The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Stumbling off from the wall he had temporarily used as a bed, Raune managed to wander further into the apartment and collapsed into a chair. His head leaned on the side, one arm dangling off the chair and his other arm resting on it, both legs planted firmly in the ground. He looked rather strangely like his father.
Kassava yelped as she stumbled backwards from the sudden push, but quickly recovered with an intense glare and instantly raising her fists.

"You little shit, I'll-"


She turned her eyes up, meeting Vegetto's own stern stare. She glanced down to see his gloved hand gripping lightly onto her shoulder, letting out a small grunt and quickly pulling it out of his hand while crossing her arms.

Whis perked his eyebrows, leaning forward to see the commotion of the cats ripping into the doll. He stood silently with Vegetto and Kassava as the whole ordeal came to an end, a warm smile returning across his face at the sight of Cuki offering Bernkastel the doll.

"How wonderful! Now that's settled with, and the apartment looks to be in perfect condition, that leaves only one final matter for tonight."

His smile rose widely, clasping his hands together with a cheerful tone.

"A marvelous dinner!"
Snow, Amaterasu and the kids looked to see the group and giggled a little at the interactions.
Demi-Fiend frowned when Cuki swipe the doll away from his hand. “Damn, guess I’m not scorching this thing into hell.” He sat on the couch. “But wait, shouldn’t we ask questions of why she was using my identity to cause problems? I feel like there is a lot of stuff that needs to be solved her—”

The voice interrupted Demi-Fiend. “We can figure out the details of what occurred here later—the Lich was kind enough to clean out the apartment with a snap of his fingers, so there’s no need. Further, Cuki place the doll under Bernkastel’s care… so nothing should be a problem for a while. And I’m sure….” The voice turns to Kassava. 

“That you’ll stay put, at least until dinner is served. You will listen to what I have to say, especially since you chicken out of the sparring earlier.” The voice’s tone was on the side of annoyance. “Too many things are happening and I’ll make sure that the tools should be in your possession.”

The voice turns to Vegetto, clearing his throat. “You still have duties on making the food that you were told to do yesterday; so do that and I’ll go over the results with you lots as we feast on the meals. Don’t bother saying no.”

Spina sat on the chair. “You awfully seem demanding right now.” He said. “What’s the change in attitude? Got something planned?”

“Oh, I have something much more to say that I left out during my little trip to Doom’s place that I didn’t tell you earlier. However, I just needed confirmation against your abilities… to gather more information. In addition with Gotenks…. He seems to be confused… so this is a chance to get him up to speed of what’s going on if he, along with Maggie, is going to be a new addition to the team.” The voice responded. "If you want to help Vegetto, if he wants, be my guest, but don't start doing your own thing right now." The voice floats over to the table and remain stationary until everything is finished. 

"More information, huh?" Spina said. "Hmm..."
The lich summons a book and says a flat tone "since we did first meat Maggie coppicing Demi-Fiend that smelt like garbage that Bernkastel and my self odds are it was pay back for tossing her in the trash. If I recall it was some collated pot to get him kicked out."
Future Gotenks continued to watch as the events unfolded. When it was over he looked at the others. His stomach was growling.

"Food does sound about now. I actually haven't eaten for some time." he clenched his stomach.

The fusion then looked over at the voice.

"Hey, since you're like the supreme leader of this world do you wanna help me get outta here? I'm all for being part of your crew and stuff but I have to get back to my world." he said with worry.
((Hey Soul, I'm gonna go ahead and have my characters ignore your setup for now since the flow of the plot doesn't really sync well with the Voice addressing both of my characters too. I think if this post happens before Snow and Amaterasu address Vegetto and Kassava, I can have them respond better than just having them give a one line response, then have to go about their actions now that the Voice has commanded everyone to progress.

Just basically have them come up to Vegetto and Kassava again if you want now, since this post will set them up better for interactions going forward.))

Kassava perked an eyebrow, holding a somewhat disinterested but confused expression at the Voice's statement.

"My possession? What the hell are you-"

She stopped, her eyebrows twitching in annoyance once the Voice had already switched to Vegetto, who glanced to the side and avoided eye contact with the Voice as an act of defiance. Kassava grinned slightly at the mention of the dinner, placing her hands on her hips.

"Yup! Time for you to get to work; you can start by getting your little suit ready."

Vegetto broke out into a smirk shortly after, turning his head towards Kassava with a satisified grin.

"I suppose I would, if there were any suits around. We're in a completely seperate dimension of reality that only mimics Earth: it doesn't look like any place in this reality even has what you're wanting me to wear."

He shrugged his shoulders with closed eyes and a triumphant smirk.

"What a shame-"

"Not to worry!"

Vegetto's smirk instantly vanished, his eyes opening wide at the sound of Whis' enthusiastic tone. He glanced up in time to see the taller angel's scepter directly in front of his face, the orb glowing a bright green for a second, a small shockwave of wind and light flashing across Vegetto's entire body. The fusion barely had time to yelp, his entire getup changing in the blink of an eye to a dark blue, slim fitting two piece suit with an orange tie neatly tucked into the overcoat. 

Vegetto glanced down, tugging on the clothing and awkwardly attempting to move his arms while Whis pulled his scepter back, smiling widely.

"There we are. I even choose a set of colors to your liking."

Vegetto glared angrily up at Whis, throwing his arms back down.

"Whis!! Whose side are you on?!"

Whis stifled a small chuckle, covering his mouth for a moment.

"Oho! I'm simply keeping the promise you made me uphold. Besides-"

His warm smile remained, his eyes turning down to Kassava.

"What do you think of it, Lady Kassava?"

Kassava kept a small smirk of her own, her eyes glancing over Vegetto while she crossed her arms.

"The trim is holds his frame well. Turning a monkey into a gentleman: this might be your best work yet, Whis."

Whis bowed his head slightly, keeping his smile.

"Thank you. I took inspiration from that one Earth movie you took me to see at the Conton City theater."

He rubbed his chin, looking up at the ceiling.

"What was it called again? It had gambling and spies fighting in suits."

Kassava shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't remember, we've seen a lot of movies, Whis."

Whis sighed lightly.

"Oh well, we'll have to make a note of it once we return home. In any case, my work here is done."

Vegetto opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped short by Kassava's pointer finger now pressing into his lips.

"Nuh uh, you have to be polite tonight. From now on, you're not allowed to get angry or upset with anyone no matter what they do. And whenever you ask a question or respond to a command, you will always answer with 'sir' or 'ma'am' at the end."

Vegetto's right eyebrow twitched in annoyance, his eyes locking with Kassava's while her smirk rose.

"Understand...servant boy?"

Vegetto stood silently for a moment, his scowl intensifying at the mocking comment. However, his rage diminished slightly behind his expression, his face relaxing but still maintaining an annoyed scowl while he stared down at Kassava, his dual voice holding back significantly.

"Yes, ma'am."

Kassava's smirk rose into a full smile, stepping back.

"Good. Now, get to work."

She nodded curtly to the kitchen, watching Vegetto walk upright into the kitchen.


Vegetto kept a small scowl as he glanced around, his movements restricted heavily in an attempt not to rip the suit he now wore. He quickly opened the refrigerator door, glancing around inside with a small frown before calling out openly in the room.

"Cuki! Where the hell do you keep all of your meats and vegetables?!"
Bernkastel took the doll from Cuki and examined Maggie with a once-over. "Yes... erasing you from your pitifully wasteful existence would be an easy way out. It would be much better for me if I had something for stress relief to take my anger out on." She smiled evilly. "Your fate has been doomed the second we crossed paths. Next time you try to cause any trouble, I'll pluck your eyes out of their stitches and rrarrange your stuffing. Understand?"

Her face went back to its usual flat stare, as she knelt down to pick up Maggie's arm and join the others. "But I think that won't be necessary. I'm hungry at any rate. Wonder what there is to do while we wait..."
Maggie turned over to listen to Demi-Fiend and Lich.

"Yeah, that dude is right! I did all this because you threw me in the trash! You don't just toss me out like trash you big jerk! You're so lucky I'm still regaining my powers or else you'll be toast!"

As soon as Bernkastel opened her mouth to speak to Maggie and threatened her, the doll instantly shut her mouth. A cold shiver went up against her body.

"Y-Yes Kettles..."


As soon as the while Maggie issue was over with, Cuki let out a sigh of relief. She looked genuinely tired, both physically and mentally, before taking a seat at her kitchen counter. The Saiyan girl closed her eyes to meditate for a brief moment until Vegetto's voice scared her out of her trance. 

"Meats are on the top shelf in the fridge, alphabetically organized. Veggies are in the top trays, color organized. You better be the good cook Mr. Whis is hyping you up to be..." Cuki grumbled with hints of jealousy. "Besides, Mr. Whis said he liked my cooking a lot." 

She quickly turned her gaze to her hands and think about the battle they just had; her meditative trance and thoughts were blocking all distractions for her.

Mr. Voice has such a power above our own that it was almost suffocating... This battle might have been a test but it felt as if Voice wasn't even trying. Everyone is still too caught up with themselves to focus on the things around them. If Doom is as dangerous as Voice says then we haven't improved our chances. Strength will only help us to a certain point. At least I learned to throw energy like the rest. Now that I know how to use basic ki blasts, I must practice so I can become a stronger and better person. I'm... not some weakling. I know I can match up to them... I must train more but away from the others.
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