Los Demonios

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“I guess we don’t need these silly disguises!” Liza dropped the act and nodded towards Vox. “Got it! We need to save the boy.” She saw that Lyrik was there, remembering him from Snowy Mountains, but like Asuza, she chooses to set that aside and focus on saving Nicori. 


The Boss chuckled. “Child, there is no trouble for me. In fact, I need an audience for what’s going to happened.” He lifted his hand, grabbing onto the orb that contains Nicori. “So while they are busy with the fodders, I want you to call your mother. I’m sure she’s genuinely concern of your safety.” He smiles like a wild animal—his razor sharp teeth and his eyes, reveals a red and blue hue on each eye.


Giga Impact’s expression change when Asuza taunted him. “Don’t get cocky girl. You were nothing back in Snowy Mountains and you will be nothing here! Your magic has nothing against my gamma rays.” He lifted his hand in front of Asuza, resulting a massive amount of energy emitting from his body. Giga slightly turned his head to Byll. “Let’s get rid of this trash—” He narrowed his eyes, realizing that he no longer have any feeling in his body. 

Blood suddenly exploded out of Giga’s body—One-Eye had cleanly cut him in half. One-Eye continues to rush towards the Boss himself—without a plan, without thinking, without even consulting with the others. Anger is the only expression he had on his face. 
Giga dropped to the floor, his eyes still darting around back and forth, still not recognizing what had happened. There are sounds he is trying to make—the cries of agony, despair and confusion.

“W-well, that’s one way to cut down the enemy defenses.” Bob sweated a bit. "Remind me to not get on his bad side!"

“Lord… this guy is an animal...” Iceik got on all fours. “Don’t know what came over him, but let’s get the kid! Three down, two to go!” 


Lightning Rider got up just in time to see his friend cut down. Narrowing his eyes, he rushes behind them, intending to crash onto them with a powerful charge. “You bastards!”
Vox says as an Earth Elemental comes in front of Lighting Rider "We can mock Lyrik for his error latter, for now we got work. That goes for you to Lyrik as well." Vox robes become normal as he turns off the device.

The Wind Elemental seems reedy for Byll. 

Vox says "I happy that anger is on our side Bob."
Seto's eyes slightly widened at the sight of Giga getting cut in half.

"Nice hit." he chuckled as he unsheathed his katana.

Do not engage, Seto. Allow them to cause a diversion and then make your move. The dark voice in Seto's head boomed.

Seto smiled as he felt the surge in power.

"Thanks for the extra juice.

He then looked behind to see Lightning Rider charging at the group.

"Hey, behind you guys!" he shouted as he quickly tried to dodge to the side. He held his katana in defensive stance.
"Wha? Call Mama?" Nicori shook his head. "If that's what you wanted then I'm not gonna call her for you! Mama doesn't like to have her time wasted! Too bad for you! Now, why don't you just sit there and get your butt whooped by 'Suza and the others!"

Nicori cheered on for the others as they began to fight. If he had eyes, they would be glittering at how cool everyone was and crying because everyone came to his rescue.


Lyrik didn't seem to mind what the others might think at the moment but he knew he had to help. With his powers, he gave the group a boost in power and speed to help them avoid any chemicals Byll might toss at them. 

"Be careful with the chemical guy, he has a gas that can put you to sleep in an instant!"


"Looks like the fake-hero decided to switch sides. What a shame." Byll growled.

Byll stared at the wind element and realized he was outmatched because most of his chemicals would be blown away but he did manage to find a counter to such a thing. Before he launched an attack, he began to compress the gasses within his palms to form a sort of 'gas bomb'. It was heavy enough to not be blown away and still keep the deadly poison he had worked up. Without hesitation, he tossed the dark purple ball of poison towards the group.
Asuza looked in front of and behind her. "I see how it is..." Quickly, she ducked her head down as she knelt close to the remains of Giga's body. Seeing Byll's attack head for them, she gripped the back of Giga's collar and lifted his torso with all of her strength. Intending to use him as a meat shield, she placed a large amount of force in her leg and launched his upper body in Lightning Rider's direction. As a swift follow-up, she chucked what remained of Giga's lower half past the poison ball and right for Byll himself. Asuza wasn't risking making contact with it if it meant dispersing the gas like last time.

"Then don't let that thing touch you, or it's over!"
The Boss frowned in reaction to Nicori’s refusal. “I will not ask again.” The ball containing the child slowly came into the Boss. Once it was in his grasp, the Boss’s tone became more sinister. “Call your mother or I’ll make you do it.” 


Lighting Rider seen the earth elemental appearing in front of him, but in the state he was in, he smashed the rocks using his pure strength. “You will all pay for what you have done!” He shouted as his body burst into highly radiated energy. He raises his arm, sending a powerful energy wave out of his hands towards the group. 

However, Giga’s body was in the way, causing it to explode upon impact—scattering his upper torso remains everywhere. Rider’s eyes narrowed at scene, cursing at the young woman. “You..!” 

Bob pulled out a hammer out of his bag and jumped over towards the distraught Lightning Rider. “Hey! You’re being distracted right now!” He slammed the tool on top of his hand, slamming him in the ground.


Liza overheard Asuza and Lyrik’s warnings about his abilities and took noticeable distance. “Let’s see if your gas can compete with my lightning! Lightning Strikes!” She shot several bolts of lightning from her wand towards Byll.

Iceik followed behind by firing a ice breath towards the man in attempt to freeze any gas that comes to their way.


One-Eye continued to rush towards the Boss but ran into a barrier, causing him to fall flat on his ass. He stood up and raised his sword and attempts to strike the barrier as many times as it took. It does not seems to be budging anytime soon.
Vox thinks "I gest my stander cheep little trick." If people could see his face a smirk forms. Vox says vanishing and appearing in front barrier "these tricks are for children." Vox casts a spell to shatter the barrier stopping one eye form moving forward.

The wind elemental seems to start buffing speed.
"No way I'm calling Mama! She doesn't have time for you!" Nicori stuck his tongue out to the Boss. "Now let me go before 'Suza's boyfriend comes in and beats your old ass up!"


Lyrik began to boost and amp up his musical powers to give special boosts to the people around him, like running faster and numb pain for a short while. He was angry at how he was betrayed by the Lemons group and only wanted to prove himself to the others. All he wanted to do was help save Nicori.

"C'mon guys, we gotta help that kid! I heard that Boss dude has a really bad plan and he might hurt that kid!"


Byll's poison ball was frozen solid and shattered to pieces once Giga's parts were thrown right at it. The man seemed shocked that his chemicals could be frozen and didn't notice Giga until it was too late. He took a hit from the toss and his frail body didn't make the pain any better. His body was seen composing itself from the many gasses surrounding him as he struggled to move to his feet.

"W-We're in a pickle, Rider..."
"I'll help One-Eye to get Nicori! Just hold out for a little longer, everyone!" Asuza made a break for it after throwing a few fireballs in Lightning Rider's way to push him back and gain some distance. "What the-- What's the holdup?" She saw One-Eye having trouble even getting near the old man, but her expression became enraged once she saw Nicori become forcefully drawn closer to him.
Lightning Rider’s eyes narrowed as the hammer hit square on the top of his head. His teeth shattered, causing him to stagger a bit as he dropped slightly towards the ground. As he tried to regain his composure, catching the last words Byll said to him, he flung backwards after taking a hit from Asuza’s fireballs and crashed onto the wall. Lightning Rider, taking too much damage, succumbed to his injuries and passed out.


The Boss squinted his eyes in reaction to shattering of his barrier. He slightly turned his head to the side, seeing Vox using a magical ability to eliminate the barrier. “Hmm, quite a persistent bunch that came to bust you out, child?” The Boss joked when speaking to Nicori. 

One-Eye nodded his head when Vox shattered the barrier and with the buffs generated by Vox and Lyrik, he instantly rushes towards the Boss, attempting to stab him in the heart. The barrier down, it seemingly shows that Boss was wide open for attacks.

The Boss noticed the deranged man rushing him and let out a smile. “You… you’re that Hero’s summon… looks like you managed to find your way to my domain. I suppose you’re aren’t lookin’ for revenge… Judging by that stone on your arm, your time is about to be up, eh?”

Bob overhear what the Boss was saying towards One-Eye. “One-Eye is a summoning?” He stands next to Asuza. He looked at One-Eye’s body, noticing that his body is slowly becoming more stone like. “We’re better get in there and help him out.” He opened his bag and tried to find a suitable weapon for this occasion. 

One-Eye, growing angrier by the second, jumped in the air with his blade, using one hand, over his head to slice him in half. Before literal inches away from the Boss’ face, a mysterious force caught One-Eye, keeping him in one place in the air. The Boss used telekinetic powers to stop his movements.

“Now Nicori… this is what happens when you don’t listen to adults.” The Boss squeezes his hand, causing One-Eye to explode instantly. “Now, I will not ask again…” The Boss said, ignoring the others as if they were insignificant of what he had in mind. The bubble was comfortably in the palm of his hands. “Drag your mother out here.” 

Liza narrowed her eyes, seeing the strange man exploded upon impact. Fear riddled her body as burned “pieces” fell to the floor in front of all of them. "Oh my..." Liza started to scream.
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