The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Cuki listened silently to The Voice's evaluation of the group, finding herself staring into the abyss at the truth of his words. She felt her blood boil slightly at the remarks Voice made not only about her but the Saiyans in general. Her tail began to fidget under her stress.

I can't be mad when he's right... How can I get better if I cannot control my arrogance? I won't get any stronger if I keep acting like a Say-Yam! I need more discipline to surpass my limits even further! I gotta rid myself of my own arrogance!

Arrogance and ignorance are paired together on a double-sided coin... A familiar voice rung in Cuki's head. Understand the difference between your cravings and your necessities. Begin by finding your true self in an ocean of clones...

"I don't get it..." Cuki spoke to herself. "Ocean of clones?"

She lifted her head and sighed. She turned to face Voice upon hearing his question.

"Strong? I always pictured it would be people who can break their limits. I mean... isn't what this is all about?"
"Perhaps to make some of you more aware of your position, allow me to add some food for thought," Bernkastel proposed. "As Whis has said before, it won't matter how long or how hard you train, since you've no true estimate of the full extent of Doom's capabilities. Even if you did, there would be no way of training hard enough to be sure you could defeat him with your new trick that he may have already learned how to compensate for. You also have only fought a decoy, which is exactly what it means; for all we know, its abilities have no relation to Doom's and serve as a mere red herring," She continued. "And even if you managed to develop a new trick mid-battle, what good would it do if you've had no time to adjust your strikes and distance accordingly? It would leave new openings you had no chance to learn how to guard, and your opponent would finish you before you could even adjust yourself, even moreso when you're busy balancing your attack and defense as you look for openings yourself."

Bernkastel opened her dead eyes again as she continued. "Then there is the question of mental strength; if you lack fortitude and crumble under the weight of your own doubts and the obstacles around you, does your physical strength compensate for what makes you hesitate, and thus cost you the win? What would the idea of strength be then? Does it truly stop at just breaking your limits? Is that definition true for someone who is strong, but has never known their limit, versus someone who knows they are weak and searches for the limits they struggle to surpass? Does the taste of defeat equate awareness of your limit, or simply a gap in your knowledge of fighting? Is strength not needing to struggle, or is it the will to not surrender as you struggle?" Without a change in her tone, she tilted her head to the side questioningly. "Does it become easier or harder to come up with a 'correct' answer? Additionally, think about the real purpose of the way we have arranged these training sessions; if they were really all about your physical strength and limitations, why would Voice and I bother forcing you all into doing things as a group other than the reason of time constraint?"
Snow, having heard the Voices description of him, just scoffed and said as he finished chopping the meat up "If he understood why then he wouldn't say that."
The lich says to the voice "I will agree with both." The Lich thinks "I gest I got to be the one to give the advice to the children"  The lich says to the group "I would advise to get to know the rest the people around you."
Brachi remained silent at this.

"Voice has some good points, I don't deny that... my own fury of him using the body of one of my cherised friends has clouded me from thinking rationally, although I did wise up at some point..." She thought. 

Gervene watched this.

"At least I'm happy that Tempest isn't here. Had he and Xeno been here and Voice would have used the body of the latter, Tempest would have gone ballistic... making him even WORSE than Brachi." She said.
Raune opened his eyes when the Voice began to discuss him, watching the thing talk and breath, reading the way his lips moved. It seemed to agitate him, but only just.

"You're right, I should've gotten others out of there. But I still managed to protect some of the-" He replied, before suddenly freezing mid sentence, eyes going wide. He felt his cheek, suddenly growing hateful and loathing. "Even a single life..." He muttered, repeating some long forgotten advice. "Right, my failure was in not adequately utilizing my speed to protect the others, and for not communicating as well as I should have... Grimm, I haven't remember what it's like to be on a dysfunctional team in... Decades? Time's hard to tell when you keep jumping universes." He remarked. He took a moment to collect his thoughts, glancing around before pulling out and inspecting Stormruler.

"There was a time before I was a Speedster, running around the multiverse. There was a time before I was trapped in the Speedforce, combating my uncle in endless strife. There was a time before I was a king, given this sword as proof I ruled." He looked back up to the rest of the group. "There was a time I was a student, in the first day of Huntsman school, hating my new team mates and unable to get along. We need to start working together as a team... Even if our mentor is chaotic evil." He remarked.

"But, what you're really saying Voice, is that Doom's so far above us, the only way to make him hurt is to be able to distract him? I'm getting that clearly?"
“Calling it as a distraction might be oversimplifying things, but that is one way to look at it.” The voice responded to Raune’s question. “You need more than simple tricks and fancy techniques, you need to work on your mental strength and teamwork can be a benefit of honing such skill.” The voice continued. “A good example of this is when Vegetto managed to catch Demi-Fiend’s ball, but his fixation vastly underestimated him because, in his head, he already decided he was the superior one right off the bat, causing him to be out of the game instantly. Physical strengths means absolutely nothing if your mental strength is not up to par. Good communication helps; relying on others will increase your validity and teamwork can cover each other weaknesses, as the Lich and Bernkastel said, mental strength is absolute key.” 

“Aren’t you three just overestimating Doctor Doom just a bit here?” Spina said. “Although I do agree that there are some really strong guys and should not be underestimated, but we Saiyans are capable of breaking limits. Surely we can turn this around in no time if we truly pushed ourselves to the limit.”

“Did you not just hear what Bernkastel said?” The voice chuckled, turning to Gervene and Whis. “These two beings are Gods from your supposed realities, correct? You folks might have the pleasure of breaking walls to reach the plane of powerful beings, but the plane that Whis and Gervene belong is an extraordinary tier of strength in your world, but it is nothing more than standard here. Reality Vortex, as you said, contain dangerous beings, beings that they are beyond the concept of strength itself.” 

The voice pointed his finger to Bernkastel, Demi-Fiend and the Lich. “They are the examples of such dangerous beings. Beings that are beyond the scope of physical and mental strength, that it they are not gods, monsters nor freaks of nature—they are beyond such trivial groups. They are from the highest class of beings where only one thing that described their endless existence: the strong.” The voice turns to Cuki, asking about the concept of the strong before turning back to Spina. “Your transformations, tricks and anything else does not register in their minds. Doctor Doom, based on my observation, is part of that class.” 

Spina remained silent, gripping onto his pants tightly, upon hearing the class of people, the strong.

“Let’s add this a bit further, to explain the validity of mental status. I stated earlier that I have some information I withheld from my little exploration of Doom’s castle to see the status of your skills during the spar.” The voice paused for a moment.

“The Tools is a powerful device… a device that will help restore my body to its original form. However, it is also a powerful and effective tool if someone managed to make it work… and if they did… they ca practically bend this realm to anything they so wished: who knows, it might be able to free themselves from this dreaded dimension itself.”  The voice explained. “Doctor Doom, as described as part of the strong, is no average joe you seek in your respective worlds. If he managed to find a way to crack the code, he will practically be unstoppable. Of course, there is a reason that Doom hasn’t cracked it yet…something is preventing him from using it… and perhaps why he accepted the bet Bernkastel gave him, to obtain something.” 

“And?” Demi-Fiend said. “That’s the information you wanted to tell us?”

“No, no. I was just explaining the properties of the tools, since Gotenks here is unaware of such event. The truth of the matter…” The Voice pulls out part of his body, forming as an orb, which allows the group to see what is going on inside Doom’s castle. In one of his rooms, a gigantic computer seemingly reveals different kind of worlds. “Tempest, wasn’t it?” Voice asked Gervene, as the orb reveals Brachi’s world, then Spina’s world, then Cuki’s world, then for each and everyone one of them—excluding Gotenks and Raune for being new members. 

“Doctor Doom is planning on erasing them once he cracks opened the tools, and if a person with the tools destroy something, they are permanently erased. Forever. Period. There’s no reverse option.” The voice burst into laughter.

Spina narrowed his eyes, upon hearing the revelations. “W-what?”
"Destroy our universes..?" Cuki shivered slightly. "How can someone even destroy a universe? Is... is that even possible?"

She looked confused at the thought of universes disappearing but didn't seem that alarmed when presented with the idea. She barely remembered much about her own universe so it didn't seem to bother her if it was erased. However, the thought of her master kept her at an edge.

"Well, we have to stop Doom at once. Uhmm, but we should first fix our faults above all else. I think Mr. Voice is right when he says we all have faults, however, upon learning that, we can use this time to properly discipline ourselves and hone our skills. I fear the power Mr. Doom will have if we cannot stop him..."
Vegetto's eyebrow twitched violently at Kassava's calling, his eyes turned down towards the few large bowls he laid out on the back counter. He quickly spun around towards the stove with the boiling water, tossing in a few more random items and stirring the broth with a large spoon. His narrowed eyes stared down towards the pot at the moment, his eyes losing focus as he thought to himself in the midst of stirring.

You were the one that couldn't figure out a way to beat him. You're just as weak as I am.

His eyes lifted slightly, nearly letting out a heavy sigh but keeping the conversation well hidden from sight while he leaned over the stove.

I know you're listening. You always whine about teamwork, but why didn't you give me control when you knew you were going to lose?

I̝̤̦̝ ̗w̱͙̠̹͕͖̙a̲̤̝sn't̞̘̹̖̩̼ͅ ͔l̺͇o̥s̥͔̦̯i̪͈̲̝̺͙̹ng̜͔̜̫̙!̫̜

A small glint of silver light flashed on Vegetto's pupil's for a moment, the rage in his expression contorting violently on his expression for only a second. He inhaled slowly shortly after, his muscles visibly relaxing as he switched from intense rage to oddly calm in only a second, exhaling deeply through his nose.

He was beating all of us. If it wasn't for Instant Transmission, we would've been swiss cheese. And those two never would've been able to launch the counter attack.

I̙̗͔ ̙̠̹co̦̲u̦͔͔͇͓͉̠l͕̝̮̪̱̮d'v̪e̱̣̦̟͖̫̘ ̝̬̻̹͎s͓͖t̟o̟̗̲̜͈͖̣pp̗e͕̘̞͕̮͍d̦̟̤͕̲ͅͅ ̻t̞̟̳̘͎̟h̙͉̩͕͎e̥ ̣b̞̜̺͔l͕͔͍̻ͅa̻̹ͅs̹͍͖̠̘̻͓t̻s̳͙͎̫.͉ I͍̰̗̝͍͔̣ ̱̺ha̰̰͉̰͈d ̳̮̗͉m͈̟̖̗̖͖͉o͚̺̜r̻̯̘e̙͍̞̠̟̜̣ ͉̩͉͓p̖o̗̣̙̜̳̻w̻̰̹͙͉̳͚e̼͓̟͚̩̖r̻̟ ̜t̻̱̣̰o ̤̻d̺͈̱̩͇r̫̭̻͓̭̘̤a͈͖͔w͇̯̝͕̘ͅ ̳̘͇͈͚͖o͎̗̲̗̜̭n͉̟.

Vegetto released his grip on the spoon, tightly shutting his eyes and narrowing his eyebrows heavily.

No you didn't! You just don't want to admit you couldn't handle it.

His eyes opened slowly, inhaling deeply again.

Look, I get it. You're mad because you couldn't just steam roll this guy like you have everyone else. But if going to work, then you need to get on board with what Whis was teaching us.

Vegetto kept his eyes down, waiting for the final voice to ring out in his head again.

...j̙̘ṳst͙͈̗͓͎ͅ ̹͍̘g̩̱e̲͓t͚ ͎̥̘K̫̻̗̩̠a͙̺ss̫͈̠͔̱̗ ̞̦͖̦͚̜̫h̜͉͍͉̬̤er̩ ̯̙͔͙͍͍̤d͈̖r̘̤͎̥̦ͅi̝n̯̪̰͔k͚̱̙̪͓̘͎ ̘̬̻̫a͍̜̟͙̱l̘͔͎r͎̮͉̮͇̺e̤͉̩͙ạ͔͉̜̠d̲͖̩̬̩̩̠y̙̦͕̤̦̙.

Vegetto's nostrils slightly flared as he let out a small scoff, glancing down and noticing the wooden spoon snapped in half in his grip.


He lightly discarded the broken spook on the counter top, turning his head slightly towards Snow and raising an eyebrow.

"You done cutting up the meat?"


Kassava broke out into a wide grin, suddenly reaching out and wrapping an arm around Amaterasu's shoulders.

"Sure, I'll be your friend!"

She blinked for a moment, half listening to the conversation at hand but slowly tuned out the others as they spoke and turned her eyes back to Amaterasu.

"So...where are you from again? I kinda forgot with everything going on around here."


Whis scratched the back of his head, a small uneasiness plastered on his face.

"Well...the situation is a little more complex than I originally foresaw. His composition as an individual is unique and Ultra Instinct has created...well...problems with it."

His expression fell flat shortly with his voice.

"I will do my best to fix it, but I am not sure if he will master it in time."

Whis then perked his eyebrows at the images of the various worlds, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of Conton City having been part of the images in the slideshow.

"Oh my."
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