The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

Seeing no opening, Kirito leapt toward Omegamon. While still fending off the blasts with one hand, he managed to cut down the paralyzed Digimon.

"Even if I can't do this on my own, I will still help in your downfall, Kaiba. Now give me back Asuna!!!!"

He goes unto a 64 hit combo in an attempt to break through the defenses of Cayde.

"I will not rest until Asuna is safe with me!"
Berserk’s Team

“This doesn’t make sense…” Malugia was lost in thought. “How did this mere mortal manage to absorb my power?” The evil God was at a crossroad of what just transpired in front of him. The Creator Gods are the pinnacle of all existence, regardless of their world of origin. To point it simply: they are the highest form of power. In other words, omnipotent. Yet such a crossroad that befallen on the evil God. The very concept of omnipotent is called into question. And Malugia is unable to swallow such notation.

Lost in thought, Malugia did not foresee the attacks launched by Victor’s summons. He was struck by the ice attacks, but he managed to narrowly dodge the poisonous one. “I’m at my maximum, but I still feel limited. I feel equal among the mortals here.” Suddenly, Malugia’s face distorted once Asher’s Ruyi Bang made impact. “Argh…!” He cringed in pain as made a hard crash against the ground, before bouncing violently. “It hurts… it hurts!!! Is this pain?!”


In the meanwhile, Michael rushed across the battlefield to find Brachi and Bara. Pulling out his dagger, he launched several times in swift speeds against Bara and Brachi despite their battle. For each time he swung his dagger, it leaves a trail of black lights behind. Such tiny particles of black light touched both Bara and Brachi, creating a sudden rush of slices in attempt to slow down their movements.

“Golpe mortal, corte de luz Negra…”


“Okay… um..” Daiman tried to think. “I got it… I just need to position myself…”


Coella’s Team

“Hmph. I don’t need confidence. I’ve seen your tricks.” Turles pulled out a strange fruit and took a bite. “Your little spark show won’t be as effective anymore.” With a small shout, an explosive aura billowed around the Saiyan, then quickly dispersed. Revealing his “Evil Saiyan” state, Turles smirks and positioned himself for battle.

Turles took one step forward and instantly closed the gap between himself and Dielec—outright avoiding the energy attack. Already launched a powerful punch midway through, he struck the android in the face. Forcing her back, the Saiyan pursued. A series of rapid-fire blows followed, Turles jumped back and pressed both his hands together. “Lightspeed Killer Driver!” A ring of energy formed in between his palms. He held in that position as multiple rings formed around it to add more power into it. “Hah!” He shouted, launching the attack towards Dielec faster than the speed of light. It burrows across the field, easily reaching the android.

“Heh, try dodging that sparky!” Turles’ eyes trailed to his left and suddenly something caught his attention. Malugia was bouncing violently towards his direction. Caught by surprised, the evil god collided with Turles. While Malugia stopped bouncing, Turles was flung in another direction until he reached the edge of the tournament arena. He digs his fingers against the edge to prevent himself from flying out of bounds. “Crap…!”

“Ah…” Malugia was in the state of shock. “This… is pain! That damn old man and that kid.” He held onto his cheeks. “I… I need that body. I need a body! Where’s Vegetto?! With a physical body, I don’t need to rely on my magic if that freak can just absorb it all… and I don’t have time to be testing the limits of that trash.” His eyes turned to Vegetto engaging in battle with Mooli. “Evil technique… Transfer---” The Evil God suddenly became engulfed in pure ice and froze on the spot.


Lilith’s Team

“You’re pretty damn good, Asher!” Clark managed to shake off the paralysis. He did a few stretches to make sure his body was still moving smoothly. “Okay… Asher and Victor. We got to prepare anything that they throw at us… even other players. I was a bit lackadaisy, but I’ll take this seriously.”

Vortex-Man turned to the group with a clenched fist. Now that they aren’t a target from Malugia’s, the Kryptonian returned his interest in fighting Clark. “I’ll be your opponent, Clark. I’ll take you two on as well.” He addressed both Victor and Asher.

A massive explosive erupted near them, causing Clark and Vortex man to turn to the direction where Cayde, Avalon, Spina and Bernkastel were located. Above Bernkastel and Spina, was a shield formed by the latter to take the brute force of the blast that Avalon couldn’t block.

“Fine… Watch my back.” Spina agreed to Bernkastel’s course of action. It was apparent that he ignored Avalon’s plan. He vanished, leaving the shield intact, before reappearing in front of Vortex Man with intent to throw a powerful punch at the Kryptonian.

Vortex Man managed to catch Spina’s punch just mere inches from his face, but the old Saiyan used his body to force him back in blistering speeds, pushing Clark, Asher, and Victor away. “Tch!”

“Vortex Man!” Clark eyes flared up, preparing for a heat vision. “Don’t worry, I got your back!”


Kaiba’s Team

“They’re not listening to me at all…” Kaiba figured that would be the case—still, they seem to be intent on doing that wish. He just needs someone to take on Vegetto. Seeing that Coella had targeted one of his own, it was only suitable for Kaiba to return the favor. “I’ll target that hothead! Burn!” A ring of fire engulfed the Potara fusion like a raging storm to burn, and it had an additional effect: it cuts one’s power completely in half.

Omegamon fell on his knees seeing that Kirito was adamant about this person. “If you want to get whoever you’re looking for, then you need to focus on eliminating everyone.” The Digimon dashed after the swordsman, seeing that the latter was pursuing Cadye. “Omega Blast!” He unleashed a powerful wave of attack to strike Kirito.

Seeing that Spina created a barrier to block Cayde’s blast, Spider-Chaos seized the opportunity to fight not just Cayde and Avalon as well. “A creepy robot and a purple guy! Lots of funny looking dudes! Let’s fight!!!!!!” He extended his arm forward as purple webs shot out to latch onto Avalon. Using the Ninja to propel himself forward, Spider-Chaos dashed through the air and tackle Cayde from behind. Both were heading towards Avalon with the clear intent of driving all three of them out-of-bounds. For some odd reason.
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Victor thinks "Good at least everyone is effected about the same by fate. It sucked that I was restricted by such a weak divinity before." Victor says, "That I can do."

The ice elementals seem to be pestering other fighters and aiming to help slow his team's foes.

The Serpent moved in such a way to effective catch Asher and Victor.

Victor summons a group of scarecrows. (Victor did note what they can do before)
Dielec barely managed to raise at least some barrier which deflected most of the attack, though she didn't come out of the explosion unscathed.
"You think you're the only one capable of playing rough, tough guy?" Dielec asked, before she raised her right arm high in the air, firing electric currents in the air for a brief moment... which in turn caused lightning strikes to crash down on Turles from above, while also generating brief electric arcs on the ground around Turles that would also damage anyone except her own teammates on the ground around him, though this would not affect those high enough off of the ground or in the air. Dielec followed it up by charging quickly at the Evil Saiyan while he was sent flying from the initial attack, before she used the Powered Arc Burst attack, charging her energy and unleashing a powerful, electrically charged sphere at Turles which would leave quite the impact on him as if he was hit by one of Piccolo's stronger attacks, such as the Light Grenade, which would likely knock him off of the ledge.

Dielec also took note of Turles eating that strange fruit earlier before he attacked her, and was now pondering for a way to get her hands on said fruit, getting an idea as she began to unleash a few more of her Leaping Thunder spheres, mainly intending to keep other attackers off of her back while also moving to intercept Turles, even with his Evil Saiyan state.


Brachi and Bara both blinked and grunted at this, before both nodded as they both powered up and charged at Michael, with Bara pointing her headtentacle at him and firing a pinkish-magenta beam, aimed for the dagger to transform it into something less harmful, like a soft winegum version of it.

"Let's see if you can fight as efficiently without relying on your weapon as a crutch." Brachi said, moving to punch Michael in the face.
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Kitito dodges Omegamons attack and refocuses on Kaibas side of the battle. He starts to reflect the blasts coming his way, using the flats of his blades.
Coella’s Team

Hanging off the ledge, Turles pulled himself up to avoid being taken out-of-bounds. “What the hell…?” The arena was riddled with battles from each faction, so focusing on one might not be the best approach for this. While lost in thought, several lightning bolts struck Turles. “Tch… it’ll take more than fancy electricity to take me out.”

The Evil Saiyan positioned himself and crossed his arms in defense to withstand Dielec’s attack. It pushed him back towards the ledge once more. “Damn…! Ha!” Raising his power, Turles swung his left arm to change the trajectory of the blast to another direction, targeting Malugia instead. Dielec’s attack struck the frozen Malugia instead, blasting the creator god flying out of the arena.

[Malugia is eliminated!]

Turles smirks while taking position again. “Nice attack, scrappy. But you’ll have to do better than that.” Clenching his fists until the palms of his hands were full of energy. He dashed forward to close the gap between them and delivered a rapid-fire of blows towards the android. He struck Dielec in the jaw—due to his hands being engulfed in energy, it left a powerful explosion when connected. He followed up with a strike to the stomach, then pushed away with a shoulder tackle towards both the poisoned Mooli and burnt Vegetto.

“Evil Storm!” A massive gulf of evil energy flourished around the Saiyan pirate briefly as he unleashed a barrage of energy attacks towards Dielec and anyone else that was in the way—which included Mooli and Vegetto.


Berserk’s Team

Michael was pushed back before landing on his feet. He turned to his dagger, seemingly transformed. “Mi daga se convirtió en un juguete de niño. Después de ver todo lo que pasó, no me sorprende. Esa gran bola fue eliminada... así que ahora estamos uno menos. Un exaltado, un ninja y un niño que tiene miedo de su propia sombra. Lo que sea... haré lo mejor que pueda para matarlos. Incluso si tengo que usar mis manos.”

The masked man clenched his fists and charged at both. He grabbed Bara fist, gripping his hand tightly around her neck. “¿Esta cosa... está hecha de chicle? ¿Cómo puedo quitarle la vida a un caramelo? Esto es Loco.”


Kaiba’s Team

Numerous shockwaves appeared across the skies, all coming from the collision between Spina and Vortex-Man. Despite the rapid-fire blows from the Old Saiyan, Vortex-Man was able to counter just as fast effortlessly.

“Rising Blast!” Spina forwarded his arm and launched a powerful energy wave; Vortex-Man simply reflect it to another direction.

“Can’t get a good read on him. All I sense is pure rage.” Vortex Man wasn’t necessarily struggling in terms of physical combat. There was quite a gap of distance in terms of power between the two. Yet, he still cannot shake this feeling…the feeling of being overwhelmed. The opportunity presents itself for the Kryptonian to rely on any information from Hart once this whole thing is over. Hey, you don’t have to take this too seriously. Why don’t you listen to your friend [Avalon]? Go and help him. You’ll have a better chance—”

Vortex Man’s head whipped back from a particularly hard punch from Spina. It didn’t damage him, but it surprised him at the sudden spike in power at that moment.

“He’s not my friend.” Spina’s tone was harsh. “I don’t give a shit what he thinks. I’m doing things my way.”

Vortex Man crossed his arms with a confused look. “Listen… I don’t know what you’re going through, but I’ve dealt with Gogeta before. Compared to his punches, you—” His eyes narrowed when Spina’s power spike once more.

“Don’t compared me to that bastard.” Spina warned, his words laced with pure contempt. Elegantly moving his arms around, while letting out a Kiai. His signature style, Flowing Strike, came in full force once more. Vortex-Man didn’t understand what was happening, but he knew that Spina was no longer in the mindset to listen to reason. As the old Saiyan charged forward, the Kryptonian did the same. Both clashed, punching each other in the face as a shockwave rocked the arena from the impact.

“Alright, Asher, Victor. Standback. Things will get hot quick! Atomic Vision!” Clark fired a massive eyebeam towards Spina.


“What an absolute mess. Everyone’s fighting but not really…” Kaiba was both livid that everything he had planned went down the drain right before his eyes. “Had this went right… Coella’s luck would’ve been my success to power. None would stand a chance against me. And using the new and improved Coin Gauntlets, the Breakers’ powers would’ve been a no brainer.” Kaiba grinned his teeth. “It’s all that angel’s fault. I anticipate everything… but not the fact that angel would come in and changed the very nature of my game… that I literally made on the spot.” Kaiba took a breath to collect his thoughts. “This battle between us turned into quite a show, but don’t think I’ve given up. Even at things like this… I’ve something planned to ensure my win.”

He looks on and sees that the battlefield turned into a chaotic mess. “I need to do something. Force something out.” Kaiba grabbed several cards from his deck and started mindlessly summoning them. A bunch were among the many spectators that weren’t anything special except for one: Zenta. “It’s a risk but overwhelming everyone with numbers should do the trick! Swarm the area and attack everyone in sight!”
“Oh my.”

Zenta was summoned to the arena. He stood in the middle of a massive crowd of bystanders summoned by Kaiba. The fox tilted his head, being slightly confused at his summoning, but he did not seem too surprised. He stood out like a sore thumb, but in appearance and height.

“Oh, yes, this is Lucifer Morningstar’s little game. Hm, how chaotic…”

As chaos and mayhem ensued around the fox, he barely seemed fazed at the nonsense around him. As people from Kaiba’s side rushed past him, occasionally bumping into him, Zenta stood in ponder of the situation.

However, the moment Kaiba barked his orders, Zenta’s ears perked up, remembering his voice. He turned back to look at Kaiba, piecing together the pieces as fast as he could.

“Ah, so it seems I ended up as a card on your deck. Very well, I shall sit this one out. I will not attack the Breakers on your behalf.”

Zenta shrugged before casually walking towards the edge of the arena, ready to throw himself out of bounds.

“Whoa! Heat vision! Cool!” Asher cheered; his young mind more excited about the all-out-brawl than anything else. “I can help too!”

Asher spun his Ruyi Bang with confidence as he aimed one end of the pole directly at Spina.


The Ruyi Bang extended rapidly, heading straight to Spina and jabbing him right in the ribs to catch him off guard and leave an opening for Clark’s Atomic Vision.

Avalon noticed Spider-Chaos rushing towards him with Cayde. He didn’t have time to dodge the attack and found himself tackled and heading straight for out of bounds. The ninja gasped loudly before throwing his scroll in the air and performing a single hand sign. The scroll erupted into smoke before a paper falcon flew out.

“Get me out of this mess!”

The avian screeched and flew towards Avalon, Spider-Chaos, and Cayde. Avalon held out his arm and the bird grabbed onto his arm with its talons, yanking Avalon out of Spider-Chaos’s hold last minute. He tried to grip onto Cayde to save him as well, but his grip was not strong enough.

The Serpent moves back with victor and Asher on it to get out of Clark's. Victor says to Asher "as long you're dealing anyone that on our team or playing support; then you're doing your part."

The ice elementals are de-buffing anyone that is not on victor's side (think slowing them down).

Victor summons a group of bells like creatures. He thinks "this should help with anything that effects our sides status or any de-buffing. This much should help keep people on my side in the game longer."

scarecrows are just hanging around until they are needed to take a lethal hit or prevent a ring out.
Clark's eyebeam having launched in time with the opening Asher introduced made its way straight toward Spina; yet in an instant, the environment around them instantly was flooded with a black overlay before things seemingly resumed to normal. Asher's Ruyi Bang gave a sudden wobble at the end of it once it let up, then the set of beams struck a large slab of crystal that appeared in front of Spina. The uneven edges diverted some of the light particles but ultimately shattered into countless fragments with Bernkastel in the center.

"My, Spina sure is a popular guy lately... but I can't allow Team Kaiba to win, so I'll play with you two instead." She ran a hand through her hair as the glittering debris fell to the floor and disintegrated. I can't use my usual magic with Vortex Man on the field, but this'll be a good chance to practice going without it for a bit. Holding her palms out limply, a set of long crystal shards appeared between her fingers.


Mooli was adeptly parrying Vegetto's strikes at her until the poison effect was cast on her. "Blech! What the-- blech!" Mooli's complexion suddenly turned green and she looked incredibly nauseous, giving a dry heave in mid-air while coughing violently. Even so, she repositioned her body so that one knee could help block at least a few of the Potara fusion's attacks. Kaiba casting fire on him gave her a long enough window to recover, but as soon as the poison started to wear off there was a slew of Turles' energy barrage headed for them. "Hm? What's that stuff?" She sidestepped around Dielec as she was tackled in their direction, lifting a hand to swat at several of the energy emissions with a placid expression as she watched the blasts pop like soap bubbles. "Hm... this sensation... was he the one with the weird energy from earlier? Best to deal with him quickly before I tire out." Appearing behind Vegetto after weaving through the sudden interruptions, Mooli hooked her leg around one of Vegettos to knock him off-center opting to launch him in Turles' direction by propelling him forward from a quick energy-powered jab of the fist to his back.


"Crap! At this rate, my goose is cooked! Hurry up while I think of something to summon..." Berserk shouted over at Daiman as she searched her hand for anything useful. "In the meantime, uh, take this! Turn that bozo into a popsicle!" She shouted, casting a freeze status on Turles in retaliation for eliminating Malugia.
Vegetto's narrowed eyes began to widen more and more at the repeated parries, each one of his strikes blocked or deflected despite his best efforts. The silver surged, roaring in flames around the Potara fusion in a volatile and desperate measure to compete against the significant power in front of him. Yet as the realization grew that he could not break Mooli's defense, Vegetto nearly retreated until he saw the poison take effect on the Saiyan woman.

He barely had time to react, until the scorching fire consumed him next from Kaiba's attack. Vegetto groaned in pain, immediately dropping to his knee. The pain surged heavily on the Potara fusion, but Vegetto's single minded determination hyper focused on the immediate image he saw before: Mooli had been poisoned.

Nnrgh....I have to strike! It's my only opening!

Launching forward through the blazing storm, Vegetto pushed through the flames with a heavy roar, his right arm cocked back. As Mooli paused and focused on Turles, Vegetto closed the gap in an instant and threw his right fist forward with all of his might. The fist connected directly into the Saiyan woman's cheek, but Vegetto's eyes widened at the same time as the cracking of his bones in his hand rung out.

Vegetto yelped in pain, staggering back with his right hand falling limp and completely broken. Eyes wide in shock, he had failed to realize the additional mechanic of the fire; his power being completely cut in half made him incapable of even phasing Mooli in her current state, let alone struggle to even make a dent in her defenses at full power. He gripped his limp appendage in pain, temporarily struggling until Mooli swiped his leg out from under him, ragdolling the Potara fusion and sending him flying into Turles.

Vegetto flipped through the air at blinding speeds, slamming directly into Turles like a rocket in an instant and bouncing off the other Saiyan into the air. He collapsed onto the ground with a heavy thud, shattering the rock in the ground with his impact and laid on the ground sprawled out. His silver hair reverted back to its normal color, and Vegetto trembled heavily on the ground, struggling to even move from the immense damage received.

Cayde panted heavily, a look of distraught disappointment at the sight of his massive barrage being blocked so easily and effectively.

"Damn! Whiffing the super again-"

The momentary commentary was broken once Spider-Chaos tacked Cayde from behind in the air, the android writhing immediately. His mechanical eyes took in his surroundings first, and he gasped once he realized the direction the three had been flying. Cayde reached up, pulling his arm out from Spider-Chaos bear hug and promptly trying to pistol whip the enemy as he hurriedly glanced towards the out of bounds section fastly approaching.

"Hey buddy wait! You're a reasonable guy aren't you?! Let's talk about this!!"

Cayde turned once he saw Avalon's avian yanking the ninja free. Cayde had reached out, trying to grasp at Avalon but he was too drained to hold on, stuck in Spider-Chaos' hold.

"Crap crap crap crap!"
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