The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Gervene had powered her blast down, her aura still shimmering around her, having noticed the panic that Kassava was creating. Instead, she created a small purple sphere in each of her four hands, ready to dissipate Kassava's attack or otherwise stop her by any other means, her own power increasing in response to Kassava's.
"I guess that's the queue to go super." Gotenks' eyes flared up as they changed to a golden color. His hair and aura emitted a blue tint like SSGSS but was not emitting any god energy.  

"And by the sound of everyone freaking out I should probably stand back." the fusion said while holding up his arms in defensive stance.
Bernkastel's dress fluttered in layers from the outburst of energy that began to overflow in the library where the major group was. Her expression didn't give away any particular reaction, although she looked unsurprised. She turned to look at Whis and answer his query.

"I can say with certainty that the library wouldn't behave as one would normally expect it to in terms of reality. What happens next if they succeed with destroying the barrier is something I can't predict the outcome for." Bernkastel played with a lock of her hair while watching the commotion. "Technically I could manipulate the outcome of what happens, but the end result of doing so would be no different than if I simply watched in the long run."
Whis kept his slightly perturbed expression, staring blankly at Bernkastel through her explanation. He turned his eyes slowly back down to the development, exhaling a deep and heavy sigh yet maintaining his tense expression. His voice held a somewhat, warm tone to it once again, albeit a hint of doubt was clear in his voice.

"Good...very good."


Kassava blinked, her legs faultering underneath her a bit once Raune started to drain from the volatile aura. She grimaced, nearly dropping down to her knees and grunting out while the fiery aura flickered underneath the touch of the sword. The glow in her red and golden pupils illuminated immense, gritting her teeth as the fire of her aura struggled to flare out in defiance of Raune's attempt.

"Wh...what the hell are you doing?!"

She glanced around at the blur of an image swirling around her, suddenly swinging her fist out to the left. The golden dragon had finished forming around her left arm, lashing out like a chain and hissing with outstretched fangs more like a viper once it shot forward. The snake-like energy only struck the ground in the attempt however, Kassava reeling the energy back and swinging out her right in a second attempt with the other energy dragon swirling around her forearm, only to fail once more. The impact of the second attack, however, blasted Vegetto off his feet. The Potara fusion grimaced as he fell flat on his backside, quickly picking himself up next to Cuki and Gotenks with clenched fists, trying to shout over the winds to no avail.

"This is way too much!! Stop pushing this far!"

Kassava snarled, her eyes darting from side to side. Despite the drain, her energy continued to rise in her apparent frustration while she viciously swung outward to try and knock Raune off course, despite being too slow to effectively counter him. Her eyes wildly danced around, spinning around and angrily shouting at the speedster while throwing out the two golden dragons like chains once again in trying to blatantly catch Raune in her change of tactics.

"You little gnat! It's a a universe...that can't break!"

Kassava's eyes widened fiercely, pulling her arms back along with the dragons themselves. Her arms visibly tensed inside the massively sphere of fire raging out, the air around the two closely starting to grow still. The struggle was clear in her expression, her voice rising in place of the storm force winds kicked up by Raune as they strangely, started to die down.

"Everyone else gets to do what they want...break whatever they want! You didn't care when that little shit was destroying the apartment for a damn meal...or when he was pissing all over us just because he could! But when I...a god...decide to break down a simple draw the line?!"

 The winds nearly died down completely, the air slowed down considerably from a power radiating from the crimson and golden fire surging around Kassava. Raune's image became more detailed, the streak itself becoming more focused from the magic impacting his speed as well.

"So many of you criticize us as if you have any right, while you mess up the plan harder than we ever could. Challenging me, a god, as if you know better!"

Time itself soon slowed to a near complete hault, Kassava's eyes instantly locked onto Raune, moving much faster in the controlled environment due to being unaffected by the time slow. Her left hand instantly shot out, grasping onto Stormbringer.

"I've been humiliated long enough. You lowly mortals forget your's time I took back what was mine!"

Within an instant, Kassava roared as she swung Raune by his sword from right to left in front of her, hurling him off to the side and launching her right fist forward into the sky towards the barrier.

"Dragon's Fire!!"

The golden dragon laced around her forearm blasted forward in a tumultuous shock wave, rapidly spiraling upwards with a primal roar towards its target.
This is it. This is the end. Dammit. Raune's speed mind thought as he slowly perceived Kass's outrage happening. He of course had a plan, and knew just how to do it.

Holding onto the sword with his enhanced super strength, he kept it while being thrown and tumbled onto the ground, twisting and turning through the air, then coming to a sudden stop. His red, royal blood started to fall out of his chest as he looked to himself, impaled on the ground. Pulling his head up, he saw Stormruler right into him, at an angle, covered in its master's blood. Gotta, finish the illusion. Really wish I had more time. Clutching onto the sword, he howled in pain, letting loose the scream of a dying god king, before falling flat, eyes rolling into the back of his head, expiring.


Raune looked at the broken headphones.

"Well, if we don't find a pair around here, everyone in our home universes die. If you don't like them then uh... Doom gets a point over us in terms of ego measuring. So, I think I'll go look around more... Hm... Could you hand me those actually?" he asked, before suddenly shivering and coughing up blood. "Dammit, that's what Crystal warned me about using that trick..." he said, pulling off one of his gloves. Rapidly flashing between a black line down one of his fingers appearing and disappearing before stopping, not there anymore. He stabbed Stormruler into the ground. "I'll be back for my sword after I do something. First, I need those headphones."
Gervene noticed the commotion going on, her eyes narrowing as she watched Kassava attacking Raune before noticing the golden dragon lurching to its target, deciding it was time to intervene. Teleporting in front of the approaching dragon, Gervene merely held her upper right arm out, stopping the dragon and by extension the attack in its tracks before it could reach its target.

"What exactly do you hope to achieve by this senseless bickering?!" Gervene calmly asked, her eyes narrowing at Kassava.
Detective Vegeta narrowed in his eyes when Kassava went out of control. He could not understand a lick of thing she was saying to the rest of the group nor her frustration, and oddly, felt a sense of nostalgia upon seeing an angered God. Left with no other options and the rest were standing around after Raune’s attempt to stop her, Vegeta calmly risen his energy. 

Pecks of dirt levitated from the ground, his hair’s color flickering from black to blue—he was ready to counter Kassava’s attack to stop her rampage. However, Gervene jumped into the field in attempt to stop her attack. “So another God decides to step in… I guess this can’t be any worse if…” Vegeta narrowed his eyes. “Wait… if two gods collided…” 

Kassava’s vicious attack was fortunately was stopped by Gervene—but she fail to take account that the tremendous force that came from Kassava’s Dragon’s Fire—the shockwave escalated wide and far, causing the ground to shake, resulting a few cracks on the ground. Detective Vegeta was concerned that the impact might affected the “reality” that surrounds them—but it seems nothing happened; the barrier remains undamaged.

“Phew…” the detective wiped the sweats off of his head. “Thank goodness it didn’t do anything… luckily it didn’t cause an reaction from two God energies... reminds of Beerus and Kakarotto..” 

“What the heck Kassava is trying to do anyways? How she is going to hit the sky if we are trapped in another reality? Unless Gods in my worlds, well, similar worlds, can do these kind of things.” Spina was relieved nothing significant happened and went too checked on Raune. “So, Vegetto, you’re going to tell your wife to relax before things get worse? Well, nothing can get worse than this. What else can happened?” 
A small item landed near his feet from the sky, catching his attention. “What is this… a letter o?” Spina picked up the letter. “Where the heck did that come from?” 

Detective Vegeta eyed on the object Spina held in his fingertips; instantaneously he looked up towards the sky. Gervene did managed to stopped the attack, but the failure to take account of the impact backed by Kassava, an literal God of Time, strength, can leave behind… resulted many cracks on the sky.

“Fly, all of you have to fly… now!” The detective warned before leaping into the air.

Millions of letters, numbers, words, etc., poured out of the cracks from the sky. Countless words exploded from the ground they were standing on, shooting up like geysers. It slammed to everyone from all sides, either knocking them down as numbers, letters and other symbols crashed onto them, or forced them to get caught in the waves. 

Spina turned around, speechless, tried to put up a barrier around himself and few others near him, such as Cuki and Bara. However, the sheer amount of words slammed onto it and easily shredded it like paper. Surprised, Spina tried punching the words—, which failed.

No other options, after one of the letters hit Spina in the eyes, he got caught in the literal oceans of words coming through like a tsunami—and it was rising, to the point that it was going to touch the sky itself.


“Sure, it’s not like I have any use for them anyways.” Demi-Fiend was about to give them broken pieces to Raune, but a sudden appearance of tsunami of literal words appeared and crashed onto him, causing him to dropped the headphones pieces within the continuous waves. “Oops.”


“What’s the heck is going on?” The voice was about to start laughing of how ridiculous this has become. “I thought that four-arm girl stopped the attack? What made the barrier to crack at such a fashion and what’s with the words flooding everything?”

“Whatever those two did, their energy must’ve caused a reaction to the reality—combined that with the Librarian’s zero tolerance for noises…” Doctor Doom observed.
Both Brachi and Majin Bara heeded Vegeta's advice and flew off to what they hoped to be a safer location.

Gervene in the meantime grunted as she had underestimated the sheer force of the attack, now holding onto it with all four arms, while at the same moment shrouding herself in her Energy of Destruction aura while also directing energy to the attack to dissipate it before it could inflict serious and irrepairable damage.
Raune's dead body was covered in the sea of words, still stuck to the ground via his suicidal impalement.


The real Raune was swept away by the waters, sighing as his eyes filled with anger.

"Once again, I fail to get anything right done." He remarked looking to where the words were coming from. "Failed to get the headphones, failed to stop, whatever this mess is, and now I can't even get out of these because words can't be used as a foot support!" He shouted in the waves.
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