The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Snow finally stopped meditating and looked sad at what he would have to do, but he knew that it was a sacrifice he would have to make. He then left the room, the tablet he sealed Slayer into, now just a rock. He then went back to the group and waved to everyone "Yo, so What did I miss?" He seemed himself, but at the same time something was different. Amaterasu noticed, but said nothing as she knew it was tearing him up inside at this choice. His kids noticed the change as well, but he mainly was still the same. Amaterasu went over to Gervene "So, um, My husband won't really tell me, but what is so special about these Saiyans?" She honestly had no clue what was special about them, not having encountered them in her universe.
Gervene turned to Amaterasu.

"Saiyans have a natural lust for battle, which makes them in general excited when facing strong opponents. They also have the natural ability to grow stronger after recovering from near-fatal injuries. They are also quite proud and often want to face powerful foes by themselves. This doesn't go with all Saiyans though; some Saiyans, whether they are full-blooded Saiyans or hybrids, do not have this thrill for battle." She said, her four arms crossed.
Demi-Fiend’s eyes shifted towards Whis, his expressions remain the same. The young teen turned his sights towards Kassava again, who persists in battling him. “Relax, I won’t do anything rash. Even I know when to fold them when the situation isn’t worth it.” Demi-Fiend responded to his advice. 

“Besides,” Demi-Fiend taunted Kassava. “The outcome is already decided, so let’s not waste anyone time here with this meaningless fight.” Demi-Fiend noticed that Cuki had already done towards the apartment complex, noticing her concern. “You seemingly answered the question. There’s an imposter around here…” He said towards Whis. “Let’s see who’s trying to take in my appearance then?” 

Demi-Fiend turned his back towards Kassava and headed to the apartment, ignoring her angry demeanor. 

Spina wipe the sweat away from his forehead. “Guess we avoided that little scuffle… Let’s not diddle around here.” He turns to Snow. “I know you just got here, but we need to head back. Something is going on here.” Spina said, heading towards the apartment as well.

“You guys better check that out then,” The voice said. “Could be problematic for you folks in the future if you don’t resolve this right now.”
As Cuki finally arrived on her balcony, the glass panels were stained with some unknown substance. Her rage started to boil over and her body trembled. She slowly slid the door to open and placed Raune leaning against her cracked and broken walls. The girl said nothing as the sight and condition of her apartment left her without words. The pressure around her apartment began to rise to the point where weaker rubble would be crushed and her tail twitched wildly and frantically in her fury while her cheeks began to grow red from how upset she was.

Everything was an absolute disaster with food and water splattered everywhere, clothes ripped, beds flipped, and books shredded. Coming out from the hallway was the cocky Maggie-Fiend ripping a pillow apart using his mouth and zipping up his pants. He spat out the pillow pieces to the living room and casually went to the kitchen to open the fridge and pull out a soda to drink. When he turned around to see Cuki, he waved to her and crushed the can in his hand, tossing it in the living room.

"Oh, hey. How ya' doing? I came back home and saw that dude's wife sleeping on the sofa and since it was no one important, I thought you guys ditched the house along with her. I kinda wanted to make it my own but I didn't know you'd come back."

"Wha..?" Cuki tilted her head slightly upon seeing the other Demi-Fiend. Her fury instantly turned to confusion. "Another...Demi-Fiend?!"

"Another? What are you talking about? I said that I left a while ago to see if I can find a way out of here. Found nothin' so I came back and you all were gone." Maggie-Fiend sighed. "Besides, while I was here, Pineapple-Head's wife started blowing a fuse and blew up your room."

"M-My room?!"

Without hesitation Cuki dashed to her room and screamed at the current state it was in, or rather, that her secret drawings were littered across the floor. Her cheeks turned red from the thought of anyone knowing her secret so she frantically gathered her drawings. As Cuki gathered her drawings, Maggie-Fiend tried to leave before the others returned. 

Heehee, that little girl must totally hate that dude's wife and she'll probably kick her out for sure! Hah! She should have thought twice before messing with me, the great Maggie! 
The lich says in a matter of fact tone as he opened a portal to Cuki's location "Its a minor annoyance at best. " The lich walks thru the portal.
Future Gotenks followed the group still confused about what was going on.

He eventually got to the destroyed apartment and looked around.

“Hopefully your landlord doesn’t kick you out.” he joked.
Bernkastel followed hearing Cuki's scream just outside the apartment once she got there. "Is it that bad?"

She paused just outside the house feeling the odd presence that she felt last night. "The strange energy is there again." Entering, she spotted the massive mess-- even more messy than the typical destruction. "They better have left my stuff alone." She muttered coldly to herself, before walking in further to look for the intruder, stopping upon seeing her foot step in a puddle of soda from a crushed can. "The kitchen?" Her eyes narrowed before proceeding in direction of the kitchen.
Demi-Fiend entered the apartment and seen the massive mess that occurred here. “Damn, it’s like a tornado just pass through here.” Demi-Fiend said. He heard Cuki screamed very loudly and went over there to check out what was wrong. “Even the end of the world looks more presentable than this—” Before he can head over there, he bumped into Maggie-Fiend. 



Spina arrived at the apartment and saw the mess. “The hell happened here? Kind of hard to believe that Demi-Fiend did this…” He saw the two boys that look identical to one another. “Don’t tell me that there’s more than one of him here…”
As Maggie-Fiend tried to leave, she bumped on to the real Demi-Fiend. He instantly took a step back and stared at Demi-Fiend from head to toe and crossed his arms. He had the exact expression that Demi-Fiend had. Eventually, as the others came in, Maggie-Fiend knew that escape was futile and had to rely on outplaying Demi-Fiend in his own game. Every time Demi-Fiend spoke and every muscle he moved would be copied on the spot and instantly by Maggie-Fiend; it was like looking in a mirror.

"Huh." Maggie-Fiend tilted his head. "Looks just like me, down to the tattoos and everything. Have I always been so good looking? But he's a really good mimic, he managed to fool you guys but then again, I don't think it'd be that hard."

Heh, with this jerk in front of me, we'll both get kicked out but he won't be the one returning! I'm so smart that I scare myself!
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