Things you hate about school?

When the professor’s lecture is really just an informative lullaby on the basis it puts me to sleep.
I'm not in school anymore, but I would like to list stuff from my high school days: 

The kid who wouldn't stop making jabs at me. When I asked him why, he said 'Because, maybe if you would've lent me a pencil last year, I wouldn't do this'. I told the teacher to please move me seats,because I didn't want to sit next to this kid. Teacher told me to basically suck it up (this was senior year, and I was tired of dealing with this crap), so, I told the principal, and the kid finally stopped. Mom told me I should've just gone to the teacher. I did, but as I said, he did nothing. 

I only hung out with three other people, because they were the only 3 who were as open as I was about liking anime. The others would kinda egg me on to talk about it, and if I said anything, they'd make fun of me about it. 

This is only scratching the surface on how bad my high school is, but, I don't wanna make a text wall
Akiria said:
I'm not in school anymore, but I would like to list stuff from my high school days: 

The kid who wouldn't stop making jabs at me. When I asked him why, he said 'Because, maybe if you would've lent me a pencil last year, I wouldn't do this'. I told the teacher to please move me seats,because I didn't want to sit next to this kid. Teacher told me to basically suck it up (this was senior year, and I was tired of dealing with this crap), so, I told the principal, and the kid finally stopped. Mom told me I should've just gone to the teacher. I did, but as I said, he did nothing. 

I only hung out with three other people, because they were the only 3 who were as open as I was about liking anime. The others would kinda egg me on to talk about it, and if I said anything, they'd make fun of me about it. 

This is only scratching the surface on how bad my high school is, but, I don't wanna make a text wall

Jesus christ, I'm sorry that what happened to you. Sucks that teachers (and by large extension, the school staff), turned a blind eye to these types of things. 


This is the one thing that I noticed throughout my time in college. Many students seemingly lacked awareness of how to formatted their own papers when it comes to writing essays. Either students never heard of MLA/Chicago/APA formats, only used one of them (and in a vague way since they rarely tackled the topic) and it's poorly demonstrated by the instructors.

Then, they go to college and boom, they have no idea how to get the proper things professors wanted on whatever style they need to write in, and surprised that many students don't know what to do. Which brings me to my overall point, something got to be done to train students how to properly construct a paper, how to find sources and how to use them in like, middle school, then so late in the game. :think:
In my experience I learned MLA well for some reason but I continually have to google how to do APA stuff. One of the lie excuses I gave to get out of a project was that I don't know APA and hate it. I'm taking two sciences and two maths for this semester in college... Er...
I hate two things in particular. Maybe three now that I think about it... 

1. When a professor is making a very simple formula overly complicated.
2. When a school focuses more on 'State Exams'
3. "You should have already learned this from your previous class."

I especially hate the third one since this is a very common thing most college Professors say to avoid reviewing the topic...
There was also my Sociology teacher. I did not take her Psychology class. I was the only one in my class who hadn't. So, whenever she was teaching something, and wanted to bring up an example, she'd ask the class 'Who hasn't heard this story?' I'd raise my hand. The third time it happened, she literally said, "Well, you'll just have to ask another student about it. I don't want to repeat it'. 


Then, there was one art teacher whom the school loved. She was very sweet and understanding. When she got pregnant with twins, everyone was buzzing with excitement! When she revealed she was having twin boys, we even gave her name suggestions! When she had her twins, she moved schools, still teaching art, because she needed to be closer to home, which is completely fine. The person who ultimately replaced her, however, was not. 

The new art teacher (and she still teaches art to this day there) was not good. She'd start a project with a deadline. Okay. Then, when one or even two people were done with the project, she'd start A NEW ONE. FOR EVERYONE. Then, when one got finished with that, SHE'D START ANOTHER NEW PROJECT FOR EVERYONE. THEN, she'd get pissed when no one had work done on time, stating 'Why do you guys not turn things in by the deadline dates? I give you plenty of time to do them, don't I?" 


There's even more, but, I'll do it little by little.
Jesus christ, what kind of high school did you go, @"Akiria"? :lmao:


This is one of my pet peeves with students, then teachers, but I hate it when teachers asked a question, literally no one raises their hands, and it remains silent for 10 minutes.
Grey Star said:
In my experience I learned MLA well for some reason but I continually have to google how to do APA stuff. One of the lie excuses I gave to get out of a project was that I don't know APA and hate it. I'm taking two sciences and two maths for this semester in college... Er...

Citationmachine was a lifesaver when I was doing APA citations, man.

I hated doing Chicago style though. I always find it a pain because not only is the citation style different in Bibliography vs. Footnotes, but the Footnotes/Endnotes also have to be used! Like wth I never knew how to use chicago until I took a History of Science class and the professor was confused at why we didn't know how to cite properly until she remembered we were all Biology majors-- i think only 1 other student was a History of Science major. But she was a cool professor and was patient with walking us through it since students like me only cite from journals and the occasional book-- not documentaries, interviews, or audio recordings that the other kids were used to. I enjoyed that class heavily however, and I intend on taking a different class from her next semester in my Honors class.


I hate that I need to visit two different departments to be able to enroll in anything-- one for Biology to lift the general registration window, and the other for Honors College to let me actually take their classes despite not being a degree giving department. Lmao
@"ShineCero" A fuckin' terrible one xD

-There was the teacher who barely taught anything, gave us really hard questions, and when we asked her for help, she always rolled her eyes and barely helped us. Then she made a stink when all of us were failing. It was an elective that didn't really matter, but, :/

-The girl who LITERALLY BIT MY FUCKING ARM because this girl we were both friends with was hugging me, and SHE wanted a hug, too, so to get me away, SHE LITERALLY BIT MY ARM. I told the principal, and she had to be sent home early, and she had to write me an actual letter of apology. 

-The table my group of friends sat at every single day in high school  for lunch was taken over by these boys for a few days. My friend sat her stuff at one of the seats to save our table. The punks were still there, except at that one seat. When we basically said "Dudes. What the hell?" and one was like "Well, she can sit with us. She saved one seat. For her." So, because she was the first one at the Auditeria every day, she started setting her books at EVERY seat, and when we got the table, we'd give her her stuff back. The boys stopped bothering us after that. 

And that's really all I can remember of my fucking terrible high school
Grey Star said:
In my experience I learned MLA well for some reason but I continually have to google how to do APA stuff. One of the lie excuses I gave to get out of a project was that I don't know APA and hate it. I'm taking two sciences and two maths for this semester in college... Er...

LoopyPanda said:
Citationmachine was a lifesaver when I was doing APA citations, man.

I hated doing Chicago style though. I always find it a pain because not only is the citation style different in Bibliography vs. Footnotes, but the Footnotes/Endnotes also have to be used! Like wth I never knew how to use chicago until I took a History of Science class and the professor was confused at why we didn't know how to cite properly until she remembered we were all Biology majors-- i think only 1 other student was a History of Science major. But she was a cool professor and was patient with walking us through it since students like me only cite from journals and the occasional book-- not documentaries, interviews, or audio recordings that the other kids were used to. I enjoyed that class heavily however, and I intend on taking a different class from her next semester in my Honors class.

That's the problem with a lot of students, even History Majors. Since these styles aren't taught in none of the schools (if they are, tehy are extremely limited that it's basically useless anyways). If there's an attempt for education reform, essay formats and citation styles NEEDS to be touch to the students; all of them. Or at least, give to students that will focus on a specific major.

Akiria said:
@"ShineCero" A fuckin' terrible one xD

-There was the teacher who barely taught anything, gave us really hard questions, and when we asked her for help, she always rolled her eyes and barely helped us. Then she made a stink when all of us were failing. It was an elective that didn't really matter, but, :/

-The girl who LITERALLY BIT MY FUCKING ARM because this girl we were both friends with was hugging me, and SHE wanted a hug, too, so to get me away, SHE LITERALLY BIT MY ARM. I told the principal, and she had to be sent home early, and she had to write me an actual letter of apology. 

-The table my group of friends sat at every single day in high school  for lunch was taken over by these boys for a few days. My friend sat her stuff at one of the seats to save our table. The punks were still there, except at that one seat. When we basically said "Dudes. What the hell?" and one was like "Well, she can sit with us. She saved one seat. For her." So, because she was the first one at the Auditeria every day, she started setting her books at EVERY seat, and when we got the table, we'd give her her stuff back. The boys stopped bothering us after that. 

And that's really all I can remember of my fucking terrible high school

:lordy: That girl needs jesus


I also never understand why college requires general education to be completed when that shit is already done in HS. Why just go straight to the major that doesn't require 100+ units to get an BA?
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