Los Demonios

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Giga Impact brought Nicori to the Boss despite him flailing around. In one stroke of his hand, which was wrinkle to imply that he is very, very old, it created a bubble around the young child. Trapped inside, the bubble grew closer to the Boss’ face; however, only revealing his sinister smile.

“You’re going to make quite a useful tool for my plans, boy.” The boss spoke in a raspy, harsh tone, retaining his smile. “Once the preparations are met, you will become the center of the spectacle that I have prepared.” 

“And what about this one…should we kill him?” Giga Impact asked the Boss about the unconscious Lyrik. 

“No, he was quite useful of bringing this boy to me… so let’s reward his efforts by keeping him alive. He shall bare witness of the consequences he brought forward for foolishly believing in your words.” The Boss chuckled. The bubble, which contains Nicori continues to float around aimlessly. “You can leave him be… there’s nothing he can do now.” 


Liza turned around, seeing Seto addressing them. “Huh? We are not looking! We’re just entertainers!” She quickly tried to cover up the group’s tracks. “We’re just here to see if the Boss can give us passes to play in this city since our songs appeals to them.” She nudges Vox. “Help me out here.”

Iceik had a suscpious look on his face when Seto came forward. “Huh… is this guy from this city…?” He thought to himself.

As Asuza banged the door, a man opened a slide-door, revealing his eyes. “This is Lightning Rider. What’s the Password?”
Vox asks Seto "do mind if I ask way you want to join us? What can you offer to our little group?" Vox thinks "There is a chance that he may be willing to help us or useable for us." Vox says "I will need to ask because Boss wants me to vet you."
"Entertainers, huh?" Seto scanned the group and narrowed his eyes. "Funny, I don't see any instruments. You guys DJs or something?" Seto chuckled. 

He then looked at Vox.

"Well, if you guys say you're some sort of band then I don't think I can help you there. Only instrument I think I can play is the triangle." 

Seto laughed and then placed his hand on his sheath. "However, I am pretty skilled with this." he pulls out his katana. Look long story short, I have beef with these Lemonade guys and I was hoping y'all could help me. But since you're just a band I guess I'll go at it alone."

He then saw the slide door open.

Hopefully these guys know the password...
"You better let me go or else!" Nicori bumped his head against the bubble in his attempts to break it. "You're gonna get in big trouble if you don't let me go!"

As Nicori listened to the Boss speak about what he plans to do with him and his plans for Lyrik he growled under his breath and slammed his fists on the bubble.

"You're nothing but a big jerk! I'll find a way out of here and you'll be sorry! Why don't you fight me you ol' geezer! I bet you can't throw a punch without breaking your hip! I can beat your sorry butt no problem!"

Nicori continued to babble on and throw insults at the Boss in hopes that he would actually fight him.
Vox thinks "jackpot."  Vox says "we can use more security." Vox thinks "I hope pick up on the fact I did not simply turn him away that we are going after lemons as well." 
That's the guy who humiliated me back in the mountains! Wait'll I get my hands on you! I'll crush you until you cry for your mommy! Asuza thought hatefully as she recognized Lightning Rider's voice.

Forcing herself to concentrate she stared down at the paper in her hands before making a grimace. "Idol Girl: Sassy Flames is Best Girl"? Is that the actual password? If that guy tricked me on purpose, we'll have to break our way in...

She cleared her throat. "Do I really gotta say it? I heard that the password is Idol Girl... Sassy Flames is... Best girl."
"Boy, you will understand when she comes here. However, we do need an audience, and I expecting that some will come." The Boss said. 

"Huh? What do you mean?" Giga Impact asked.

"You shall see soon enough.." The Boss joked.


“Yeah… we’re DJs, but most of our stuff is in a van somewhere. We just need permission.” Liza stated. “A-anyways, if you want to join, we could use more security like Magic Man said!” Liza narrowed her eyes when Seto stated his beef with the LEMONs. “As long he has a similar objective as us… we should be good... but that weap-” 

“Sassy Flames…? I thought we decided that Sweet Liquid would be the password for this joint. Damnit, Giga Impact must’ve changed the password… he’s the only one who fangirls about this kind of thing.” Lightning Rider sounded irritated. “Alright, alright… you got the password. What do you want? The Boss?” 

He stare at their attire, blushing at the sight of Asuza, quickly opening the door for them, mostly for her. “Ya’ll entertainers? Is that a damn weapon?"

Liza instantly stepped in. "No! It just a fake. It's.. huh part of his job, to make sure we don't get into problems with them?" 

Lightning Rider narrowed his eyes. "Really? There's six strong men to help this poor girl... you're seem bloated to have this much security..."
Vox says to Rider in a matter of fact tone "Better safe than sorry good sir."
"Hah!? Every aspiring idol needs a group of backup performers! Especially when you're a wicked one who has to deal with lots of rivals in the underground showbiz. But we're one of a kind, and we stick together." Asuza bluffed, puffing her chest out haughtily. "What's the big deal anyway? I thought you guys were supposed to be big bad criminals. Isn't it a good thing to have lots of tough guys on your side? You should appreciate your good fortune! Now bring us to your Boss, my time is money!" She demanded.
Seto narrowed his eyes again before giving the group a smile.

"Sounds alright with me." 

He then sweat dropped when he heard the password aloud.

You can't be serious. he thought. You sure we should be getting involved with these lemon drops? They get less impressive as each moment passes.

Move along. The dark voice boomed in Seto's head. We make sure to meet with their leader and get what we desire.

Whatever you say...

Seto sighed and looked at Lightning Rider.

"Yeah, it's more of a for show kinda thing. I do know a fair share of martial arts, however. These guys hired me and just wanted to make sure they're safe." he grinned.
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