Vegetto perked his eyebrow, watching Soul leave the kitchen after handing him the sliced meat. He shook his head lightly, glancing away.
Hmph...that guy is weird.
His attention turned back down to the rest of the preparations, ignoring the sounds from the others across the way.
Whis' eyes glanced around at the various reactions, his expression mostly flat for a moment while he thought silently to himself. His eyes then slowly narrowed, eyeing the Voice next. He looked him over for a few seconds, before slowly turning his attention towards Bernkastel.
"It is interesting that the probability is absolute: all desire and will can be swayed if the interest is lacking. With that in mind, the worlds you've depicted are very specific to each individual here in the room. Either Doom wants to annihilate everything that strongly...or he's potentially more interested in this team than he has let on."
Kassava leaned back into her chair.
"Wow...932, huh? Are you one of the gods there too? Normal mortals don't usually know the number of their universe, so you must be someone important there, right?"
Her head turned slightly, however, watching Vegetto emerge from the kitchen at the table with the others gathered around it. He held multiple bowls up along his arms, balancing them on his forearms up to his elbows while clutching onto the bottom of two bowls in each hand. Steam rose up from the confections, and Vegetto slowly bent forward to the table to pass out a bowl to each person.
"Dinner's ready. Without much time to prepare, I made a simpler dish called ramen in our universe."
He glanced over towards Whis, who eagerly beamed at the dish and pulled his bowl close.
"I normally serve it with red and green peppers, little bits of seaweed, a hard boiled egg cut into two slices, and chicken-"
Vegetto narrowed his eyes slightly towards Demi-Fiend.
"-but I substituted the chicken for steak for those of you that wanted red meat. The blood might dilute the flavor of the broth, however."
Whis perked up from his momentary ravaging of the noodles, his cheeks puffed and but able to speak clearly with a mouth full of food.
"The broth is absolutely splendid as always! The flavor and texture..."
Kassava frowned, crossing her arms.
"Why does he always get so worked up over the damn water in the bowl? It's nothing special."
Vegetto sighed, pulling up a chair in between Kassava and Brachi.
"It's how you cook the chicken. It adds an extra layer of gelatin that makes the broth heartier if you let the chicken simmer a bit."
He kept a flat expression, glancing towards Whis who continued to happily dig into his meal.
"That, with decent seasoning, quality noodles, and some extra toppings, and you turn his favorite microwave meal into a real entree."