Things you hate about school?

When professor gives you a fuck tons of books to read...
Downgrading bullying enviorment making a ounce popular school to shreads,Schools rivalling with each other and attacking students that tranfer to the rival schools,student Violence,Teachers holding massive stupidity and getting more careless into thier work .....and at atop notch a lot of disability bashing I seen a lot of teachers hollaring at kids with disability's and treating them horribly disregarding them and embarrassing them in front of class ....its more worse when you can relate to them because you have the same issues ,totally why I'm just going to take online courses now,schools are also getting low security and dangerous too.
I hate the projects that some teachers will give a class, where only a portion of the class is capable of doing the project, others are just incapable of it or their personality makes them have to refuse the project outright. (We were asked to rap)
Having to read over 16+ books within 10 weeks to finally analyzed, write about and discussed with your peers. :wagh:
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