The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Being shifted upwards by Cuki, Raune mumbled in his agonized state.

"Did... Did I do it mom..?" He muttered, an old memory, one of many, playing in what shallow dreams he had.
Snow began meditating, trying to let his natural regeneration do it's work as he also got ready to train again. He couldn't let his powers get out of control anymore, that wasn't an option.

Taiyou, Tsuki and Eclipse looked at the group and all muttered "Why can't anything other than Sayians or Majins find this group." They were kind of annoyed at the increasing amount of sayians.

Amaterasu on the other hand didn't know much about the sayians, other than the basics of what Snow told her and the only ones she could ask were busy, so she decided to ponder this for a while as she looked over the group, curious at their potential
"You totally did it Raune! You blew up Voice into a billion goopy pieces!" She shook him childishly before slowly lifting him to his feet for him to regain his balance. "C'mon Raune, up on your feet. We should get you home so Mr. Vegetto can finally keep his end of the deal and cook for us."

Cuki stretched her tiny body and felt her joints and bones pop. She was still disgusted at Voice and his actions to Bara but there was little she can do against a being like him. She placed Raune's arm around her shoulders to help him lean against her for support as she slowly walked over to the newcomer. She stared at him before she leaned in and sniffed Future Gotenks like some sort of animal. She instantly backed away and stared over to Vegetto and Spina then lowered her gaze.

"He smells just like us." She sounded a little discouraged. "I guess we got another Say-Yam. Since Mr Vegetto is his uncle... I assume he's got some cool transformations too, huh?" Her tone was somewhat annoyed. "Well, either way, it's nice to meet you Vegetto's Nephew. My name is Cuki and this guy is Raune. I would love to talk but I'm afraid we should continue this back in my place, some of us need a bit of rest. You're free to tag along!"

She was about to take off until she heard Bernkastel praise Raune for his efforts. 

"You hear that Raune?! Even Kettles thinks you're super cool! We should totally celebrate when we get back to my apartment! A special treat, just for Raune!"
“Gah!” Future Gotenks yelped startled from Cuki sniffing him.

“Never had anyone smell me to introduce themselves.” he chuckled awkwardly. “The name’s Gotenks and, yeah, I can transform. I’m sure at this point every Saiyan I knew could at least go Super Saiyan.”

The fusion then turned to the voice.

“Guide, huh? So you’re like the Supreme Kai of this world?”

His face then showed confusion when the voice questioned him.

“Different realities? You mean like different timelines?” he asked. “I mean different timeline or not they should remember me and all the stuff we’ve been through.” 

The fusion turned to Vegetto with a hopeful stare.

“Tell em, Uncle Gito. Do any of these ring a bell: the Fusion Cave, the Dread Masters, Janembuu, my mom and dad Goggie and Gogeta. What about your sons Troten and... Junior.” Future Gotenks’ dual voice slightly trembled when he mentioned the last name.
Vegetto turned his attention towards the group as they praised Raune, having sat silently while he dusted himself off. His head turned when Gotenks spoke next, blinking once.

"What on Earth are you going on about? And how did you become permanent?"

Whis peered down, smiling at Gotenks.

"Not to worry, I'm familiar with your adventures in the other universe. This Vegetto has developed in a much different way than the one you remember."


Kassava's weary expression instantly snapped wide open, instinctively powering up at the sight of Demi-Fiend. She quickly stumbled back, still weary in her base form but tensing her muscles up in preparation.

"Get away from me!!"
Future Gotenks stared at Vegetto for a moment then glanced over to Brachi. He sighed not being able to hide disappointment. 

"I've heard of different timelines but I didn't think that different versions of people existed either. That makes no sense."

The fusion looked up at Whis confused as to what he meant.

"I'm sorry but have we met before? How do you know about my world? And why is this Vegetto different from the one I remember?"
At the same moment, Gervene noticed Future Gotenks and walked to him, a silent Brachi following behind while carrying a still crying and distraught Majin Bara bridal style, whom was holding onto her friend closely.
“So he’s another Saiyan after all…” Spina crossed his arms, trying to listen into the conversation between Future Gotenks, Vegetto and Whis, but was seemingly loss when the former listed out all the apparent events that happened. His eyebrows perked the amount Whis revealed that he had knowledge of the newcomer’s world. “That’s rather curious, Whis… you even described that this hotheaded fool developed differently than the other one.” 

The voice chuckled. “Well, uhh, Gotenks, right? This is the world that brings people that cannot exist, impossible to exist and should never exist… there are many such worlds. It seems that this one came from a world that is different from the one you know.” He explained. “Though, I do wonder why RV is getting a lot of these Saiyans lately…” The voice thought, seemingly agreeing with Snow’s children.

Demi-Fiend yawned as he tried to listen to the conversation, though he overheard Brachi’s earlier statement. Turning to her direction, without skipping a beat, chastised her. “Don’t be so overemotional; it was sparring match, not life or death.” His tone remained flat. “Or did you forget the purpose why the Voice did took over her body in the first place? Maybe the pink snot just is not cutting it, and if that is the case, she should sit this one out. Last thing you folks need is useless baggage dragging everyone down when the trials comes up.”

Suddenly, he slightly turned his head to Kassava powering up all of the sudden.

“Eh…? What’s with you?” Demi-Fiend asked. “Is there something on my face? It’s another bug in my ear, isn’t it?” He joked, being oblivious to the situation.
Whis kept his smile.

"Oh no, we haven't met. During my visit to the Time Nest, I was able to browse through some of the histories in the Scrolls that are archived in the Vault."

He nodded slightly to Spina, gesturing to Future Gotenks.

"I would show you the history if I had the appropriate materials, it's quite fascinating how much their universe developed differently than ours. The Vegetto in that one is surely more tempered, experienced well beyond his years."

Vegetto narrowed his eyes, but soon perked his attention at the growing heat once again emitting from Kassava's body, who glared down Demi-Fiend with clenched fists.

"I saw you tearing up the apartment, I know what you've done. And I don't care how strong you are..."

The golden and red flames rapidly engulfed her body, erupting outward and singeing the nearest members of the group with tremendous, scorching flames while her hair and eyes glowed matching colors.

"I'll destroy you this time!"
"Oh my... this is quite a strange predicament." Bernkastel stepped around Demi-Fiend and Kassava. "I suppose you are riled up about what he did to you last night, but how could he have been at the apartment if he was by my side this entire time? I haven't taken my eyes off him since we began this sparring session." She questioned, before looking over at Whis. "Other than meeting this new Saiyan over there, did you encounter something strange?" Bernkastel considered the possibility of how the vortex didn't obey most laws, but the likelihood of a person appearing in multiple places was only possible to her to perceive if two fragments merged into one. "He acts as though he didn't mouth off to me either last night too. Something is off here." Her cat tail swayed in suspicion of the entire thing, staring in Demi-Fiend's direction.
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