting to her original state—her creation day. For Brachi, her fusion became unstable and starting to fall apart; multiple hands reach out in different directions out of her body in attempt to leave the fusion, but the magical power of Potara that fused them together held them back.


“Great googly moogly! That was a close call; where the heck did it went off too?” Vegeta shook his head. “Doesn’t matter, we need to end this now by bringing her to the surface. I’ll try to distract her while you get the others; and try not to mess up!” Vegeta puts both of his arm forward as the Librarian continues to try and break down Vegetto. 


“What is this?” Doctor Doom asked the voice. “What is that ability?”

“Deconstruction…Honestly, now I’ remember why the Library is considered a danger zone.” The voice said.

“What a frightening ability… Doom could use this for the future.” Doom rubbed his chin. “Maybe I can use this.” Doom turns to Bernkastel and Whis. 

“Now the situation has changed; how you expect your pupils to get out of this?”
Cuki's eyes widen upon seeing that the small crystal fragments had small words and letters inside that she could just barely make out. She realized that the words appear to be pieces of sentences, unable to make out what they were supposed to say. The little Saiyan took a moment to realize what the clue was meant to be and instantly clutched the fragment within her hand, shoving it within her pocket. 

Cuki made an attempt to resurface but the strong force of words shoved her body further away from the group, deeper into the darkness and jumbled mess that is words, letters, and numbers. Taking advantage of the situation as best she could, she focused on trying to hear for specific noises that sounded similar to the fragment she just found. A familiar tinking noise caught Cuki's ultra-sensitive ears from the darkness and the girl instantly took the initiative. Her hands began to glow as her energy surrounded them and formed the energy-claws she had earlier. She slashed at the floor to hold her place while she carefully scanned the abyss of words for anything out of place.

I think I know what Kettles is trying to do... Cuki thought to herself. Looks like these fragments have pieces of the overall clue she's trying to give us. Maybe if we can find a certain amount of these crystal fragments, the whole clue will become clearer and we get one step closer to finding that Waldo dude... 

She suddenly felt a large clump of words flying past her and tangled itself on her tail, taking her with it. It pulled her right out of the floor and send her flying through the mess of words and numbers. Cuki struggled to free her tail until she started to hear a familiar jingle noise. It gave her goosebumps by how close it was, yet Cuki was unable to pinpoint its location, but it sounded as if it was following her. Her eyes quickly trailed to the clump of words snagged on her tail, and, without hesitation, used her Tiger Palm technique to blast it open.

I hear it! 

The clump of words exploded, freeing Cuki. The girl was flung back slightly from the blast, hoping that her ears were not wrong in hearing the noise of the possible fragment.
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