The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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The lich says "There are better way to know spinda but this way is amusing." The lich summons an ice tea and starts to drink it.
Future Gotenks' jaw dropped. He looked over at the voice.

Did you just read my thoughts!? The fusion thought. Guess you are the God of this place.

Future Gotenks sighed and watched on, letting out small chuckle from Demi-Fiend's remark.
Maggie-Fiend would swat away at some of the cats and didn't think much about them.

Heh, she's not so scary! She's just throwing kittens at me, what's to fear from her?

As soon as Maggie-Fiend finished her thoughts she began to notice the cats rip through her disguise like wet paper. She continued to smack away the cats but every time she did, they would only double in amount and pile on her body. Maggie-Fiend desperately tried to reform her disguise but the wave of cats was tearing it down faster than she could regenerate. 

H-How the heck are these cats coming back so fast?! There's no way! Hold on, I've never seen her use her powers before! D-Don't tell me she's a magic user..?! I-I can't copy magic!!

Maggie-Fiend pushed herself back and against a wall only to see a wall of blackness with slanted green eyes peering down at her. At this point her disguise was ripping itself apart thanks to the cats. As Maggie-Fiend was consumed by the cats she would begin to transform into the other characters of the group to fight back. She turned into Whis and used the scepter to smack away at incoming cats, when that failed, she turned into Vegetto, then Spina, Kassava, Brachi, Raune, and finally Cuki, each ending in failure. She struggled to fight against the mass of felines and as she continued to mimic the others, her body would get smaller and smaller.

When turning into the others didn't work, Maggie was forced to turn into a dog to fight back but with each wave of cats ripping her to shreds, she only couldn't last long. As each cat ripped her apart, Maggie let out a screech that sounded like a hybrid of all the people in the room. Maggie was forced to turn into a dog and attempt to fight the cats head on but each time she was overwhelmed, she turned into a smaller dog breed, crying for mercy. Finally, when completely consumed by the mass of cats, the screaming and yelping stopped and under all the cats would lay a familiar doll with scratch marks all over it, its dressed ripped, and a missing arm, no doubt one of the cats might have it. Her eyes were replaced with swirls that showed her confusion, pain, and embarrassment.
"So this is your real form-- not as tough as you think." Bernkastel stared down at the dolly with a haughty smirk on her face while the cats she summoned from her sleeves simply walked away into the shadows of the room, no longer interested in playing. The one holding Maggie's arm dropped it in front of Bernkastel before trotting off into nothingness.

"I thought our impostor would last longer than that. How disappointing." Bernkastel turned to face the real Demi-Fiend. "Oh, do you wish to play too? It's pointless now, but you're always itching for a fight..."
The voice chuckled. “I can do so much more than that, boy. Alas, I will answer any questions you might have after this quarrel… which seems to be wrapping up now.” The voice turns to the now fallen Maggie. “I thought it would be much entertaining than this… to think this little thing cause so much problems for you folks.” 


Before Demi-Fiend can even make a move, the battle was already over, causing him to stop in his tracks. “Well then, guess that’s that.” Demi-Fiend rubbed the back of his head, disappointing that he will not be able to test the strength of Bernkastel. “Worry not, there will be the next time, but right now, we have to resolve this little bugger that using my good name in bad faith.” 

Demi-Fiend picks up the ragdoll and dangles her around back and forth. “Huh… so this thing is causing all of this… if I recall, when I was trying to summon a demon, you appeared.” He stated. “And here I thought you were just a useless, lifeless doll… but now, you’re just a pain in the butt.” 

He places his hand in front of the doll, attempting to blow her away. “Well, no matters. At least it shows that I didn’t do anything; just a shape-shifting doll making pranks.” He turns to the rest of the group to reveal the imposter. “No objection if I torched this thing, right?” 

"None from me." Spina said, seemingly remember the doll a while back. "Let's get this over with... I'm exhausted."
The lich says with a wave of his hands Cuki's apartment is repaired and cleaned "I may have a couple of ideas that may be better. The voice could use the changeling as a body or I could make our changeling useful as well." The lich thinks "hear I was thinking that doing what your doing is rude voice."
Snow, Amaterasu, and their kids all said "We honestly say go ahead, as we don't even know if it will work."
When the Lich repaired and cleaned Cuki's apartment, all the anger seemed to have waved off of her. As her anger disappeared, her reasoning returned and the pressure within the room disappeared. When Demi-Fiend asked for objections, she shook her head, not done beating the little doll down.

"I'm not done with the little thing, I got something worse for this abomination..." 

Cuki went up to Demi-Fiend and snatched the doll from his hand. She began to shake it until it finally woke up from its daze and the look of confusion stormed her face when she noticed how tight Cuki's grip was as she tried to wiggle free.

"Oh no, you aren't getting away that easy." Cuki tighten her grip. "I think you've caused a lot of trouble here for everyone! If we let you go you'll only come back to mess with us again and blasting you isn't going to solve anything... So I've decided on something even more cruel for you. I'll have someone watch over you and your actions."

"What? That doesn't sound so cruel..." Maggie calmed down. "Hmph, fine! Do your worst to me, the great Maggie!"

Cuki ignored Maggie, pacing back and forth with the doll in her hand. 

"I'm excluding the training group from keeping an eye on you so that just leaves the higher-ups." Cuki glanced at the more powerful figures in the room and went down one by one. "Demi-Fiend is out because he's a handful by himself. Ms. Gervene has her two buddies to train, Mr. Whis has two boneheads to look after, and Ms. Amaterasu has her kids to worry about. That just leaves Mr. Lich and Kettles..."

"W-Wait a second..." Maggie's voice trembled slightly.

"And Mr. Lich did just clean my house which was very nice of him. That just leaves Kettles and I heard that she's been bored lately... maybe giving her a new toy to play with will satisfy her?" Cuki wiggled Maggie in Bernkastel's direction, giggling maniacally. "Or maybe she can use you as a plaything for her cats~?"

"N-No! Nooooo!!" Maggie squirmed. "S-She's a monster and so are her stupid cats!! A-Aren't you the nice one compared to everyone or something?!"

"You're right, I AM the nice one but I'm letting the Witch of Miracles fill in that cruelty I'm forbidden to show." 

"W-Witch of Miracles..?" 

"Yeah, because you'll need more than a miracle to get you out of this mess..." Cuki said with a wicked smile. "And I know Kettles won't be giving you that miracle anytime soon so you better behave yourself or she might get creative with her methods."

Cuki walked over to Bernkastel and held Maggie by the back of her dress; the doll was too scared to move in the presence of the Witch. Cuki gave the warmest smile to Kettles.

"I hope you enjoy your new plaything~!"
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