The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Raune continued to lean against the wall, resting as soundly as he could, drifting in sleep and breathing normally. The man needed to rest and this is where he would do it.
Demi-Fiend blinks once when Maggie-Fiend starting mouthing off that he was the real one. “So you’re the troublemaker that got Kassava up in a frenzy, right?” Demi-Fiend places his hand on his chin, smirking. “You know, you got all the right details of my appearances down to the nitty gritty.” 

Demi-Fiend turns to the rest of the group. “But it’s like the bag ol’ bones said… I’m the real one here… you honestly believe that I would do something like this?”

“You have been a pain in the ass ever since you got here; who knows what you’re capable of.” Spina quickly retorted. “Not surprise if Kassava is getting this pissy about you.”
"This fake sure knows how to fool. Do you honestly think I wouldn't do something like this? C'mon now... Trying to cover yourself up screams guilty to me." Maggie-Fiend rubbed his chin and smirked. "I think everyone here can agree with that. Even the dumbest of you can figure that out."

Maggie-Fiend clearly tried to keep with the hate the others had for Demi-Fiend.


As Cuki fumbled with her belongings, her rage began to make her quiver and energy began to leak out of her body. The pressure around her room increased and began to crack her walls. Without a second thought, Cuki returned to the living room once everyone returned and the look on her face was nothing but animosity. The same pressure that grew within her room followed her and intensified in the living area, causing her windows and balcony glass doors to shatter instantly.
"Alright... who did it?" Cuki's voice was low. "If no one confesses, I'll find the real Demi-Fiend my way."
There was no reply from Maggie-Fiend and Cuki didn't seem to wait for one either.

"Fine! I'll find the real Demi-Fiend right now!" Cuki pointed directly at Bernkastel, her voice cracking by how angry she was. "The real Demi-Fiend would have no problem yanking Kettle's tail to get that ribbon. The Demi-Fiend that gets Kettle's tail-ribbon is the real one."

Maggie-Fiend stared at Demi-Fiend and shrugged, casually walking over to Bernkastel with the full intent to yank her tail.

"Shouldn't be too hard taking one stupid ribbon from a weird cat witch thing." Maggie-Fiend boasted. "What's the worst she can do to me?"
Snow looked at the exchange then sighed "I actually want to see how the Witch of Miracles will deal with this."
The lich thinks "It will be amusing even if the changeling one dos win this." The lich says "More amusing than what I had in mind but we need Bernkastel to be willing Cuki."
"I won't mind. I've been meaning to teach one of them a lesson for badmouthing me yesterday anyway." Bernkastel said, watching Maggie-Fiend slowly close in toward her tail. "But I play mean tricks." Without warning, Bernkastel swung her arms out at Maggie-Fiend before he could pull the ribbon off her tail, her open palms aimed at his face. However, nothing came out, since it was a feint. Instead, her ruffled sleeves opened fully like they were flower petals, impossibly wide for the amount of fabric so tight around her forearm. There was nothing but darkness if one were to peer into the depths of her dress sleeve except for several pairs of emerald green eyes staring right into Maggie-Fiend's face.

In a mere instant, several shadowy cats lunged from her sleeves onto him, muzzles wide with sharp teeth and claws that could slice flesh like butter if he wasn't careful. Each of them let out a threatening yowl. Bernkastel's mouth wasn't visible, but her eyes were seen above the tops of the sleeve frills. One didn't need to see her whole face to know she was grinning maliciously. The shadow beneath her also seemed to darken, even though it was just a shadow. "Let's see how long you can keep up, okay? Huhuhuhu."
Kassava snarled again, angrily squirming under the arms that held her back while Demi-Fiend walked away. Vegetto's eyes narrowed, rapidly powering up to Blue to hold a strong enough grip.

"Kass, enough!"

Kassava shot her left elbow back, the blow striking nothing but air once Vegetto tilted his head out of the way while she nearly shouted.

"Why do you care?! It shouldn't bother you if you're not the one being humiliated, you selfish asshole!"

Vegetto grunted, releasing his grip on Kassava's waist as she snapped out of his hold, knowing he couldn't hold her back anymore. She took a few steps forward, angrily glaring at the ground away from Vegetto, who stood with his arms at his side. His blue eyes remained locked on her for a moment, the pair standing in silence. His stern scowl barely budged, yet his dual voice came out flat in emotion.

"Can we talk about things now?"

Kassava snorted.

"No. Leave me alone."

Vegetto sighed lightly, placing his hands on his hips.

"I wasn't going to leave you forever, Kass."

Kassava's glare intensified, her eyebrows twitching slightly while Vegetto's tone raised slightly in agitation.

"And you know that too. So I don't get why you're so angry."

Kassava kept her glare away, her tone lowering but still clearly agitated.

"You still left me."

Vegetto nodded curtly.

"And now, you're stronger because of it."

Kassava snorted in response, Vegetto's tone lightening.

"Just look at you: you only trained with Whis for a day, and even without sleep, you were putting out energy I couldn't imagine you doing while I held you back."

Kassava's eyes widened in annoyance, spinning around and preparing to scream at his lack of empathy. However, she stopped in her tracks once she finally turned to face towards Vegetto, the sight of Whis' leaning towards Vegetto with a warm smile throwing her rage off.

"She even managed to tap into Ultra Instinct a little yesterday. She's doing very well."

Kassava blinked, the rage completely leaving her expression while she stared back blankly at the two, Vegetto holding a confident smirk and Whis with his signature warm smile.

Whis isn't embarrassed by me....

Vegetto turned his head slightly, raising an eyebrow at Whis in fake surprise.

"Really? That quickly, huh?"

Whis nodded once.

"She's a natural."

Vegetto nodded once, turning his head out of Kassava's line of sight towards Whis and winking once with his left eye, his voice in a low whisper.

"Thanks, Whis."

Whis only nodded once in reply, watching Vegetto walk up to Kassava before continuing.

"We should be leaving now. The others might need our help with the doppelganger at the apartment."

Vegetto glanced back for a moment, nodding as well before facing towards Kassava again, flashing his teeth in a wide smile.

"Feeling better...hun?"

"You're not off the hook."

Vegetto's smile instantly vanished, watching Kassava fold her arms across her chest with a small smirk of her own.

"You owe everyone else dinner tonight, but you'd better setup a wonderful feast for me tonight. Candles, rose petals...oh!"

She leaned forward slightly, lightly flicking his blue gi with a scowl.

"And you don't get to wear your favorite slob clothes tonight either. You'd better put on a nice suit while you catering to my every need, understand?"

Vegetto blinked a couple of times with wide eyes, watching on as Kassava turned on her heel and walked towards the apartment complex with a satisfied smirk and her chin held high. Still stunned, Vegetto's eyes barely turned as Whis moved past him, smiling warmly as well when he spoke.

"Oh, I did forget to mention, she did well in her training for sure. But around halfway through the night, I had to motivate her with the thought of how you'd make it up to her if she obtained Ultra Instinct."

Whis covered his mouth as he stifled a small chuckle, walking towards the apartment complex.

"I do hope you treat her well, Vegetto. But more importantly, I can't wait to see the delicious assortment of food you cook up for everyone tonight!"

Vegetto's eyebrows twitched heavily in annoyance, clenching his fists together and growling angrily for a few minutes before he followed after the two towards the complex with a heavy scowl.


The expressions of the three earlier completely changed, a little taken aback from the sight of Bernkastel's planned torture of Maggie Fiend. Whis covered his mouth once more, his tone light as he stood next to Vegetto, who stared down with wide eyes.

"Oh my."

Kassava, however, instantly rushed up to the three with her fists raised, an evil grin plastered on her face while she glared down at Maggie-Fiend.

Future Gotenks looked on as Bernkastel dealt with Maggie-Fiend.

I just get more confused the longer I stay here...
“The Witch of Miracles…” Spina cleared his throat. The thought of having two great beings duking it out might be a spectacle event, but the results seemingly would be bad for the apartment overall. "Cuki definitely sold this place into a death zone now with that rash decision. What the heck was she thinking?" Spina turns to Cuki, questioning her actions. "Don't you think a another way to be handled? You're realizing that Demi-Fiend does not care for such thing and Bernkastel... we don't know what she is capable of when she gets serious." 


“I hope they won’t destroy the entire dimension from their battles.” The voice chuckled. "Now, now... unn Gotenks right? Be patient... enjoy the show and you will have all your answers." 


The influx of cats coming in, Demi-Fiend swipes them away. “So, I just need to grab her tail?” Demi-Fiend asked, turning to the Witch. 

“Interesting… if that’s how I can prove my innocence, then so be it. Don't cry when your apartment gets trashed again. You brought it upon yourself." Demi-Fiend examines the situation with the abundance of cats being flung at Maggie-Fiend. "Alright... this should be easy enough." However, before he can even get closer, Kassava got in the way, preventing him to make his move. 

"Out of my way grandma, there's a pussy I need to catch." Demi-Fiend said, grabbing Kassava by the shirt collar and tossing her behind him.
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