Los Demonios

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Lyrik was about to use his powers to move the group to safety, but he felt his entire body freeze. He struggled to move, and no matter how hard he fought, his body didn't move an inch. He couldn't react when he was thrown to the ceiling and landed with a hard thud. It didn't help once Liza slammed on to him and his already aching body. He stared back at the floor and noticed Nicori was at the mercy of the Boss. He noticed he couldn't speak in a desperate attempt to stop Boss.


Nicori's little feelers twitched, sensing that the group had flown up to the ceiling. He couldn't move away from the Boss, and he instantly felt a wave of fear consume him. He couldn't react in time before he felt himself in Boss's grasp. He tried to pull himself away as best he could, unable to say anything to Boss out of fear. The next thing Nicori heard were three loud snaps and a strong wave of agony flow through his body. 

There was a silent pause until Nicori pulled his head back, letting out a wail that drew blood to his ears. The windows shattered around them, buildings cracked all around them, ears no doubt popped, and it was a scream that let out a shockwave that was physically felt by the others. Nicori's mouth continued to open and stretch past its limits, ripping and tearing from the corners as his yells got louder and louder. This was a scream that was heard all over Booga with Los Demonios feeling as if it was under an earthquake. The wail that came from Nicori was one that shook the entire planet of Booga.


Oh man! This kid is gonna kill us! Lyrik panicked. W-Who is this kid?! What powers does he really have?!
Vox thinks "I have little choice. I was hoping to keep the act going but I the only that can even rival this."  Vox brakes free of the boss' power by using Chaotic energy. Some thing tells every one that Vox is not a human.
Before Nicori can let out a scream, the Boss quickly let go of the boy’s arm and instantly created a barrier around himself to cancel out the ear-piercing screams. “Yes, child, let out your screams of pain. Your screams to bring the one I desired!” He let out a malicious laughter. His concentration of psionic is now fixated on building his barrier enough to avoid any sudden injuries, but considering the circumstances, the Boss felt safe in his position.

As the psychic powers no longer have a hold on them and everyone fell to the ground, Liza slammed onto the ground on her behind. Before she can even stand, she instantly crouched down, covering her ears because of Nicori’s screams. “What’s going on? What kind of scream is this!?” Liza tried shouting, but the screams cancelled out her voice—the others are unable to hear her distress.

Iceik was the next one to fall. He fell onto the ground, with the pipe still embedded into his flesh. He coughs out a lot of blood, withering in pain. Iceik faced two options: covered his ears due to Nicori’s deadly and destructive screams or attempt to pull the pipe out of his body. Either way, Iceik was left of being physically distraught—as his hearing is far more advanced than humans, causing him to react violently at each time Nicori yelled. Yet, each movement he made opened the wound further and made the bleeding more severe. The light of his eyes is starting to fade away.

Bob struggled to stand. "Man, that kid sure has a loud voice! It's shaking the entire building!" He turns to Vox, noticing his chaotic energy. In his head, he was wondering what this man is trying to do, but he was so focus on covering his ears, that he could not think straight.


Everyone is Los Demonios fell towards the ground, covering his or her ears. The punk the group encountered earlier was shuffling through his things to find suitable headphones to cancel out the noise, but no matter what he put on, it was a futile effort. Throughout the dreaded city, everyone stopped in his or her activities. Windows cracked or shattered, certain old buildings seemingly collapsed. People running each other, crashing into things but the sounds continued to shake it violently.
Asuza fell to the floor and rolled over to her stomach, barely able to kneel as her eardrums began to rupture and bleed. She couldn't try to attack because he could easily bend the flames out of her control, or worse, use Nicori as a shield. 

I can't do anything.

She dragged herself to where Iceik lay using her arms because she felt like all the energy from before was slammed out of her, and noticed he was injured gravely. 

The situation was out of her hands, but if Vox could buy them a few minutes, she could come up with something. It looked like something she could fix, but it was risky and insane to try since she wasn't any kind of medic. "I'm going to do something really crazy to you, but you'll have to trust me if you don't want to die!" She said to Iceik over Nicori's screams. There was no point in covering her ears now that they were bleeding from the sound. I'd have to use my magic and seal the wound shut... it's gonna leave one nasty scar, but that's if I even have the ability to use fire on just my fingertips... her hearing was of little concern to her at the moment, so she was only tolerating it with sheer willpower at this point. To 'sign' it out, she held out her hand and tried to get fire to accumulate at the fingertips, pointing at the wound.
Vox fires off lances made of black magic in all directions of the boss. Vox sends "Liza if you can suppress Nicori's pain."
Liza was unable to hear anything from Vox due to the noise—even her mind is scrambling around at this point. Despite having ties to certain things, Liza is still a young, aspiring adventurer. She never thought she would encounter something like this at this caliber.
Despite Liza’s inability, Bob overheard Vox’s command. He stood up and grabbed several items, healing items, to reduce the pain on Nicori’s arm. Yet each time he gets close, or even throws it at the child, Nicori’s screams itself sent everything back right at him.

 “I can’t get close!” 


The Boss noticed that his barrier is being attack from all sides. He turned his sights to Vox, sensing the chaotic energy emerging within him. “So you’re a being with chaotic energy, definitely not human at all. I like to see you try to penetrate my barrier…” He increased the strength of it even further. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed. “Yes… I sense an overwhelming power coming here… so the call had reached her.” 


Iceik’s fading eyes turns to Asuza. “Hehehe… I guess this the end for me…” Iceik whispered. “The pain… it hurts everywhere….” He noticed that Asuza's hands lit up like flames. "W... what are you doing...?"
Vox's lances keep moving torts the boss as needles made form the same energy start to rain form all sides as well.
Asuza gripped the end of the pipe, slowly melting it into two parts for easier removal. "Probably something I shouldn't do." Quickly, she gripped the pipe's end with one hand and slowly pulled it out of Iceik's body before beginning to sear the wound shut from the inside-out with her fingers lit up with flames. It smelled plainly of burning hair and flesh.
Nicori continued to scream, each time he cried would send powerful waves of energy to topple people around him. He threw himself back towards the floor, grabbing his broken arm, screeching louder and louder as he struggled to crawl away from the Boss. Suddenly, the floor under Nicori opened up, and he fell right through a mysterious portal. As Nicori vanished, so did his screams of pain; he was nowhere to be seen or heard. The child had mysteriously disappeared.

For a moment, there was no noise, as if everyone was in a silent film. The air was calm and still, as things that were disturbed by the shockwave were slowly settling down to a comfortable position, undisturbed by how stagnant the area was. 

Without warning, the roof of the warehouse would suddenly be ripped right off as a large portal appeared above them. Within an instant, all noise came rushing back towards the others, the force of it pushing them down to the ground. The sky began to grow dark and weak buildings would start to crumble to pieces while the rubble was sucked into the portal. All the wreckage would begin to form into a ball, compressing itself tighter and tighter as the pull kept getting stronger. The ball got bigger and bigger until it pulsed and immediately shrank itself into a black hole until the center sphere cracked open like an egg. The sheer amount of energy released ultimately destroyed the surrounding buildings, making part of Los Demonios appear as if a nuclear bomb hit it. 

A tiny creature was seen floating down towards the group, living black energy engulfing a small part of its body. Anything that touched the black energy would instantly disintegrate as the creature slowly came to a halt between the group and the Boss. The group would feel an incredibly powerful magical presence that warped and distorted their senses. One moment they felt heavy and another lighter than a feather. 

The creature held a large blue pencil in one hand, drawing a circle that turned into a portal. It spat out Nicori who seemed to be calming down, and his screams were no longer causing damage to anyone. His broken arm had remnants of a green goo that rid the pain for a while, but he was still unable to use his arm. Nicori looked up and stared at the creature, sniffling.

"Mama!" Nicori hiccuped as he ran up to his supposed mother. He was stopped by the erase side of the large pencil gently pressing his chest. 

"Who did this to you~?" Its voice was a mix of a smooth and harmonious being mingling with a corrupt and wicked creature.

"M-Mama, please don't get mad at the others! It's not their fault--"

"Who did this to you, Nicori~?"

Nicori immediately pointed at the Boss before taking a step back. He was horrified at the form his mother took, he had never seen her like this.

"B-But these guys didn't do anything!" Nicori addressed Vox, Iceik, Asuza, Liza, Lyrik, and Bob. "Don't hurt these guys! They tried to save me!" 

The being turned to face the group. It held a hand out to them and each of them began to float. Several portals opened up behind them and they were flung within the portals only to come out the other side completely healed and restored of energy. 

"This is a gift for trying to help Nicori~ You have been restored~ Now take him and leave this place~"

The being then turned to face the Boss, the magical presence grew heavier around the area, the floor cracking in some parts.

"You will not be spared an ounce of leniency~" The small being began to slowly mutate. Its energy engulfed side began to form the hand into four large claws and the ponytail to long, whip-like tentacles. More of the hostile energy spread across the creature's body, almost as if trying to consume it, but it was held back by something. It spoke again, its voice contorting between sentences. "You will pay for your actions today~ You will feel the power of the leader of the Sisterhood~ You will feel the wrath of Z Omni~!"

"That's your mom?!" Lyrik shook. "T-That's the leader of the Sisterhood! She's your MOM?!"

" title=""

Multiple buildings collapsed upon Z’s sudden arrival; multiple people either trapped or seemingly killed as an aftermath of the explosive amount of energy unleashed. 

The Punk that Asuza’s gang had encountered earlier tried his best to get out the building with his comrades. As they were approaching the exit, the punk made it out, but when he turned around, his friends, the few that he had, did not make it. He tried to go back but the building vanished after being hit by the energy, killing what few things that the Punk cherished the most. 

Tears dripped down his cheeks as he fell to the floor; he looked up, catching a glimpse of Z after the flashes of light disperse—seeing her descend to the Boss’ headquarters. There were no words, but his expression was sheer anger.


The Boss stood his ground. “You are clearly different from these guys; the usage of chaotic energy is quite marvelous… but…” Despite Vox’s ferocious attacks making multiple dents on his barrier, the Boss continued to defend himself graciously.

Iceik howled with grief and despair when Asuza attends his wounds. It was the greatest pain he ever felt in his life—even greater than being stabbed from a pipe through his flesh. His fading eyes were holding onto to what little light it had, seeing Asuza, seeing Vox stand his ground against the boss and the others seemingly in the panic due to Nicori’s screams. 

Suddenly, it went black…for a few moments. He opened his eyes again, realized that his body was completely heal. “Am I dead…?” Iceik patted himself to see if this was heaven, but it seemingly in the same place. He checked the wound, it was a rather wicked scar, but the pain was no longer there. He turned around, seeing everyone near him. “W… what’s the heck? Is this heaven? Are we’re going to meet the Judge himself?”

“Looks like we got saved…” Bob addressed Iceik’s concerns. “Nicori’s deathcry brought out his mother…” Bob pointed at Z.
“Mother!?” Iceik turns to Z. “…. Who’s the heck is that? She seems oddly familiar…”

Liza lifted her head after the screams stopped, seeing Z’s appearance. “Th… that’s Z! She’s the leader of the Sisterhood of White Magic!” It causes Iceik to narrow his eyes, upon the realization that Nicori’s mother was the one of the strongest mages in the entire world.


The Boss smiled like a manic. “So, the mother had finally shown herself…. I was originally trying to get ShineCero… but he was unavailable… so I went for the next best thing.” Boss lifted his old, wrinkly arms and pointed his crusted fingers at her.

“Now Z, let’s us commence on your defeat!” His barrier became stronger, slowly lifted off the ground against the powerful mage. The swirls of energy between them cause high levels of winds around the area.
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