Los Demonios

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Vox says if some one can see his face that smirk never left his face "there is a cost to underestimating your foe child(the boss)." Vox used a teleportation spell on Nicori to teleport him out side of the bubble.
Even as Nicori teleported, he still found himself stuck in the bubble. He didn't understand the magic used to keep him inside the bubble, but he still tried to find a way out. Once he 'saw' Mr. One Eye explode, he gasped in fear, and his cocky demeanor earlier was quickly turned around. Nicori wiggled slightly as he got closer to the Boss, but refused to speak.

"No way! I-I'm not calling Mama now, especially since you killed 'Suza's boyfriend!" Nicori spat. "Let me go! You're gonna get nuffin' from me!"


Lyrik watched Mr. One-Eye shatter and he gasped.

Jesus, that boss dude is no push-over... We might not win this battle. We gotta save that kid!

His music got a little louder but he turned the music to soothing rather than energetic. Everyone he directed it to would feel a wave of healing energy that would heal all visible wounds and increase their stamina.
Asuza made a move to assist One-Eye, but once she saw him explode from a simple action performed by LEMON's boss, she was frozen in place. It took her several moments to process what had happened and it showed from the expression of disconnected shock. A summoning? Nicori's mother? She couldn't process any of that. It took Liza's scream to snap her out of it after catching sight of Nicori still trapped in the bubble. 

I can't screw up. I have to save Nicori... she thought.

Asuza started walking forward toward the both of them, her legs not obeying any logical thought she would have saying otherwise. Her footsteps left scorch marks on the floor. 

"Hey, old man," she spoke without charging forward and trying anything like One-Eye did-- not yet. "You want his mom to come here? Good grief... guess you've never dealt with a needy, whiny little kid before." Her tone was level, and although she had no smirk on her face, you could hear it in her voice. "Parents force themselves not to come running at every whimper their sniveling brat makes..." Asuza jerked a thumb towards herself with an enraged look on her face. "Cause that's what the goddamn babysitter is for! If you want her to show up, you have to go through me and my posse first!" Getting into an offense pose, her hands lit up in flames. "Ignoring us isn't an option! We'll even destroy this whole building and wipe it off the map if we have to."
“The newer generation is becoming quite feisty compare to the next. Clearly the art of parenting had diminished over the years.” The Boss lifted his arm, slowly, in the air. “I shall commend a field of reeducation of you respecting adults.” 

Iceik jumped over to Asuza’s side. “Looks like you’re asking for a painful death old man! Let’s hope the Judge will be merciful!” He inhale as much air he could muster and exhaling a strong string of ice attacks towards the Boss—Lyric’s energetic boost  made it stronger and faster.

However, the Boss waved his hand, causing the ice spears to explode, causing it to form a thick and dense fog of cold winds in between himself and the intruders. 

Iceik turns to Asuza. “You alright? If so, let’s roast this bag of bones!” 


Liza turns to Nicori and trying to break through the bubble—but it seems to be unbreakable. “What is this thing made of?”

“Hmm….” Bob said. “I have seen this type of power… it’s not magic, it’s psychic power. The only way to break through that is to disturbed the Boss’ focus.” 

However, the bubble is slowly being suck towards the Boss, despite of the smoke. "And we need to defeat him fast!" Bob said.
Vox evades all with a some minor rip in his robes. Vox summons chains made of shadow if not stop the bubble coming torts the boss then to slow it down.
He's a psychic, huh? Persistent old man. Asuza overheard Bob's explanation after dusting herself off from the onslaught of icy winds. "I'm fine-- but I'm afraid if I try to use my fireballs right at him, he'll just deflect it back at us, or worse..." she said to Iceik, trying to think of something different. 

What if we try to make the ceiling cave in on him? He can't anticipate my moves if I'm not aiming at him directly... Without warning, she began shooting speeding fireballs out at vulnerable points in the ceiling around the Boss. "Let's split his attention!"
"H-Hey guys! Can you hurry it up?!" Nicori worried slightly. "He's n-not letting up!"

Nicori continued to bash his ram-like horns on the bubble to no avail.

"Get me out of here damnit!"


Lyrik continued to blast the healing music for everyone to quickly heal their wounds and boost up their stamina. 

Why is the Boss trying to get that kid to call his mom? What's so special about his mom anyways? Does he like her or something? Gross... Whatever it is, that kid's mom must be very powerful if the Boss can't find her or something...
Iceik took notice of Asuza shooting powerful fireballs towards the ceiling, figuring out her plan. Without a moment to lose, Iceik, getting on four legs, ran around the Boss, shooting off a series of icicle blasts to divert his attention towards him. “Over here you old coot!”

The Boss stared down at the ice dog, lifting his other hand to stop his movements, but kept slipping at every opportunity, due to his psychic power weaken when there’s multiple enemies—since he using most of his psychic forces to bring Nicori towards him. His attention was beginning to slip.


Meanwhile Liza, following Asuza’s orders, swings her lightning bolt wand back and forth. “I called upon Raiko, the Thunder God! Strike down the Boss who possessed psychic abilities!” An powerful thunder slammed onto the Boss at multiple directions. It caused the Boss's attention to lose focus on anything actions Asuza had done.

Bob, assisting Vox, threw a magical robe around the bubble to help pull it back. “Man, I thought psychic powers were just a rumor! To think this old man possessed such an ability!”
Vox says as they are pulling orb back "at least we confirmed that there is truth it that rumor. I more concerned he has underlings left."
Hang on, he needs to concentrate in order to bring the boy to him. Lyrik thought to himself. The Fire chick said something about splitting his attention... Hang on, that's it!

Lyrik boosted himself to the Boss and slid across the floor in order to trip him and sweep him by his legs. He quickly removed the headphones he had and placed them as fast as he could over the Boss' ears while he blasted the music as high as it will go. The music was about as loud as a stereo on full blast. He wanted the Boss to focus on him so he won't pay attention to Asuza and leave Nicori alone.

"That should do it!" Lyrik turned to the others. "Hurry! Get the boy and get out of here!"


"Yeah! Get him!" Nicori shouted from within his bubble. "He messed with the wrong people!"
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