Los Demonios

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Lyrik yelled as loud as he could when they fell off the Dragon until they landed on the floor thanks to Vox's wind elements. He trembled like a leaf, hugging the ground.

"L-Let's not do that again..."

"W-Wha?!" Nicori's antennae twitched violently, trying to properly make out the scene before him. He gasped upon seeing his Mother flung in their direction. Nicori desperately wanted to rush to his mother's side but Asuza held him back.

"M-Mama! Are you okay?!"

Z landed a few feet away from Nicori and the group, battered and bleeding from her fight against The Boss. Her OmniPencil was flung along with her and stabbed the ground fight next to Asuza. Z's tiny body was barely breathing but her face remained unchanged with her same placid emotionless stare. 

"I am fine, Nicori~" Z finally spoke out. "When we return home, you are grounded~ However, I believe I am done fighting~ I'm tired~"

Z said with little care in her tone. She refused to move, however, fearing that The Boss will allow them to leave so easily. Nicori, on the other hand, looked relieved to see his mother talking. His lower lip trembled.

"I-I'm sorry, Mama..."

"Save your apologies for when we leave this area~ In the meanwhile, stay close to your friends, I'm afraid Boss will not let us escape so easily...~"
"Thanks, Vox." Bob stood up. "If you didn't do that, we would have flatten like pancakes."

Liza rushed to Z's side, seeing her in that state. She always heard that Z is perhaps the strongest magician in the world; to see her in such a state, means that this man is serious business. "I don't understand how magic can be halted. He isn't a Deimos with Anti-Magic! Psychic powers... can't be this mighty!" She thought to herself.

She heard loud footsteps coming in their direction. She turned to see the clouds of smoke dispersing, revealing the Boss of the LEMONs appearing in his youth.

"Now that everyone who breached in my tower is present, I would also thank you for helping me achieved this plan." Citrus-Man raised both of his arms in a greeting posture. "I am Citrus Man, the Boss of LEMONs. It's a pleasure to meet you in my prime."

Iceik shuddered when the man spoke. "He has so much overflowing energy emitting from his body, it's insane. It's the same wavelength as the likes of Z!" He took a several steps backwards, hinting a bit of fear in him. He was dangerous. He was powerful. His powers makes no sense in relations to what magic are normally based off of. 

Liza bite her lips and shouted. "So you did all of this to get the child!?" 
"I wanted to bring ShineCero, but Z had a much more valuable source... so it doesn't matter since it enriched my old body back to its prime roots. The psychic energy embedded in my flesh is calling for a bit of exercise..." Citrus-Man responded. "But.. I don't have any need for you. You lots are free to go as you please." 

Iceik narrowed his eyes. "You're letting us go.... just like that?"

Liza's eyes twitched. "No... we can't accept that. He's the most destructive criminal in this continent! He's the number one villain who had hundreds of lives perished under his belt! If we just leave things to be, he'll kill more!" Liza grabbed her wand as sparks of electricity emitting from the tip. 

"Thunder God! The Wrath of Enel! GO Thoron!" An gignatic storm appeared above the man, striking down powerful voltage of lighting on Citrus-Man, blowing everyone away a few feet. As the smokes clears moments after... Citrus-Man was standing still.... his barrier block the attack. "B.... But how!?" Liza asked. 

Red Dragon's eyes widened. "This isn't an magical barrier... this is far different... far more durable...! Foolish human! He's giving you an option and you chose to disregard it anyways!?"

"It's as I said..." Unaffected by Liza's attack. "I got what I wanted, so there's no need for me to continue fighting." Citrus-Man explained once more.


Broly nodded. "An simple task." He grabbed the tree with one gripe, tossing it into the sky quite easily. "I didn't expect you still be alive, granny. Considering the state of what's going on..."
Vox says "if we were free to f**k off you would not fried our ride." Vox starts to loosen his robes(Still cant tell his face or that his body is a womans) and says "I know full well that it would been trivial for you to simple teleport Z to us." Vox says as become blenent that Vox is a not only a Demon but if not one the most powerful ones on par with them "I hate to say it but only I am able to take him on but I think we have more pressing worries that the Psychic Vampire." Referring to Z as he puts his robes back to its default state and says speaking to Liza "If I recall you hero types tend to vale life over catching the bad guy."

Vox thinks "I the only one remotely skilled with healing magic with in our group that still active and sence i dont know bob's stock healing suplays we need to back off or risk Z's life. Not the first time I was the voice of reason probley not the last time. With that little show I did it shood point out to that child(Citrus-man) it's best not to stab us in the back or try to be cute."
Z slowly sat up and floated in the air as she usually did. It was obvious that she was tired, however, she still had just a bit of energy to spare. She held her hand out and her OmniPencil instantly pulled itself out of the ground and rush right to her hand. She floated in front of the group, keeping herself between them and the Boss at all times, fearing for their safety.

"W-What are you doing, Z?" Lyrik spoke up softly. "You can't fight any longer in your condition."

"Worry not, I only prioritize the safety of Nicori and his weird friends~" Z floated closer to Boss, making sure to meet him at eye level. "Even if you all attack Boss all out at the same time, none of you will leave a dent~ He is renewed and in his prime~"

"But he's not gonna attack us, right, Mama?" Nicori said from behind Asuza. 

"He claims to let us leave, but Vox sees through his lies~ Why drag down the red lizard and your friends if he already got what he wanted from me~? No man as him will simply allow his powers to go untested~ He craves to see the extent of his newly acquired powers~" Z turned to Boss, tilting her head. "Is that not right, Citrus Man~?"

"T-Then we should get the hell out of here! I don't wanna be near him when he unleashes his powers!"

"We can't leave without Mama! That big bully is just gonna hurt everyone if we run!"

"Aww, shoot, you're right... That's not very hero-like of us." Lyrik frowned, remembering his friends Orso and Red and how hard they worked to protect Port Graham. "We gotta help Z, but how..? ...Hang on! Bob's bag is always full of tricks! Think you got something in that bag that can help out Z?"
He's also probably mad we took some of the summoning statues he was hoarding... Of course we get cornered by a sadist like this creep. Asuza saw no point picking a fight they couldn't win in their state but there had to be something he's still vulnerable to. 

"Maybe we don't need magic to fight him at all. We need to try something that won't let him even be able to hear his own thoughts! We can't use magic without focusing, so he shouldn't be any different." She suggested. "Think fast, or else we're toast!"

"If only I knew what was happening. The city is usually noisy because of all the young hoodlums goin' around making trouble. But this is something else entirely!" Agatha said. "I'm not willing to stick around and find out either."

"Good thing me and Broly here had the sense to come get you! Nobody's doing anything about it, which is a load of baloney if you ask me." Whitney made her way inside the house to quickly lead her grandmother out. 

"That doesn't surprise me, considering where this is happening..." Agatha muttered. "At any rate, we should get out of here while the commotion is driving the guards at the gates in a frenzy. But I can't go anywhere without my bag..."

"There's no time to pack, Granny! We gotta go now!" Whitney scolded. "Someplace where you won't be bothered... let's see... definitely not Futuropolis. And Hos Complex is out of the question. Port Graham is all busted up too..."
Liza nodded. “You’re right… we value the life of someone than getting into fights.” She took a step back that Vox was a demon—something she never really seen before. “But Z… she still trying to protect us.”

Citrus Man let out small chuckles after Vox called him out. “Someone is quite observant…” He did not hesitate to hide his true intentions, but he went to clarify. “Yes, it been centuries since I last felt this surge of my powers. You shall all take this as an honor.” Citrus Man said. “But don’t mistake my intentions, I very much will let you leave, but I must have you returned all the items you stole.” He turns to the Red Dragon. “I’m taking these items back.” He lifted hand, twirling his fingers. Suddenly, the Red Dragon, Caim’s pieces and all the items Bob and Vox looted from his building levitated towards him. 

“Hey!” Bob tried to grab some of them items, but the pull was too great, dragging the bag (and Bob) towards him. “I worked hard taking these items!” Bob narrowed his eyes, remembering something that he hide in the bag after Lyrik asked him. “You’re right! It’s a long shot, but…” Bob dig into his bag, pulling out an orb—something that the group encounter in Snowy Mountains.

“Eh? Isn’t that the machine that attack us back then? How the heck would that help us out?” Iceik said. 

"Just trust me! Vox! Try waking this thing up!” He toss the orb towards Vox. 


“I have to agree with the child.” Broly said. “You don’t have enough time to be taking stuff from your house. I’m sensing a terrible energy just beginning to start.” He was alerted by something nearby, but it feels a bit weird.
Vox says "Z the most useful thing you can do now is trust that this group of adventures that traveled with your child will prove them self." 

Vox says in a pleased tone with bob "You don't need convince me Bob." Vox cot the orb they got form Snowy Mountains and sends to the orb t "time to wake up and serve your master. Fight my foe(Citrus man)."  Forcing it to wake up and obey him(Vox).
"This is the part where everything gets messy and chaotic, so brace yourselves!" Asuza alerted her allies who weren't familiar with what was contained in the form of the orb. She picked up Nicori before turning to Lyrik. "I hope you're still quick on your feet, because we'll need to get out of here fast once we get the chance!" She was more worried about how they might be able to escape when their ride out was injured and getting ready to be shrunk down to a statue again.


"Uh oh... that doesn't sound good at all. Why are they taking so long!? Shouldn't there be help by now if something that bad might be coming?" Whitney made an irritated noise before sighing in resignation. "Well, I was planning to take a vacation in Futuropolis with Broly anyway. I promised him we'd get stuff ironed out... and change him out of his wrestler outfit. And... I kinda don't have to come in to work for a short while so I've got nothing better to do."

"I suppose that's the best place we can go to for now... I have a friend there who's been keeping an eye on my secret savings for me while I've been living here. It wouldn't take even a dent if you youngsters decide to go on a wee field trip around the city." Agatha chuckled. "Finding a hotel to stay in would be a breeze. A long-term place for me to stay... we can always figure that out while we're touring."
The Orb wakes up, an explosion of energy emitted from it. “I am Anti-End, designed to eliminate all forms of evil to preserve the safety of this world.” It gathered all the debris around the area to itself, creating a powerful body. 

Citrus-Man raises his eyebrows. “What? You think an object will deter me? All you had to do was give me my property and your lives will be spare. A pity…” Suddenly, his barrier instantly appeared around him as Anti-End slams its fist against it, pushing him back several feet. He was surprised, looking up at the object they just summoned.

“Adaption Data… Recorded and accepted. Grand Sorceress Z’s energy levels is now in my database.” It turns towards Citrus Man, without hesitating at the slightest. “You have nothing but pure malice in your damned soul. Prepare to die, monster.” It launches a series of punches towards Citrus-Man, slamming onto his barrier, forcing him to a corner. 

The Red Dragon was blown away as a result, reverting to a statue state due to the injury. Due to Citrus-Man being pushed, his psychic focus is lost, releasing all the items they had stolen.

“Man, that thing is really wailing on him.” Iceik said.

“Did that thing just said it had adapted Z’s power? What does that mean?” Liza asked.

“No time for that! We need to get out of here! Now we lost that dragon, if the machine does not finish the job, we’re still screwed!” 


“So, we agreed?” Broly said. “Where is this city? It’ll be faster if I flew us out of here rather than whatever transportation you two used.”
Vox says sliding to the others but stops with his robs slightly ripped and brunt (not to point were one could see any thing) "Got to give it to the orb its flashy that's for shore." Vox brushes it off using magic to fix his robes. Vox thinks "its seems to be function normaly."
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