The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Cuki stared at the waves coming at her and simply lowered her shoulders in defeat. Her face was that of disappointment and anger from the people with all their universes at stake. As the tsunami of words rushed towards them, Cuki sighed and took a running start before flying up into the sky in hopes to escape the ocean of words. She tried to stick high in the air so she can have a better view of where the words might come from. 

The waves were faster than she imagined and she found herself having to blast at the words. No matter how fast Cuki flew or how hard she blasted, the words continued to pile on top of her before ultimately consuming her. Cuki struggled within the mass of words and numbers but only fell deeper and deeper within the waves, disappearing entirely from sight.

Maybe... just maybe, it isn't worth it...
Gotenks struggled against the wave of words but succumbed to its strength, getting slammed just like the others.

"Books were always boring didn't know they could kill you too!" he said as he was being washed away.
"Thankfully the library wasn't completely destroyed." Bernkastel didn't seem to even be mildly annoyed at how easily the group sabotaged the simplest task even a normal human could do. Perhaps it was because she accepted what would happen because Demi-Fiend destroyed the headphones before Kassava's display. Or maybe it was something else that made her believe there was no reason to be upset.

Let's see how they do now... Hiding the tiny smile on her face, the witch took a sip of her coffee. Having a one-track mind will only get you so far.

"It didn't do much good for them, but I will say it was a pretty display of fireworks," she added.

At the surface, nothing appeared to stand out from the onslaught of words flooding out from every corner in the library. All the words appeared the same, none with the trademark color that would indicate a clue was able to be found. As far as everyone on the surface was concerned, the sea of words was nothing more than that.

However, very deep in the sea, a faint noise was ringing out, with several other ones scattered-- imperceptible to those whom words of warning fall on deaf ears, but those who were sinking further and further down could perhaps hear it in the sustained silence. The noises resembled the tinks of glass shards coming into contact with other objects. Whatever these odd things were, they didn't visually stand out in the darkness of the word-soup.
Vegetto narrowed his eyes, turning his head towards Spina at the comment.

"What did you think I was telling her to do over there?! Hit it harder?!"

His blue eyes widened, however, attempting to blast off into the sky at Vegeta's urgence at the impending danger. However, stray letters shooting up from the floor below initially knocked him back, letting out a grunt in staggering in mid air for a brief moment only to crash down onto the floor again from the cascading letters. Kassava barely turned her head in time, letting out a loud yelp as her golden red flames were almost snuffed out entirely by the sea of words and letters.

Vegetto crashed hard onto the floor, tumbling along the ground while he was continuously pelted by the incoming meme that was the sea of words. He bounced along until both of his boots firmly planted onto the ground, sliding to a halt and rapidly surging his energy outwards. He tightly shut his eyes, grunting and grimacing while the continuous barrage of letters shattered against his crouched body, his right shoulder dropped in looking to stand against the waves momentarily in emitting out immense energy. Forming a small sphere of blue energy in his palms, Vegetto twitched and swayed slightly in slowly building up his attack, carefully tucking his head down.


His blue fire like aura rapidly exploded outward as his eyes shot open, creating a small bubble of air to give him enough space to hurl both arms forward.


The massive beam of energy rapidly tore through the incoming letters, parting the sea entirely for a few seconds as it tore through the tidal waves crashing down towards him. His determined stare soon lost vigor, however, Vegetto slowly straightening himself out with a stunned stare. The parted sea rapidly closed back in, and within an instant, the blue speck of a man was engulfed in the crashing letters.

Vegetto cringed heavily in curling into a ball, doing his best to limit the movement of his limbs against the sea and bringing both hands down onto the floor, steadying himself against the pelting tide. His ears picked up the strange sounds closer towards the bottom, but did not make any moves towards the sources due to feeling no importance in seeking it out over surviving.


Whis' disturbed expression rapidly changed at the sight of the development, his warm smile soon returning while he floated alongside the others.

"How invigorating. This realm surely is more exciting than ours: the brutality of the Saiyans has finally been countered."
Wanting to be sure she was safe however, Majin Bara suddenly employed her Goo Shield, using a part of her body engulf both herself and Brachi, shielding them from the onslaught of the letters thrown at them.
Across the entire cracked reality, words from all sides of the dimension continue spilling until everything it was fill to the very brim. Bara’s shield blocked the incoming waves, but the waves from all sides slammed into it, plunging them deeper within the ocean.

Detective Vegeta, despite being the first one who flew away from it the moment he saw the first letter, struggled walk across the sea. The distance between the surface and the ceiling was extremely small—causing him to arch his back in a way that made it uncomfortable. 

“Well, this was an unfortunate event; those two gods really screwed the pooch.” Detective Vegeta was not angry or even annoyed; it seems to come with an understanding sentiment. “Man, this reminds me the time of my younger days, but I can’t drowned myself in memory lane.” Vegeta looked at the ground. “First, I need to find the headphones, then the others. I think the God of Time.... landed somewhere near here... blast, this is hard to walk on...” The detective stepped on something that was not a bunch of words, but instead, a head. 

“Great scot, I apologize for stepping on your head! I was walking and didn’t see you there!” Vegeta attempted to help the man up, revealing to be Demi-Fiend. 

“Its fine, won’t be the first time I got caught in waves…well, I guess a bunch of words is the first.” Demi-Fiend knocked the side of his head, with words like o, o, p, and s dropping out of his ear. “Hey, you look like that Shonen dude with the blue hair, but without that ridiculous widow’s peak; a brother?”

The detective covered his hair. “I have you know, I take pride of my hair! Never mind that, it seems like you’re referring to Vegetto… so that means you’re the one called Demi-Fiend.” Detective Vegeta raise a brow in concern, sensing something rather dark radiating from his body. 

“What’s with this guy… his heart is filled with malicious intentions.”

“Something wrong?”

“None. Anyways, one of your friends went out of control, and one thing lead to another, this happened.” The detective explained. 

“Ah, figures. I bet it is the old hag. She always itching for thrashing around.” Demi-Fiend said. 

“Well, there is a way to reverse it. First, we need to get those headphones and—”

“You mean theses?” Demi-Fiend managed to keep one of the broken pieces of the headphones in his hands, showing to Detective Vegeta.



Spina gritted his teeth, finding it hard to move around. If he opened his mouth, he’ll drown of this, ell, silly nonsense. The Saiyan let out his energy, in hopes of knocking the words away from him and opened some space, but the density of ocean was too thick, and considering how deep he was in, it simply rushes at him once again, plunging him even deeper. 

“Shit! I cannot even moved accordingly. I got a bunch of B.S. in my ears and mouth!” Spina’s attempt to flail around failed; however, he did cause a noise of something nearby. “Hmm…? What is that? It’s faint.. but something is in there…” 


Voice tried to sneak in a food from the Lich’s plate, and taking a small bite, hoping Cross won’t noticed. “Yikes, the Saiyans are quite a disadvantage! How the heck would they get out this situation?”
Cross hands what the voice bitten to the voice "Next time ask voice." all this he has not looked at the voice.
Cuki continued to sink closer and closer to the bottom, struggling to keep herself steady but she had no idea what was up or down anymore. Her ears twitched when she heard the faint noise of glass tinks. Her eyes widen at the fact that she caught that and her body immediately reacted by forcing itself through the words, closer and closer to the noise. She kept a close eye out, focusing on anything that wasn't within the wave or moving unaffected by the words. Her senses were sharp and keen thanks to her training.

It's close... I can sense something.

Cuki allowed the words to drag her along, occasionally controlling where she will stop, sinking closer and closer to the bottom. She focused her energy on her fingertips and slammed it along what she assumed to be the floor, fighting the push of the words. She skidded across, leaving claw marks as she was dragged further and further away from the group. At this point, she was barely able to see anything thanks to the words blocking out the light, the weight and pressure piling up on her, and how deep within the waves she must have been. She made no attempts to find the rest of the group, not when she was close to finding the source of the noise.

I.. I have to find the source before it disappears. I won't lose this clue, and I won't them get in my way! 
"Quite a predicament. In fact, I can't see some of them anymore. Looks like they got stuck and sank." Bernkastel said. "Let's hope that librarian can't swim in all that... it would be bad if she found the ones under all that weight."


The closer they got to the noise, the more they could hear the tinkling in addition to the sound of a resonant chime echoing around them. Some would let off a brief glow before fading back into the darkness. Other places with the objects simply kept ringing as though they were calling out to something.

As the others struggled to stay above the surface where it was safe, seemingly random objects floated out of the sea of words and bobbed about. A snorkeling mask, a metallic mug, even a large camping kettle was abandoned. Whoever had owned them probably left them to escape the chaos quickly.
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