The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

Bara was caught initially off-guard by Michael grabbing her by the neck, but she growled, before literally detaching her head from the rest of her body, freeing herself from his grasp and then reattaching her head back on her body after hopping some distance away.
"Mind speaking English? I can't understand you. Perhaps this will!" She said, before unleashing a wave of energy from her mouth towards Michael in response, while Brachi launched a Destructo Disc to cut through his weapon.

Dielec grunted as she was hit in the jaw, for a moment even fearing she broke a tooth there, but she recovered as she blocked the incoming blasts from Turles as best as she could, but before she could respond, she blinked at seeing Vegetto being launched into him at which Turles was being sent flying into the sky. She capitalized on this by firing her Powered Arc Burst attack again in the brief moment she managed to recover, before hopping backwards in the arena to keep herself on guard from any further attacks from anyone, eyeing the others.
Repeated blows from Cayde’s pistol whipping did not loosen Spider-Chaos’s grasp. “No way! Robots are always the first to turn! Just one malfunction, then bam, the robot overlords will take over our minds! I bet you like to tap into our brains and mess with our minds! Do your dirty work like folding laundry!” With a single leap, Chaos jumped away from the ring as he continued his ramblings. “Hey! You’re going to get everyone a papercut!”

Several webs erupted from Spider-Chaos’ back and spread out wildly in attempt to grab hold onto the Avian and anyone on the arena. It easily sticks to the paper bird, now being pulled along with Spider-Chaos’ free fall out of bounds. However, the webs only attached onto the bird itself, it simply yank the bird only, sending Avalon flying off of it.


During Spider-Chaos’ webs attacking everything in sight in hopes of grabbing anyone in its vicinity. Michael took some steps back after seeing Bara easily removing and reattaching herself. Likewise, he couldn’t understand Bara either, but her actions were more than enough for them to effectively communicate. Tightening his grip on the dagger’s hilt, his intention was to close the gap between them, but Brachi’s quick follow-up destroyed his weapon. No longer armed, Myers flew backwards after taking a devastating attack. “¡Mierda!”

Suddenly, Myers was wrapped in Chaos’ webs and yanked towards him out of bounds. “¿Qué? No puedo moverme. ¡¿Me están arrastrando fuera de los límites?!” He noticed that several people have been caught in Chaos’ webs, such as the Announcer and Chance (from Kabia’s mass summons). Unable to escape, he was dragged out of the arena.


“Huh?!” Turles tried to dodge but the Evil Saiyan flung backwards in rapid speeds. He ping-ponged several people across the arena before heading up in the air. “Damn…! What just happened—” He noticed Dielec taking advantage of the situation. “Nice try!” Turles charged his attack. “This time, I’m knocking you and that freak out—” The Evil Saiyan felt that his bones turned cold. “Huh?!” His energy blasts forming around his palms were slowly decreasing due to Victor’s serpents. “What’s the hell—” Within a second, Turles froze completely as Berserk ordered. Leaving him wide open, Turles was blasted away from the arena.

[Spider-Chaos, Cayde, Michael Myers, Turles, Chance and the Announcer are eliminated!]


Omegamon made defensive slashes from Kirito and pushed the swordsman back. He noticed that Vegetto was on the ground, unable to properly defend himself. “Berserk’s team just lost two people. Getting rid of Vegetto will make it three.” Now with the risk of Kaiba mass summoning people, the Digimon realized that his team had the advantage.

He dashed forward and pushed Kirito away and aimed his weapon at Vegetto. “Sorry, this isn’t how I usually roll, but if I want to get my chance to fight Goku, I’ll take it. Garuru Cannon!” A central, absolute zero freezing attack erupted form his right arm. It tore through the pavement, once again freezing everything in its path. However, just mere moments before hitting the Potara Saiyan, its blast was intercepted. “Huh?!” Omegamon turned to the direction where it was deflected and noticed Daiman with his hands up.

There was nothing particularly noteworthy about the young man. Nothing that stuck out indicated that he deflected the blast, but it’s clear that it came from his direction. The Digimon simply did not understand how he did it; no energy signatures changed within him. “…. How?”

“Miss… Berserk. I did it…!” Daiman said. “I’ll go and save our teammate!” He said with a bit of confidence.

Clark sweated a bit when Bernkastel appeared before them. “The Witch of Miracles… what an honor to grace your presence to me…” He didn’t know what happened to his attack. There was a very, very brief second of black that engulfed the area before his eyebeams particularly vanished from his perspective. Even Asher’s Ruyi Bang suddenly became jelly. Magic was something he had no good defense against. He looked over to Vortex-Man, still preoccupied with Spina. He looks over to Vegetto and sees that he’s practically immobilized now. And Cayde’s? Where was his favorite robot buddy?

“Heh, Asher. Stick by Victor. This is one battle neither of you should stick your neck in. Stay put.” Clark and Bernkastel rarely ever spoke to one another aside from brief interactions here and there. Vegetto talked about her to him, but it wasn’t much to go on aside that Bernkastel had incredible magic ability. “Bernkastel managed to outsped my own atomic beams. Is her reaction that amazing…?”

Clark crossed his arms in a similar manner when Vegetto powered up. He arched over before straightening his back with a mighty roar. His screams echoed across the arena. His body released steam from the increased temperature gathering around his body. His hair slightly spiked; his aura billowed around rapidly like a star ready to explode. However, instead of a massive explosion, it collapsed within the Kryptonian like a Neutron Star. Both his eyes and hair had a cyan hue; his muscles increased in mass as his upper outfit was torn away from the heat alone.

“…Sorry about that… I haven’t used this stage yet, but when it comes to you… I can’t afford to be lackadaisical. I call this one… Super Flare… Stage 4.” Massive amounts of blue solar energy flourish across the arena. He slightly crouched down and appeared in front of the Witch. Already cocked both his arms, Clark unleashed a barrage of thousands fists at her—his hands engulfed with solar energy.

“Kal-El?!” Vortex-Man attempts to dashed to Bernkastel and Clark, but Spina intercepted him.

“Your fight is with me.” Spina forced him in another exchange rapid blows.


Although several people were eliminated, Kaiba still felt that his team wasn’t putting in their best effort. Seeing Clark exploded in power, Kaiba tried to command his mass summons to swarm the arena. Numbers are always the key in a battle. He spotted Zenta leaving the arena to eliminate himself. “What the heck are you doing?! I command you to fight! You’re with the Breakers, right? Defeat Superman!”

“Was that magic?” Lilith was unable to comprehend what Bernkastel did, but it was like what she did in the battle against the Red King. Unknown techniques or powers that are beyond her understanding. “My team still hasn’t been eliminated once, but its better to be safe than sorry.” She pulled the next card out of her deck. “Perfect. Summon.” She said with a flat delivery.

Wing feathers showered the arena before being swept away from Clark’s rapid state. With a light touch on the ground, Lucifer had appeared in the field. “It seems that my time has finally come.” He smiles. "Hmm, lack of participants in the arena though." He looks around. "No, no, this won't do..."
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"No, no, this won't do..."

This was all it took to have Zenta stop in his tracks, mere moments before jumping off the arena. His fur stood up on ends, his large ears twitched, and he felt a small shiver go down his spine and quiver his tails. The fox slowly turned his head to face the direction of Lucifer Morningstar. There was a moment of pause before the fox began to chuckle silently to himself, his canines exposing and saliva falling from his maw.

“Oh… Things finally got interesting…!” Zenta said to himself.

The beast turned around and had only one objective: Fight Lucifer Morningstar while he can. Zenta slowly began to walk towards the angel, casually and as if he wasn’t drooling a moment ago. Soon, his strides became faster, skipping through the arena, gracefully dodging and avoiding the mass summons that Kaiba produced.

Yes…! Now we can fight with no obstacles…! Yes…! Yeeeeessss…!

Asher pouted as Clark told him that the fight between him and Bernkastel would be too dangerous. He stomped his foot childishly before crossing his arms.

“Aw, no fair, Clark! Fine! I’ll see how strong your buddy is!” Asher turned to Victor and gestured for him to follow. “C’mon! Let’s go fight Vortex Man and Gramps! It’ll be fun!”

Without waiting for Victor to reply, Asher took a hold of his arm and dragged him towards Vortex Man and Spina’s fight. With a swing of his Ruyi Bang, he slammed Spina in the chest, flinging him to the side as he landed next to Vortex Man.

“Ta-daa! Asher is here! C’mon Vortex Man, don’t be scared of Gramps! He’s old and hairy!” Asher said playfully, not knowing the stakes of this all-out-fight. He clearly saw it as fun and a means to test his skills. “I’ll help you fight! Oh, and Victor too! Right Victor?!”

Avalon spun down, landing hard in the arena as his paper bird was taken away. It, as well as Spider-Chaos appeared in the bleachers outside the arena. In a small fit of annoyance, the bird screeched and pecked Spider-Chaos’s head.

Avalon groaned before slowly lifting his head up to realize that he was right by Lucifer. His eyes darted back and forth between Lilith and Lucifer, and he immediately rose to his feet. Now that Lucifer was in the field, he would only hope that Lucifer would listen to him.

“Lucifer! Listen, if we knock Kaiba out of the arena, then you can watch just the Breakers fight! Haha, that’s chaotic enough for you, right…?” Avalon laughed nervously before noticing the look on Lucifer’s face. “You’re not… gonna listen, are you? W-Wait! Lucifer!”
The feather serpent followed them as victor was being dragged by Asher.

Victor used a spell to swap places with the feather serpent that was following behind them once they Asher stopped moving. Victor says in a flat tone, "fortunately Asher I not as squishy as most mages." Victor thinks "With the scarecrows and bell sprites should cover even Asher's recklessness."

Victor seems ready to defend himself or quick summon something if needed.
Vegetto winced at Omegamon's approach, silently struggling to lift himself up. His energy was still cut in half, the Potara fusion desperate to buy any moment of time to recover the lost power. Yet that time was jeopardized, Omegamon's words fully indicating the Digimon prepared to take full advantage of Vegetto's current state.

He struggled up, tensing heavily for the impact as he watched the ice blast freeze and shred through the ground. However, while Vegetto had turned his head away to brace for impact, he missed the entire deflection. He waited for a few seconds, a bit of expectation unrealized as he slowly looked up, confused that he had not felt any impact. Such as Omegamon did not feel a change in energy, nor did Vegetto as he peered up at Damian standing in front of him with raised arms. He blinked in confusion, unsure of what or how things had happened.

Vegetto slowly narrowed his eyes however, accepting that at least, he had a chance to buy time. He cradled his broken hand with his other arm, inhaling deeply through his nose as he slowly began to rebuild his lost energy.

" me some time. I'll take over once I'm at full strength again."
"Eek! The scary knife dude's down too!? Why is it the scariest looking ones end up getting their shit pushed in?" Berserk grumbled to herself as she recalled the Breakers placing her in a similar bind during their first encounter. She cringed as she prepared for Omegamon's beam to blast away another one of her own... but Vegetto was unharmed. How could that be if she hadn't taken her eyes off of the arena? Did she blink right when it happened?

And there was that black flash again...

Berserk's ribbons, which had been looking wilted as the prospects of her team began to sour, perked up when Daiman called out to her. "You? But I didn't see-- nevermind! Whatever you just did was quick thinking. Keep it up while you can. Now, where'd Avalon go...?"

Once her eyes locked onto him and she could hear the ninja calling out to Lucifer, Berserk's demeanor changed entirely when addressing him. "Don't ask Lucifer for help!" she scolded sharply. "I mean-- hasn't it sunken in for you by now? Until this is over, everybody's our enemy. We won't need numbers if you help Daiman keep people from trying to take out Veg while he's down. Focus on taking down the people coming near you looking for an easy target." Shifting her gaze over to Omegamon who had decided to go for Vegetto even while Kirito had been putting pressure on him. She grinned maliciously. Enough time passed for her to inflict a new status effect.

"So, you want all the smoke? You got the smoke! Flame on!" Deciding to inflict a burn status and cut Omegamon's attack power in half.
"There you are! I almost lost track of you for a second," Mooli walked up to the area where Vegetto lay, placing her hands on her hips with a surprised expression. "Whoa, you look terrible! I look away for just a second..." she trailed off before shaking her head. "For once I agree with your judgement; I'm feeling nice right now, so I'll give you a chance to pull yourself together."

Her tone shifted when she addressed Daiman to her usual cheerful demeanor. "Good job jumping in to help your teammate. Your stance isn't as shaky as before; we hardly knew each other for long but I feel so proud! Come to think of it, I guess this is luck's funny way of our match coming to fruition after all. What do you say? I'll even help keep away the others from trying to pick on Vegetto over here." Despite being on Kaiba's team, Mooli was surprisingly not keen on immediately attacking. "My only condition is you show me your all. I want you to come at me with as much as your bravery can muster. Whatever happens, you'll still be my friend."
(Deleted my old post because I remade it lol)

Battle Arena

Lucifer’s narrowed his eyes slightly, which released a powerful shockwave that pushed Avalon away from him. “I am certainly surprised that you survived this long without triggering that state.” He referred to Avalon’s godly state he took on during the Red King battle.

“But that’s where my praise ends. I’m not interested in your plan; I have more important matters that I need to address solely.” The angel’s eyes trail across the arena and observed each small faction of battles here and there. “When Clark stated that he wants to take us to the tournament, I went to work and constructed a plan to test the limits of the Breakers. I was going to put in motion after turning Berserk into my disciple, but I was a little sidetracked by Zenta.” He chuckled. “Kaiba beat me to the punch, but it’s fine. I can always improvise.”

The angel walked over to Avalon and crouched down. His icy blue eyes were staring straight to Avalon’s lime green eyes. “The Breakers, despite their struggle, managed to obtain a victory over something amazing. Defeating someone who, the first in this world, achieved Limit Breaker. Do you understand that, boy? That is an amazing feat that I must personally observe on my own merit. To see if their struggles is keeping them in the right track.”

After praising the Breakers, Lucifer turned towards the battles raging currently. “These… people on the field, they’re suitable contenders for the Breakers to test their might. They made be the strongest 3 years ago, but the gap had wildly vanished.”


Daiman smiles thanks to Mooli’s encouragement. “I’ll try my best! Don’t worry, Mr. Vegetto. No one is getting close to you.” Despite showing off a brave face, he didn’t want to face the right of Berserk if Vegetto were to get thrown out-of-bounds.” He took a rather pitiful fighting stance, indicating his little-no-experience in combat of any kind.

“Isn’t this supposed to be a team-effort? Why are you helping the enemy?” Omegamon questioned Mooli for not attacking Vegetto when he’s vulnerable. “Fine, I’ll take you both on… Evoluti—” The Digimon’s eyes widened when a burst of flames engulfed his entire body. Falling to his knees, Omegamon shrieked in agony.

“Gwah…! This pain…!” Omegamon tried to focus and aimed his cannon at Daiman, but he couldn’t even muster the power to do so. His vision blurred; he caught wind of Daiman holding his hand out. The boy was motioning fingers to make finger-guns. “Huh…?”

“Imaginary technique: Bullets”

“…Huh? Can you say that again? I can’t really hear—Argh!” Omegamon was struck in the stomach first. The impact from the attack easily shattered the arena behind him. Before the Digimon could arch over and hold onto his stomach, the second round struck his head, whipping it back with so much force that he was sent flying straight out of bounds.

Omegamon eliminated!

“I-I did it!” Daiman pumped himself up. He turns to Vegetto. “Are you feeling OK now?”


“Tell me, Avalon.” Lucifer turned his attention to the ninja. “Why should anyone listen ton you? You hardly been with this group for long and you already fulfilled your purpose by apologizing to Cuki. Why—exactly—are you here Avalon? The Breakers aren’t heroes, and completely at odds with your morals and views of justice. They aren’t really your friends.” The angel started to laugh. “You’re gunning to become a leader and turn this group around? Or do something that they could respect you?” He held a gentle smile and pressed his hand on Avalon’s face. “Are you trying to get Spina’s respect?” He turns to Spina’s battle with Vortex Man, Asher, and Victor.


Spina and Vortex-Man were exchanging rapid-fire blows in breathtaking speeds. Vortex-Man gained the upper hand and shoulder-tackled the old Saiyan back, only for the latter to timely counter with his own, forcing the Kryptonian flying back.

Skidding against the floor, Vortex-Man started to ponder regarding Spina’s state. “He’s getting stronger as time goes on. Kal-el said that these Saiyans grow stronger over time, but this this one is different. It feels different. His punches… are starting to have some effect on me.” He wipes the blood from his knuckles. “Blood…”

Spina crashed against the ground before the Kryptonian. “Lost heart already? There’s nothing that pisses me off is someone casting me aside as some obstacle…” The old Saiyan understood Vortex Man was more interested in Bernkastel and Clark than the fight he’s in. It simply adds to his anger. “If you don’t demonstrate the will to fight…. Aguah!” Spina was struck by Asher and tumbled against the arena a few short distance away.

Surprised to see Asher and Victor here, Vortex-Man shouted at them. “Huh?! You know I’m on Kaiba’s side, right?! Get out of here— “

A massive explosion of energy erupted near them. Spina was on his feet once more with determination defined in his eyes. “I’ll take you all on…” The old Saiyan raised his arm and fired a highly concentrated energy attack towards them.

“Damn!” Vortex Man crossed his arms to block against the blast. The impact generated a massive cloud of fire and smoke that could obscure one’s vision. Using that as an advantage, he dashed towards Asher and Victor first. Instantly appearing before them, Spina struck Asher in the jaw before kicking Victor. He followed up with an attack: “Instant Slayer!” He shouted as stream of water trailed along with his fist as a barrage of blows struck the two instantly.

Vortex Man dashed forward to not waste any time. His right left eye shined brightly, which in turn made his right fist shine as well. “Miracle Punch!” The Kryptonian punched Spina in the stomach in insane speeds. The old Saiyan’s feet left the ground as he was thrown back before becoming stationary in the air.

“Ha… huh? Argh!” Spina suddenly was bombarded with a continuous rapid-fire attack from all directions. He was trapped in that state with no end in sight.

“That should keep him for a bit…” Vortex Man said. “I was hoping to save that one for Vegetto or Bernkastel… You two alright?!”


Lucifer turned away from the ninja. “You sound just like Cuk! A delusional person that thinks doing trivial things will suddenly get people to like them. With you, trying to act like a leader and think you are the most levelheaded one here… please. Is that the trait of having an arrogant god within you? Or is that something your own ego? Perhaps you were something in your own world. But here, you’re just a nobody.” Lucifer smirks. “So, I ask you again. Why should anyone listen to you?”

He turns towards the chaos in the arena. “If you really want to earn respect, Avalon. Prove it. Can you dwindle their massive numbers without the help of the Breakers?” With a snap of his fingers, every single card from each player; Kaiba, Lilith, Coella and Berserk, were forcibly summoned onto the field at once. “If so, then show me, Avalon! Bring some “order” in this chaos!” The sky above the arena was engulfed by a blinding light before hordes of people started to come down. “There are certain people among us that would love to dig their teeth at me.” Lucifer turns towards Zenta and smiles. “I’ll be your first opponent… Avalon!”

“What?!” Kaiba shouted. “What are you doing?!”

“You took a risk, and I took that to make it even more dangerous for everyone. I wonder if the arena can hold this many people.” A few dozens of people slamming against the arena causes it to tip over—anyone unable to fly will easily be out of bounds. “Heh, that answers my question.”

Kaiba grunted his teeth. He wanted to cast an infliction on the angel, but he wonders if he’ll easily just pass it on to someone else if he tried. “Coella! Cast an infliction on him! Do something—” His voice was tuned out by various noises from the hordes coming from the top. One was someone familiar with the Breakers.

Being the first one to arrive on the arena from fall, Roya had appeared. “Alright!” She shouted. “I don’t what happened… I was just here at the tournament then BOOM, I got trapped. But who cares… I sense the Breakers… and you lots will PAY for what you have done to me. But worry not… I have brought a crew with me… I called them… Anti-Breakers.” She looks up to see that they’re still falling. “I will show you lots the exact same humiliation I had to suffer…” She increased the size of her weapon to the point that it clearly engulfed the arena. “And I’ll take out every damn Breaker here!”


The Bleachers

“Hey! Cut it out, you dumb bird! How did that Ninja escape my webs? That was impossible to escape!” Spider-Chaos pouted.

"That wasn't... fair at all. I froze! How's that a challenge!?" Turles grinned his teeth.

Omegamon narrowed his eyes. “What… did he do? I didn’t even see anything…” He recollect himself.
Victor blocked the kick and used the feather serpent to catch Victor.

Victor summons a water elemental to block the stream of water.

Victor thinks "OK thanks to that I shood be out range of most closet quatres combat. I will need to summon something to give that kid a hand."

Gets ready to summon some thing.
Kirito keeps fighting and blocking the blows coming toward him. His only thought is on Asuna's safety.

He launches into a 64 hit combo using his dual sword moves to try to break through Kaiba's allies.
Asher took the hit to the jaw and flew back, skidding to a stop. He quickly hopped back up onto his feet, blocking the barrage of punches from Spina as best he could. Spina was no doubt far stronger, so the youngster took some damage, despite blocking.

Damn, this guy hits like a truck… If I didn’t block his blows, I’d be in a lot of trouble.

Asher watched Vortex Man unleash his attack on Spina, quickly going into a stance that was all too familiar to the Breakers. His hands began to glow a wispy pink aura, occasionally switching to rainbow. He rushed towards Spina and slammed his palm on Spina’s chest while he was trapped from Vortex Man’s Miracle Punch.

“Tiger Palm!”

A burst of energy escaped from Spina’s back as Asher forced a burst of energy into Spina’s chest. It wasn’t anything like Cuki’s hits, and not even close to Zenta, but it caused Spina to jolt in pain and a slow numbing sensation followed. Asher continued to jab his palm on Spina while he was stuck. The youngster turned to Vortex Man, giving him a bright and confident smile.

“Aha! I’m fine, totally fine! We got this guy on the ropes! Quick, let’s push him out!”

“My purpose…?” Avalon said quietly to himself as he stared at Lucifer. “I’m not trying to be a leader! I just… want to help the Breakers! I’m not tryin’ to—!”

Avalon’s attention quickly turned to the mass number of people Lucifer summoned. Some people instantly fell off the arena while others were shoved off. The sheer amount of people cluttering the arena shoved and pushed Avalon about. He was caught between random people, eyes widening as Lucifer announced him as his opponent.

The Breakers respect me… right? I’m just trying to help…! I’ll show Lucifer! If I tap into Divine State again, then maybe I’ll be able to help the Breakers…!

However, before Avalon could do or say anything else, he felt a terrible pressure coming from behind him. The pressure was strong enough to send the weaker foes to the ground with ease, pinning them there. When he turned around, he saw people flying off the stage in massive numbers. In the middle of it all was Zenta…

W-What the…?!

Lucifer Morningstaaaaaaar!” Zenta hissed with a sinister smirk.

Zenta remained still, the sheer amount of energy he was giving off was pushing people away from him. Every step he took, every twitch, people flew out of his direction. Those who were not easily flung out were frozen with fear or forced to the ground from the immense pressure of his energy weighting down on them.

The beast slapped his hands together, focusing his energy in the center of his palms. When he separated his hands, the energy morphed and became visible, almost solidifying as Zenta pulled it apart, playing with it like clay. He clasped the energy with both hands and stretched it rapidly, forming a wisp-like staff broken in three parts.

Triple Dragon Staff, Sukon’sa!

Zenta shouted enthusiastically as he dashed through the enormous wave of people towards Lucifer and Avalon. The Sukon’sa waved elegantly, flinging hordes of people into the air with one swing, already unconscious. As they appeared in the bleachers, each person had a wound on either their forehead or chest, precisely aimed to render them useless in one single hit.

“Whoa, whoa…! Zenta! Chill! Chill…! Stop!” Avalon gasped, seeing a more feral side to Zenta until his attention was caught by the sun being blocked out by Roya’s massive club lifting into the air. “Oh crap…!”

However, before Avalon could see the damage Roya was going to do, he saw the giant club shatter and Roya’s body fly past him. Her body flew out of bound from the arena, slamming directly through the bleachers, past Spider Chaos, Omegamon, and Turles, and onto the wall behind them, leaving the imprint of her body. Roya was still stuck in the position of swinging her club, unconscious before she even knew what attacked her. On her chest was a single, precise wound, while her shirt from behind was shredded, implying that a surge of energy blasted through Roya in an instant. On her side, there was a dent on her ribs from a staff hitting her.

As smoke and dust covered the arena, Zenta’s silhouette was walking through the rubble, playfully swinging his staff without a care, humming a cheerful tune. Once the rubble and dust settled, Zenta stood nonchalantly a couple of meters away from Avalon and Lucifer Morningstar. Avalon stared at Zenta, who simply smiled. Saliva dripped from Zenta’s smile as he bared his canines in a terrifying grin.

Avalon nearly froze where he stood as Zenta faced his direction, yet, stared right through him… Is that… Zenta…? W-What's wrong with him?!

“Ah, why, hello, Lucifer Morningstar. This game you’ve created, or rather, enhanced, is quite fun…” Zenta said casually as he walked towards Lucifer and Avalon. Zenta smirked, opening and closing his fist. “I feel a little different… Is that your doing? I must say, you have outdone yourself, Lucifer Morningstar…!
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