Things you hate about school?

Getting a letter from your college saying that you still owe money on something.... and they failed to explain what exactly you owe to the school :thinking:
JamesYTP said:
Too many useless classes lol

Examples? :think:

I couldn't think of a useless class, well, mainly because I major in History so I didn't have to take a lot of BS classes lol.
You're lucky lol. To name a few generalities I've gone through: 24 credits of humanities alone for my AA, Algebra B as a prerequisite for a multimedia class (which is basically photoshop and some very basic 3D modeling and animation and for a generic coding class. A random weight lifting class to get my Associates too. Then there's the handful of stuff that you'd think for an animation major like a modified circus arts class that's supposed to be generally to "observe movement" (it's even in the class name), but while you CAN do that you're not graded on it or anything so it ends up being filler.
Unclear criteria for Honors College students regarding research credits, thus forcing me to write to faculty emails that induce anxiety.

Also, them sending me an email that I'm "at risk" for removal from the College for reasons that only would be valid if I applied in my freshman year-- the college forces students to apply, and I wasn't made aware we even had an honors program you needed to apply to in order to graduate with distinction. 

I was accepted at the end of my junior year, so technically no, I have not taken the 2 required honors courses by the beginning of this academic year. And technically, I haven't taken an honors course until now. But I am enrolled in the two SUPER required courses and I'm trying to get this shitty Research stuff sorted before they won't let me enroll it into my schedule. So if I WERE in the college for an actual amount of time (they didn't accept me until a month after enrollment for the Fall was opened, and literally 3 days before finals week began, I was forced to get advised because I wasn't automatically placed in the system to take their courses) they would have justification in sending me this email. This goes to show you that they really don't look at you beyond your name and whatever the automatic algorithm spits out at the administration.

Basically, college is a pain in my ass.
Administrations for colleges everywhere are absolutely avoidant of even thinking about making more parking space. Never address it despite students complaining about it most.

You can bet your ass they'll make unnecessary renovations to the football stadium though. Yeah, I don't get it either.
When they start before labor day for some reason and you have to go in 90+ degree weather. Thanks global worming lol
Lol, I started two weeks before Labor Day :p

When the classroom doesn't have air conditioning and you have to deal with a professor who isn't technologically inclined... reminds me of high school when we had to collectively figure out how to male the projector work
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