Things you hate about school?

I have a couple nightmare teacher stories. The first one actually kinda liked me personally, but he was still a nightmare. Heller was his name, my 10th-grade geometry teacher. He absolutely HATED anyone talking in class, and this was a suburbia kinda school I was in for just a year, most stereotypical high school ever (think Daria) so naturally, everyone was a chatterbox. The mo'fukka would assign extra homework to the entire class anytime anyone talked, I'd go home a lot of days with literally like 100 extra problems to solve and I was just out of a special ed school they threw me in for behavioral problems when I was a kid and sort of adapting to the heavier workloads everywhere. I was an honor student in the school I transferred to after (which was a top 50 public school in my state at the time, and I'm from NJ which was 2nd in the US back then for public schools) but there I was struggling like hell because I had to devote so much time to that asshole's class. 

Then, of course, there was my 1st-grade teacher who was determined to get me expelled for the aforementioned behavioral problems, the bitch scribbled purple crayon all over the floor and when nobody was in the room she pulled me in the damn classroom and was like "you did this!" and blamed me for it. Was kicked out by December lol
ShineCero said:
I also never understand why college requires general education to be completed when that shit is already done in HS. Why just go straight to the major that doesn't require 100+ units to get an BA?

I dunno why but let's just say it happens to be convenient when it's obvious I didn't pay enough attention and don't work on a college level.

JamesYTP said:
Then, of course, there was my 1st-grade teacher who was determined to get me expelled for the aforementioned behavioral problems, the bitch scribbled purple crayon all over the floor and when nobody was in the room she pulled me in the damn classroom and was like "you did this!" and blamed me for it. Was kicked out by December lol

I had a friend who quit their job over simple mistakes and is currently unable to support themselves. I often feel like quitting my job because my customers depress me some days. But, getting someone else in trouble because they're unable to handle the person? That's a new low I've heard of.
JamesYTP said:
I have a couple nightmare teacher stories. The first one actually kinda liked me personally, but he was still a nightmare. Heller was his name, my 10th-grade geometry teacher. He absolutely HATED anyone talking in class, and this was a suburbia kinda school I was in for just a year, most stereotypical high school ever (think Daria) so naturally, everyone was a chatterbox. The mo'fukka would assign extra homework to the entire class anytime anyone talked, I'd go home a lot of days with literally like 100 extra problems to solve and I was just out of a special ed school they threw me in for behavioral problems when I was a kid and sort of adapting to the heavier workloads everywhere. I was an honor student in the school I transferred to after (which was a top 50 public school in my state at the time, and I'm from NJ which was 2nd in the US back then for public schools) but there I was struggling like hell because I had to devote so much time to that asshole's class. 

Then, of course, there was my 1st-grade teacher who was determined to get me expelled for the aforementioned behavioral problems, the bitch scribbled purple crayon all over the floor and when nobody was in the room she pulled me in the damn classroom and was like "you did this!" and blamed me for it. Was kicked out by December lol

Jesus christ dude! What the heck did you do that made her go after a first grader? :lmao:
That's some rage, lmao!


I never understand why art schools are so fucking expensive compared to regular schools. :thonk:
School in general is expensive. Wack

I hate when ur in a discussion but your participation grade is basically dependent on your ability to respond to questions that you may or may not immediately understand the answers to, and if you don't figure out a way to work your answer into the class discussion, they will move on to the next discussion point without you

I also hate when one of the other classmates goes into a really longwinded response that prompts the professor to ask if anyone has anything to say, and you're like .... "wtf CAN I even say if he's already covered everything?"

I've been told there are some days I don't say much, even though I try to speak at least once or twice on something important, but they seem to forgive that I try to make good points of discussion when I get the chance to speak
I really hate it when professors teach you the bare minimum of something and expect you to solve the most advanced and complicated questions of that subject. It's kinda like you just learned how to walk and your professor says you are ready to challenge the Olympic Marathon Champions or Usain Bolt. 

What makes it even more frustrating for me is that the professor doesn't even try to lower his standards because A FEW STUDENTS get it. He believes that if 3 students understand, then the WHOLE CLASS understands. That's not the case! 

Unfortunately, I did not do so good in the last two tests and I was pretty ashamed of myself, especially since I understand the topic. I thought that I was the dumb one in class and I began to lose confidence in my abilities. Especially when the 3 students mentioned above sit right next to me, showing off their perfect grades. (Hell, one of them got mad because she got a 97%... when it was the highest grade in the damn class!) However, when I talked around the class, not a lot of people did well. One kid in particular only got 4 questions out of 40 right, so I guess I can't really complain about getting 20. As I listened to the students, they all seem to agree on one major thing: The professor over complicates everything and sets unusually high standards for his students. He refuses to go over the harder questions (which he puts in the test, btw) and expects you to solve these high-level questions with only basic knowledge of previous topics. I don't think that's fair, and while it works for some students, I doubt it works for all.
ShineCero said:
Jesus christ dude! What the heck did you do that made her go after a first grader? :lmao:
That's some rage, lmao!


I never understand why art schools are so fucking expensive compared to regular schools. :thonk:

A lot, don't remember much but I do remember using her shirt as a kleenex lmao. I was pretty bad I admit lmao
When higher level math is being taught as a lecture, by a quiet professor who writes so badly we cant read it and erases too soon for us to complete our notes. Then when asked for why it is a lecture they claim that students wanted this, WHO THAT WANTS TO LEARN WOULD CHOOSE A LECTURE FOR MMMAAATTTHHH
JamesYTP said:
ShineCero said:
Jesus christ dude! What the heck did you do that made her go after a first grader? :lmao:
That's some rage, lmao!


I never understand why art schools are so fucking expensive compared to regular schools. :thonk:

A lot, don't remember much but I do remember using her shirt as a kleenex lmao. I was pretty bad I admit lmao

Haha, but bad enough for the teachers that wanted to kicked you out? You must've piss in her coffee one day :lmao:

I also hates students who never shut the hell up and wants to challenge authority when a teacher is lecturing. It's mainly high school (and especially freshmen year) and never college, but christ :wagh:
ShineCero said:
I also hates students who never shut the hell up and wants to challenge authority when a teacher is lecturing. It's mainly high school (and especially freshmen year) and never college, but christ :wagh:


I HATE the kids who think they're super tough and cool just because they talk back to a teacher. It doesn't make you cool or funny! It makes you look like an annoying prick. UGH. You talking back to a teacher is such a disrespect to not only the teacher but the students who are trying to learn. 

There was this one incident in my college class (My freshman year) that this one kid would always talk back to the professor or crack jokes during class. It was super annoying and I absolutely hated it. It didn't make it better that the dude has his BFF from high school supporting his dumb actions. One day, a student in my class had enough and called him out. Long story short, it went a little something like this.

Prof: *Talking about stuff and tells Prick to get off his cell phone.*
Prick: Yeah, okay whatever... *ignores and continues.*
Prof: Sir, please get off your cell phone, I won't tell you again.
Prick: *Laughs with friend* Yeah, okay Prof, gimmie a sec.
Chad: YO, get off your damn phone! You're seriously being a little bitch right now.

*The two argue for a bit before the Chad student lays it down on the kid.*

Chad: You ain't funny. Go home with your friend and suck each other off since that's all you seem to do. Anyways, Prof, why don't you just call security, I wanna see them say half this shit to a security, they ain't got the balls.

Since then, the main prick never came back to class and his buddy never opened his mouth to say a word, almost like he was shy or something. Ironic since he couldn't keep his mouth shut earlier...
The people who would talk about their sexual endeavors from the weekend (or even previous night) in normal conversation. 

And, there was also one girl, who, I was in my senior year, and she was a freshman. I was heading to class, and I heard her exclaim to her friend, 'Oh! It's my dream to be on 16 and Pregnant!' and her friend said 'OMG, I love that show! It'd be so cool to see you on there!' I was generally worried for her the rest of senior year
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