Dragon Ball: Galactic Pass

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"My parents are long dead, and most of their relatives are as well. I sadly outlive anyone that I grow close to."

Meanwhile, Bird boy wakes up, "Oh geez, I'm late. I had better get to work, I have some catching up to do!" He jumped out of bed and started kicking the heck out of a sandbag.
"My condolences, Sunris." She bowed her head at him.
Sunris shrugged in reply.

"I took his armor is to remember him by, but on the off chance his ghost or such comes back to haunt me I wouldn't get caught dead in it. At least my kind are as long lived as I am."
She nodded and started burying the sapling, "This one's an apple sapling, I think."
"Yes. A fruit bearing tree from Earth. Genetically modified to better withstand the harsher climate."
"I've been told that the oranges on Sola are a modified version of the ones on Earth but, never seen this fruit called an apple." Sunris replied less confused. "Never seen any fruit from Earth, or at least said to be from it."
"Well if this tree survives, you can have apples from it in about... three years?"
"Three years. Too much time for a human, too little for a Solarian." Sunris replied as if weighing his options. "I guess we'll just have to wait."
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