Los Demonios

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The Boss gritted his teeth. “Arrrgghh!” He shouted. “What is this blasted music?!” Multiple veins appeared around his head. The ceiling that the Boss was holding suddenly dropped and crashed onto him, along being hit by multiple attacks from all directions. His defenses is now completely wide opened.

It forces the Boss to use both of his hands to remove the headphones from his head. In that timeframe of distraction, his psychic powers stops, causing the tight gripe around Nicori to disappeared. The bubble fell straight down to the floor and popped, freeing the small demon. 

Bob grabbed Nicori, dusting him off. “Looks like you’re alright kid!” Bob turns to the others. “Kid is secured, I repeat, the kid is secured!”

“N-nice going guy!” Liza praised Lyrik. “I don’t know what the circumstances of your position are, but glad you came around! We got what we came here for, now let's get the hell out of here!”

"But what about One-Eyed!?" Iceik said.
.Vox says "Some one confirm that that our foe is down before we start taking stock and looting." The chains vanished.
Nicori held on to Bob as tightly as he could. He was scared, but also excited. The look on Nicori's face was priceless as he clung to Bob for dear life. He stuck his tongue out to the Boss as he was carried away.

"Serves you right ya' big bully!" Nicori taunted. "Loser!"


Lyrik pushed himself away from Boss before he can get hurt. Now that Nicori is safe, he lifted himself to his feet and he boosted his musical powers to a maximum so that the people around him would get a speed boost. He looked worried and really wanted to get out of here.

"Alright! Let's go!"
"We can't leave yet anyway." Asuza said, kneeling down to gather the statue-like remains of One-Eye before turning back to look at the Boss. "One-Eye 'told' us before that LEMONs crossed him. I don't quite know what One-Eye being a summon means, but I get this feeling in my gut that we can't leave. Something is in this tower... who knows what else these guys have stored away, and we're the only non-criminals to make our way in here."

"If you guys want to leave now, I won't stop you-- it would be better if Nicori was out of this building sooner rather than later. But I don't want to leave with unfinished business." Asuza kept her distance, but held out her hands cautiously toward the Old Man. "Fess up if you don't wanna die, old man! What's a summon, and how can we fix up One-Eye after what you did to him!?" She demanded.
Seto watched the events unfold.

"Well, so much for that." he said under his breath. "I knew these lemon dorks were not the real deal."

Then I guess it's time to abandon this place. The dark voice in Seto's head boomed.

"Well, let's stay for a little bit longer." Seto smiled.

"I'll stay." Seto announced. "Don't really know what's happening but it sounds important."
“That was a bit anticlimactic…” Bob places Nicori on the floor, giving him a rub on the head. “You alright, kid? Everything should be fine now.” The aloof magician looks around, impressed by the structure of the building. “If the big boss is truly down for the count, we should loot the place; you know, for our service haha, right Vox?” 

Liza sat down on the ground, letting out a huge sigh of relief. “Hey, huh… it’s Lyrik, right? Thanks for helping out…” She gives him a warm smile. “I don’t know your reasoning of why you were working with the Boss, but it looks like something had changed, so I won’t question it right now. If we get out of here, would like to come with us and clear the air with you?” Liza turns to Seto, curious about his appearance. “You… what is your goal?” She asked.

“Before you get greedy, we should at least hear what the Boss has to say about, well, One-Eye.” Iceik noticed Asuza’s demeanor. No doubt, One-Eye’s sudden destruction took a toll on her. “Once we find out once going on, then you can loot the place however you like.” 


The Boss laughs as the rocks embedded onto his back. “This generation severely lacks the basic knowledge of our world, huh?” The old man looks at the angered Asuza. “Long ago, the world was threatened with absolute destruction of another world coming against ours… but by some miracle, these outwardly beings from another world appeared in ours and became tools for our wars… in exchange for their stay here or else, face erasure. That man… he is such a thing, a Mysterious Beings. He belonged to a hero named Edge-Man who held two of them, the other a Red Dragon…, I guess he came back to reclaim that Dragon…” The Boss chuckled, maliciously. His energy became dense as he drilled his fingers onto the floor; the tone of his voice became much, much sinister. "I will make sure my plans will be complete... no matter what." 

Iceik sweated a bit. “Wait… I don’t understand, so One-Eye is from another world…?”

“I see…” Bob said. “He’s saying that One-Eye is a Mysterious Beings. I heard those are powerful summons, something extremely rare to obtain, that came from another world during the Crisis Era; long before any of us existed.” 

Iceik narrowed his eyes. “I… I see…, and then can we fixed him…” He turns to the Boss, noticing that his energy increased rapidly. “Uh… there’s something wrong here… the pressure feels heavily.”

The Boss suddenly laughed as the debris on his back moved rapidly. He uttered a single sentence. "The Boss shall rise again..."
Vox says "time to face an undead." He thinks  "Bob should have some holy or ant undead gear."
Nicori smiled widely at Bob before turning to face Boss. He instantly frowned and rushed up to be by Asuza's side, sticking his tongue out at Boss. He kept himself behind Asuza, still shaken up by Boss and his motives; however, he felt safer near Asuza. 

"Yeah! Serves you right you ol' coot!" Nicori taunted safely from behind Asuza. "You lose and now you're totally gonna go to jail!"


Lyrik panted along with Liza and cleaned some sweat off his forehead.

"We can't stop just now, we should get that Boss dude to Hero City City. I'm sure the people there will handle it since he's a wanted man."

Lyrik then saw Boss muttering something to himself and he felt a horrible cold shiver go down his spine. He felt like something awful is going to happen.

"H-Hey guys, let's just get out while we still can. I got a really bad feeling about this..."
"There's no time! We're getting out of here!" Asuza agreed with Iceik, picking up Nicori and immediately running away from the Boss. "Quick, let's go!" The group's nervousness made her want to leave quickly-- she feared what would happen if they stayed any longer. "We'll deal with the rest once we make it out!"
The Boss laid on the ground for several moments, digging his fingers deeper in the ground, until it bled. Slowly, but surely, lifted his head to eye of the fleeing group. Redness appeared in his eyes, a burst of electricity flung out of his body, causing the debris to float as he slowly stands on his two legs—something he has not done in centuries. Standing tall, the Boss of LEMONs had a goal in mind and he was not going to slip in his hands by a bunch of outsiders.  He opened his mouth and uttered a single word.


Everything around him and the fleeing group turned pitch black. Windows, doors, the fallen LEMONs, disappeared from this reality. Asuza, Iceik, Bob, Vox, Nicori, Liza, Lyrik and Seto… their bodies froze in place. There were absolutely no movements from them—none at all. The incredible powers that the Boss revealed, the forgotten power, psychic, display his powerful will and determination to accomplish his goal, despite his aging body.

Psionic: The Ultimate Rival Against Magic

Psionic, otherwise known as psychic, is a powerful mental ability that comes with a variety of powers including telekinesis, foresight, mind control, etc. The first appearance of such ability was when the Boss suddenly emerged in Empire State when he declared himself as an antithesis to the Empire State and vowed to overthrow the government with blood and destruction—to spite Image Man. He introduces the world of an incredible power, the power of psychic, which requires a heavy concentration of the mind. Unlike magic that relies on spells and the knowledge the world, psionic is a mental manifestation—it ca be achieved by sure will prowess alone. Due to its nature, Psionic became a rival towards Magic—psionic is the manifestation of willpower, something that even magic cannot overcome—even the mightiest forms of magic held by beings with pure or chaotic energy.

It can prevent spells, stop magic from invading their minds and shred through their barriers. Even the highest form of magic by under pure and chaotic energy can be rival by psychic users. They were able to reign supreme, as the LEMONs bested the Heroes Organization in numerous ways; the Boss earned the title, Psychic King, due to his destructive energy.

However, as of recent years, very few are psychics exist nowadays. The status of LEMONs, currently, is shells of their former selves. Psychic powers require immeasurable concentration mentally and physically—and the overused of them causes the body to falter overtime. Anymore would result in death, in which why the current cast of LEMONs, normally punks, search for other abilities.

Liza’s eyes could not even move slightly; an unpleasant feeling emerged from her stomach of how much she want to uttered a single sound, but the restrictions placed on her body, prevent her to do so.

Iceik’s fur reacted radically upon the Boss’ psionic abilities. His fur puffed up, making him looking like a giant fur ball as his eyes were covered with hair.

The only thing the gang can hope for was a quick death, but this was not in the interest of the Boss. He strives for something greater than lives.


The Boss uttered another one, chilling word. Instantly, majority of the people slammed to the ceiling. Asuza slammed onto the ceiling near a hole—an entrance to the upper floors. Lyrik slammed onto the ceiling, with Liza on top on him. Seto, Bob and Vox were near each other, while a broken pipe in the abdomen seemingly stabbed Iceik; however, he could not let out a scream, no matter how much he wanted to. As the blood dripped onto the floor, Nicori was the only one that did not fly onto the ceiling.


The Boss uttered another word as Nicori instantly came within the Boss’ grasp, as the latter held the former’s arm. Before the kid can uttered a word, the Boss places his index finger on his mouth, telling him to be silence. “Do not make any noises, other than screams, child.” The Boss snapped Nicori’s arms 3 times.
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