Los Demonios

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"Who are you talking about?!" Nicori growled. "You mean 'Suza?! She can totally kick your butt. She's gonna set you on fire and burn you to a crisp! I bet she's super mad and you don't wanna see 'Suza when she's mad! Everyone is gonna kick your sorry butt if you don't let me go!"

Nicori continued to slam his horns against the bubble in hopes that he can damage it somehow and escape but despite his attempt, the bubble didn't pop.

Sheesh! What's this thing made out of?!
“Alright, alright, hold your horses already.” Lightning Rider tried to calm the situation. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch if I think you guys look kinda funny. Anyways, just follow me and don’t touch anything—and make it quick, the Boss will be plenty of busy in the next few minutes.” Lightning Rider said, leading everyone inside the building. Everything was bitch black, but there were tons of gold, diamonds and the valuable Californite among them. Treasures that a single coin is worth million of sheckles. 

"Wow... maybe I should touch some of it..." Bob said, he tried to reach out for it, only for Liza to slapped his hand.

"No, control yourself! We need to save Nicori and that's that!" Liza whispered. 

One-Eye gripped onto his sword and repeatedly grinned his teeth back and forth. His eyes narrowed—it seems that he was prepare for battle at any moment. 

“H-hey, don’t do anything rash. We just need to find the kid and get the hell out of here.” Iceik spoke to One-Eye in a whisper. However, One-Eye stares down the small wolf monster, causing him to shake a bit. “S-sorry…”

Lightning Rider led them towards Robotto and Byll, who were outside of the Boss’ room. “Hey! I brought in some company that wanted to see the boss. They are…” He turns to Asuza. “What was your group called again?”
Vox whispers to bob "I more amused with the fact they are leaving this out in the open." Vox thinks "There is some thing more than meats the eye or they do depend on there reputation." As Vox walks with the group he looks for traps.
"We're all about style, darling-- this city is lacking in the fashion department for the most part, so I can't quite blame you for that. As for our name, we're called... Wild Fang." Asuza quickly answered, although she was terrible at naming things. "I'm the leader of our group, Lady Red." She hoped the group would stay in-character long enough to be alone with the Boss, as it seemed none of the people they encountered in the Snowy Mountains had Nicori with them. She recognized all three of them, but noticed the fourth member of the group was missing. "I don't intend to take much of his time, though I'm curious-- does he have a special guest coming or something?"
"I'm warning you! Let me go or else my Mama is really gonna get mad at you!" Nicori struggled within the bubble. "Everyone is gonna come in here and save me! You'll be so sorry that you wish I was the one to beat you up!"
He continued to bump his ram horns on the bubble, leaving a small dent; however, he wore himself out, no doubt from smashing his thick head.
“The Wild Fangs, that’s a fitting name. It actually sounds kind of badass! You got to give me a single when you’re done talking to the Boss.” Lightning Rider went passed Robotto and Byll, unlocking the door where the Boss resides in. Robotto turns to the group, eyeing them with strange suspicion. 

“The Boss has a very important meeting with someone in a few minutes. Time is not in his favor now, but it will change right away. If he let this moment slip, the Boss will never return to his former glory.” Lightning Rider responded to Asuza’s question.

“The return to his former glory?” Liza sounded confused. “Isn’t the Boss of LEMONs, one of the most incredible masterminds in Empire State? He was a legend in the criminal world.” 

Lightning started to open the door, slowly, due to the massive size of it. “That was quite a long time ago, boy. He’s an old coot now.” Before he can open the door fully, Robotto places his hand on his shoulders.


“There’s something wrong. I recognized them… this group of idols….” Robotto narrowed his eyes, scanning their bodies. “These… these guys! They’re the ones we saw in Snowy—” 

Before Robotto can finished his sentence, his entire head was slice off, his head in the air and his body crashing onto the ground. One-Eye step forward, his hand gripped onto the blade hard, grabbed Lightning Rider by the hair, tossing him behind and kicks the door opened. 

“What’s the hell is he doing?!” Liza said

“Looks like we’re on the offensives, eh Vox?” Bob said. “Things won’t be easy now… but at least we’re here.” 

When they enter the room, they saw an old man sitting on a throne with Nicori, inside a bubble, floating around him. Another, small figure appeared before him.

“You guys…” Giga Impact.
Vox summons a wind elemental. He says realizing the boss plans "It makes since on what he trying, one us needs to get to get to Nicroi away form that there boss quickly."

Vox says "As long we don't fall for the same trick that let Nicroi get cot in the first place, then it will be simple to get out."

He thinks"The fact Z is known for her laziness, the of the sisterhood and Z is protective of him. Makes those reason Nicroi a good mark for there boss but what is his end game?"
Seto followed the group into the room with his katana in hand now. He looked at the boss and then at the person who was trapped inside the bubble.


Should I double cross these guys yet?

Let's wait until the right moment. For now just watch. The dark voice in Seto's head boomed.

Seto sighed and kept his katana ready.

I need this money, man...
"'Suza! Mr. One-Eye! They're all here!" Nicori squealed with joy. "Now you're in big trouble! Mr. One-Eye just killed off your goonies and you'll be next! You better let me go now or else you'll really be sorry! Hmph, Maybe Mama won't even need to bother with you!"


Byll entered the room as a smoky figure and narrowed his eyes while he stood next to Giga. Before he performed an attack, he looked over to his Boss and Nicori.

"We will stall them for as long as you need to finish your plan." Byll chuckled before turning to Giga. "Think you can handle this many?"


Lyrik, after a while, began to wake up and regain consciousness. He looked up and the first thing he saw was the same group from the Snowy Mountains and then Nicori struggling to free himself. Without asking questions, he rose to his feet and stood on the side with Asuza and the others, despite being one of the reasons Nicori was captured.

"T-That's their boss! He said he has a plan for Nicori!" Lyrik sounded frantic. "W-We gotta help that kid!"
"Sorry to mess up your schedule, you'll have to make room for us. Hope you don't mind you're down two men." Asuza side-eyed Lyrik warily, but there was no time for question at the moment, since they were already in a rush to get Nicori out of there. "I don't particularly care what your goal is. It's none of my concern since I'm not from here, but I do have a bone to pick with you for kidnapping the kid. I'll be taking him off your hands-- whether you like it or not. Even if I have to torch all your thugs and go through you to do it."

Asuza turns towards Giga Impact with a contemptuous smirk on her face. "Looks like you're going first! Not that we'd let your friend get to do any tricks of his while we're occupied with taking out the trash." She got into a fighting stance as her hands lit aflame. "Ready!?"
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