The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

Vegetto recoiled immediately at the sound of Mooli's voice, defensively retreating. Yet as she spoke, his confused and curious stare turned down to Damian. The random and undetectable attack earlier had prompted a slight subconscious curiosity from the Potara fusion, but Mooli's conversation and gaze of respect prompted Vegetto to look over Damian with an intense stare; like a detective investigating a suspect in a case.

Friend? Hmmmm....

His eyes further widened in confusion, watching on as Omegamon was swiftly and promptly eliminated. The situation itself seemed plausible; the Digimon was weakened by the same technique Vegetto himself felt earlier, and the Potara fusion recognized the flames that opened the opponent up to Daiman's attack. But Vegetto still looked on stunned, having felt no signature or pressure from the attack preemptively; only the resulting force left in its wake.

Vegetto stared down, snapping a bit back to reality once Daiman questioned him. He lifted up his formerly broken hand, rolling his wrist around to test the strength in it after he had taken the precious moment to heal.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm fine now."

He glared down Mooli from behind Daiman briefly, however, careful of the impending threat he perceived her to be. Yet before any of the three could speak again, the entire arena began to crumble and shatter from the force of Lucifer's forced grand entrance of the immense amount of combatants. Vegetto glanced down, promptly snagging Daiman by his shirt collar and flying up high into the air; unsure of the other could fly and making the decision to pull Daiman up to prevent a ring out himself

Floating high in the air as the arena tipped from the massive amount of combatants, Vegetto glanced around as he held Daiman at his side, almost like a suitcase dangling at his side while the Potara fusion stared around to take in the new arrivals. His narrowed eyes found the unfolding scene with Avalon, Zenta and Lucifer but soon, Vegetto turned his head away as there were too many new potential factors to focus on and account for.

Vegetto lifted his arm, bringing Daiman to eye level while the Potara fusion continued to scan the new fighters below.

"If this keeps up, it's only a matter of time before we lose. I don't understand what kind of strength allows you to do what you do...but if the Super Saiyan God looks on you as a..."friend"...then it must be significant."

He continued looking over the arena, his dual voice less stern and more inquisitive.

"How many of those fighters do you think you can knock off with your powers?"


Cayde groaned, plopping down into the hard bench of a seat while he gazed over to Spider Chaos.

"Maybe they weren't as sticky as you thought they'd be."

He cracked his neck, rubbing the side before turning fully to Spider-Chaos.

"And another thing! I don't try to get into people's heads; all I wanted was a lifetime supply of hot spicy ramen from this tournament!"

Cayde shook his head incredulously.

"To say I'd have the nerve to force you to fold laundry...that's hurtful. We robots are people too, you know."

“Robots have feelings…No way! That’s totally a sign for world dominations!” He blocked his ears. “You are totally not invading my mind!”

“Shut up!” Malugia scolded Spider-Chaos and Cayde. “I don’t want to listen to your little babbling. I’m trying to focus on the battle!”

“Huh? You were going on and on about you’re some unbeatable god and you’re the first one out.” Turles pointed out.

“I-I was at my suppressed form! If I was at full power---”

Before Malugia could finish his sentence, Roya crashed through. She was followed by dozens of people that practically filled the seats.



Seto Kaiba witnessed, as Zenta suddenly started rampaging, a wall of people appeared. Hundreds of participants dropping onto the battlefield at once thanks to Lucifer’s forced casting was reduced to a couple of dozens in mere seconds.

“What are you doing?!” Kaiba shouted at Zenta. His screams feeble when Roya’s expanding club was shattered. Upon her instant elimination, Kaiba turned towards the bleachers, practically filled to the brim. “If this keeps up… the game would be over instantly…” He smirks. “But that means it’ll be my win. I didn’t know this fox had this much power, but I’ll take it. If he can display that much power… then I bet, he can take on Bernkastel.” He relaxed and his composure returned. “Go Zenta! You’re my trump card! Defeat that pesty angel!”


Daiman cleared his throat after being hoisted up by Vegetto. Although the Potara warrior said in a rather roundabout way, he can’t help but feel good when hearing that. Mooli considered him a friend and another stranger seemed curious about him boosted his confidence. “Um, I can get rid of a dozen. W-watch!” He forwards his arms towards the ground; his eyes narrowed as he locked on the entire arena itself.

“Imaginary Technique: Split!”


“Argh!” Spina attempted to break out of the endless barrage of attacks that erupted against his body. He tried powering up to force the attacks to a halt, but it failed. The effects of the Miracle Punch continue. “Damnit...!”

His eyes narrowed when he felt a presence of many approaching him, but it was only Asher. Unable to escape the barrage of attacks, the old Saiyan was struck. After repeated blows from Asher, he tumbled back against the ground towards the edge of the arena.

“Not bad…” Vortex-Man agreed to push him out. One less headache to deal with. The moment he took a step, the Kryptonian sensed bloodlust lurking from behind. “What was that?” He stopped and looked up towards the sky. His eyes widened upon seeing a large horde of people coming down, only for most being pushed out of bounds just as quickly. He lowered his head, seeing Zenta approaching both Avalon and Lucifer.

“Only familiar with one of them…” Vortex-Man turned to both Victor and Asher. “Take care of that old man, I’ll go after—” Vortex-Man’s eyes darted to the ground. He noticed the increase of cracks building up. Without hesitating, he grabbed Victor and Asher and jumped high in the sky. Beneath them, the entire arena was split into many different pieces. “Whoa… where the hell did that come from?!”


With dozens of people being eliminated outright and the arena collapsing, it was natural for Avalon to be fearful. Lucifer stared at the ninja’s expression before turning his head sightly. The only thing the angel could see was Zenta standing before him.

Yet, Lucifer was not phased at all. Instead, he held the most earnest smile. His blue eyes glow as the shadows cast over when the arena all three were standing on fell a bit further down compared to the rest of the rubble. “If you believe you feel different, then test it out.” Lucifer grinned. “Give me your best shot.”
Two scarecrows swap places with Victor and Asher just before they were slammed.

The serpent starts to charge Vertex man as the water elemental goes after Spina.

Victor thinks "That was close. I gest positioning does not matter in this fight." Two more scarecrows appear. Victor gets ready to summon some thing.
"Super Flare? Well, I suppose it's better than something dumb like Super Cyan." Bernkastel deadpanned, drawing in her breath at once when Clark locked onto her in his new form. Seems like he's looking to overwhelm me from every angle. she thought, using the opportunity to observe his attacks while having the freedom to move out of his fists' way. One of his fists missed her cheek by mere inches and she was able to feel a scorching halo emanating from his hands. Since she was entirely focused on Clark, Bernkastel blocked out everything going on around them, but she couldn't evade his hits forever. As her lungs started to ache, Bern noticed dozens of hairline cracks and fissures beginning to form beneath their feet from the weight of innumerable summons going on as an effect of Lucifer's interference.

Bernkastel's eyes narrowed, swiftly flinging several needles directly into the cracks beneath Clark's feet and resuming breath as she leaped away. The arena ground was already swerving erratically from the shifting of mass weight, leaving Bernkastel seemingly confused as she glanced at the change in surroundings. Where did all these people come from? It was like an ocean of people getting flung around like harpooned fish. The fragment needles she wedged into the ground gave way under the collapsing pressure to trigger a rapid expansion of jagged crystals bursting from the ground beneath Clark. It would buy her just enough time to gain more distance.

As she jumped off the hunk of rubble she surfed on, Bernkastel realized she lost sight of Spina among all the people. The commotion of the trio ganging up on him let her see him finally, at the edge of the arena. Clicking her tongue, Bernkastel moved her arm to conjure a familiar, the iridescent snake arcing out of her sleeve, slithering through the air effortlessly as it hissed to knock aside any smallfry that was in its way to make a beeline for Spina. It coiled around his arm, its long body tracing back to wrap Bernkastel's wrist. The Witch's expression was anything but amused, but in contrast to Spina's rage hers was more akin to a placid irritation.

"Why are there so many insects scuttling around all of a sudden?" she wondered.

"He can't hear me at all now. Aah! What's going on with my cards!?" Berserk jolted away from her duel disk that jerked into the air and began spitting cards out like a ticket machine. They flew too fast for even her fingers to catch-- fast enough to give herself paper cuts. "Owowow! Aww, what the hell? What am I gonna do now? I don't even know which cards were mine to begin with..." she mumbled. "Well, at least Veg and Daiman made it outta there safe. But now I got air battles to worry about-- if they get frozen and there's no more arena left for them to fall onto, they're toast for the match!"

But worst of all is I'm definitely gonna lose if somebody doesn't take care of these mondo freakazoids on the board first. I don't even know who I could target right now? Maybe that weird lady? But she seems like she knows Veg and Daiman since she talks with them so familiarly... what if she's a secret evil nemesis of his hellbent on revenge just like Roya?! Who the heck's on that team if Anti-Breakers? But there's Vortex Man too... who do I pick first?

"Hoo-whee! I got claustrophobic for a second," Mooli wheezed floating up into the air, a plastic drinking straw dangling from her mouth as she spoke. "So what's next? Are we gonna play tag in the air now or some-- YOW!" Mooli yelped, suddenly squirming about as she ascended and frantically patting at herself suddenly coated in flames. "Who did that!? I can't do Stop Drop and Roll without the ground!"

"Sure you can, just fall down to the bleachers and you can put yourself out all you like!" Berserk snarked.

"Wa-wa-wa-wait! I'm not a bad guy I swear! I didn't wanna be on Creepy Kaiba's team! He's the last person I wanna help out right now, you gotta believe me!" Mooli pleaded with sopping wet watery eyes that wobbled with drippy tears. "Now I'm gonna die and lose my chance at a wish! Uwaaaah!"

"Wha... Q-quit crying! It's weird and makes me uncomfortable!" Berserk sweated, looking pleadingly at Vegetto and gesturing for him to finish her off while he had the chance. Mooli floated there aflame, sniveling in a manner that was comically over the top.
“Ah, yes! With pleasure, Lucifer Morningstar. I implore you to not hold anything back, or I may accidentally harm you.”

Zenta quickly rushed towards Lucifer, not bothering to wait for a reply. He took a hold of Lucifer’s face, slamming it down on the arena, shattering the little floor that remained to dust. All the while, Zenta had a vicious look on his face, saliva trailing down his jawline, and almost no regard for any of the other contenders in the game.

As Zenta dragged Lucifer, more people were sent flying, crashing, and shoved out of bounds. The fox then flung Lucifer above him and hopped after him. His three-section staff dispersed into energy particles until Zenta clapped his hands together, forcing the energy to engulf his hands.

Zenta began to slam his fists directly onto Lucifer’s chest and stomach, using the momentum of his jump to push Lucifer higher and higher, each attack releasing a wave of energy. The people who were able to fly fell from the sky, unconscious or paralyzed. Any rubble that was in the air turned to dust from each hit Zenta did to Lucifer. With every hit, a blast of energy erupted from Lucifer’s back.

“Come on, Lucifer Morningstar! Come on, come on, come on! Is this all you got?! Indulge me with your power! Come on!

Avalon gasped as Zenta began to unleash his might on Lucifer, the beast’s jump sending a shockwave against the battlefield. Avalon was knocked back several yards, the fall being rough even for him. His eyes locked onto the flurry of attacks Zenta landed on Lucifer, having no regard for those around him.

“What the hell is up with Zenta?! He’s crazy!” Avalon said to himself. “If we don’t get rid of him, Kaiba might win…!”

As Avalon prepared some hand signs, he noticed his hands shaking. He was terrified and he didn’t even know it.

W-What the hell can I even do to stop Zenta…? He’s out of control and doing things I’ve never seen before…! Avalon bit his lip, staring at his shaking hands. I can’t do this alone, no one can…! Think Avalon…! Think, you coward!

Asher felt himself grabbed last minute by Vortex Man and noticed the floor under them break apart. His rainbow eyes shined with enthusiasm, not realizing the true danger they were all in.

“Hey! I was close to knockin’ that guy out of the ring! We can totally push him out!” Asher whined as he squirmed in Vortex Man’s grip.

Suddenly, the intense onslaught of energy from Zenta put pressure on the youngster. Yet, he recognized the energy. He looked up to see his grandfather, Zenta, fighting with Lucifer. His face lit up with surprise and excitement. Asher pointed at the two fighting creatures with his Ruyi Bang, shaking Vortex Man’s arm to get his attention.

“It’s my Grandpa! Look! Look! He’s totally gonna whoop that guy’s butt!” Asher said confidently. “Hey, if he can take out that guy, then I can totally take out the old man[Spina]!”
Clark’s eyes widened upon seeing Bernkastel move so swiftly in dodging his attacks. “I can’t believe what I’m seeing... She is dodging my attacks so effortlessly.” The plan to overwhelm her in blows had seemingly failed, causing Clark to rethink his approach. Quickly, he focused his energy on gathering in his hands, causing his fists to shine. “Neutron Explo—Augh!”

His head whipped back after the jagged crystals slammed against his chin. After flipping around once, he was caught in between the crystals that restricted his movements. “Ha!” He shouted; a burst of explosive wave erupted from his body to blow away the crystals.

“Lost sight of her… Wait… where is the arena?” Clark looked around to see the destruction of the arena and more people than usual on the field. He was so focused on Bernkastel that he must’ve tuned everyone else. He looked back at the Bleachers and saw a ton of people sitting out. “Cayde?! How’s the heck you get there so fast!?” He noticed that Vegetto wasn’t among the people in the Bleachers.

Seeing more people flying out of the arena faster than they arrived, Clark turns to both Zenta and Lucifer engaged in combat. “Those two… I’ll have to settle things with Bernkastel quickly, then I’ll take care of those guys.” He looks around and spots the Witch assisting Spina.

“Damnit… the attack is still going….” Spina was constantly getting bombarded with blows despite the distance between Vortex-Man and himself.

“There you are!” Without hesitation, Clark dashed over to both in less than a nanosecond, charging his attack once more. Spina was unable to react at these speeds, but the Kryptonian hoped that he’s faster than Bernkastel’s reaction.


“That creature is your grandpa?” Vortex-Man never met Zenta before. He didn’t pay too much attention to Asher’s overexcitement. “Yeah, sure. Go do that, I guess. Keep that kid safe, Victor.” After dropping both Victor and Asher to one of the floating rocks, the Kryptonian clenched his fists as he dashed over to Zenta and Lucifer, studying the former’s movements.


The level of speeds from Zenta was too much for Kaiba to keep up. His human eye was incapable of perceiving the actions the fox beast was performing. It didn’t matter though, for as long he was reducing the number of contestants on the field and pushing Lucifer, he didn’t need to understand.

“Go ahead and eliminate her, Vegetto!” Kaiba shouted at the Potara Saiyan. “I don’t need anyone anymore as long Zenta is on the field.” He smirks confidently. “I don’t even need to inflict any status afflictions.”

“Ah…! Don’t cry Mooli!” Daiman tried to offer some comfort words. “I don’t think Mr. Vegetto would fight someone in a condition like that!”


Suddenly, a clap was heard, overwhelming all other sounds to the point that they mumbled. Lucifer landed on a floating rock. He raised his head to face Zenta demanding to showcase his power. The angel simply just smiles. “Fufu... I’m certainly impressed.”

Lucifer dusted off piles of dirt from his body. It was obvious that his clothes were practically destroyed by Zenta’s barrage. He noticed that the personal barrier that he constantly coated himself in was shattered. “You even managed to break through my barrier…” Placing a hand on his chest to feel his own heartbeat. “I can feel the burning sensation within in; bones boiling from the repeated attacks, the blood curdling in such a rapid pace that they’re ready to burst from the even the slightest of cuts.”

The angel paused. His eyes softened a bit as if he was expecting more. “But you’re still not serious, aren’t you? Holding back won’t do you any favors here, Zenta.” Lucifer held his hand near his face. “Would you mind if I get a little serious?” With a swift swipe, Lucifer’s appearance had dramatically changed. Still maintaining his current size, the angel took on a far more demonic appearance; his blond hair accompanied his dark blue armor-like body. His eyes were glowing bright yellow with no pupils, while sporting white horns. Spreading out his demonic red wings, he flaps just once—it erupted into hurricane-level winds that blew away all the nearby rocks, including those standing on them.

“Let’s have some fun, shall we?” Lucifer’s tone was much harsher and deeper than before. “I’m sure you all have familiarity with this one.” He snapped his fingers and behind him was untold abundance of light-shaped spears.

“Well, well, well…” A man landed on a rock where Brachi and Bara were on. “It is I… Mr. Sound! One of the frontrunners of the newly established Anti-Breakers. Took a bit to get to the ground since everything is so scattered about. But that’s fine! Breakers... I’m here to take my revenge—”

“Javelin Rain.” Billions of light spears flung forward. Targeting solely at Zenta and everyone else in between. It slashed through rocks like butter and moved at such intense speeds that they’ve easily eclipsed light speed.

“!!!!? Soundwave—Arugh!!” Mr. Sound attempted to create a barrier to block the attack, but he was easily dispatched and forced out of bounds.


Clark turned away from Bernkastel and Spina the moment he heard sounds of rocks vaporizing. The only thing he saw was a wall of lights in front of him, “W-whoa!?” He crossed his arms to block the attack.

“Mooli! Watch out!” Daiman crossed his arms. “Imaginary Technique! Barrier!” He shouted as loud as he could. It generated a barrier around Vegetto, Mooli and himself, but the strength behind the attack was vast. It wasn’t surprising that his barrier collapsed within seconds. “Ah!!”
Brachi, Bara and Dielec turned to mr. Sound after his arrival.

"Are you sure about that?" Brachi asked as she, Bara and Dielec had been observing the fights going on around them while doing some catching up between themselves.

"What's with this whole Breakers and Anti-Breakers thing? I'm getting confused." Dielec said.

"That doesn't matter right now, Dielec," Brachi said, before turning back to Mr. Sound, "but you know what they say about revenge, you'd better did two graves... one of which is for yourself, because if you go on this path and let this revenge thing consume you... it will only lead to self-destruction, and you'd find no satisfaction no matter the outcome."
Victor says to Vortex-Man "that was the plan in the first-place young man. Way, do you think I summoned the scarecrows useful little scapegoats." Pointing at the fact that the scarecrows replaced both Victor and Asher wend they were slammed.

Victor says to Asher in a reminding tone "we should emanate Kaiba and his forces before really going at anyone else. I assuming the other three will set us all free form this odd state."
At the shouting from Clark, Cayde promptly waved his hands dismissively.

"No time for that old buddy! We'll talk after; get in there and show them what you've got! That free wish isn't gonna win itself!"

Vegetto watched on at Daiman's display, almost falling silent without much of a response. His narrowed eyes surveyed onwards, but generally the resulting elimination of the fighters Daiman targeted did not seem to impress the Potara Fusion but more satisfy his curiosity. His eyes shifted, however, to the re-emergence of Mooli. His wide eyes followed her antics in both a mixture of pure confusion and slight disgust, clearly outlined in his pointed condescension.

"What in the world are you?!"

He eyed Berserk briefly, the command to dispatch Mooli from Kaiba as well forcing him to ponder the dilemma. Vegetto barely moved at Daiman's assurance that the Potara fusion would never attack or take advantage of the situation; his aura clearly indicating the opposite. Yet even as the pressure was overwhelmingly negative, Vegetto struggled with indecision as he pondered the value of working alongside the two.

Whatever dilemma he had thought of was short lived, however, once the impending danger was unleashed from Lucifer's barrage. Vegetto's eyes widened on their own, his mind completely emptying due to the overwhelming urge and need he felt to counter the attack that was incoming. The overwhelming pressure may be too far for his capabilities, but that element alone prompted Vegetto to move without thought or consideration as he lightly and deftly tossed Daiman towards Mooli despite the former having made a barrier in defense.

As Daiman's shattered under the weight and sheer destructive force of the attack, Vegetto's barrier surged past to replace the lost defense and expand. Silver fire and energy swirled in magnificent heat as Vegetto's arms trembled, the full power of his Ultra Instinct form having surged to its maximum under the intense stress and need to defend against the potent attack. His arms trembled heavily as he held the barrier for as long as he could in efforts to protect not only himself, but Daiman and Mooli as well.
Zenta’s smirk to a wide grin as he chuckled at Lucifer’s words.

“Holding back? Heh, it wouldn’t be the first time…”

The beast laughed, licking his lips in excitement. As Lucifer said he would get serious, Zenta’s fur began to bristle from the joy he felt and the growing anticipation of a fight he craved. The new form Lucifer took, albeit Zenta could not see it, he sensed that something had changed about the fallen angel. As the hurricane winds flew through Zenta’s fur, the beast clenched his fists with excitement.

As Javelin Rain was summoned, Zenta laughed maniacally as he spread his arms out before disappearing in an instant. His body appeared and disappeared in several after images as the Javelin rain ran through his momentary image silhouettes. The fox’s body appeared high in the sky, bouncing and kicking off the rubble with ease to gain height.

Zenta held his hand out, it glowing a shining white. Suddenly, some of Lucifer’s attacks redirected to him, more specifically, his glowing hand. The spears of energy began to swirl around Zenta’s extended arm, losing its red color and turning white before being absorbed into Zenta’s hand. He held out his other hand, concentrating all the energy he absorbed into a massive ball of volatile energy. A sinister laugh escaped Zenta’s maw as he flung his hand forward, causing the ball of energy to erupt into a rain of white bristles sharp as knives.

“Dance of the White Bristle!”

The white bristles were sharp and ranged in size. They slammed against the arena, slicing and stabbing through anything with ease. The spears crashed onto the ground, crushing it and those unlucky to escape. Many of the weaker folks were skewered.

Avalon gasped as he witnessed the carnage and destruction Lucifer ensued, with Zenta following behind. He quickly whistled for his bird, desperately trying to avoid the raining knives from Zenta. The paper avian swooped in, catching Avalon moments before he was impaled, flying high in the sky, watching Zenta and Lucifer indiscriminately attack everyone in the arena.

“This is crazy…! If we don’t stop this soon, then they’ll both kill everyone here!” Avalon said to himself. “But Lucifer and Zenta aren’t making it easy to get near them… They’re both matching each other’s power! Damnit, we need someone like Bernkastel, but I think even she would struggle against fighting two at once!”

Lucifer’s words rang through Avalon’s head.

You’re just a nobody… Why would anyone listen to you…?

“He's right! No one would listen to me, so I guess I need to try to do something on my own…!”
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