Los Demonios

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Vox says before leaving with the rest "I will let you fight this battle Z but be warned you were his mark not your kid." Vox let Z spells take him to the others. His dark magic lance and needles vanished after he left. Vox thinks "that warning shooed work. I just hope my fears were off the mark."

Vox casts a mending spell on his robes as the other speak.
What's going on? None of this is making sense! Asuza thought to herself, trying to keep her face from being hit by flying debris. Just what the hell is that woman? An accursed thing like that has no affiliation with white magic-- it shouldn't, it defies everything they teach about that kind of thing. Shaking her head to rid herself of the thought, she immediately tried to gather the others so they could leave safely with Nicori. 

"Let's high-tail it out of here! Things are about to get really ugly..." she managed to reach Iceik and gestured for Nicori to come with them. "The tower might collapse any minute-- any ideas on how we can get out of here besides running for an exit?" Asuza asked the group. She had an urgency in her voice as she feared that Z and the Boss could end up destroying the tower itself, if not leveling half the city from the amount of power they were putting out. "We definitely can't leave the city that quickly, but there's definitely some place we can hide for now until it's safe to do so."
Nicori turned to face his mother and pumped his fist in the air and yelled out to Z.

"Get him, Mom!" Nicori cheered. "Show him who's the real Boss! Show him no mercy!"

Before Nicori left to run off with Asuza and the others, he frowned at how horrifying his Mother has become. He felt such an evil aura coming from her, causing his antenna to twitch. He barely recognized Z in this state, but thought little of it and knew it would be better to run before the others were caught up in such a battle.

Mama, is that really you?

He kept close to Asuza, nervous about what will happen to his Mother and the group.


Z stared at the Boss and his barrier, and within an instant, she was right in front of him, the tip of her pencil just barely cracking through the barrier. Her pony-tentacles were wrapping around the barrier, attempting to crush it with the Boss inside of it. With each and every attempt she stabbed her OmniPencil against his barrier, there was a shock wave that blew across the area. There was no doubt, Z was out to kill this man.

"You hurt Nicori...~ You hurt Nicori~!" Z's voice echoed. "You will suffer for your actions~!"

Before the Boss would even react, the tentacles threw the Boss and his barrier across the area, slamming it against the buildings and toppling them over. There was no hesitation from Z's part, and she immediately chased after the Boss.


Lyrik saw himself flung into a portal and was healed up. He was back to his full strength and saw the angry Z flinging the Boss around like a ragdoll, the amount of power coming from her scared him. 

"D-Do you think we'll be able to outrun this battle?" Lyrik said nervously. "I'm back to full strength, so maybe I can use my boosts to help us move faster. Besides, that... Z-Thing is flinging the Boss around the place! W-What if she hits us?"

"I don't think Mama will send danger in my direction," Nicori spoke up. "Maybe if you guys stay near me, Mama won't target our direction!"

Lyrik scratched his chin for a moment and covered his head when he felt the shock wave brush upon him. He then looked to the battle then to the others.

"Well, think the kid is right? Is it worth a try?"
The Boss flung out of the tower, crashing through multiple buildings before stopping on the sixth one causing it to collapse within itself due to the impact. People ran out of the buildings, but only some of them were lucky to make it out alive.

“Yes, this is what I was waiting for…” The Boss levitated out of the building, reconstructing his barrier that cracked from Z’s powerful attack. He bore a sinister smile, using his psychic powers to strengthen his barrier before launching himself to Z—the two of them collided with one another, causing an explosive around them in the skies.


“Regardless, we need to get the hell out of this area.” Iceik said as he observed the area. For some reason, he felt a burning sensation in his stomach, but cannot quite put his finger on it.

“Yeah, what’s the point of saying here? We’ll just get in the way and used as bait by the Boss.” Liza said.


Because of Z’s impact, multiple figurines are being flung out from the ceiling of the Lemon’s Tower they were in: one of them a Red Dragon, and landed on the floor near Bob and Vox.

“Hmm?” Bob picks up one of them. “The Boss seems to like collecting these Mysterious Beings figurines…”
Vox checks out the figurines making shore there are Figurines just and not some thing more. He says "I doubt its some thing so mundane bob."

Vox turns to the others and says "If my hunch is on the mark we may have a faster way to get out of here."
"What do you mean?" Asuza asked Vox. "You mean we could use a Mysterious Being figurine?" She gestured to the scattered figures that ended up near them. "I don't know how it works, but if they're like One-Eye... maybe they could save our skins." The louder the destruction became, the tighter her grip on Nicori's hand became. She was so nervous that her hands were starting to feel cold rather than the usual heat they gave off. 

"I doubt these are just pieces of plastic. That Boss is a criminal, so these have to be valuable if they're of beings like One-Eye. Then we can just return them to where they should go after we escape." Asuza was willing to try anything if it meant they could escape safely. "Leaving on foot might be a fruitless attempt... there's no way you can outrun a collapsing tower's rubble. Nicori might not be safe even if his mother is aware of his location." The Red Dragon figure caught her eye in particular. Dragons were huge creatures that could probably fly you anywhere you wanted at high speeds. It would be a surefire way to leave the city at a safe distance from above. She heard of dragons guarding the continents of Booga but wasn't sure if this one was like the ones in the legends. 

"Either way, we should do something fast or we're next."
Z was flung up into the air thanks to The Boss's collision. The little Z stopped herself and turned to face the Boss, pointing her OmniPencil to him. The Eraser tip began to glow a bright red color while the sky above them grew slightly dark. Pieces of rubble and junk were flying into the Eraser Tip and disintegrate into nothing while the pencil shook violently in Z's hands. She was obviously charging one of her most powerful attacks, showing no mercy to the Boss or his fate.


"What's a stupid toy gonna do to help us?!" Lyrik said. "You mean these things got weird powers and abilities?"

"It looks like one of the toys Mama has back in at the Sisterhood!" Nicori cheered. "Mama said they are beings that have powers, not from this world! Errm... I don't know how to use it tho', Mama doesn't let me."

Nicori stared up at the fight and grew more worried at the state of his Mother, believing that Asuza had a point about their safety. 

"Well, does anyone know how to use this thing?" Lyrik shouted, the rumble of Z's charging attack drowning out almost all noise. "We gotta get out of here fast! That attack doesn't look pretty!"
Bob turns to Asuza. “If you’re intent on relying the Mysterious Beings’ power, then you need to say their summoning call. I do not know the exact details if they will respond to our commands, since it belong to another person.” 

“It’s our only chance, we have to take it!” Liza said. “What’s the summoning call?”

“Check the name of the statue. Once you find out its name, say “I summoning the power of infinite worlds, come forth [insert name here]!” and they will appear.” Bob explained. He starting to grabbed the other figurines around them.

Liza turns to Asuza. “I think you should be the one to call them since you’re have some experience with them.” She turns to Vox. “Vox, make sure none of the smaller debris strike at us.” 


The Boss raises both of his hand, pulling up tons and tons of debris around him from the city. “Gathering energy, huh? Give me your best shot…” He smashed the debris together into one gigantic sword—and swung it in various directions to get the feel of it. It instantly shredded smaller buildings into pieces by its sheer movement of its swing.

Once he got the hang of it, he dashed towards Z in attempt to slash her with the psychic-powered blade.


Iceik felt the movements of Z’s energy forming into a single point and the Boss’ swinging the rock-hard blade. “Yeah, we can hurrying it up and get that summoning out.”
Vos summons some elementals to protect them form debris as the hands of shadow start looting with Bob. Vox says "ok."
"Me?" Asuza stammered before looking around. It did make sense, all things considered, since she, Iceik, and Nicori were the only ones in the group who have been with a Mysterious Being. But she wasn't sure if whatever she summoned would behave the same as One-Eye. But they were running out of time and the battle was getting crazier with each passing second.

"Okay, okay! Just lemme see what I can find..." Asuza snagged the figuring with the red dragon and examined the name on the trophy base. It just said The Red Dragon, which made her furrow her eyebrows in mild confusion. "Whatever, this one is probably the best bet. Alright..."

Turning toward a more open area and holding out the trophy in front of her, Asuza spoke. "I, summoning the power of infinite worlds, come forth, Red Dragon!"
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