Los Demonios

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"H-Hurry up, 'Suza!" Nicori said while turning back to face his mother. "M-Mama sure looks angry! I don't think she's holding back anymore either!"

"Yeah! Your mom is completely destroying everything! Sheesh, how long does it take for this stupid toy to activate?!" Lyrik stared at the Red Dragon figure. "Maybe you said it wrong! Try again, this time with more power or something!"


The red eraser tip began to get brighter and brighter until it was a solid white color. There was a loud screeching noise, almost like a heart monitor flatlining and staying that way. Z's arms trembled as she tried to contain the power within her pencil before firing it towards The Boss. The powerful white beam that shot out from her Eraser Tip seemed to 'erase' everything it touched from existence. Buildings were vaporized, the clouds disappeared, and the skyline parted to show a very small rip that leads out to space. Her beam easily tore the city grounds in half, causing half to fall and the other rise, almost like a bad earthquake. Explosions shot up from the cracks of the city, some dangerously close to where the group was. 

Since the blast of her beam was so powerful, it pushed Z back through the air. She managed to have the beam pass directly over Boss's right side. However, due to the force of the blast, she was not able to properly dodge the incoming attack Boss had. The blade sliced through her left side, removing it completely from her body. The black ooze fell to the floor where it splattered and disintegrated. Z's body twitched heavily and looked more like a computer glitch by how she spazzed around. 

The black energy that was cut off started to rematerialize itself. Small threads jutted out from Z's corrupted side and began to create the outline for her arm then fill it in one thread at a time until her left side slowly started to heal. Z continued to 'glitch' out, the pain being something she still felt, even in her corrupted side. This proved that all pain was still felt by Z, no matter what side was hit.


"Mama's in pain!" Nicori cried out. "W-We gotta help her somehow!"

"Kid, I think we will only get in her way!" Lyrik said while watching the immense damage both fighters did in just seconds. "We can't help her, not with the situation we're in! Our best bet is to get out of here!"
The Boss widened his eyes; his mind was unable to react to a devastating attack in time, failing to create a barrier to reduced damage. His eyes shifted downward, seeing the right side of his body vanished into nothingness. 

Shifting his eyes back to Z, the boss was sweating in realization that his opponent is not a pushover. He would have to pour everything he got in his arsenal to defeat her. “The strength of someone who has the title of Grand Sorceress…” Despite sweating, he smiles franticly. 

He raises his left arm in the air, with the realization that he needs to pour everything he got into this battle. In reaction to see Z glitch in and out, the gigantic sword broke apart into smaller debris, and with a swift flick of his fingers, it slammed onto Z, forming a rock around her. He was not going to take any chances of giving her time to sort herself out.

“Psionic Barrier…” The Boss created a pinkish bubble, similar to where he trapped Nicori, around her. “Psionic … Lightning!” Bursts of lightning within the bubble struck through the rocks, slamming around it from multiple directions.

“Quit your talking, kid! You are saying too many things at once! Realized the situation we’re in, damnit!” Iceik scolded the child. He did not want too, but the dire situation and the constant destruction is forcing him to be unhinged. “Maybe you need to try again?”

Suddenly, a flash of bright light emitted from the figurine, catching the attention of the Boss. In mere moments, the figurine grew into a large, actual Red Dragon. As it appears, it spread out its wings wide, exhaling a huge burst of fire out of its mouth towards the sky.

“Once again, I raise from the ashes of death, who attempts to summon me?” The Red Dragon spoke, after looking at the group. “State your purpose, human.” The Red Dragon said, to Asuza specifically.

“That’s the Red Dragon!? That thing is huge!” Iceik hid behind Asuza.

“So that’s how you summon things…” Liza said.

“Asuza, this is your chance to give it a command.” Bob mentioned. “Tell her what needs to be done. Vox can only hold out for so long.” Bob grabbed as much as he could into his bag.
Asuza nodded, although she began to sweat seeing how intimidating the dragon was to so much as look directly in the eye. She cleared her throat but kept Nicori behind her.

"Yeah, it was me who summoned you." Asuza pointed at the chaos being unleashed between Z and the Boss. "This city is being destroyed and we can't escape it on foot without being crushed by all the gaudy buildings crowded all over the place. I need you to fly us somewhere safer than this. It doesn't matter where, as long as it's a safe place" She made her demand clear. "Otherwise, we're gonna end up like everyone else here, and fast!"
Vox thinks as elementals blasted any debris heading torts them and gathered what he can as well "our out is oddly fitting for who summon it."
Z's tiny body stopped glitching out but before she could do anything, she was stopped by the rocks and eventually the bubble that surrounded her. Immediately, she stabbed her OmniPencil on the bubble holding her and it made a visible crack. Z began to power up the tip of her pencil and jab it again to the bubble, but before she could, she was shocked all over by the lightning, making her lose her focus and her chance to attack. Z let out an echoed yell before slamming her shoulder to the side of the bubble, throwing both herself and the bubble to the ground.

The force behind it causes buildings to break and craters to form as she mindlessly tried to find a way to escape. It didn't take her long to think up a way to disrupt the Boss's focus. She shoved herself directly in his direction, hoping that she would hit him with his own psychic powers.

"Woooooow!" Nicori's antennae jittered. "It's a real dragon! No way! 'Suza, you totally got some spunk to summon this thing! It's even red like you!"

Nicori stayed behind Asuza, examining the Red Dragon. He seemed to be excited about riding a dragon for the first time and couldn't help but make a childish smile. At least it took his mind off of the battle between Z and the Boss.

"S-Sure looks as mean like your friend..." Lyrik sweated. "You sure this dragon is gonna listen to us and not eat us?"
The Red Dragon snorted, hot smokes linger out of her nostrils, after listening to Asuza’s commands. It took her one look-around of the area around her to get the gist of the situation. “This is nothing more than a simple task.” She spreads her wings wide once again, positioning for takeoff. “You don’t need me to tell you to get onto my back, do you? Get on, or get turned into ashes with the flames of this….” The Red Dragon narrowed her eyes, indicating a sense of familiarity of the area. “….dreaded city.” 

Liza widened her eyes; her mind could not comprehend the ability the magnificent of the Red Dragon’s grace. “The color of hers… the scales… her form… she is beautiful.” 

“Well, you can cherished more of her beauty once we’re out of here.” Bob overheard the echoing screams. “But I think we definitely need to get out of here before we becomes part of the slaughter.” He grabs Nicori and jump onto the Dragon’s back. 

Liza snapped, blushing a little. “R-right…” She jumps onto the Dragon’s back. 

Iceik clears his throat. “Well, let’s do this… flying isn’t my style, but it better than dying.” He jumped on.


The Boss’s eyes tracked Z falling towards the ground, struggling to get out. “That pencil of hers is a mighty weapon; it managed to crack through the dense barrier…” He questioned before his eyes trails off to the side to see a giant Red Dragon. “Ah… I see that they’re escaping…” Using the one arm he has left, he attempts to suppress the Dragon and prevents her from escaping; however, he did not took account of Z’s full potential. At the last possible second, the Boss’s eyes went back to Z who collided with him in the bubbled state, resulting a massive shockwave.

Both of them soar through the air, crashing through multiple buildings, before burrowing through the ground. The Boss gritted his teeth as he continues to get drag through the solid cement. “You’re a worthy opponent! This is why I chosen to call you out!” He slams his hand onto the barrier, realizing that if he does not do something, he will die. Suddenly, another voltage of psionic thunder went off—but this time, it drains her energy, being consumed by the Boss.
Vox gets on the dragons back and says "Lyrik and Asuza we have our ride out time to get on." Vox thinks "If he was planning killing every one in the city he failed way before our attempt."
Asuza grunted as she hoisted herself up on the dragon. "No need to tell me twice." She was starting to grow more nervous as the fight was escalating. "Let's get going before he decides to aim for us too." Asuza outstretched her arm to Lyrik to help him on.
Z felt her power being drained away and she slammed her body against the bubble in hopes of breaking it or hurting the Boss. The psychic lightning that hit Z made her scream in echo. Her pencil continued to jab against the bubble, but the more her power was sapped away, the weaker her strength got. The black corruption that consumed Z's body was slowly receding away, almost as if it was being forced back.

Z was struggling with the powerful lightning attacks and the fact that the Boss was taking her energy. All she could do was stab the bubble with her pencil, even with her energy being taken away, she still cracked the bubble in multiple spots. Each time she hit the bubble, it created a sonic boom that shook buildings and broke glass windows, even from a distance. The pressure from the shock wave would even be felt by those who were within the city. It was a race to see who would cave in first: Z while having her energy taken or the Boss's bubble ready to burst any moment. 

Lyrik took a hold of Asuza's arm and hopped on top of the dragon, nervous about flying away. It was obvious he wasn't a big fan of heights. 

"T-This thing better be safe! Aren't there any s-seatbelts on this overgrown lizard?!" Lyrik frantically looked around for something to grab on to so he wouldn't fall. 

"No way! This is gonna be awesome!" Nicori laughed, keeping himself at the ground of the group, sitting in front of Asuza. He pointed to the battle between Boss and Z with his working arm. "We're gonna fly right into battle and blast that mean Boss with a fireball! That dumb Boss thinks he can hurt my Mama and get away with it? No way!"

"Kiddo, I like your spunk and all but," Lyrik found himself grabbing on to Iceik. "Those two destroyed this entire city in less than a minute! I think even this dragon is smart enough to not join that fight!"
“Don’t be foolish child; I’m not interested of flinging myself into a battle that has no stakes for me.” The Red Dragon took no nonsense from Nicori’s commands. “Now hold on, I’m not coming after you if you fall off me.” Without warning, as everyone boarded on the Red Dragon, she instantly took off from the ground towards the air in high speeds.

Iceik, desperately digging his claws onto the back of the Dragon, was yelping like a puppy. Although the wind pressure on his face is every dog’s dream, this is too much for him.

Liza looked back and noticed that they were high in the sky, to the point that she no longer sees the city. “How far this Dragon can fly up? This is the power of the Mysterious Summon?!”

“Very powerful… these things aren’t easy to get you know!” Bob said, but the wind was so loud that it tunes out his statements. 

In mere seconds, the Red Dragon was above the city; an interesting thing to note was dark, thick clouds loom over the entire city. Furthermore, despite the distance that Red Dragon gained, the gang can still see the light from the battle between Z and the Boss.

“They’re still going at it…” Liza said, comfortable with the height. “The entire city will not last that long. What was the Boss’s plan?”


The Boss gritted his teeth as the bubble is nearly breaking down each second passes by. “You’re a worthy opponent! However, this is the end! My rebirth will come…!” The bubble reacted negatively to Z’s pencil stabbing it, causing it to lose stabilization and energy control, resulting into a violent explosion.
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