Dragon Ball: Galactic Pass

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"Bad memories are also part of the experience. You just let them roll by, hopefully giving way to happier thoughts." He explained, "If you find yourself getting too distressed, expel the thoughts and continue to take deep, relaxing breaths."
After a realaxing hour of meditation, the two suddenly found themselves with boulders strapped to their backs...

"When you can run with these on your back, you can begin the next level of training. This training is to improve your strength and endurance."
"Really? Care to share?" Asked his reptilian lady friend. She was looking slow herself.
"Grandfather would sometimes make extra money by working for the cargo ships, moving as much cargo he could in a day, ensuring that he could always measure his strength." Sunris replied.
She nodded, "Sometimes you just gotta keep your body in check~!"
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