Dragon Ball: Galactic Pass

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"Let's just start hiking. It's good exercise! For the time being, I will at least carry you until you have more energy to use."
She carried him around bridal style and just wandered into the mountains, keeping a sharp eye out for anything dangerous... and just kind of going upwards and outwards in hopes of finding wherever this place was. Interestingly enough, there were some trees growing around here. Someone must have planted them... but who? "You wanted to know what mature pines look like, right? I can see about seven of them from here."
"Cool! Geez, this area is pretty steep. I wonder which way I'm supposed to go? There's no sign of a road here."


Burd-boi was still fixing up his dojo.
She jumped around the mountains, looking for Some kind of path- ANY kind of path that would tell them where they needed to go. She only found wild animals, though... very large and dangerous wild animals.
She did so, nodding to herself as she prepared to fight off a huge creature with some energy bolts.
"Look behind you!" She warned, "Unless you'd like to be eaten!" She threw a barrage of energy bolts at the beast, causing it to growl in annoyance.
"These are the kinds of creatures that live around here!" She yelled, throwing beams and bolts at the thing, "Am I going to have to go full-force again?!"
She sighed and tapped into her true form again, continuing to blast away at the creature until it ran away to seek easier prey.

"I'm going to have to stay like this, aren't I?"
She sighed and started blasting into a mountain, "I'm going to make us a cave to rest in, then!!"
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